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Should these things be removed?

  • The Lava needs to go but the Vote Locks need to stay

  • The Vote Locks have to go but the Lava needs to stay

  • Both the Vote Locks and Lava need to go

  • Both the Vote Locks and Lava can stay

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BringMeTheHorizon ♠

Forum Expert
Mar 29, 2017
United Stairs of America
If you ever noticed, when you go to choosing your kits BEFORE the lock happens, you can notice a kit disappearing. (Before the removal of no projectiles, it was 2 kits,) which explains why the lock is there: To let people change their kits before the game actually begins, in case of it being no throw-ables. No matter how much you rebel against this idea, you can't remove it: unless you suggest the removal of those few kits, and they actually do remove them, then the lock would be useless and it would be removed.

As for lava, it's actually a huge part of PvP. If you just want to play with your sword, without using strategies such as lava, water, snowballs/eggs and bows, you can either go to duels or FFA. Lava IS annoying, but you can easily solve this by having a water bucket. I'm pretty sure both have the same rarity as the other.

Lava buckets are quite a powerful strategy, actually, especially when facing someone that has much better armor than you. I remember fighting someone that had full enchanted diamond and a diamond sword, with like 4 gapples, I only had a single gapple and iron, with diamond pants and a diamond sword: I had 3 lava buckets and strategically used them to kill that tank, literally, and somehow won with half a heart. If you think lava should be removed then just carry a water bucket with you, it's not that hard to dodge lava, really. They're useful in many situations.

Is this all what y'all are arguing about? If so, then goodnight.


Forum Professional
Jul 24, 2016
She. Don't assume genders thx.
Well if he quoted the person I thought he was quoting I'd be a he..
I thought he quoted someone else. People make mistakes.

Oml all these lava noobs, try playing without and comment again.
Ok, so just because we want to keep something.. we're noobs?
''Let's remove swords! They kill me so I want them gone!''
''No... It's a part of the game and removing them would litterally destroy the game..''

See how ridiculous that sounds?


Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2017
Hi ~

Most players use "Auto Mode" while playing SkyWars. But most of the time, when you get teleported to another game, you have 10 seconds or less left. Which means we have only 5 seconds or less to vote, and the votes get locked when there are 5 seconds left. Personally, I can't vote in only 5 seconds or even less. I thought it would be a good idea to remove the "Votes Lock".

Something else that I want to be removed, is the lava in SkyWars. A lot of players get annoyed by it and I don't think you need it so bad in SkyWars. Like @xRabbitGaming said, lava doesn't belong in PvP.
i agree with the first one, but not with the last, lava is just something that belongs to skywars


Forum Expert
Mar 13, 2017
If you ever noticed, when you go to choosing your kits BEFORE the lock happens, you can notice a kit disappearing. (Before the removal of no projectiles, it was 2 kits,) which explains why the lock is there: To let people change their kits before the game actually begins, in case of it being no throw-ables. No matter how much you rebel against this idea, you can't remove it: unless you suggest the removal of those few kits, and they actually do remove them, then the lock would be useless and it would be removed.

As for lava, it's actually a huge part of PvP. If you just want to play with your sword, without using strategies such as lava, water, snowballs/eggs and bows, you can either go to duels or FFA. Lava IS annoying, but you can easily solve this by having a water bucket. I'm pretty sure both have the same rarity as the other.

Lava buckets are quite a powerful strategy, actually, especially when facing someone that has much better armor than you. I remember fighting someone that had full enchanted diamond and a diamond sword, with like 4 gapples, I only had a single gapple and iron, with diamond pants and a diamond sword: I had 3 lava buckets and strategically used them to kill that tank, literally, and somehow won with half a heart. If you think lava should be removed then just carry a water bucket with you, it's not that hard to dodge lava, really. They're useful in many situations.

Is this all what y'all are arguing about? If so, then goodnight.
I already noticed that.


Forum Expert
Mar 13, 2017
The vote lock is there so people who selected a kit with eggs have time to select another kit when no throwables mode is selected. Maybe this could be fixed with an autokit feature. l'm neutral here +0

And yes, PvP means Player vs Player, and lava is part of the PvP. -1 here
I disagree about the lava, but if the vote locks are really that important, there need to be a different option.
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Forum Expert
Mar 13, 2017
Lava is an anti tryhard sort of thing. Anything used to kill someone = PvP. The special thing about skywars is you dont have to be great at PvP to win, traps, potions, lava and fire are all a key part of the game.

I dont want any removals from skywars. As for the lock. It exists so that people can choose appropriate kits in basic, normal and overpowered, as well as choose egg kit. If lock was removed then people who chose egg kit would have nothing if they spawned in a no throwables game.
8/10 players still don't have enough time to vote. I disagree about the lava as well.
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Forum Expert
Mar 13, 2017
No you didn't. You just said ''Lava doesn't belong to pvp'', but you still have no arguments to make us believe that it doesn't belong to pvp.

Where did you came that from? Some people doesn't have time... But 8/10?
8/10 -> Most people don't have enough time. And please read my thread again. "Lava doesn't belong in PvP" wasn't the only thing I said.


Forum Expert
Mar 13, 2017
No 10/10 players have time to vote. If you can come up with random numbers so can I.
I know some people that don't have enough time. Maybe you do, but others don't. It doesn't mean you have enough time, that others have enough time. Think about others, thanks.

BringMeTheHorizon ♠

Forum Expert
Mar 29, 2017
United Stairs of America
I know some people that don't have enough time. Maybe you do, but others don't. It doesn't mean you have enough time, that others have enough time. Think about others, thanks.
It doesn't mean that if some people don't have enough time that 8/10 players don't: that's an absolutely ridiculous and surreal amount, and very much extremely random. I'd say it's at the very most 1/10 if not 2/10, sometimes everyone would have enough time to even vote anyway.

According to your statistics, 8 out of 10, in a map of 24, having exactly 10 ranked players, and only 2 would have enough time to vote? Nein.
What about actually explaining why you disagree with it instead of saying ''i disagree''
She doesn't have a reasoning other than it annoys her and others. Even if it's an actual PvP tactic, she doesn't like it, and that's literally all.

I've been trying to find where Fliqa said in a thread that she's not a tryhard and I wanted to quote it back here, if anyone can find it, pls post.

Fliqa, allow me to say this, but you are being very hypocritical. And the fact you want to remove a PvP tactic just because it annoys you, it being a strategy, (not even that good of a strategy, you can just avoid it with a water bucket lol) is just cute from your side.
If you really find ALL the items around you annoying, such as bows, people having better gear, lava, eggs, snowballs, then let me direct you to a place you will absolutely love: FFA, or Duels. Believe me, you will love it there.


Forum Professional
Jul 6, 2015
Hi ~

Most players use "Auto Mode" while playing SkyWars. But most of the time, when you get teleported to another game, you have 10 seconds or less left. Which means we have only 5 seconds or less to vote, and the votes get locked when there are 5 seconds left. Personally, I can't vote in only 5 seconds or even less. I thought it would be a good idea to remove the "Votes Lock".

Something else that I want to be removed, is the lava in SkyWars. A lot of players get annoyed by it and I don't think you need it so bad in SkyWars. Like @xRabbitGaming said, lava doesn't belong in PvP.
Lol, you're acting like your typical tryhard
Lava is part of the game, so is the void and so are projectiles

About the vote lock, it would kind of be hard because people would select specific kits which wouldn't be given to them seeing as they don't belong in the mode voted for


Forum Expert
Mar 13, 2017
Lol, you're acting like your typical tryhard
Lava is part of the game, so is the void and so are projectiles

About the vote lock, it would kind of be hard because people would select specific kits which wouldn't be given to them seeing as they don't belong in the mode voted for
I'm not a tryhard, lava is just annoying me and I don't think it belongs in PvP. Please have some respect.
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