Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net


  1. Juskebat

    Java Infection - Change the 'Wins: x' to 'Human Wins: x'

    You have two different kind of wins in Infection, one is the infected wins, and two is the human wins. They are seperated on your statistics. The leaderboard counts with human wins and not with infected wins. Though the leaderboard says 'Wins: x'. Many people are confused as they think they have...
  2. P

    Infection drop speed

    From my personal experience the gamemode "Infection" usually ends with the infected winning. I think to make the game a bit more balanced you could for example: Make the humans drop a bit before the infected not neccesarily a very long time but maybe 5-10 seconds so the humans can have a bit...
  3. P

    Video Third on the Infection leaderboard!

    Hi everyone, Thanks for showing interest in my video ^-^ First of all, I'd like to say that I got on the Infection leaderboard, after grinding with a playtime of 1 day and 6 hours. I am fully aware that the game is incredibly unbalanced. I've never been so high on a leaderboard before :D Of...
  4. P

    Video Made it on to the leaderboard!

    Hi everyone, Thanks for showing interest in my video ^-^ First of all, I'd like to say that I got on the Infection leaderboard, after grinding with a playtime of 1 day and 6 hours. I am fully aware that the game is incredibly unbalanced. It's my first time ever on a leaderboard, man, it felt...
  5. Cubo ㅤ

    Suggestion for Infection

    Today I want to suggest two things that in my opinion should be changed. [First] The fall damage. Is not normal to die with 4 blocks of distance at the start. Solution: add a grace time of 15 seconds, for example. [Second] Respawn button. This is abussed to get the "Human finder" perk...
  6. P

    [Infection] Release

    Hi there The game Infection has been in beta for quite some time now It's about time for the release --- L E A D E R B O A R D S I've seen some complains about how easy it is to win a game. Currently, the leaderboard is about the overall wins When releasing the game with its own lobby, there's...
  7. P

    Implemented Assists in Infection

    Hi ^-^ Not much to say here, read title I see/get killsteal(ed) a lot, so that's why I think this should be added Thanks ;p
  8. P

    Infection Suggestion

    Thanks a lot for joining me today, I'm suggesting to the Cubecraft staff team how they can improve Infection Thank you so much for reading! Please keep in mind that if you don't know what Infection is, or you have never played it, you can't know what I'm talking about. Infection could be...
  9. Superspeed

    Remove extremely loud noise from infection

    You know that loud sound you get after dying in infection and the respawn counter starts? Yeah, it's loud, and its to the point where it legitimately hurts my ears, and I don't put my game sounds up too high, so I bet it's extremely annoying for anyone who likes to play their games at a high...
  10. Fighterzx_


    This is my first time posting, please don't get mad at me for being triggered :p This isn't the first time I've seen it. Everytime the game starts, at least two people will run straight to the mines, dig down and kill themselves so that they can be infected! This gives the infected an unfair...
  11. Cactus Awex

    Small Suggestion #2

    I would like to suggest that we make more than one map for Infection. Some map ideas are: Heaven: You're in a floating quartz thingy. Hell: You're in an underground floating fire thingy. Field: You're in a floating farmer's field thingy. Egypt: You're in a floating desert with sculptures and...
  12. KacperParkour

    Add Insane Parkour to Infection/EggWars Team

    Add insane parkour to Infection/EggWars Team I would like to be added insane parkour to Infection/EggWars Team, because Easy / Medium / Hard Parkour are too easy for good jumpers. Layout Parkour's layout is similar to hard parkour, but more difficult and longer. Jumps List of jumps that should...
  13. Cactus Awex

    Infection: New Mobs and Human Kits. (Update #2)

    Disclaimer: I already know @TriangleAttack made a new mobs suggestion, but that doesn't mean only he is allowed to do it! (So before you say THAT MOB IS MADE BY @TriangleAttack just remember I had these ideas before I saw his suggestion). New Mobs: Human Kits:
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