Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net


Forum Expert
Sep 11, 2022
Somewhere in the North pole
Hello today I would be suggesting a change to Lava floor which is a microgame on Minerware. On the current version Lava floor is a completely flat plain where the blocks will change from green to orange to red and finally Lava. I suggest that we change this as their a game identical to this called "Thin Ice". We should change it so that it a longish game being 45 seconds long (Like evade the pig) and instead of it being a long flat piece of land it should be a platform held above Lava. Every second Lava will rise 2-3 Blocks higher and the players would need to do parkour to get higher to avoid the lava. The players should all be visable but in their tiny form (like in avoid the crocodile) as to not obstruct vision. As you get higher up parkour becomes harder making you do stuff like jump on ladder and bars balancing (maybe even a slime jump) but here the thing. The players won't even need to get all the way up as the Lava only makes it up half way but if a player does get to the top they should get 2 points instead of the usual one. Falling would of course mean death and they wouldn't get any. This way you got more strategy and people wondering if they should risk it or not and maybe even some clutching. People who die in this one shouldn't be placed in the red block but should instead be set to spectator mode (like TNT run) and the people who do make it to the top and touch the 2 point trophy should be put in the green box.

Imo this would make the game better as it not a just a recolor Thin ice but instead it would be a game of it own with bigger potential as you could add new maps and remove old disliked ones.

Anyways this is my suggestion I'm curious to what the community would think. Please comment what about this idea you would change if you think it can be improved.

Thanks for reading and have a good day


Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2023
I think this is a good idea as long as there is a variety of maps to choose from, because players would quickly memorize routs to get to the highest place. Another idea is to make fire spread faster than normal, so the spreading of fire becomes an additional risk. I agree that lava floor is boring in its current state.
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Forum Expert
Sep 11, 2022
Somewhere in the North pole
I think this is a good idea as long as there is a variety of maps to choose from, because players would quickly memorize routs to get to the highest place. Another idea is to make fire spread faster than normal, so the spreading of fire becomes an additional risk. I agree that lava floor is boring in its current state.
You think that adding a flint and steel (low durability) in a chest after a little bit in would also be good as a way for the fastest player to hurt their opponents and be rewarded for doing good (of course the track itself wouldn't burn down as that would be majorly unfair). Or do you think it be better leaving fire to be natural?


Forum Expert
May 25, 2022
I think this is a good idea as long as there is a variety of maps to choose from, because players would quickly memorize routs to get to the highest place. Another idea is to make fire spread faster than normal, so the spreading of fire becomes an additional risk. I agree that lava floor is boring in its current state.
You should vote agree (:agree:) if you like the suggestion!
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Well-Known Member
i really like this suggestion, but it would be weird if only this certain game gives more than one point. so i would add this for more games, for example in the coin collecting game, if you collect 10 coins instead of 4, youll get 2 points, and if you catch up too the crocodile you will also get 2 points.


Forum Expert
Sep 11, 2022
Somewhere in the North pole
i really like this suggestion, but it would be weird if only this certain game gives more than one point. so i would add this for more games, for example in the coin collecting game, if you collect 10 coins instead of 4, youll get 2 points, and if you catch up too the crocodile you will also get 2 points.
Agreed it felt weird giving this one multiple points. That why 2 should be the maximum as nothing should get higher than a boss game. If they were too add extra points I think they should only add 2 so it goes up too 20. It be weird having it stop on a random number like 23.
I would go for the coin minigame and bring it up to 20 coins. 10 coins are a bit too easy and sometimes it take 8 to qualify so you would need 2 more on some occasion. 20 it alot harder to get but still possible and I really think that how it should be. An extra points should be something you really need to work for so the crocodile one be too easy.

I supposed if cubecraft want to tho they can just do in with the whole extra point part and just add the game and make it a requirement to get to the top. It be better than having the same game two times but different colour (it would also feel a lot more like the floor is lava imo)


Speedy Wing Rush Gonzales
Aug 4, 2017
meow meow
Honestly, I don’t know. Lava floor, or as I prefer to call it, ‘The floor is lava’, is a pretty fun microgame that is kind of luck and swiftness-based. The newly added Thin ice microgame is just another version of it that has one less stage of the block breaking.

I believe you could be onto something with rising lava idea. I’d personally say it’d be fun to see this as a new boss game instead of a microgame. Microgames aren’t supposed to take too long as MinerWare is all about being able to keep up with the pace. My idea, it twists your original idea a little (sorry), would be to make a not-too-difficult parkour course over rising lava with checkpoints here and there and about three lives. If you fall in, you respawn at a checkpoint, if you lose all your lives you are eliminated. If you don’t get far enough and the lava rises above your checkpoint and you fall in, you’re eliminated. The one who gets furthest wins. Interesting idea?


Forum Expert
Sep 11, 2022
Somewhere in the North pole
Honestly, I don’t know. Lava floor, or as I prefer to call it, ‘The floor is lava’, is a pretty fun microgame that is kind of luck and swiftness-based. The newly added Thin ice microgame is just another version of it that has one less stage of the block breaking.

I believe you could be onto something with rising lava idea. I’d personally say it’d be fun to see this as a new boss game instead of a microgame. Microgames aren’t supposed to take too long as MinerWare is all about being able to keep up with the pace. My idea, it twists your original idea a little (sorry), would be to make a not-too-difficult parkour course over rising lava with checkpoints here and there and about three lives. If you fall in, you respawn at a checkpoint, if you lose all your lives you are eliminated. If you don’t get far enough and the lava rises above your checkpoint and you fall in, you’re eliminated. The one who gets furthest wins. Interesting idea?
Wouldn't that just make it longer tho wouldn't it? as less people dying would mean people need to wait more.

Also 45 seconds is long but it the same amount of time as the pig microgames so it isn't as long as it sounds. I'm pretty sure the cook food micro game is close to that time as well so I don't really see time as an issue. It could even be changed depending on the map if they really want to add to it.

Saying that I think your right in saying it could also work as a boss game and assuming it does get added as a boss game the three lives system would be better. Especially at this point it would be a parkour based boss game which is similar but very different to TNT run. Which could probably be fun

So if it does become a boss game = 3 lives
If it doesn't become a boss game= 1 life

What do you think about that
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Speedy Wing Rush Gonzales
Aug 4, 2017
meow meow
Wouldn't that just make it longer tho wouldn't it? as less people dying would mean people need to wait more.

Also 45 seconds is long but it the same amount of time as the pig microgames so it isn't as long as it sounds. I'm pretty sure the cook food micro game is close to that time as well so I don't really see time as an issue. It could even be changed depending on the map if they really want to add to it.

Saying that I think your right in saying it could also work as a boss game and assuming it does get added as a boss game the three lives system would be better. Especially at this point it would be a parkour based boss game which is similar but very different to TNT run. Which could probably be fun

So if it does become a boss game = 3 lives
If it doesn't become a boss game= 1 life

What do you think about that
Sounds interesting :D
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Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2023
You think that adding a flint and steel (low durability) in a chest after a little bit in would also be good as a way for the fastest player to hurt their opponents and be rewarded for doing good (of course the track itself wouldn't burn down as that would be majorly unfair). Or do you think it be better leaving fire to be natural?
I think low durability flint and steel is a good idea, but chests containing should be placed in the bottom of the map, for example, in a cave. Players who go for it have to risk the time they have. I also think we should make these chests in secret locations, for example, behind a painting.
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Forum Expert
May 25, 2020
Hello today I would be suggesting a change to Lava floor which is a microgame on Minerware. On the current version Lava floor is a completely flat plain where the blocks will change from green to orange to red and finally Lava. I suggest that we change this as their a game identical to this called "Thin Ice". We should change it so that it a longish game being 45 seconds long (Like evade the pig) and instead of it being a long flat piece of land it should be a platform held above Lava. Every second Lava will rise 2-3 Blocks higher and the players would need to do parkour to get higher to avoid the lava. The players should all be visable but in their tiny form (like in avoid the crocodile) as to not obstruct vision. As you get higher up parkour becomes harder making you do stuff like jump on ladder and bars balancing (maybe even a slime jump) but here the thing. The players won't even need to get all the way up as the Lava only makes it up half way but if a player does get to the top they should get 2 points instead of the usual one. Falling would of course mean death and they wouldn't get any. This way you got more strategy and people wondering if they should risk it or not and maybe even some clutching. People who die in this one shouldn't be placed in the red block but should instead be set to spectator mode (like TNT run) and the people who do make it to the top and touch the 2 point trophy should be put in the green box.

Imo this would make the game better as it not a just a recolor Thin ice but instead it would be a game of it own with bigger potential as you could add new maps and remove old disliked ones.

Anyways this is my suggestion I'm curious to what the community would think. Please comment what about this idea you would change if you think it can be improved.

Thanks for reading and have a good day
Thin ice was a re-colour of lava floor - 😭


Forum Expert
Sep 11, 2022
Somewhere in the North pole
Thin ice was a re-colour of lava floor - 😭
They are both a recolour of each other. Just because pokémon blue came out first doesn't mean that pokémon blue and green aren't the exact same game but different colour.

Serious answer I think having to hop to block to blocks fits more with the floor is laval than a random flooding
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lorilambthecoolgamer wrote on luminance69's profile.
BicolourSine41 wrote on TheOrderOfSapphire's profile.
Oh wow! 3k reaction score! Congrats! Same day as my 1k!
Yes! 1000 reaction score! Thanks to@Reesle for being my 1k reaction! Still did not get my trophy points...
Im so close to 1000 reaction score!
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Welcome 🤗 🤗
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