Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net

Search results

  1. GeldHaftige

    Java Skywars map ice

    I don’t understand why the map ice is removed from solo skywars. This was a very lovely map around whole the community. My suggestion is to bring it back. And a short question: why are most of the time all the maps broken when you want to choose your map (map selection)
  2. GeldHaftige

    Java All skywars maps

    Can someone please name all skywars maps of Cubecraft (team and solo), because I can’t find them. ps bring the map ice back (solo)
  3. GeldHaftige

    Java AutoVote

    We have at the moment an auto kit (the kit that you had selected as last). Why not also an auto vote? Somethimes I don’t have the time to vote and I also vote for the same so this will spend me a lot of clicks every game I join. So my suggestion: you automatically vote for your last votes.
  4. GeldHaftige

    Java Skywars map ICE

    Hey Cubecrafters, I know that this has many suggested before, but I really want the map ice back. This was a very loved map by many players. There was also a POLL in the past for wich maps Cubecraft should add back made by staff. Looked at the POLL: ice was very popular. So my suggestion is...
  5. GeldHaftige

    Coding Ideas?

    Hello! I lost my inspiration so if someone has a nice idea what I can code, would be fine. I am a starting developer with less experience of Java so I can’t create big plugins/gamemodes. Small plugins like if you do /previous usernames are nice to code. Do you have some more ideas? Let My know...
  6. GeldHaftige


    Hey! I have one stupid question and please don’t reply on it if you aren’t sure about this or if you have your information about a thread. I want to know if you buy something on the Merch that you also get a free shirt? I have already bought a rank so I don’t want an upgrade or something...
  7. GeldHaftige

    Website developer, need help

    Hello, I want to know What you have to do, what you must to can, if you are a website developer. I know that this isn't related to Cubecraft, but I need some help with this. Do you have to make a website, do you have to help te website with html? Wich languages do you must to learn for...
  8. GeldHaftige

    Store payment!

    Hello Cubecrafters, I want to suggest that you can pay with the money of your own country in the Merch! In the normal store, where you can buy ranks etc, you can change it, but Why not in the Merch?
  9. GeldHaftige

    Merch update!?

    Hello Cubecrafters, Nice that you are going to read my suggestion. There are less items in the merch store in my opinion. What Cubecraft must to add An USB-stick A magnet A power bank
  10. GeldHaftige

    No draw anymore in blockwars

    Hello Cubecrafters Welcome to my new suggestion. Now it is time for making a suggestion for one of my favorites games, blockwars. Everyone that plays blockswars has experienced this one time in their life, a draw. Nobody gets points, nobody has won the game and has played the game for nothing...
  11. GeldHaftige

    Adding an appeal section to the menu bar

    Hello Cubecrafters! Today, I was looking in the menu bar and I had noticed something. There are many people that make an account on the forums, because there are banned and want an unban (second chance). At the moment, they must to look through the forums and scroll down for finding where you...
  12. GeldHaftige


    Hello Cubecrafters like you can see on the image, to the left there isn't any picture: https://imgur.com/gallery/5f7RH This is a smal suggestion, but should it be possible for adding some images? We have at the moment a little store update. We can now activate double points for more game than...
  13. GeldHaftige

    New emoji

    Hello Cubecrafters I like emojis and I am not the only person that likes emojis a lot. I want to suggest an extra emoji for on the forums that looks certainly nice for having here on the forums. I know, there should to become a lot more emojis on the forums. Having emojis on the forums is...
  14. GeldHaftige

    Arcade Multiplier

    Hello Cubecrafters I have noticed something with the multiplier. Like you know, there is 50% sale in the store and Instead of paying 16 euros, it is 2,5 euros. I find that a very cheap price for Arcade. https://imgur.com/gallery/OQA9j
  15. GeldHaftige

    Adding arrows to the followerslist

    Hello Cubecrafters A few weeks ago, I was looking in @Perdawdian his followerslist and I have noticed that if you press on the cross for closing this list, you go to the next page of his followers. Somethimes you don't want to look at all his followers and you want to close this list. Instead...
  16. GeldHaftige

    Adding a goodbye section

    Hello there, I was wondering that there wasn't a goodbye section here on Cubecraft. Everyone knows that there is time to come and a time to go. We have already an introduction section, but there isn't a section for the people that leave the server/forums. It is always nice to meet some new...
  17. GeldHaftige

    Adding survival games and blockwars to the game discussion section

    Hello Cubecrafters, I was today looking in the forum list and I have noticed some details. First of all it doesn't matter in the result, but little details will also make Cubecraft better. Today, it has come a new update of blockwars. There were also a lot of suggestions for making blockwars...
  18. GeldHaftige

    The thread of komododragon 2002

    Hello players I want to talk about the thread of @komododragon 2002 . He has made today a thread with a link of komo vuilniszakken. For English/Spanish people that don't know what vuilniszakken are, here is the translation in English: garbage bags. He has given us a link with this kind of...
  19. GeldHaftige

    Removing that you can appeal

    Hello Cubecrafters! Yes, removing that you can appeal? Okay, let be honest, I can't find a better title :(. But I have a suggestion and that is for removing that you can appeal, but I have like always an equation ;). I don't find the idea that you can appeal a good idea. Like you was teaming...
  20. GeldHaftige

    Transaction ID

    Hello Cubecrafters Not everyone knows it, but Joe won't transfer ranks anymore. Joe has announced on his status: ''As of today, we will no longer be transferring ranks purchased on our store.'' It is a lot of work for him for transferring many ranks. There is sometimes also abuse of this. I...
  21. GeldHaftige

    Suggestion for layer spleef (tnt run)

    Hello Cubecrafters I think that everyone knows what tnt run. It is back in layer spleef. If you have a rank, can you vote for playing tnt run. The only problem is that also by tnt run the layer breaks. In the old tnt run it doesn't break. My suggestion is for removing that the layer breaks. We...
  22. GeldHaftige

    /l command (for leaving a game)

    Hello Cubecrafters I will do a small suggestion for the /l commmand. /l (or /leave) command will you spend 1 second in each game. We have already /pc (or /party chat) that also is a lot shorter. I don't know if it is suggested before or not. It is a small detail, but Why not? King Regards!
  23. GeldHaftige

    Pets in the waiting lobby for obsidian rankers

    Hello Cubecrafters Many people are nagging for more features for obsidian rankers. I want to suggest you an extra feature for obsidian rankers. Pets in the waiting lobby are always anmazing to have. We have already a miniature for in the lobby. Why not a pet for in the waiting lobby. First of...
  24. GeldHaftige

    Flying in the waiting lobby (emerald+)

    Hello Cubecrafters! I know that I have made this suggestion in the past, but I forgot to BUMP it. It was a popular suggestion, but I wasn't added, too bad. Okay, stay on topic and we will go to my suggestion. My suggestion Goes about for flying in the wainting lobby for emerald+ rankers. Like...
  25. GeldHaftige

    /thank command [update]

    Hello Cubecrafters A time ago I have suggested for adding a /thank command that you get points, if anyone used this command, but it was against the EULA. I will explain my new suggestion or better said the update of my suggestion. The suggestion is about the /thank {name} command. You can...
  26. GeldHaftige

    Changing the solve equation in a question/trivia of cubecraft

    Hello Cubecrafters I want to suggest for changing the solve equation in a question/trivia of cubecraft. Why do I want to remove the solve equation? First> it has nothing to make with minecraft or cubecraft. Second> the question is too easy, but for some people that aren't good in math is it...
  27. GeldHaftige

    Shop settings

    Hello cubecrafters Some of you are not happy with the new shop settings. Don't worry. You can change your shop serting into the Old settings. Rubik_cube_man has said “But I preferred the old shop!?!?1” OK ok... We didn't fire the old villager, we just swapped him out. Should you want to use...
  28. GeldHaftige

    Respawn timer

    Hello cubecrafters I am here for suggestion something about the respawn timer. The most of you are not a fan of this addition. Many people are sad, because they like the old Eggwars And not the new update that too much seems on ''bedwars' of hypixel. I want to suggest for making the respawn...
  29. GeldHaftige

    What to do with cake?

    Hello cubecrafters I want to show anything What you can do with cake. You can eat cake, But you can also use cake as slaps (half blocks) And you make a trap so that you spend a lot of time. https://imgur.com/gallery/EpuOJ I hope that Some of you people will use this strategy ;)
  30. GeldHaftige

    Knockback items on OP skywars

    Hello cubecrafters It is a great problem on OP skywars, we have too much OP armor and it is too difficult for killing players in a pvp fight. The most people don't like OP items. I remember that it already is suggested for removing. I think that I have a little equation for killing more people...
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