Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net


Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2023
Normal lucky blocks are the most basic and primary way of obtaining loot. It is also the most frequently updated and changed loot table. It was changed significantly in the 1.19 update, when not only were several new drops introduced, but old drops had drop rates changed, and in some cases, removed. Some of these removed have since never returned to lucky islands. There are a lot of problems I have with the current lucky islands loot table, which I want to mention. Before I get started, I want to mention that my primary sources of data are my personal experiences, and a spreadsheet I made in August here. This spreadsheet has became a little outdated, and I haven’t found the time or motivation to update it. While new items have since been introduced, these old items don’t seem like they have had their drop rates changed significantly. I would really appreciate it if someone from the cubecraft team would publicly share lucky block loot tables, but I understand why they might want to keep this a secret from players.

My first suggestion is to reduce the frequency of bucket related items. Milk buckets, water buckets, and lava buckets are some of the most common items that come out of lucky blocks based on my trials. Furthermore, normal buckets can also drop. While buckets can be useful, I think this is a lot. Once I obtain one bucket, It is usually not hard to find water or lava somewhere on the map. If I have a bucket and need milk, I could look around for a cow, or use a goat horn. I think milk buckets especially should have their rates reduced, because of how rarely they are useful.

My next suggestion it to reduce the frequency of ornamental drops that don’t really serve a purpose or give a player an advantage, or a disadvantage. For example, a blaze rod. This drop is almost completely useless, as using it for potion brewing is impractical. The same thing can be said for the following drops:
  • 24 grass
  • spyglass
  • potion of leaping
  • pig with a saddle and a carrot on a stick
  • goat horn
  • infinitato
  • crop farm
  • sweet berries
  • leaping tnt
Some of these drops, like the blaze rod, spyglass, and grass, should be completely removed in my opinion. Other drops could be modified to be more interesting, or just have their drop rate reduced.
  • Potion of leaping should give the player at least leaping 2, although I think it would be even better if it were I higher amount, like leaping 5
  • The pig with a saddle and carrot on a stick should have an amount of speed, maybe swiftness 5 (tweak it to a reasonable amount)
  • infinitato should restore more hunger bars
  • leaping tnt should explode sooner, leap further, and/or have a larger explosion
  • sweet berries should generate with grass blocks below them, so they can’t be instantly destroyed
Next, I want to talk about “skill checks” These are some of my favorite drops in lucky islands, and hope cubecraft adds more of these in the future. Here are the changes I would make to these drops:
  • knight should be added back, but should have less damage and health than before. You should also consider giving it a weak ranged attack.
  • The glitched skeleton knight (still in the game) should drop from glitched lucky blocks, and drop more useful items when killed
  • pig king, should be weaker, and drop better gear
  • Ironfish shouldn’t have as much health, and should drop slightly more iron (1-2 instead of always 1)
  • Disolving Iron should be more common, but either give less iron, or dissolve quicker
  • The husk in the pyramid should drop something useful when it is slain
  • The zombie in the glass cage should drop something more useful
Lastly, I want to talk about the balance of weapons in lucky blocks. Before the 1.19 update, enchanted stone swords were more common, and tool sets were much more common. It was easy to obtain a weapon, and there was a variety of weapon damage. The 1.19 update significantly nerfed the drop rates of stone swords, and tool assortments. Diamond swords feel more common, frosty is more common (his stone shovel can be used as a weapon), and swords that previously only existed in overpowered, the lifesteal sword and shulker sword, are now in normal mode. Thors hammer and god axe were added, along with the giga sword (I’ll talk about giga sword in a later thread when I talk about rainbow lucky blocks) enchanted golden axes and golden swords now have full durability. Saturation seems to be slower, or less effective than it once was. Tridents and netherite pickaxes were also added. The problem is that there are a lot of very strong weapons. Specifically, diamond swords, shulker swords, and lifesteal swords, are very common and deal a ton of damage. There are very few weapons that deal less than an iron sword, due to stone and iron tools being much rarer. These are the adjustments I would make:
  • Slightly increase the drop rates of tool assortments
  • add chance for a stone sword, or different tool of the same damage, to drop
  • make frosty drop a gold shovel
  • make enchanted golden tools more common, and make it so they don’t have full durability. This forces players to ration these weapons, which I enjoyed a lot before they were changed
  • get rid of the sharpness on shulker swords and lifesteal swords in normal mode, so they are the same as fire swords
  • make god axe rarer
  • make diamond swords rarer
  • make enchanted stone swords slightly more common
  • make saturation more similar to how it was before 1.19
  • significantly increase the drop rate of Thor’s hammer (very rare at the moment)
This is all the feedback I have to give about normal lucky blocks for now. A lot of this feedback could be applied to diamond lucky blocks too.
Last weeks thread
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Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2020
The Far Lucky Islands
These were some things I was complaining about. I didn't like opening 30 diamond lucky blocks and end up with no armor, or sometimes weapons.
However, I am unsure about removing the listed items you mentioned (grass, spyglass, etc) because the game is called Lucky Blocks where you will get useless items that serve no purpose, reducing their frequency is a better solution.

  • make enchanted golden tools more common, and make it so they don’t have full durability. This forces players to ration these weapons, which I enjoyed a lot before they were changed
I completely disagree with this one, Enchanted golden apples are fairly common that I got 4 of them during a solo game, it's a very powerful food item and making it rare is a better choice, in my opinion.

And just to let you know, the Knight was not removed, rather made rarer to be spawned, I found it in a couple of games.
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Reactions: Roxrock


Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2023
These were some things I was complaining about. I didn't like opening 30 diamond lucky blocks and end up with no armor, or sometimes weapons.
However, I am unsure about removing the listed items you mentioned (grass, spyglass, etc) because the game is called Lucky Blocks where you will get useless items that serve no purpose, reducing their frequency is a better solution.

I completely disagree with this one, Enchanted golden apples are fairly common that I got 4 of them during a solo game, it's a very powerful food item and making it rare is a better choice, in my opinion.

And just to let you know, the Knight was not removed, rather made rarer to be spawned, I found it in a couple of games.
  1. My problem really isn’t that these items lucky uses, it’s that they are, in my opinion, uninteresting and bland, lacking the creativity put into other lucky islands drops. To me, they feel like unnecessary filler that makes the game less fun.
  2. I specified enchanted tools, not enchanted golden apples. I agree that enchanted golden apples need to be rarer, and normal golden apples should give the player less than 5, maybe 1-3
  3. huh, didn’t know that. The changelog for the August update said it was removed
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Fire IGN lol 🔥🔥
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Nahhh that username 💀
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