Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net

Should this feature be added?

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Dedicated Member
Aug 18, 2016
UAE, Dubai
I Thought of this idea where you can have friendly Private games together in Party's , without having any disturbance from random players you dont know and inturrept your idea's , and peacefully have fun with your friends without randoms , your stats wont get effected / Changed when playing with your friends and hopefully have fun as much as you ever wanted with your Friends ^-^


Dedicated Member
Sep 12, 2016
I am not too sure about this, I just don't know if this would work well.
What if you are only 2 players in your party? Does this then mean you can play private Minerware games of only two? If so, it would be like creating the pvp duels, but times every game/map that cubecraft has, which basicly means the server might not be able to handle that many games being played at once.
Otherwise, If this gets added I would personally not use it, as it defeats the purpose of servers in my opinion.
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Forum Professional
Mar 24, 2016
Breakfast for Dinner Club HQ
(correct me if I'm wrong)
In order to host a game, Cube would need to have available servers. It's the same as when the game board is looking for a match.
If Cube were to host private party matches, there'd be lots of people playing that instead since they can crossteam and/or take their time. (in this case it wouldn't really be against the rules, since nobody suffers from it)
This would result in there being a lack of servers for the main board, since lots of people are hosting their own games. Adding onto that, this could also result in players not playing the main game as much, and the game (the public one) dying out because of it. It wouldn't be good for the main game.
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Power Ranger

Forum Professional
Apr 20, 2016
The ♡
Only Obsidian rank or maybe only YT rank can create?
To give it to obsidian ranks only would be agaisnt EULA unless the party members logged off of cubecraft and then logged into another that cubecraft gave them the ip to. For youtubers only though it would be completely fine since you don't pay for the rank. :)
What counts as a server? Are proxies one big server, or lots of smaller ones?
A server is something a user connects to with their client. The user is on a different server when they leave one and manually join another (in the multiplayer screen). Virtual servers and proxies make no difference; to the client it’s the same server.

Can I charge access to a specific part of my server, such as a minigame or world?
No, you cannot charge for any part of a server. Only the access. Once on a server, all players must have the same gameplay privileges. You may make a different server which features “premium” areas, and charge for access to that server instead, but the benefits cannot carry between servers.
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Novice Member
Dec 6, 2016
United States
yes it would be a good idea, because I be having a full party and everyone want to join a game and play with the party members only to do a 8 vs 8. really want this to add in the server to play games with the party only have fun with your friends only like skywars mini game 5 v 5 in a private game. :cool:


Forum Expert
Sep 2, 2016
In A Box In San Francisco
Only Obsidian rank or Tmaybe only YT rank can create?
Exclusive to Youtubers
i think it might be a good idea for youtubers
I think this would be a good idea for everyone.
yes Emerald+ maybe??
No it should be diamond and above :0
Can people please just make up your flipping minds
also I would like to point out a main reason why this wouldn't work in a lot of cases
any rank that isn't just youtuber there are still going to be a tonne of games going on which would lag the server a lot and about youtuber ranks only they currently have parties and /disguise no real reason they would need this if anything more players would be more challenging

this also brings up the issue of intentionally opening way to many games by doing it than leaving and doing it again than leaving etc. I personally am fine with how it is now


Novice Member
Feb 21, 2017
Can people please just make up your flipping minds
also I would like to point out a main reason why this wouldn't work in a lot of cases
any rank that isn't just youtuber there are still going to be a tonne of games going on which would lag the server a lot and about youtuber ranks only they currently have parties and /disguise no real reason they would need this if anything more players would be more challenging

this also brings up the issue of intentionally opening way to many games by doing it than leaving and doing it again than leaving etc. I personally am fine with how it is now
They have mps host for legend or above on mineplex and mineplex is a crap server compared to cubecraft , so it doesn't lagg. If anything cubecraft should not lagg.


Forum Expert
Sep 2, 2016
In A Box In San Francisco
and mineplex is a crap server compared to cubecraft
the funniest part is that mineplex averages more than cubecraft
, so it doesn't lagg
yeah but it has a lot less of this other stuff such as
An anticheat still developing, ban waves, open maps, and a dev team which is working almost nonstop
If anything cubecraft should not lagg.
that makes no sense

Here is another example of something completely different that works with your logic
I like oxygen it is better than a soft drink and you can drink a soft drink so you should be able to drink oxygen
does that make sense
no it doesn't neither does what you are saying
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