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Would you like to see this implemented?

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Forum Expert
Jan 30, 2016
Toulouse (France)
I like the idea, If it was variants of red VS variants of blue, what happens when no more blues are left?
Do all variants of red then fight each other? Do all variants of red win?

As much as I like the starting point in the game,

I am not keen on forcing allies to fight each other, and if it's just one alliance vs another it would just be a map of Rome or Mansion where the remaining teams would have to deal with a whole alliance against them.

I think the end game needs to be different.


Dedicated Member
Oct 14, 2017
under your bed
I feel like this thread just doesn't get as much attention as it should because most forumers can't bother to take more than 1 minute to read something. Also the reason why some of the reasons people vote "no" are absolute bollocks.
Hence why i've only counted one 'no' vote as a sort of legit one, the rest i just ignore.

bad idea like teaming x2 teams teaming on teams. never
ERROR 404: Argumentation not found.

You literally just kinda said what it was (although the more correct way of saying it i guess would be teaming x2, teaming teams vs teaming teams) and then said never without giving any reason as to why 'never'.

I like the idea, If it was variants of red VS variants of blue, what happens when no more blues are left?
Do all variants of red then fight each other? Do all variants of red win?
I see you're getting at the deathmatch i included before. Well i scrapped it. (see for yourself, its not in the thread anymore)

I've had some conversations with people about it over time, including Cam and i've decided to scrap it. You're definitely not the only one who isn't too fond of that idea. There were some reasonable points made against its existence. It would kill team-spirit ( :CommunistCactus), along with it possibly making the game feel like it would be 'temporary teaming' ( :Camezonda + Tacos), which quite some people seem to dislike the idea of. I personally didn't mind it too much since i didn't have too much of a 'teamspirit' to begin with (i like to go Solo-mode a lot in Team Eggwars, like a lone wolf, not caring much about my teammates and such), but i can understand where those people are coming from though.

if it's just one alliance vs another it would just be a map of Rome or Mansion where the remaining teams would have to deal with a whole alliance against them.
I don't like to look at it in the way of just one alliance vs another alliance, hence why i expanded upon it by suggesting games consisting out of more alliances fighting each other (instead of just 2).

You should check out the examples i've put in regards with the already existing maps, while most already existing maps can unfortunately only be splitted into 2 options (hence why i've stated: that for this gamemode to work at its best, we'll need more big maps divided into multiple small teams): 2 alliances vs each other or 4 alliances vs each other; there are also some maps where you can have 3 alliances vs each other, And in Storm for example, you could even make it to have it include 6 alliances vs each other. Along with all that, there are also interesting ways you could scatter alliances on the maps like shown with the pictures, even with just 4 or 2 alliances fighting each other. So in no way does this necessarily have to be just like Rome or Mansion.

Besides even if there ever would be map out there like a Rome/Mansion scenario, i still believe this to play out differently compared to Rome and Mansion at Team Eggwars does. There are other/more factors in this gamemode that come into play that don't happen in Rome/Mansion.
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Forum Expert
Jan 30, 2016
Toulouse (France)
So when your allies die out you are automatically outnumbered, not fun, especially with larger alliances, having your allies dissappear would discourage the remaining ones who don't think they stand a chance, they quit the game and once you are outnumbered and have a whole alliance against you it's game over and there is nothing you can do to save your situation.
I prefer a 1v1v1v1v1 to a 4v1 any day.
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Dedicated Member
Oct 14, 2017
under your bed
So when your allies die out you are automatically outnumbered, not fun, especially with larger alliances, having your allies dissappear would discourage the remaining ones who don't think they stand a chance, they quit the game and once you are outnumbered and have a whole alliance against you it's game over and there is nothing you can do to save your situation.
I prefer a 1v1v1v1v1 to a 4v1 any day.

and there is nothing you can do to save your situation.

But there is :p

Already took that in consideration, hence why there's this. (There's a reason why my thread is such a mammoth, it includes basically everything)

Along with the - An in-game incentive for alliance teamwork. additional idea.

But aside from that, the fact that you'd be pretty screwed if you'd lose all your allies would also be an incentive to try to play co-operatively and keep each other alive while at the same time make sure there aren't alliances who remain fully intact.


Dedicated Member
Oct 14, 2017
under your bed
Judging from @Tacosbefriends response on this thread: https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/why-is-blockwars-dead.209027/#post-1006133

(To which i would say to Taco's about his statement that: 'Games that require an ounce of strategy or teamwork always die.' doesn't seem like a reasonable statement as Eggwars (the server's wildly successful game) is proof of a strategy-teamwork game being received positively and therefore defying your statement. I also don't believe UHC died simply cause it had strategy and teamwork btw. There were other factors involved there; but i won't go into that any more here as to not go off-topic)

I think i might finally understand why this still hasn't gotten an escalation tag. The staff team is afraid that this would be too hard for the average player, hence why some of them claim it's 'too complicated'. The concept of this suggestion isn't complicated on its own, but the amount of strategy that could be involved in this gamemode might be a bit too much to handle is what i guess the staff team thinks. They're seeing the average Cube player as someone quite incompetent is my assumption. One thing that kind of bugs me about this though is that a game like BattleZone is about just as complicated as this is, and might even be just as strategic as this is; yet, that received the green light and was made into a thing on Cube, but with this it's like: Wo-hoo, Hold up there buddy, don't be so crazy.

Also @Andyyy why the nono. Just want me to give up? Ha, i guess i kind of should tbh. I actually planned to give up beforehand; but with this new Experimental Eggwars thing we have now, it seemed like too much of an opportunity to pass up on and not attempt to capitilize on.
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Forum Expert
Jan 30, 2016
Toulouse (France)
I think i might finally understand why this still hasn't gotten an escalation tag.
We each have reasons, I commented mine.

I don't like how the end game plays out, one team being outnumbered by an alliance, it will be like blockwars where once people realise they are on the losing team they give up and penalize all other players of their team/alliance.

I read your fix, but this doesn't solve the problem, no matter what gear one team has, when outnumbered they will constantly be fighting people that keep gearing up again and again and again.
I personally wouldn't play as I prefer traditional eggwars to this gamemode.
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Dedicated Member
Oct 14, 2017
under your bed
We each have reasons, I commented mine.

I don't like how the end game plays out, one team being outnumbered by an alliance, it will be like blockwars where once people realise they are on the losing team they give up and penalize all other players of their team/alliance.

I read your fix, but this doesn't solve the problem, no matter what gear one team has, when outnumbered they will constantly be fighting people that keep gearing up again and again and again.
I personally wouldn't play as I prefer traditional eggwars to this gamemode.

Ok let me first get this out of the way: the chances of there just being one team left against an entire fully intact alliance seems like an unlikely scenario to me. The likelyhood of there being 4 alliances left with each of them having lost like 3 or 2 islands out of 4 sounds like a more frequent outcome compared to the one you gave.

I also disagree with the statement that no matter what gear someone/a team has, that it won't be of sufficient enough use to being possibly outnumbered. Yes that one last team could be fighting people that would be gearing up again and again, but only if that team is stupid. Besides having an edge in gear can basically mean you'd be worth the same as 2 or 3 players.

Let me just quickly sum some things up here in regards of your given scenario (and a lot of others too) though:
- iI you happen to kill people and they were stacked its not likely they'll come back stacked again really quickly
- Players could regear but would likely only get as far as to get leather armor and a sword or just won't even bother and go in naked (knowing Cube's Eggwars players...) on the island thats being assaulted by this one team. If this one last team prepared themselves properly and smartly along with these comeback tools, they would absolutely destroy them. You kill people at their own island --> they respawn naked --> easy free kill for you / 1 or 2 get lucky and get geared to the point they just have a sword or just have leather armor and a sword; assuming you have iron armor/ comeback tools and are stacked --> still easy kill. Also when players regear in the meantime you're there you have the perfect opportunity to get the egg.

- If you kill people at their own island AND people that come from an allied island(s) of that alliance you're fighting --> the people that you killed and belong to the island you're fighting on, respawn near you and are free easy kills, and the people that respawn on a different island(s) likely just come back with either: nothing or just leather gear and a stone sword, if they would want to come back more stacked they would likely have to wait for a bit before being able to do so (unless they have stored multiple full iron sets ready in chests, which is a rare occurance). By the time people would be able to return stacked you should've already been able to get the egg of the island you were attacking and hopefully escape the island/kill the players of that island and then escape. This could still be very much like how you assault an island in Normal Eggwars.

- The one last team with the better gear could still easily overpower a single island because of the superior gear advantage only they can have at that point.

- Allies from the alliance this one team would be fighting (and would try to help out their fellow islands) could be fended off by simply using a bow to guard the island's bridge or they could even go as far to break down the bridge.

- A smart one last team would try to avoid being endlessly hunted down at mid for example by this alliance.
Etc. Etc. Etc.

You'd have to deal with that possibility t is what it comes down to and play your cards right and play strategically in order to prevent what you described. It would by no means be very easy, but it also wouldn't be impossible. The challenge this could provide might not be favoured by everyone. But i think atleast the majority of people enjoy games that can be challenging cause that's intense and exhilarating; it's also something that gets people interested in the game or gets them hooked (cue the tryhards!), especially if a game (like this one) has some depth to it aswell! If there's one thing i dislike about Eggwars is that it's simply too easy for many (including me) lots of times an therefore can easily get stale and boring. To show some examples: I don't even bother to play Solo Eggwars anymore cause it's just 1 v 1 most of the time, which is too easy. I also don't even bother going for diamonds in Team Eggwars anymore too cause otherwise it's an almost guaranteed win for me too, and that, is, boring (and not that satisfying...). This is supposed to be a variant that could still offer experienced players and other players looking for an exciting game a possible thrill. The satisfaction you'd get from winning one of these games could be far more rewarding and satisyfing compared to winning a round of Teams or Speed (which is just stupendously easy if you know what you're doing --> Be good at PvP and just rush like a madman). Now i just told you a few paragraphs up that 'i don't even bother' to play Solo EW anymore, which is true. But there's one exception to this though, and that is when it's a Solo game filled with equally as skilled players as me; you know why? Cause i know those games are probably going to be interesting and truly fun due to their challenge.
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Dedicated Member
Oct 14, 2017
under your bed
To add to that post (while just slightly off-topic though):

I always loved the strategy aspect of Eggwars and renewing it like this so i can delve myself into figuring out good strategies again sounds exciting to me. But i don't think it's just perfect for me, many others would love to see this; and i believe it's beginner friendly too, while being probably a little bit harder though than normal Team Eggwars, but that's partially the beauty of it. You'll have someting you can really grind your teeth in to get good at just like you can when you're just starting to play Normal Eggwars, being true for both experienced and beginners, since certain 'rules'/strategies that used to work very well in Normal Eggwars might not work well if at all anymore in this, turning experienced players basically into beginners again, well sorta..Ok not really since it's granted that there will still probably be various strategy that still will work (more so that will work than not) in this, they'll still have an edge, but that's an obvious result of being an experienced player of course; but there definiely will still be some areas left in which even they'll have to experiment.
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