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Release Manager/Team Ops 🏳️‍🌈
Team CubeCraft
💙 Admin Team
Jul 23, 2015
Welcome to the Monthly CubeCraft Hunger Games sign up thread. This is the April 2018 Edition!

How can I join?
If you want to join this forum game of Hunger Games! Please reply to this thread with your Minecraft username. You CANNOT sign up for other members, they must reply to join! If you do apply for someone else, I'll reject them and only accept you.

After all the placements are filled with "volunteers", I will lock this thread and start creating the main Hunger Games thread. Btw, its first come, first serve. If you reply with the incorrect username or an invalid username, the skin that I will use will be a random male or female skin.

District 1: Camezonda and Djekko_
District 2: DragonLord and Keanutjuhh
District 3: Gainfullterror and Lezappen
District 4: MagnificentSpam and telegamer
District 5: Younisco and shamel
District 6: warriors1976 and TheDvthr12
District 7: ArcticFoxic_ and IDontExistlol
District 8: Daveyyy and Scottness
District 9: SleepyLiv and Power_Ranger
District 10: MJ010101 and JustSayPinguin
District 11: ReindeerClark and ChaosConjurer
District 12: Jollow250 and SanCookie
Spaces available: ALL TAKEN!

What is this game about?
This is a forum game that I will be hosting once a month. This isn't a real ingame Hunger Games on CubeCraft, this is only hosted here on the forums. Everyday I will comment on the thread with the results on what happens that day and night within the Hunger Games. And yes.... people will die ;)

If you want an idea for what it's like, click here
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Heya, after a good while years having not appreciated sleep a lot, have I learned things. I have most of the times seen it as a hindrance to things such as relations and projects. But after years I realised that you need to sleep to be well. Both physically and mentally. When I also realized that I could work better and more efficiently, did I try to get more sleep. That reminds me, I need to sleep now hah XD
Eli wrote on marshduck11's profile.
I like your profile picture
Mr Jii Gamer wrote on Egg🥚's profile.
Thank you so mush for everything

I know i am late bc i didn't realize that you have left the team sadly we see the better one go ..
Will be announcing the giveaway winner within the next 2 hours or so.
Reesle wrote on Cloudiefly's profile.
Happy Birthday! 🎂 ☁️
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