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Hello, CubeCrafters!

BlockWars has just been updated on our Bedrock network! - Read below to learn more!

  • New Giga Games
    • Destroy The Core
    • Death Match
  • Side Tasks Revamp
    • Care Package - New model
    • Added Leap Feathers (Hard Challenge reward)
    • Added Charged Creeper (Hard Challenge reward)
  • Game Size's
    • 1v1 Capture the flag changed to 2v2
    • 5v5 Capture the flag & Bridges changed to 10v10
  • Revamped Blockwars Ranks
    • New Rush Mode!
      • Permanent speed boost
      • Generator auto crafting
      • Efficiency tools
    • Overpowered
      • Protection 4 armour
      • Sharpness5 swords
      • Power 4 bows
      • Overpowered Powerups

Giga: Destroy The Core
Objective: This game involves players destroying the 2 cores within the game. Whichever team destroys the other's core first wins!
- Cores are located at markers A & B


Giga: Team Deathmatch
Objective: Eliminating a player gains your team a point. The team with the most points wins!

yooo what up nerds

So I was forced to work on an update, enjoy!

✨ FFA Featured Kit

We want the ability to add new kits but not overwhelm the selection when you first spawn in.

Introducing a weekly featured kit! Each week this kit will change from a pool of kits. This makes it easier to implement more content without impacting the core game too much.

  • Blind Luck - Netherite Sword, Random armour, from Leather to Netherite, Protection 0-4, Sharpness 0-2
  • Stealth - Sharpness 3 Iron Sword, No Armour, Resistance 3, Invis Pot, Health Pot, End Crystal, which makes you invisible on click
  • Assassin - Iron Armour Protection 3, Sharpness 4, Iron Sword Slowness Pot, Leap Feather, which launches you
  • Barbarian (Java only) - Leather Armour Protection 3, Diamond Axe Sharpness 1
  • Poseidon (Moved into featured kits) - Diamond/Iron Armour Protection 1, Trident Loyalty 1

🎇 FFA Rocket PvP Event

We've added a new event, inspired by one of our previous gamemodes, QuakeCraft!


Enjoy the new Bedrock maps

Some of these are from the Java map rotation, and some are new. k thx bye

⚓ Shipwreck - EggWars


🌈 Neon - EggWars [2]


🌹 Garden - EggWars [4]


☁️ Sky - EggWars [10]

Hello CubeCrafters!

Today, we've released a new EggWars Update, and it's also CubeCraft's 11th Birthday; some classic maps are back - Read below to learn more!

🛒 EggWars - Perks Shop

In a previous EggWars update, we introduced more uses for Emeralds. We've now replaced the enchantment shop at the centre of all maps with a brand-new Perk Shop! - These allow you to purchase Player, Team or Game perks.

Player Perks (For yourself):
  • Death protection - Keep an item after you die (Max 3 items)
  • Auto repair - Put auto repair on an item
  • Totem Of Undying (Only 1 per player)
Team Perks (For your team):
  • Overclock Generators - Double your team's Generator speeds and capacity for 30 seconds.
  • Sabotage Other Generators - Halt another team's Generators for 30 seconds.
  • Second Chance - Your Egg will teleport on its first hit. It'll return after 2 minutes.
Game Perks (For the whole game):
  • Double Centre Emeralds - Double the Emeralds which spawn in the middle.
  • No Regen - No natural health regeneration for all players for 20 seconds.
  • Slow Falling - Gives every player Slow Falling for 30 seconds.

Team Perk - Second Chance in action
Hello CubeCrafters!

Today, we're here for some news about Battle Arena, our winter competition and new cosmetics. Read below to learn more!

🛡️ Battle Arena - Rank Refresh!

Production on our Battle Arena update is still underway; in the meantime, we've pushed the cosmetic updates to our Battle Arena rank. Adding 2 Cages, 1 Win Effect, 1 Gravestone, 2 Arrow Trails & 5 Prefixes! - Check them out.

New Battle Arena Key Art - Get on our Bedrock server store!

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lorilambthecoolgamer wrote on luminance69's profile.
BicolourSine41 wrote on TheOrderOfSapphire's profile.
Oh wow! 3k reaction score! Congrats! Same day as my 1k!
Yes! 1000 reaction score! Thanks to@Reesle for being my 1k reaction! Still did not get my trophy points...
Im so close to 1000 reaction score!
BicolourSine41 wrote on luminance69's profile.
Welcome 🤗 🤗
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