Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net

The CubeCraft Times

Well-Known Member
Oct 23, 2020

Edition 57.png

Valentine's day

Happy valentine's day!!! To play a little mini-game with you guys I did hide a few little
's in this newspaper. Can you find them all? Let me know how many you found!
Sadly, this will be the last time we’re doing translations, because we doubt they’re read enough to justify shortening reporting time. 😔 So enjoy your last TCCT with translations!

👤 Friend Lists and Statistics

On Thursday, February 10th, we received some nice new updates to the friends list and the statistics menu. These updates were mostly inspired from several different forwarded suggestions, and the results are very good.

The friends list now shows the location of your friends. This includes the exact main lobby they are in and the server region they are in. The list is also now in alphabetical order, making it easier to find a particular friend. Also, if you happen to have a friend who is a staff member or a partner, then they will now appear crossed out in your friend list if they are in vanish. Now you won't accidentally expose them to the entire lobby anymore! Hopefully...

The statistics menu on Java has been revamped. It is now arranged much more nicely and improves the ability to find the statistics for a particular game. Furthermore, there has been the addition of a /stats command in-game, which allows you to quickly view your stats for the game you're currently in.

Article by: Lyriie

🖥️ Forum Update

Something that has been requested many times by the forums community is finally here: A solution to necro-posting! Many people found it unfair that new members often overlooked the necro-posting rule or didn't get warned before they did so - that is, posting on a thread which hasn't been replied to in over three weeks. Well, on Wednesday, February 9th, the forums was updated to now include the use of a new warning message whenever users try to post on a thread in this way. This has been done thanks to a community suggestion that has since been implemented.

There also has been another small change on the forums, that some may not have noticed. Suggestion threads can now feature double prefixes! This means, the suggestion title can now tell us the status of the suggestion (Whether it is forwarded, planned, denied, etc.) and the platform it applies to (Java, Bedrock, Discord etc.) Previously, only one prefix could be selected at a time.
I would also like to add before I go that if you were one of the lucky few who tried to access the forums while they were being upgraded, you will have joined the rest of us in vibing to Nyan Cat, Baby Shark, Crab Rave and all other songs BenH decided to play for us in the meantime!

Article by: Lyriie

✨ What’s New In 2022?

Many community members have been waiting a long time to find out what happened to the community talks and the other information about CubeCraft’s upcoming updates. Well, thanks to the thread that was posted by Younisco on February 2nd, we now have all that and more! The thread summarises everything that has happened on the server during 2021, and it also announces some of the team’s plans for 2022. It is very exciting, and since the original thread already has a very catchy title, I think I will steal it for my article as well! (Sorry)
The thread provides such a great recap on some of the awesome updates from 2021, including the RPGs, regional servers, and the growth of CubeCraft’s marketplace content. But if you want to read about that you’ll have to check out the original thread, because I’m far too excited to get onto what we’ve all been waiting for: the changes!
There are some changes that have happened to some of CubeCraft’s Java games. Firstly, Among Slimes is moving from a permanent game into the featured games section. For you Bedrock players, this means that the game will be part of a rotation between several different games, each being available for a period of two days. The reason for this is due to the low player count in Among Slimes. The other change is that Assassinations, a PvP gamemode, is being entirely removed from the network. Due to several reasons as explained in the thread, Younisco has stated that it's unsustainable for the server to continue supporting the game.
The sad moments aside, possibly one of the most exciting changes is the update to CubeCraft’s public notion board! Before the update, the notion board had some information on the community talks that took place during 2020 and early 2021. If you are a newer CubeCraft player, you may not know what community talks were. They were events held in the Discord server where the server team came together with the community to discuss potential server updates. There may be plans for more community talks in the future, but we currently have no information about that.
So why is this notion board update so exciting? Well, not only will it continue to have the information I discussed above, but it will also have some behind the scenes progress updates on potential server updates! The addition of the public update board means that we can now get a little information about some future updates, such as the SkyBlock End dimension, the ability to select loot items as favourites, and even a SkyWars update! Though, keep in mind that anything on the site is subject to change. These updates are sorted into categories based on how far along they are in development. For example, the SkyWars update is marked as “In Progress” whereas everything else is currently marked as “Backlog”.
You can find the link to the notion board above in this article if you’d like to read more for yourself. We are very excited for CubeCraft’s plans for 2022, and will definitely be keeping up to date with them as the year progresses!

Article by: Lyriie

🌟 Top 3 Threads

🥇 Languages in the rules section are terrible - by Goefy

A lot of the rules are not or only partially translated to other languages, which may mean people don’t understand them. Goefy noticed this, and suggested for all of them to be translated.

Suggestion Regarding 3.14 Rule Update - by Blom

CubeCraft disallowed bumping threads, and Blom thinks that needs to be changed. It’s a lot harder to reach 25 agrees now!

🥉 FFA info - restart time - by FoxFil_

FoxFil_ thinks restart time should also be displayed in the info about an FFA map!

Article by: xHappyMood

⚔️ Welcome Back The Community Games!

Many community members have been waiting for this announcement for a very long time... Community Games! These official server-run events are finally making their return to the server! If you've never heard of the Community Games, they are events that are open to anyone who plays on CubeCraft, both Java and Bedrock, and which offer participation prizes at the end! The Community Games will take place every two weeks on both networks, and the very first ones have only recently happened on Friday, February 11th! You can find more information about these events and how they work in the official thread, and we hope that you will come and join us in some Community Games after reading this!

Article by: Lyriie

🤔 Rank Review: SkyWars Rank

Ranks. Eggwars. Skywars. Lucky Blocks. On CubeCraft Bedrock edition, ranks are purchasable items that grant you specific items in game and voting perk. Today, we will be talking about SkyWars Rank. SkyWars Rank is awesome because it gives you many things that are specific to SkyWars. What is SkyWars Rank? It includes 3 Chest skins, 5 Gravestones, 3 Cages, and 5 Prefixes. This rank also gives you map pick for SkyWars Solos, Duos, Teams of 4, Megas, and Chaos. You can vote for Basic Chest Items, Normal Chest Items, and Overpowered Chest Items. Now, let's get into what loot you will get. The 3 cages that are included in this rank are Mushroom, Rainbow Cloud, and Cityscape. The 5 Gravestones it includes are Pillar, Anchor, City, Temple and Tree Stump. The Prefixes it gives you are Archer, Base Builder, Sword Swinger, SkyWars Master and Chest Looter. The 3 Chest skins are Burger, Monster and Whale. This Rank will also give you 750 VIP experience, which will give you VIP Level 1. You will unlock Leaves Win Effect, SkyWars Chaos, and more. Now that we covered the Ranks loot, is the Rank worth it? Yes! This Rank will give you a good amount of different game loot, like Prefixes, Cages, and Gravestones. So if you play a game like Lucky Blocks, you will have cool loot to show off! Next Issue: Is Lucky Islands Rank Worth It?

Article by: camgames1256

📜 Staff Changes

Since last time AlexpYT192 and Pritt both got promoted from helper to mod. LoveAndMafia, Videoguy and WV03, however, all lost their helper roles. TheBlackPlague got promoted to developer and coco147200, Dutchyyy and ToastedByTom all got promoted to helper. Lastly, Exarpo lost their senior translator role.

🤔 等级回顾:天空战争等级

等级。蛋之战争。天空之战。幸运方块。在 CubeCraft 基岩版中,等级是可以购买的物品,可为您提供游戏中的特定物品和投票特权。今天,我们将谈论天空战争等级。天空战争等级很棒,因为它为您提供了许多天空战争里特有的东西。什么是天空战争等级?它包括 3 个箱子皮肤、5 个墓碑、3 个笼子和 5 个前缀。此等级还为您提供 SkyWars Solos、Duos、Teams of 4、Megas 和 Chaos 的地图选择权限。您可以为基本宝箱物品、普通宝箱物品和强力宝箱物品投票。现在,让我们来看看你会得到什么战利品。包含在此等级中的 3 个笼子是蘑菇、彩虹云和城市景观。它包括5个墓碑是柱子,锚,城市,寺庙和树桩。它给你的前缀是弓箭手、基地建造者、剑士、空之战争大师和宝箱抢夺者。 3 个箱子皮肤是汉堡、怪物和鲸鱼。此段位还将为您提供 750 VIP 经验值,这将使您获得 VIP 等级 1。您将解锁树叶的获胜效果、SkyWars Chaos等。既然我们涵盖了此等级的战利品,那此等级值得吗?是的!此等级将为您提供大量不同的游戏战利品,例如前缀、笼子和墓碑。因此,如果您玩幸运方块之类的游戏,您将拥有炫酷的战利品来炫耀!下一期:幸运方块等级值得吗?

文章作者: camgames1256
翻译员: JOE

🤔 Rank Review: SkyWars Rank

Rangs. EggWars. Guerres du ciel. Blocs chanceux. Sur l'édition CubeCraft Bedrock, les rangs sont des trucs achetables qui vous accordent des spécifiques objets dans le jeu et des avantages de vote. Aujourd'hui, nous allons parler de SkyWars Rank. SkyWars Rank est génial car il vous donne beaucoup de choses spécifiques à SkyWars. Qu'est-ce le classement SkyWars ? Il comprend 3 skins de coffre, 5 pierres tombales, 3 cages et 5 préfixes. Ce classement vous permet de choisir une carte pour SkyWars Solos, Duos, Teams of 4, Megas et Chaos. Vous pouvez voter pour les objets de coffre de base, les objets de coffre normaux et les objets de coffre surpuissants. Voyons maintenant quel butin vous obtiendrez. Les 3 cages incluses dans ce rang sont Mushroom, Rainbow Cloud et Cityscape. Les 5 pierres tombales qu'il comprend sont le pilier, l'ancre, la ville, le temple et la souche d'arbre. Les préfixes qu'il vous donne sont Archer, Base Builder, Sword Swinger, SkyWars Master et Chest Looter. Les 3 skins Chest sont Burger, Monster et Whale. Ce rang vous donnera également 750 points d'expérience VIP, ce qui vous donnera le niveau VIP 1. Vous débloquerez Leaves Win Effect, SkyWars Chaos, et plus encore. Maintenant que nous avons couvert le butin des rangs, le rang en vaut-il la peine ? Oui! Ce rang vous donnera une bonne quantité de butin de jeu différent, des cages et des pierres tombales comme des préfixes. Alors, si vous jouez à un jeu comme Lucky Blocks, vous aurez un super butin à montrer ! Prochaine édition : Le classement des LuckyIslands en vaut-il la peine?

Article by: camgames1256
Traduit par: Firaso

✨ Was gibt's Neues im Jahr 2022?

Viele Community-Mitglieder haben lange darauf gewartet zu erfahren, was aus den Community-Gesprächen und den anderen Informationen über die kommenden Updates von CubeCraft geworden ist. Nun, dank des Beitrags, den Younisco am 2. Februar veröffentlichte, haben wir all das und noch viel mehr! Der Beitrag fasst alles zusammen, was im Jahr 2021 auf dem Server passiert ist, und kündigt auch einige der Pläne des Teams für 2022 an. Es ist sehr spannend, und da der ursprüngliche Beitrag bereits einen sehr eingängigen Titel hat, werde ich ihn wohl auch für meinen Artikel klauen! (Sorry)

Der Beitrag bietet eine großartige Zusammenfassung einiger der großartigen Updates von 2021, einschließlich der RPGs, der regionalen Server und des Wachstums von CubeCrafts Marktplatzinhalten. Aber wenn ihr darüber lesen wollt, müsst ihr euch den Originalbeitrag ansehen, denn ich bin viel zu aufgeregt, um zu dem zu kommen, worauf wir alle gewartet haben: die Änderungen!
Es gibt einige Änderungen bei einigen Java-Spielen von CubeCraft. Erstens, Among Slimes wird von einem permanenten Spiel in die Rubrik der vorgestellten Spiele verschoben. Für euch Bedrock-Spieler bedeutet das, dass das Spiel Teil einer Rotation zwischen verschiedenen Spielen sein wird, die jeweils für zwei Tage verfügbar sind. Der Grund dafür ist die niedrige Spielerzahl in Among Slimes. Die andere Änderung ist, dass Assassinations, ein PvP-Spielmodus, komplett aus dem Netzwerk entfernt wird. Aus verschiedenen Gründen, die im Beitrag erläutert werden, hat Younisco erklärt, dass es für den Server nicht tragbar ist, das Spiel weiterhin zu betreiben.
Abgesehen von den traurigen Momenten ist eine der aufregendsten Änderungen die Aktualisierung des öffentlichen Ideenbretts von CubeCraft! Vor der Aktualisierung enthielt das Notion Board einige Informationen über die Community-Gespräche, die im Jahr 2020 und Anfang 2021 stattfanden. Wenn du ein neuerer CubeCraft-Spieler bist, weißt du vielleicht nicht, was Community-Talks sind. Es handelte sich dabei um Veranstaltungen auf dem Discord-Server, bei denen das Serverteam mit der Community zusammentraf, um mögliche Server-Updates zu beratschlagen. Es kann sein, dass es in Zukunft weitere Community-Talks geben wird, aber darüber haben wir derzeit keine Informationen.
Warum ist dieses Update für das Notion Board so aufregend? Nun, es wird nicht nur weiterhin die Informationen enthalten, die ich oben beschrieben habe, sondern auch einige Fortschrittsberichte über mögliche Server-Updates hinter den Kulissen! Die Erweiterung des öffentlichen Update-Boards bedeutet, dass wir jetzt ein paar Informationen über zukünftige Updates bekommen können, wie z.B. die Dimension SkyBlock End, die Möglichkeit, Beutegegenstände als Favoriten auszuwählen, und sogar ein SkyWars-Update! Denkt jedoch daran, dass sich alles auf der Website jederzeit ändern kann. Die Aktualisierungen sind in Kategorien eingeteilt, je nachdem, wie weit sie in der Entwicklung fortgeschritten sind. Das SkyWars-Update ist zum Beispiel als "In Arbeit" gekennzeichnet, während alles andere derzeit als "Backlog" markiert ist.
Du kannst den Link zum Notion Board oben in diesem Artikel finden, wenn du mehr darüber lesen möchtest. Wir sind sehr gespannt auf die Pläne von CubeCraft für 2022 und werden im Laufe des Jahres auf jeden Fall auf dem Laufenden bleiben!

Artikel von: Lyriie
Übersetzt von: xPerhaps_

🤔 Rangübersicht: SkyWars Rang

Ränge. Eggwars. Skywars. Lucky Blocks. In der Bedrock-Edition von CubeCraft sind Ränge käufliche Gegenstände, die dir bestimmte Gegenstände im Spiel und Abstimmungsvorteile gewähren. Heute werden wir über den SkyWars-Rang sprechen. Der SkyWars-Rang ist genial, weil er dir viele spezifische Vorteile für SkyWars verleiht. Was ist der SkyWars-Rang? Er beinhaltet 3 Truhen-Skins, 5 Grabsteine, 3 Käfige und 5 Präfixe. Außerdem kannst du mit diesem Rang Karten für SkyWars Solos, Duos, 4er-Teams, Megas und Chaos bestimmen. Ihr könnt für Basis-Truhengegenstände, normale Truhengegenstände und mächtige Truhengegenstände abstimmen. Kommen wir nun zu der Beute, die ihr erhalten werdet. Die 3 Käfige, die in diesem Rang enthalten sind, sind Pilz, Regenbogenwolke und Stadtbild. Die 5 Grabsteine, die er beinhaltet, sind Säule, Anker, Stadt, Tempel und Baumstumpf. Die Präfixe, die ihr erhaltet, sind Bogenschütze, Basenbauer, Schwertschwinger, SkyWars-Meister und Truhenplünderer. Die 3 Truhen-Skins sind Burger, Monster und Whale. Mit diesem Rang erhaltet ihr außerdem 750 VIP-Erfahrung, was euch VIP-Stufe 1 einbringt. Du schaltest den Laubsieg-Effekt, SkyWars Chaos und mehr frei. Jetzt, wo wir über die Beute der Ränge gesprochen haben, ist der Rang es wert? Ja! Mit diesem Rang erhältst du eine große Menge verschiedener Spielbeute, wie Präfixe, Käfige und Grabsteine. Wenn du also ein Spiel wie Lucky Blocks spielst, wirst du coole Beute haben, mit der du angeben kannst! Nächste Ausgabe: Lohnt sich der Lucky Islands Rang?

Artikel von: camgames1256
Übersetzt von: xPerhaps_

Valentine's day

Selamlar! Yeni bir basıma hoşgeldiniz! Ne yazık ki bu baskı, çeviri yapacağımız sonuncu olacak çünkü yeterince okunduklarını düşünmüyoruz. 😔 O yüzden çevirilmiş son TCCT'nizin tadını çıkarın!

👤 Arkadaş Listesi ve İstatistikler

10 Şubat Perşembe günü arkadaş listesi ve istatistikler menüsüne birkaç güzel yenilik getirildi. Bu güncellemeler çoğunlukla birkaç iletilen öneriden ilham alınarak yapıldı ve sonuçlar oldukça iyi.
Arkadaş listesi artık arkadaşların yerlerini gösteriyor. Yani içinde oldukları lobi ve bulundukları sunucu bölgesi de görünecek. Ayrıca liste artık alfabetik sırada, yani bir arkadaşı bulmak daha kolay. Ek olarak, bir partner veya yetkili üyesi olan bir arkadaşınız varsa gizlenmişken isimleri üstü çizili görünecek. Yani kendilerini yanlışlıkla tüm lobiye ifşalamayacaksınız! Yani, umarız...
Java'daki istatistikler menüsü yenilendi. Çok daha hoş bir şekilde düzenlendi ve bir oyuna ait istatistikleri bulmak artık daha kolay. Bunun üstüne, oyundayken kullanılabilen bir /stats komudu eklendi, bununla içinde bulunduğunuz oyundaki istatistiklerinizi hızlıca görebiliyorsunuz.

Lyriie tarafından yazıldı
Çevirmen: Roxlad

🖥️ Forum Güncellemesi

Forum kullanıcılarının çok kez istediği bir şey sonunda geldi: Necro-posting için bir çözüm! Çoğu kişi yeni üyelerin necro-posting kuralını görmezden geldiğini veya uyarılmadıklarından şikayetçiydi - yani üç haftadan uzun bir süredir cevap verilmeyen bir başlıkta paylaşım yapıyorlardı. 9 Şubat Çarşamba gününde forumlara buna benzer başlıklarda paylaşım yapılmaya çalışıldığında yeni bir uyarı mesajı eklendi. Bunun eklenmesi de bir topluluk önerisi sayesinde oldu.

Bunun dışında forumlarda bir tane daha ufak bir değişiklik oldu. Öneri başlıkları artık iki etiket içerebiliyor! Yani, öneri başlığı artık hem önerinin durumunu (iletildiğini, planlandığını, reddedildiğini vs.), hem de hangi platform için olduğunu (Java, Bedrock, Discord vs.) söyleyebiliyor. Önceden sadece bir etiket seçilebiliyordu.
Ayrıca gitmeden önce forumlar güncellenirken girmeye çalışan şanslı birkaç kişiden biriyseniz, BenH kullanıcısının bu sırada dinlememiz için açtığı Nyan Cat, Baby Shark, Crab Rave ve diğer bütün şarkılarda bize katıldığınız için sağ olun!

[COLOR=rgb(153,0,255)[USER=410146]Lyriie[/USER] tarafından yazıldı[/COLOR]
Çevirmen: Roxlad

🌟 Top 3 Başlık

🥇 Kurallar bölümündeki diller berbat Goefy tarafından yazıldı

Çoğu kural, diğer diller bölümünde ya yarım yamalak ya da hiç çevrilmemiş durumda ve bu da oyuncuların anlayamamasına sebep oluyor. Goefy bunu farketti ve hepsinin çevrilmesini önerdi.

🥈 3.14 Kural Değişikliğine Dair Öneri Blom tarafından yazıldı

CubeCraft başlıkları bumplamayı yasakladı ve Blom bunun değişmesi gerektiğini düşünüyor. Artık 25 onaya ulaşmak çok daha zor!

🥉 FFA bilgisi - yeniden başlama süresi FoxFil_ tarafından yazıldı

FoxFil_, FFA haritalarında yeniden başlatmaya ne kadar kaldığının gösterilmesi gerektiğini öneriyor!

xHappyMood tarafından yazıldı
Çevirmen: Roxlad


📜 Yetkili Değişiklikleri

Yakın zaman AlexpYT192 ve Pritt, helper'dan moderatörlüğe terfi etti. Ancak LoveAndMafia, Videoguy ve WV03 helper rollerini kaybettiler. TheBlackPlague developer oldu; coco147200, Dutchyyy ve ToastedByTom helper rolünü kazandı. Son olarak, Exarpo Senior Translator rolünü kaybetti.

Don't forget to join our Discord server!

Click here for the link - Information can be found there.​

Last edited:


Dedicated Member
Jan 9, 2021

View attachment 207434

View attachment 207438 Valentine's day

Happy valentine's day!!! To play a little mini-game with you guys I did hide a few little View attachment 207438's in this newspaper. Can you find them all? Let me know how many you found!
Sadly, this will be the last time we’re doing translations, because we doubt they’re read enough to justify shortening reporting time. 😔 So enjoy your last TCCT with translations!

👤 Friend Lists and Statistics

On Thursday, February 10th, we received some nice new updates to the friends list and the statistics menu. These updates were mostly inspired from several different forwarded suggestions, and the results are very good.View attachment 207438
The friends list now shows the location of your friends. This includes the exact main lobby they are in and the server region they are in. The list is also now in alphabetical order, making it easier to find a particular friend. Also, if you happen to have a friend who is a staff member or a partner, then they will now appear crossed out in your friend list if they are in vanish. Now you won't accidentally expose them to the entire lobby anymore! Hopefully...

The statistics menu on Java has been revamped. It is now arranged much more nicely and improves the ability to find the statistics for a particular game. Furthermore, there has been the addition of a /stats command in-game, which allows you to quickly view your stats for the game you're currently in.

Article by: Lyriie

🖥️ Forum Update

Something that has been requested many times by the forums community is finally here: A solution to necro-posting! Many people found it unfair that new members often overlooked the necro-posting rule or didn't get warned before they did so - that is, posting on a thread which hasn't been replied to in over three weeks. Well, on Wednesday, February 9th, the forums was updated to now include the use of a new warning message whenever users try to post on a thread in this way. This has been done thanks to a community suggestion that has since been implemented.View attachment 207438
There also has been another small change on the forums, that some may not have noticed. Suggestion threads can now feature double prefixes! This means, the suggestion title can now tell us the status of the suggestion (Whether it is forwarded, planned, denied, etc.) and the platform it applies to (Java, Bedrock, Discord etc.) Previously, only one prefix could be selected at a time.
I would also like to add before I go that if you were one of the lucky few who tried to access the forums while they were being upgraded, you will have joined the rest of us in vibing to Nyan Cat, Baby Shark, Crab Rave and all other songs BenH decided to play for us in the meantime!

Article by: Lyriie

✨ What’s New In 2022?

Many community members have been waiting a long time to find out what happened to the community talks and the other information about CubeCraft’s upcoming updates. Well, thanks to the thread that was posted by Younisco on February 2nd, we now have all that and more! The thread summarises everything that has happened on the server during 2021, and it also announces some of the team’s plans for 2022. It is very exciting, and since the original thread already has a very catchy title, I think I will steal it for my article as well! (Sorry)
The thread provides such a great recap on some of the awesome updates from 2021, including the RPGs, regional servers, and the growth of CubeCraft’s marketplace content. But if you want to read about that you’ll have to check out the original thread, because I’m far too excited to get onto what we’ve all been waiting for: the changes!
There are some changes that have happened to some of CubeCraft’s Java games. Firstly, Among Slimes is moving from a permanent game into the featured games section. For you Bedrock players, this means that the game will be part of a rotation between several different games, each being available for a period of two days. The reason for this is due to the low player count in Among Slimes. The other change is that Assassinations, a PvP gamemode, is being entirely removed from the network. Due to several reasons as explained in the thread, Younisco has stated that it's unsustainable for the server to continue supporting the game.
The sad moments aside, possibly one of the most exciting changes is the update to CubeCraft’s public notion board! Before the update, the notion board had some information on the community talks that took place during 2020 and early 2021. If you are a newer CubeCraft player, you may not know what community talks were. They were events held in the Discord server where the server team came together with the community to discuss potential server updates. There may be plans for more community talks in the future, but we currently have no information about that.
So why is this notion board update so exciting? Well, not only will it continue to have the information I discussed above, but it will also have some behind the scenes progress updates on potential server updates! The addition of the public update board means that we can now get a little information about some future updates, such as the SkyBlock End dimension, the ability to select loot items as favourites, and even a SkyWars update! Though, keep in mind that anything on the site is subject to change. These updates are sorted into categories based on how far along they are in development. For example, the SkyWars update is marked as “In Progress” whereas everything else is currently marked as “Backlog”.
You can find the link to the notion board above in this article if you’d like to read more for yourself. We are very excited for CubeCraft’s plans for 2022, and will definitely be keeping up to date with them as the year progresses!

Article by: Lyriie
View attachment 207438

🌟 Top 3 Threads

🥇 Languages in the rules section are terrible - by Goefy

A lot of the rules are not or only partially translated to other languages, which may mean people don’t understand them. Goefy noticed this, and suggested for all of them to be translated.

View attachment 207438Suggestion Regarding 3.14 Rule Update - by Blom

CubeCraft disallowed bumping threads, and Blom thinks that needs to be changed. It’s a lot harder to reach 25 agrees now!

🥉 FFA info - restart time - by FoxFil_

FoxFil_ thinks restart time should also be displayed in the info about an FFA map!

Article by: xHappyMood

⚔️ Welcome Back The Community Games!

Many community members have been waiting for this announcement for a very long time... Community Games! These official server-run events are finally making their return to the server! If you've never heard of the Community Games, they are events that are open to anyone who plays on CubeCraft, both Java and Bedrock, and which offer participation prizes at the end! The Community Games will take place every two weeks on both networks, and the very first ones have only recently happened on Friday, February 11th! You can find more information about these events and how they work in the official thread, and we hope that you will come and join us in some Community Games after reading this!
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Article by: Lyriie

🤔 Rank Review: SkyWars Rank

Ranks. Eggwars. Skywars. Lucky Blocks. On CubeCraft Bedrock edition, ranks are purchasable items that grant you specific items in game and voting perk. Today, we will be talking about SkyWars Rank. SkyWars Rank is awesome because it gives you many things that are specific to SkyWars. What is SkyWars Rank? It includes 3 Chest skins, 5 Gravestones, 3 Cages, and 5 Prefixes. This rank also gives you map pick for SkyWars Solos, Duos, Teams of 4, Megas, and Chaos. You can vote for Basic Chest Items, Normal Chest Items, and Overpowered Chest Items. Now, let's get into what loot you will get. The 3 cages that are included in this rank are Mushroom, Rainbow Cloud, and Cityscape. The 5 Gravestones it includes are Pillar, Anchor, City, Temple and Tree Stump. The Prefixes it gives you are Archer, Base Builder, Sword Swinger, SkyWars Master and Chest Looter. The 3 Chest skins are Burger, Monster and Whale. This Rank will also give you 750 VIP experience, which will give you VIP Level 1. You will unlock Leaves Win Effect, SkyWars Chaos, and more. Now that we covered the Ranks loot, is the Rank worth it? Yes! This Rank will give you a good amount of different game loot, like Prefixes, Cages, and Gravestones. So if you play a game like Lucky Blocks, you will have cool loot to show off! Next Issue: Is Lucky Islands Rank Worth It?

Article by: camgames1256

📜 Staff Changes

Since last time AlexpYT192 and Pritt both got promoted from helper to mod. LoveAndMafia, Videoguy and WV03, however, all lost their helper roles. TheBlackPlague got promoted to developer and coco147200, Dutchyyy and ToastedByTom all got promoted to helper. Lastly, Exarpo lost their senior translator role.View attachment 207438

🤔 等级回顾:天空战争等级

等级。蛋之战争。天空之战。幸运方块。在 CubeCraft 基岩版中,等级是可以购买的物品,可为您提供游戏中的特定物品和投票特权。今天,我们将谈论天空战争等级。天空战争等级很棒,因为它为您提供了许多天空战争里特有的东西。什么是天空战争等级?它包括 3 个箱子皮肤、5 个墓碑、3 个笼子和 5 个前缀。此等级还为您提供 SkyWars Solos、Duos、Teams of 4、Megas 和 Chaos 的地图选择权限。您可以为基本宝箱物品、普通宝箱物品和强力宝箱物品投票。现在,让我们来看看你会得到什么战利品。包含在此等级中的 3 个笼子是蘑菇、彩虹云和城市景观。它包括5个墓碑是柱子,锚,城市,寺庙和树桩。它给你的前缀是弓箭手、基地建造者、剑士、空之战争大师和宝箱抢夺者。 3 个箱子皮肤是汉堡、怪物和鲸鱼。此段位还将为您提供 750 VIP 经验值,这将使您获得 VIP 等级 1。您将解锁树叶的获胜效果、SkyWars Chaos等。既然我们涵盖了此等级的战利品,那此等级值得吗?是的!此等级将为您提供大量不同的游戏战利品,例如前缀、笼子和墓碑。因此,如果您玩幸运方块之类的游戏,您将拥有炫酷的战利品来炫耀!下一期:幸运方块等级值得吗?

文章作者: camgames1256
翻译员: JOE
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🤔 Rank Review: SkyWars Rank

Rangs. EggWars. Guerres du ciel. Blocs chanceux. Sur l'édition CubeCraft Bedrock, les rangs sont des trucs achetables qui vous accordent des spécifiques objets dans le jeu et des avantages de vote. Aujourd'hui, nous allons parler de SkyWars Rank. SkyWars Rank est génial car il vous donne beaucoup de choses spécifiques à SkyWars. Qu'est-ce le classement SkyWars ? Il comprend 3 skins de coffre, 5 pierres tombales, 3 cages et 5 préfixes. Ce classement vous permet de choisir une carte pour SkyWars Solos, Duos, Teams of 4, Megas et Chaos. Vous pouvez voter pour les objets de coffre de base, les objets de coffre normaux et les objets de coffre surpuissants. Voyons maintenant quel butin vous obtiendrez. Les 3 cages incluses dans ce rang sont Mushroom, Rainbow Cloud et Cityscape. Les 5 pierres tombales qu'il comprend sont le pilier, l'ancre, la ville, le temple et la souche d'arbre. Les préfixes qu'il vous donne sont Archer, Base Builder, Sword Swinger, SkyWars Master et Chest Looter. Les 3 skins Chest sont Burger, Monster et Whale. Ce rang vous donnera également 750 points d'expérience VIP, ce qui vous donnera le niveau VIP 1. Vous débloquerez Leaves Win Effect, SkyWars Chaos, et plus encore. Maintenant que nous avons couvert le butin des rangs, le rang en vaut-il la peine ? Oui! Ce rang vous donnera une bonne quantité de butin de jeu différent, des cages et des pierres tombales comme des préfixes. Alors, si vous jouez à un jeu comme Lucky Blocks, vous aurez un super butin à montrer ! Prochaine édition : Le classement des LuckyIslands en vaut-il la peine? View attachment 207438

Article by: camgames1256
Traduit par: Firaso

✨ Was gibt's Neues im Jahr 2022?

Viele Community-Mitglieder haben lange darauf gewartet zu erfahren, was aus den Community-Gesprächen und den anderen Informationen über die kommenden Updates von CubeCraft geworden ist. Nun, dank des Beitrags, den Younisco am 2. Februar veröffentlichte, haben wir all das und noch viel mehr! Der Beitrag fasst alles zusammen, was im Jahr 2021 auf dem Server passiert ist, und kündigt auch einige der Pläne des Teams für 2022 an. Es ist sehr spannend, und da der ursprüngliche Beitrag bereits einen sehr eingängigen Titel hat, werde ich ihn wohl auch für meinen Artikel klauen! (Sorry)View attachment 207438
Der Beitrag bietet eine großartige Zusammenfassung einiger der großartigen Updates von 2021, einschließlich der RPGs, der regionalen Server und des Wachstums von CubeCrafts Marktplatzinhalten. Aber wenn ihr darüber lesen wollt, müsst ihr euch den Originalbeitrag ansehen, denn ich bin viel zu aufgeregt, um zu dem zu kommen, worauf wir alle gewartet haben: die Änderungen!
Es gibt einige Änderungen bei einigen Java-Spielen von CubeCraft. Erstens, Among Slimes wird von einem permanenten Spiel in die Rubrik der vorgestellten Spiele verschoben. Für euch Bedrock-Spieler bedeutet das, dass das Spiel Teil einer Rotation zwischen verschiedenen Spielen sein wird, die jeweils für zwei Tage verfügbar sind. Der Grund dafür ist die niedrige Spielerzahl in Among Slimes. Die andere Änderung ist, dass Assassinations, ein PvP-Spielmodus, komplett aus dem Netzwerk entfernt wird. Aus verschiedenen Gründen, die im Beitrag erläutert werden, hat Younisco erklärt, dass es für den Server nicht tragbar ist, das Spiel weiterhin zu betreiben.
Abgesehen von den traurigen Momenten ist eine der aufregendsten Änderungen die Aktualisierung des öffentlichen Ideenbretts von CubeCraft! Vor der Aktualisierung enthielt das Notion Board einige Informationen über die Community-Gespräche, die im Jahr 2020 und Anfang 2021 stattfanden. Wenn du ein neuerer CubeCraft-Spieler bist, weißt du vielleicht nicht, was Community-Talks sind. Es handelte sich dabei um Veranstaltungen auf dem Discord-Server, bei denen das Serverteam mit der Community zusammentraf, um mögliche Server-Updates zu beratschlagen. Es kann sein, dass es in Zukunft weitere Community-Talks geben wird, aber darüber haben wir derzeit keine Informationen.
Warum ist dieses Update für das Notion Board so aufregend? Nun, es wird nicht nur weiterhin die Informationen enthalten, die ich oben beschrieben habe, sondern auch einige Fortschrittsberichte über mögliche Server-Updates hinter den Kulissen! Die Erweiterung des öffentlichen Update-Boards bedeutet, dass wir jetzt ein paar Informationen über zukünftige Updates bekommen können, wie z.B. die Dimension SkyBlock End, die Möglichkeit, Beutegegenstände als Favoriten auszuwählen, und sogar ein SkyWars-Update! Denkt jedoch daran, dass sich alles auf der Website jederzeit ändern kann. Die Aktualisierungen sind in Kategorien eingeteilt, je nachdem, wie weit sie in der Entwicklung fortgeschritten sind. Das SkyWars-Update ist zum Beispiel als "In Arbeit" gekennzeichnet, während alles andere derzeit als "Backlog" markiert ist.
Du kannst den Link zum Notion Board oben in diesem Artikel finden, wenn du mehr darüber lesen möchtest. Wir sind sehr gespannt auf die Pläne von CubeCraft für 2022 und werden im Laufe des Jahres auf jeden Fall auf dem Laufenden bleiben!

Artikel von: Lyriie
Übersetzt von: xPerhaps_
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🤔 Rangübersicht: SkyWars Rang

Ränge. Eggwars. Skywars. Lucky Blocks. In der Bedrock-Edition von CubeCraft sind Ränge käufliche Gegenstände, die dir bestimmte Gegenstände im Spiel und Abstimmungsvorteile gewähren. Heute werden wir über den SkyWars-Rang sprechen. Der SkyWars-Rang ist genial, weil er dir viele spezifische Vorteile für SkyWars verleiht. Was ist der SkyWars-Rang? Er beinhaltet 3 Truhen-Skins, 5 Grabsteine, 3 Käfige und 5 Präfixe. Außerdem kannst du mit diesem Rang Karten für SkyWars Solos, Duos, 4er-Teams, Megas und Chaos bestimmen. Ihr könnt für Basis-Truhengegenstände, normale Truhengegenstände und mächtige Truhengegenstände abstimmen. Kommen wir nun zu der Beute, die ihr erhalten werdet. Die 3 Käfige, die in diesem Rang enthalten sind, sind Pilz, Regenbogenwolke und Stadtbild. Die 5 Grabsteine, die er beinhaltet, sind Säule, Anker, Stadt, Tempel und Baumstumpf. Die Präfixe, die ihr erhaltet, sind Bogenschütze, Basenbauer, Schwertschwinger, SkyWars-Meister und Truhenplünderer. Die 3 Truhen-Skins sind Burger, Monster und Whale. Mit diesem Rang erhaltet ihr außerdem 750 VIP-Erfahrung, was euch VIP-Stufe 1 einbringt. Du schaltest den Laubsieg-Effekt, SkyWars Chaos und mehr frei. Jetzt, wo wir über die Beute der Ränge gesprochen haben, ist der Rang es wert? Ja! Mit diesem Rang erhältst du eine große Menge verschiedener Spielbeute, wie Präfixe, Käfige und Grabsteine. Wenn du also ein Spiel wie Lucky Blocks spielst, wirst du coole Beute haben, mit der du angeben kannst! Nächste Ausgabe: Lohnt sich der Lucky Islands Rang?

Artikel von: camgames1256
Übersetzt von: xPerhaps_

Valentine's day

Selamlar! Yeni bir basıma hoşgeldiniz! Ne yazık ki bu baskı, çeviri yapacağımız sonuncu olacak çünkü yeterince okunduklarını düşünmüyoruz. 😔 O yüzden çevirilmiş son TCCT'nizin tadını çıkarın!
View attachment 207438

👤 Arkadaş Listesi ve İstatistikler

10 Şubat Perşembe günü arkadaş listesi ve istatistikler menüsüne birkaç güzel yenilik getirildi. Bu güncellemeler çoğunlukla birkaç iletilen öneriden ilham alınarak yapıldı ve sonuçlar oldukça iyi.
Arkadaş listesi artık arkadaşların yerlerini gösteriyor. Yani içinde oldukları lobi ve bulundukları sunucu bölgesi de görünecek. Ayrıca liste artık alfabetik sırada, yani bir arkadaşı bulmak daha kolay. Ek olarak, bir partner veya yetkili üyesi olan bir arkadaşınız varsa gizlenmişken isimleri üstü çizili görünecek. Yani kendilerini yanlışlıkla tüm lobiye ifşalamayacaksınız! Yani, umarız...
Java'daki istatistikler menüsü yenilendi. Çok daha hoş bir şekilde düzenlendi ve bir oyuna ait istatistikleri bulmak artık daha kolay. Bunun üstüne, oyundayken kullanılabilen bir /stats komudu eklendi, bununla içinde bulunduğunuz oyundaki istatistiklerinizi hızlıca görebiliyorsunuz.

Lyriie tarafından yazıldı
Çevirmen: Roxlad

🖥️ Forum Güncellemesi

Forum kullanıcılarının çok kez istediği bir şey sonunda geldi: Necro-posting için bir çözüm! Çoğu kişi yeni üyelerin necro-posting kuralını görmezden geldiğini veya uyarılmadıklarından şikayetçiydi - yani üç haftadan uzun bir süredir cevap verilmeyen bir başlıkta paylaşım yapıyorlardı. 9 Şubat Çarşamba gününde forumlara buna benzer başlıklarda paylaşım yapılmaya çalışıldığında yeni bir uyarı mesajı eklendi. Bunun eklenmesi de bir topluluk önerisi sayesinde oldu.View attachment 207438
Bunun dışında forumlarda bir tane daha ufak bir değişiklik oldu. Öneri başlıkları artık iki etiket içerebiliyor! Yani, öneri başlığı artık hem önerinin durumunu (iletildiğini, planlandığını, reddedildiğini vs.), hem de hangi platform için olduğunu (Java, Bedrock, Discord vs.) söyleyebiliyor. Önceden sadece bir etiket seçilebiliyordu.
Ayrıca gitmeden önce forumlar güncellenirken girmeye çalışan şanslı birkaç kişiden biriyseniz, BenH kullanıcısının bu sırada dinlememiz için açtığı Nyan Cat, Baby Shark, Crab Rave ve diğer bütün şarkılarda bize katıldığınız için sağ olun!

[COLOR=rgb(153,0,255)[USER=410146]Lyriie[/USER] tarafından yazıldı[/COLOR]
Çevirmen: Roxlad

🌟 Top 3 Başlık

🥇 Kurallar bölümündeki diller berbat Goefy tarafından yazıldı

Çoğu kural, diğer diller bölümünde ya yarım yamalak ya da hiç çevrilmemiş durumda ve bu da oyuncuların anlayamamasına sebep oluyor. Goefy bunu farketti ve hepsinin çevrilmesini önerdi.

🥈 3.14 Kural Değişikliğine Dair Öneri Blom tarafından yazıldı

CubeCraft başlıkları bumplamayı yasakladı ve Blom bunun değişmesi gerektiğini düşünüyor. Artık 25 onaya ulaşmak çok daha zor!

🥉 FFA bilgisi - yeniden başlama süresi FoxFil_ tarafından yazıldı

FoxFil_, FFA haritalarında yeniden başlatmaya ne kadar kaldığının gösterilmesi gerektiğini öneriyor!

xHappyMood tarafından yazıldı
Çevirmen: Roxlad

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📜 Yetkili Değişiklikleri

Yakın zaman AlexpYT192 ve Pritt, helper'dan moderatörlüğe terfi etti. Ancak LoveAndMafia, Videoguy ve WV03 helper rollerini kaybettiler. TheBlackPlague developer oldu; coco147200, Dutchyyy ve ToastedByTom helper rolünü kazandı. Son olarak, Exarpo Senior Translator rolünü kaybetti.View attachment 207438

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THIS THREAD WAS MADE BY: @xEefsterView attachment 207438
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BicolourSine41 wrote on ADEM CRAFTXX's profile.
Ngl ur pretty helpful!
BicolourSine41 wrote on ADEM CRAFTXX's profile.
Tysm for the follow!!!
guys should i change my username?
Fjackp14_ wrote on 𝑷𝑹𝑶 𝑾𝑰𝑵𝑵𝑨𝑨𝑹's profile.
Have you broken free from the backrooms now? Or can you still not find a way out...
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