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What game(s) would you enjoy playing?

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Dedicated Member
Jul 23, 2017
Gallia Belgica
Dear Cubecrafters. I have been thinking a bit and came up with a variety of different microgames in Minerware! I haven’t worked them out in details, and I’m sure there are some that most people don’t like, but this is just to give an idea how many different kinds of microgames there are that maybe could be fun to play. Maybe 1, 2 or 3 (or 0 ☹) microgames have a lot of support from the community and could be considered to being added to Minerware. Please vote in the poll what microgames you would enjoy playing.

This is the list of the 7 microgames I’m presenting you. I have put them in no particular order. (The titles are awful, but I think the games on their own are more important)

- Less is Better

- Time Counting

- Pyromaniac Chaos

- Tower Climb

- Hop Hitters

- Crossy Rail

- Silverfish Push

Less is Better:

In this microgame, you will play against the others with no combat. The map is divided in 2 different colors, I have chosen for red & blue. Players have a limited time to choose their side. There is only one color that wins (all the people that stand on this color at the end of the timer. The team with the fewest people on their side wins. This is very tricky because everyone wants to be on the side with the smallest amount of players. This game is more about luck than pure skill.
(people who think that they can beat the game and stand on both sides will automaticly lose)

Normal: You can see all the other players.
Hard: You can only see 1/2 of the players.

Less is Better.PNG

Time Counting:

This microgame is against the game, and not against the players, but players can trick eachother! In the beginning of the game, a time will be said (6 seconds, 8 seconds, 12 seconds, 9 seconds,...). People have to count in their head with the timer. If you think the moment has come that the indicated time ended, you jump. When you jump, your time will get registered and the Ultimate Minerware System will look if you sastify the requirements. The tricky side. The players will stand in a shape where all the other players are visible for everyone. So if you see someone jumping, will you jump too? Or will you stick to your counting? You can't see if he/she won or not! The choice is yours!

Normal: If you are further away than 1 second, you lose.
Hard: If you are further away than 1/2 second, you lose.

I have made here a possible shape where 12 players could stand in (red blocks):

Time Counting.PNG

Pyromaniac Chaos:

This is a more obvious microgame. This game is versus the players only. You can't hit or punch eachother. The way to eliminate your enemies, is by burning them. You spawn with 9 lava buckets (1 filled inventory line) and try to burn the other players. I know it's better to have more players winning, and I think maybe 2, 3 or 4 will survive in a round. When the arena is filled with lava, people can't get to eachother because lava is on their path. (see an exemple on the photo)

Normal: Like I said.
Hard: I don't really know... A smaller arena? Less HP?

Pyromanian Chaos.PNG

Tower Climb:

This game is based on King of the hill, but now you have to be king of the tower. This game is versus the players only. Climb on the ladders while you are hitting people with a knockback 1 stick (max. 2), while you are climbing the tower. If you can climb to the top, you will be teleported to the winning cage. If you can't, you lose.

Normal: 6-8 blocks high tower
Hard: 10-14 blocks high tower

Tower Climb.PNG

Hop Hitters:

This microgame is a 'knock them off' game. It has the same purpose as the 'knock everybody off' microgame, but this is a different kind of arena to play in. Everybody spawns on a random block (with at least 1 block between your closest opponent. Hop from block to block to find your opponents and hit them of the map!

Normal: Like I said
Hard: I don't really know... Smaller maps?

This is the kind of arena I propose to you:

Hop Hitters.PNG

Crossy Rail:

You can compare this microgame to 'Jump Rope' (with the lasers). Instead of surviving dangerous lasers, you will have to look out for dangerous minecarts while you are crossing the rails to the other side in a limited time. For the people who played 'Crossy Road' (or are still playing), this is based on that.

Normal: Pretty straight-lined rails and few minecarts.
Hard: More complex rails and more minecarts.

This would definitely be a hard map. I haven't placed all the minecarts.

Crossy Rail.PNG

Silverfish Push:

This game is an against mobs game. You are on a small platform with a huge amount of silverfishes. You can take damage, but you will not lose hearts. Try to stay on the platform untill the timer runs out.

Normal: The other players will be on the same platform, but they will be invisible for you, so you have a clear sight.
Hard: The other players will be on the same platform, and you will be able to see them, so it will be difficult to see the dangerous silverfishes.

Silverfish Push.PNG

I thank you all for reading this, and hope that there are some that you would enjoy playing.
Please don't forget to answer on the poll!


Last edited:


Forum Expert
Jun 17, 2018
Beverly Hills
I'd very like the first one (Less is better)! But some of those microgames that you came up with are stolen from other games, what you also said in the description of those games, so I don't very like them.


Dedicated Member
Jul 23, 2017
Gallia Belgica
But some of those microgames that you came up with are stolen from other games, what you also said in the description of those games, so I don't very like them.

I wouldn't say they are stolen. They are just variants of already existing microgames on Cubecraft. The only microgame that has stolen a bit, Is Crossy Rail (from Crossy Road). I adjusted Crossy road (a mobile game) to Minecraft. I'm happy you are happy with one! :)
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Forum Expert
Nov 30, 2016
The Netherlands
Those are some neat ideas you got there! I would like to see the Less is Better, Time Counting, Crossy Rails and Silverfish Push in the game. They seem to be very fun to play. Some new microgames is a nice addition to Minerware I think! c:
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Forum Veteran
Aug 26, 2015
Some were original, some were not, though the idea goes behind the way we can make Minerware fun and exciting. With some games you really pulled that off. I really like less is better, time counting and crossy rails. Those are some really fun minigames that are made for everyone, young and old. I also like some luck involved in Minerware games.

Though, on the other hand, things like pyromaniac chaos and silverfish push are not really the thing I'm looking for in a minerware microgame. Good job on the ones that really stood out!


Forum Professional
Dec 31, 2015
The Netherlands
Some of your ideas are awesome and fun to play and others are not really imo. I really like the 'Less is better', 'Time counting' and 'Crossy Rail'.

The others aren't really fun minigames for Minerware in my opinion. Micro games for Minerware should have something unique, something fun for everyone and I don't think all of these have that. But like I said, I like 3 and I'd love to see them in Minerware.
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Forum Veteran
Apr 10, 2018
Sofia, Bulgaria
Awesome suggestions you've got there. ;) You're very creative!

Less is Better:
My favorite game of the ones you suggested. It's a very original idea and it would bring uniqueness to MinerWare. Should definitely be implemented!

Time Counting:
It's nothing too original, but it doesn't have to be. The game is simple and fun. It would fit as an easy microgame perfectly.

Pyromaniac Chaos:
The game is good, but there are already many microgames that have a similar concept - kill the players on the platform. That's why I think it's not really necessary to have this one added and it wouldn't bring anything unique to Minerware.

Tower Climb:
As you said yourself, there is already an existing microgame similar to this one, so it doesn't bring anything unique to the game. Also, there is an actual chance to win ''Stay on top or else'' and I don't really think there is a chance to win your game. It takes a lot of time to climb the tower, there will be many players with knockback sticks, and people who try to climb the tower will be super visible and will be getting focused. I highly doubt that anyone would even get to the tower, let alone climb it.

Hop Hitters: The game is good, but I don't think it should be implemented. There are already existing microgames with the same concept and in my opinion, yours is more basic than the existing ones.

Crossy Rail: Awesome game, but I think it would do better as an improved version of Balance Beam rather than a game that's similar to the lasers one. Your goal will be to get to the other side of the road instead of just staying on the platform trying to avoid minecarts.

Silverfish Push:
Should be implemented. The game is challenging and it also brings some uniqueness to Minerware since there aren't really games with similar concept.
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Novice Member
Apr 19, 2018
The Netherlands
Dear Cubecrafters. I have been thinking a bit and came up with a variety of different microgames in Minerware! I haven’t worked them out in details, and I’m sure there are some that most people don’t like, but this is just to give an idea how many different kinds of microgames there are that maybe could be fun to play. Maybe 1, 2 or 3 (or 0 ☹) microgames have a lot of support from the community and could be considered to being added to Minerware. Please vote in the poll what microgames you would enjoy playing.

This is the list of the 7 microgames I’m presenting you. I have put them in no particular order. (The titles are awful, but I think the games on their own are more important)

- Less is Better

- Time Counting

- Pyromaniac Chaos

- Tower Climb

- Hop Hitters

- Crossy Rail

- Silverfish Push

Less is Better:

In this microgame, you will play against the others with no combat. The map is divided in 2 different colors, I have chosen for red & blue. Players have a limited time to choose their side. There is only one color that wins (all the people that stand on this color at the end of the timer. The team with the fewest people on their side wins. This is very tricky because everyone wants to be on the side with the smallest amount of players. This game is more about luck than pure skill.
(people who think that they can beat the game and stand on both sides will automaticly lose)

Normal: You can see all the other players.
Hard: You can only see 1/2 of the players.

View attachment 155835

Time Counting:

This microgame is against the game, and not against the players, but players can trick eachother! In the beginning of the game, a time will be said (6 seconds, 8 seconds, 12 seconds, 9 seconds,...). People have to count in their head with the timer. If you think the moment has come that the indicated time ended, you jump. When you jump, your time will get registered and the Ultimate Minerware System will look if you sastify the requirements. The tricky side. The players will stand in a shape where all the other players are visible for everyone. So if you see someone jumping, will you jump too? Or will you stick to your counting? You can't see if he/she won or not! The choice is yours!

Normal: If you are further away than 1 second, you lose.
Hard: If you are further away than 1/2 second, you lose.

I have made here a possible shape where 12 players could stand in (red blocks):

View attachment 155836

Pyromaniac Chaos:

This is a more obvious microgame. This game is versus the players only. You can't hit or punch eachother. The way to eliminate your enemies, is by burning them. You spawn with 9 lava buckets (1 filled inventory line) and try to burn the other players. I know it's better to have more players winning, and I think maybe 2, 3 or 4 will survive in a round. When the arena is filled with lava, people can't get to eachother because lava is on their path. (see an exemple on the photo)

Normal: Like I said.
Hard: I don't really know... A smaller arena? Less HP?

View attachment 155837

Tower Climb:

This game is based on King of the hill, but now you have to be king of the tower. This game is versus the players only. Climb on the ladders while you are hitting people with a knockback 1 stick (max. 2), while you are climbing the tower. If you can climb to the top, you will be teleported to the winning cage. If you can't, you lose.

Normal: 6-8 blocks high tower
Hard: 10-14 blocks high tower

View attachment 155838

Hop Hitters:

This microgame is a 'knock them off' game. It has the same purpose as the 'knock everybody off' microgame, but this is a different kind of arena to play in. Everybody spawns on a random block (with at least 1 block between your closest opponent. Hop from block to block to find your opponents and hit them of the map!

Normal: Like I said
Hard: I don't really know... Smaller maps?

This is the kind of arena I propose to you:

View attachment 155841

Crossy Rail:

You can compare this microgame to 'Jump Rope' (with the lasers). Instead of surviving dangerous lasers, you will have to look out for dangerous minecarts while you are crossing the rails to the other side in a limited time. For the people who played 'Crossy Road' (or are still playing), this is based on that.

Normal: Pretty straight-lined rails and few minecarts.
Hard: More complex rails and more minecarts.

This would definitely be a hard map. I haven't placed all the minecarts.

View attachment 155842

Silverfish Push:

This game is an against mobs game. You are on a small platform with a huge amount of silverfishes. You can take damage, but you will not lose hearts. Try to stay on the platform untill the timer runs out.

Normal: The other players will be on the same platform, but they will be invisible for you, so you have a clear sight.
Hard: The other players will be on the same platform, and you will be able to see them, so it will be difficult to see the dangerous silverfishes.

View attachment 155843

I thank you all for reading this, and hope that there are some that you would enjoy playing.
Please don't forget to answer on the poll!


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