Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net


  1. CrystalLegend01

    Bedrock Minerware King of the Hill Suggestion

    I have a small suggestion for the King of the Hill microgame: adding a wall around the arena This is actually my first ever suggestion thread, so welcome! 👋 When creating this thread, I saw that there was a similar suggestion from 2022 that didn't seem to be very agreed with. So here I’m going...
  2. Casualpoalrbear

    Bedrock Change Lava floor

    Hello today I would be suggesting a change to Lava floor which is a microgame on Minerware. On the current version Lava floor is a completely flat plain where the blocks will change from green to orange to red and finally Lava. I suggest that we change this as their a game identical to this...
  3. Spring5972

    MinerWare Change blocks from terracotta to concrete in MinerWare microgames (Less is Better/Answer Question).

    Hey, did we know that we haven’t changed the block type to concrete yet? It’s still terracotta (hardened clay). We need concrete for clear looking! The following microgames must be changed to concrete: Less is Better (Stand on the colour with less people on it) Answer Question (Answer the...
  4. h0pefulll

    All Networks Tweak some MinerWare microgames to be less confusing!

    MinerWare (mostly) revolves around quick microgames, and players need to react quickly to any situation that appears their way. So, what information players are given before a microgame and immediately when the game begins is crucial to their ability to understand what on earth is going on...
  5. Hoshi

    All Networks Planned MinerWare games that NEED fixing!

    ✏️ Reason for writing A little while ago, I randomly decided to join the server again and play some games with my friends. We started a game of MinerWare and were playing casually. When we finally reached the point of the boss game... it turned out the be the notorious Hook The Most Mobs. I...
  6. Buckyy

    Implemented MinerWare (NEW MICROGAME)

    Hi, I would like to suggest a new microgame for Minerware. It is based on a game mode that was formerly made in a tv program called WipeOut. The mode consists of a long wall in which you have to pass by overcoming obstacles that punches you into the water. It doesn't necessarily have to be...
  7. Kozi

    Java Minerware Microgames Ideas #2

    Hello Cubecrafters! I'm back with 4 new microgames ideas! (These are a bit more passive) I haven't worked them out in details, and there is still a lot of work to do to make some a fun microgame, but I wanted to give you guys some more ideas! I would like if you can vote in the poll after...
  8. Kozi

    Implemented Minerware Microgames Ideas

    Dear Cubecrafters. I have been thinking a bit and came up with a variety of different microgames in Minerware! I haven’t worked them out in details, and I’m sure there are some that most people don’t like, but this is just to give an idea how many different kinds of microgames there are that...
  9. D

    Balloon shooter - microgame for MinerWare

    Hello there! Today I made a basic microgame for MinerWare. This microgame is based on two other microgames - "Chicken shooter" and "Ignite the TNT". At the beginning you and other players spawn on the diamond platform 8x8 size. Balloons also spawn at a distance of 10-15 blocks around this...
  10. user947836

    Cross the balance beam

    Hello, when I play minerware and the microgame 'cross the balance beam' is going on, it's almost impossible to fail it. Sometimes an arrow hits me and just bumps off me, like I have a shield but of course I haven't. I'm often playing with labymod and have max. 30 ping. The only way to fail this...
  11. W

    Minerware Microgame ideas

    I know there are gonna be some problems with these you will think of, but I am too stupid to think of them -_- Game:Shoot the target A target will appear in the air and you have to shoot the button on it within the time limit to complete the game. Player shot the target first in Number...
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