Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net
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Well-Known Member
Feb 18, 2016
Dear Cubecraft,

-I suggest that you guys add a party update where you can make parties.For example imagine you wanted to play eggwars on and you have a party of 3 people and you wanted to play as a team on a 3 player per team map such as Underdasea you would be able to all join due to the party leader's choice.

-I also suggest that you add a reporting system so that you can report some and a mod or admin will be notified you could use the command /report (username) (reason for report.)
( /r )
-And finally, I suggest that there is a fix for messaging players who aren't in the same game or lobby as you.By this I mean you should be able to message any player by using the /t command or /msg command.There should also be an option in the settings where you turn off messages or turn them off.(This would be useful for YouTubers)


Dedicated Member
Oct 17, 2016
The Netherlands.
Hey, I personally think that idea parties have fun! Only it is too similar to other servers such as hypixel, Nice idea but not so wise..


Forum Professional
Mar 24, 2016
Breakfast for Dinner Club HQ
Adding to /fmsg (name) (message),

Did you guys know that /fr is a thing? It works like /r to a regular PM.
I found that out a few days back and I was baffled because I kept having to type the entire name and it never listed /fr being a thing.
/fr = /friendreply for those that might not know what I'm talking about.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 18, 2016
Adding to /fmsg (name) (message),

Did you guys know that /fr is a thing? It works like /r to a regular PM.
I found that out a few days back and I was baffled because I kept having to type the entire name and it never listed /fr being a thing.
/fr = /friendreply for those that might not know what I'm talking about.

Thanks for telling me bro!


Forum Expert
Jun 25, 2016
Couple of these things are coming soon or are already added in-game.
(The party system is coming soon as you can see above and the /fmsg command is also in-game)
Anyways, the report system would be a bad idea.
Since most of the players will just report people without even knowing if they are really hacking.
For example: I went to a game and killed about 10 players of the 12 and they all called me hacker because I just play like it used to be.

If you have any other suggestion please share it with us :-D


Well-Known Member
Feb 18, 2016
Couple of these things are coming soon or are already added in-game.
(The party system is coming soon as you can see above and the /fmsg command is also in-game)
Anyways, the report system would be a bad idea.
Since most of the players will just report people without even knowing if they are really hacking.
For example: I went to a game and killed about 10 players of the 12 and they all called me hacker because I just play like it used to be.

If you have any other suggestion please share it with us :-D



Dedicated Member
Jul 11, 2014
-Apparently, the party system is coming soon (Not sure where you all found out about this but...)

-/report was an actual command a while ago, but there isn't really any use for it, because you need evidence to report someone. Therefore, it is completely useless.

-/fmsg can message anyone on your friends list, no matter where they are. This is already a command (However, I didn't know about the /fr command... it's pretty cool! :))


Forum Expert
Apr 22, 2016
Planet Orange
-I suggest that you guys add a party update where you can make parties.For example imagine you wanted to play eggwars on and you have a party of 3 people and you wanted to play as a team on a 3 player per team map such as Underdasea you would be able to all join due to the party leader's choice.

This has been suggested in the past. Lets hope it gets added.

-I also suggest that you add a reporting system so that you can report some and a mod or admin will be notified you could use the command /report (username) (reason for report.)
( /r )
This used to be a thing on CubeCraft, but got removed due to it being heavily abused. Players will report other player for hacking, (even though they aren't) and even if they are hacking, players would spam the command.

-And finally, I suggest that there is a fix for messaging players who aren't in the same game or lobby as you.By this I mean you should be able to message any player by using the /t command or /msg command.There should also be an option in the settings where you turn off messages or turn them off.(This would be useful for YouTubers)
There's a command called /fmsg. The command to use this is /fmsg <PLAYERNAME> <MESSAGE>. Same concept as above.

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