Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net


Dedicated Member
Aug 26, 2016
AdjustSan , 9.5 - i may slip up here and there but never on purpose , im a raider , was in a big faction on prestons and woofles factions server , no mike - sorry , about 6 hours a day - sundays about 11 , gmt - untited kingdom , obbie rank , im a decent pvper as u may know :) and will put alot of time and effort into this faction , thanks:)

Mama Serk

Dedicated Member
Apr 27, 2014
ςяαzу ℓαи∂
Your in game name: SerketSyndrome
On a scale from 1-10, how trustworthy are you?: 420
What type of factions player are you? (Raiding, base-building, money maker, etc): base-building and raiding, though I'm still working to be good at both
How much time will you be online every day/week: I should have 3-4 hours of free time everyday and I'll put at least an hour in everyday when I can
Do you have access to TeamSpeak (Isn't necessary but I might include you for a video clip): Yep
TimeZone (in GMT please): GMT -5
Rank: (Doesn't really matter) Mod + Iron
Anything else you want to add?: Alex if u don't put me in ur faction I will single-handedly destroy and raid your base with a wooden shovel. Also I will be ur best friend forever if u let me in.

Despacito 2

Forum Professional
Dec 6, 2015
Your in game name: SerketSyndrome
On a scale from 1-10, how trustworthy are you?: 420
What type of factions player are you? (Raiding, base-building, money maker, etc): base-building and raiding, though I'm still working to be good at both
How much time will you be online every day/week: I should have 3-4 hours of free time everyday and I'll put at least an hour in everyday when I can
Do you have access to TeamSpeak (Isn't necessary but I might include you for a video clip): Yep
TimeZone (in GMT please): GMT -5
Rank: (Doesn't really matter) Mod + Iron
Anything else you want to add?: Alex if u don't put me in ur faction I will single-handedly destroy and raid your base with a wooden shovel. Also I will be ur best friend forever if u let me in.
Oh my... A shovel...
Run guys she's serious!
Also she appeareantly can be trust as the same level of Weed...
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Reactions: HackersDontWin


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2016
Your in game name: Keep_Sm1ling
On a scale from 1-10, how trustworthy are you?: 8, I'm not rating myself a 10/10, because it makes me look like a scumbag.
What type of factions player are you? (Raiding, base-building, money maker, etc): Raider and money maker, I can mine ores and I'm pretty good at pvp if I say it myself.
How much time will you be online every day/week: Mon-Fri: 1 hour saturday and sunday: 4-5 hours
Do you have access to TeamSpeak (Isn't necessary but I might include you for a video clip): No, I do have skype though.
TimeZone (in GMT please): +2 (the Netherlands, Europe)
Rank: (Doesn't really matter): Iron rank
Anything else you want to add?: 10000 kills team skywars, I can speak multiple languages, including Dutch and English. I have skype, so you can make contact easily of you need my for something, I often play HCF and was in the clan 'scumbags' with Vallerion and LacroneTR, so I do have experience. I played a couple of maps on MineHQ, I killed 5 team Green members and lolitsalex (like that's some archievement jk).
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Heya, after a good while years having not appreciated sleep a lot, have I learned things. I have most of the times seen it as a hindrance to things such as relations and projects. But after years I realised that you need to sleep to be well. Both physically and mentally. When I also realized that I could work better and more efficiently, did I try to get more sleep. That reminds me, I need to sleep now hah XD
Eli wrote on marshduck11's profile.
I like your profile picture
Mr Jii Gamer wrote on Egg🥚's profile.
Thank you so mush for everything

I know i am late bc i didn't realize that you have left the team sadly we see the better one go ..
Will be announcing the giveaway winner within the next 2 hours or so.
Reesle wrote on Cloudiefly's profile.
Happy Birthday! 🎂 ☁️
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