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Mar 4, 2021
Is it a good idea to implement bridge eggs in eggwars? bridge eggs make it easier to kill farmers (the price can be between 5 and 10 diamonds so it is a late game item and not to over powerd), I also think the bridge egg will make the games shorter and will make the new players compete with speedbridgers.


Novice Member
Nov 21, 2017
Is it a good idea to implement bridge eggs in eggwars? bridge eggs make it easier to kill farmers (the price can be between 5 and 10 diamonds so it is a late game item and not to over powerd), I also think the bridge egg will make the games shorter and will make the new players compete with speedbridgers.
I think it is indeed a very good idea, but the price may be a bit too low as players who think camping is smart and allowed to use it to make a base easier to camp in. Maybe it's smart that if you posted one that you would have a cooldown of, for example, 5 seconds so that it doesn't get spammed either. let me know what you think!


Mar 4, 2021
I think it is indeed a very good idea, but the price may be a bit too low as players who think camping is smart and allowed to use it to make a base easier to camp in. Maybe it's smart that if you posted one that you would have a cooldown of, for example, 5 seconds so that it doesn't get spammed either. let me know what you think!
I think you can also make the bridges shorter, like make the bridge only 7 blocks or indeed make them a little more expensive. But I think making them shorter may be the best idea. cooldown is indeed a verry good idea just like an enderpearl but maybe a little longer :)


Novice Member
Nov 21, 2017
I think you can also make the bridges shorter, like make the bridge only 7 blocks or indeed make them a little more expensive. But I think making them shorter may be the best idea. cooldown is indeed a verry good idea just like an enderpearl but maybe a little longer :)
This is indeed a good option, only I think 15 diamonds is the best price so you can't get it by rushing to the mid 1 time.


Mar 4, 2021
is it like the chicken in this other server that can bridge for you to the nearest island/object?
sort of, but on that server i think the bridge is too long which makes it to easy to get around. So I think its better to make the brodge shorter


Mar 4, 2021
Yeah It is meant for people that cant build that good or for smarter plays for an example.
indeed, some people can speedbridge and breezly and with bridge eggs the people who cant can get somewhere fast too
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