Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net

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  1. 1212hawks_

    Hello, nice to meet you! (1212hawks_ introduction)

    Hi, it's the Gelper 1212hawks_. I actually never introduced myself but, now is the time. Let's start! I used to actually be a huge fan of sports. I would always watch football and I would exercise a lot. OK, MY IN REAL LIFE OS BORING, LET'S GET TO MINECRAFT. Yeah sorry, I don't want to make you...
  2. 1212hawks_

    Introduction Section! Now what? Stuck? I'll help!

    So, this is the introduction section. This section is for when you would like to introduce yourself. If you would like a little boost on how you can introduce yourself, here are some things you can talk about while making an introduction thread ^€^. 1. IGN? 2. How did you join cubecraft? 3. How...
  3. 1212hawks_

    Favorite classical music!

    So, as I'm sitting here listening to classical music while noscoping people (Jkjk lol) I've been wondering what classical music do you fellow peers like? We can all listen to all of our favorite classical music pieces of magnificent art. I'm quite curious. Here are mine. and . How about you?
  4. 1212hawks_

    1212hawks_'s personal helper tips

    So, I know that there is already a thread like this made by @zRinne.(Sorry) but, I'd like to tell some personal helper tips more on the idea of how you should act and behave as an applicant. Let's get into it! So, probably the most important thing as helper is maturity. Maturity as in helping...
  5. 1212hawks_

    Game proposal. Noughts and Crosses

    So, here's how the game will start. I proposed this earlier this year but, chose to come back to it. How it'll look and what'll be like There will be 9 squares 40 by 40 with a pressure plate in the middle. Example *Credit to @LucianYOLO and @Camezonda for building the Example. Tyty* (The...
  6. 1212hawks_

    Arcade games should be a priority.

    Disclaimer: Yes, I know I should be patient about this but, the last update was 2014? I don't know. Also, if your response is "The anti cheat is in works. Be patient." Well, it's just another update. The devs have released a lot of updates. Also, please just don't lock this immediately lock...
  7. 1212hawks_

    2 things that should be added to Eggwars and SpeedWars

    So, I've been thinking about the update of Eggwars and I feel like it needs some changes hardcore mode wise. First, keep the golden apple price in hardcore at 10 gold. So, because there's no natural regeneration in Hardcore, if the price of golden apples is 25 gold a piece, that'll encourage bow...
  8. 1212hawks_

    Video SPEED EGGWARS! YouTube video

  9. 1212hawks_

    Game in development (Criticism needed)

    So, I've thought of a game that has no title but, I just thought of it with my group. Any suggestions? Scrap? Questions? All needed down bellow in the comments. Here it is. (First draft) They'll be 3 :p (3rd is final unless we need more editing) So, it's a 3 by 3 board, 2 teams. One team is...
  10. 1212hawks_

    Original game group!

    Hello, Are you guys interested in making a game for cubecraft? I'm thinking that we should make up a game. I'm not doing this alone because, my ideas aren't the best. So, who'd like to make a game for cubecraft? (No programming) (Just idea building) I'd love to see us make a game together :D...
  11. 1212hawks_

    Video Egg wars! Good game :D. (Hardcore rage)

    Enjoy :P
  12. 1212hawks_

    Allowed to edit private messages and profile posts on your profile and others.

    So, have you been making typos on players statuses or your own status and literally ruins your reputation. I came very close to that point. @Ping Ether Ether ;). So, I've thought of this. Why aren't we allowed to edit profile messages, Direct messages, and posts on other profiles? It's a feature...
  13. 1212hawks_

    More obsidian perk ideas (Don't get offended please)

    So, I'll be somewhat editing while I go but, here are some ideas for Obsidian rank. Opinions are welcome in the comments. Let's go game by game :P Lobby Perks Change time of lobby. Example: I can change the lobby time to night Can join full lobbies. Skywars Choose how many spawn chests there...
  14. 1212hawks_

    Dear people. Thank you.

    Hello, as you may know, new years is today or tomorrow. Some people are in 2017 already. A year ahead. Anyways, jokes aside, I want to say thank you for an amazing 1/2 of a year on forums (I joined in july) and around 10/12 of a year on cubecraft. I've learned a lot from this amazing community...
  15. 1212hawks_

    Best cubecraft story contest.

    So, I've been thinking about this for a long time. You can make the best story about being in a cubecraft game. Example: I'll make a story about a time in egg wars. Here are the rules 1. 1st person ONLY 2. You have to feel like you're in the game, not playing it on a computer. Example: As I fell...
  16. 1212hawks_

    How to deal with a compromised account. (Advice and tips)

    So, I've seen a lot of people who are really having trouble when their account gets compromised. So, if you need help because your account got compromised, follow these steps. Step one: Change your Mojang password So, compromised account means that someone got into your account. So, you have...
  17. 1212hawks_

    Ban the word "Retard" and "retarded"

    This goes back to the word "Jew" Everyone uses it in a bad way. I mean, look. People call people "Retarded" and "Retard" in a bad way. This should go back to the reason why the word "Jew" was banned. People use it in a bad way and we need to protect people who have autism. So, these words should...
  18. 1212hawks_

    The stupid gapple!

    Hello, I made some shorts and decided to show you. They're a little funny. Enjoy :P
  19. 1212hawks_

    Thank you cube, thank you

    Hello, I've been thinking about how much I love this server. This server is honestly amazing in many ways. This server kept me out of depression many times and encouraged me to do well in school. Cubecraft has changed my life in many ways so, I'd like to say one thing, thank you. Thank you to...
  20. 1212hawks_

    Kindness week

    Hello, I've thought about this. So, to spread positive vibes around the server, I thought of this, Kindness week! Throughout the whole week, you can to make videos on the server doing something kind or whatever you call kind then, post the video on here and we can all see that kindness is...
  21. 1212hawks_

    Add coal to egg wars.

    So, this somewhat got inspired by the emerald addition. Introducing, the coal token! This coal token will generate as the diamond generator would. 3 levels, 10 seconds to generate for level one, 5 for 2, and 2 for 3. The thing is, the coal gen will only be accessible from mid and, you'll have to...
  22. 1212hawks_

    Negativity and how to help get rid of it.

    Hello, so, you've heard about how so many people are saying so many horrendous things online which most of us somewhat adapted to as to call it "Normal on the internet" this isn't ok. I feel like if you don't want to say stuff in front of your parents, don't say it at all. How can you help with...
  23. 1212hawks_

    New punishing system for verbal attacks

    So, I've thought of this. One of the biggest problems on cubecraft is the number of players who swear, spam, or personally attack. I'm not just saying like someone spamming noob but, someone who really goes to the more harsh level saying stuff like (kys) or anything like that. We need to teach...
  24. 1212hawks_

    Help us stay unite.

    So, I've been thinking, we all need to get out of our comfort zones. How can we do that? Well, we can do this. I invite all of you guys to message and talk to someone who you really don't talk to. I mean, I'd probably do a staff member or popular member who I don't know and, talk to them in a...
  25. 1212hawks_

    Change starts with you.

    Well, I felt like making an inspirational video today, it's on cubecraft but, that's not the main thing. Watch the video to find you. Change really starts with you. I just want to spread the word about today's problems and how they're real
  26. 1212hawks_

    Calling someone a noob should be against the rules

    Hello, I've thought if personal attacks are against the rules, why isn't calling someone a noob not against the rules. I mean, it is a personal attack. So, technically it should be against the rules. I mean, look, calling someone a noob only creates bad things. Calling someone a noob could start...
  27. 1212hawks_

    Hacker's problems

    So, if you've played on any server, you know what a hacker is. We all hate them so, I've thought of this, what problems do hackers have? Post a funny video or meme down below that shows something in a hacker's point of view. Example: When your favorite server gets an anti cheat...
  28. 1212hawks_

    New game: TNT wars!

    Before you say anything, I didn't copy this idea from anyone and this is 100% original (Well, I don't know lol) So, let's get into this explaining :D. Point of game Basically, the point of the game is to destroy people's eggs. The catch is, you can not bridge over to people's islands. So, you...
  29. 1212hawks_

    Builds House that I'm working on.

  30. 1212hawks_

    Describe yourself in one video.

    Basically, Try to find a video that would represent you. It can be any video. Basically, if someone said "What is a video that best describes you?" You'd send the link that you'd send in the comments. Here's mine:
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