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Hello CubeCrafters!

Today we’re happy to announce that as we remove our Christmas Lobby and Games, we have a BRAND NEW lobby for you that has been in the works for a little while! The build team have been hard at work, building and creating this colour filled explosion of architecture just for you!

Enjoy the trailer.


It's ex-city-ing!

There are dozens of new buildings to see...​

Hello CubeCrafters!

Welcome to our first update of 2018!

Today we're rolling out a nice and significant death messages update which affects most of our games. The main change this update brings is "Kill Assists" which were added some time ago to SkyWars. The feedback from these messages was vastly positive, and so we are bringing them to other games as well.

The "Assist" part of the update, however, is only being rolled out to team games for obvious...​

Today CubeCraft has turned 5 years old! It's been a massive year for us, we've put out a load of new games amongst other games, and we're working on a bunch of great things for next year, including games and Quality of Life things to improve the server for you!

However to Celebrate the birthday now, we have a few things to announce...

:cube_light: LIVESTREAM...

Happy Holidays CubeCrafters!

The Maps
What a wonderful time of the year! Another map update, I have received so many amazing suggestions for Christmas maps, including making a seasonal version of the classic EggWars map Tea Party, hopefully this will be just as chaotic and fun. We have brought back a bunch of maps that I've...​

Happy Holidays CubeCrafters!

The Maps
Hope you're having a fun CubeCraft Christmas so far, while wrapping up warm in big jumpers and drinking lots of hot chocolate, I know I am!

We have released 6 maps this week to celebrate the festive season. Any veteran players out there will recognise a few of these, so you can enjoy them all over again and recapture those nostalgic moments. We will be...​

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we want cubecraft 2023 :(
This is YOUR daily dose of facts #40-
Walt Disney currently holds the most Academy Awards. Till now, Disney won 26 Oscars. Disney is nominated a grand total of 59 times!
Eli wrote on Xi1m's profile.
Thanks for the follow!!!
"What say you?" said he, the abyss did not respond back.
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