Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net


Dedicated Member
Jan 6, 2015
Hey People!

To continue on the thread of @ChaoticGreen I also came up with some ideas.

Bows are only available with points. It would be nice if you could buy it in weapon shops. The nice thing is that you could add enchants and Effect Arrows.

Just put a juicy fat sign at the spawn that says: HACKERTEAMING IS BANNABLE.


It takes 2 seconds between pressing /hub and leaving save out of combat. This would prevent runners with speedpots from cleaning gear and leaving.

To prevent shopcamping, allow people in the shop for 30 seconds and then a 30 second ban from the shop.

Healing Pots
Adding Instant Health 1 pots in shop. Make them like 200 a piece and dont add Instant Health 2 because that is way too OP.

Big big BIG thing I want to see soon.

If you have seen anything you don't like please tell me down here. If you do like all of this just leave a like :).

Power Ranger

Forum Professional
Apr 20, 2016
The ♡
I never use the point shop but sounds ok :P effect arrows might be a bit op though

The problem is you don't always know whether someone your teaming with is hacking or not. Recently on my practice server a big community member was banned for hacking as they were using a ghost client. They foolishly enabled noSlowDown once and were banned. It took people 2 months to find that out and even the best of pvpers couldn't tell. So I don't think it should be a rule at all that you can't team with hackers as in many cases you just can't tell. Also a lot of people have very little experience with hacks and won't be able to tell if someone is hacking or not.
It takes 2 seconds between pressing /hub and leaving save out of combat. This would prevent runners with speedpots from cleaning gear and leaving.
I think this would be a good idea then :3
Some people could just be taking a while to buy things so I think if you haven't used the villager for 20 seconds in the shop you have your shop protection removed.
Healing Pots
I don't mind this :P
Why not? I personally would rather have devs working on projects in the 1.9 version though
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Dedicated Member
Mar 10, 2016
Hey People!

To continue on the thread of @ChaoticGreen I also came up with some ideas.

Bows are only available with points. It would be nice if you could buy it in weapon shops. The nice thing is that you could add enchants and Effect Arrows.

Just put a juicy fat sign at the spawn that says: HACKERTEAMING IS BANNABLE.


It takes 2 seconds between pressing /hub and leaving save out of combat. This would prevent runners with speedpots from cleaning gear and leaving.

To prevent shopcamping, allow people in the shop for 30 seconds and then a 30 second ban from the shop.

Healing Pots
Adding Instant Health 1 pots in shop. Make them like 200 a piece and dont add Instant Health 2 because that is way too OP.

Big big BIG thing I want to see soon.

If you have seen anything you don't like please tell me down here. If you do like all of this just leave a like :).
I agree with the bows, besides that I never use them. I also agree with hackerteaming, and /hub, and shops. The others I am neutral on.
What exactly is your suggestion here? :3
He means it takes to seconds to get to hub after typing /hub


I don't agree with the shop 30 second rule because if you are getting targeted by a full diamond and you only have diamond chest it wouldn't be fair so they would just dying because they can't get into the shops.


Forum Veteran
Oct 18, 2015
Bows are only available with points. It would be nice if you could buy it in weapon shops. The nice thing is that you could add enchants and Effect Arrows.
Don't see why bows shouldn't be in shops, so I agree with that. I don't really think having potion effect arrows will be a good addition to assassins though.
Just put a juicy fat sign at the spawn that says: HACKERTEAMING IS BANNABLE.
I understand it's frustrating when people team with hackers, but they usually just do this because they don't want to die to them. They might not even know the player they're teaming with is a hacker, I'm sure even I've had such a situation before.
It takes 2 seconds between pressing /hub and leaving save out of combat. This would prevent runners with speedpots from cleaning gear and leaving.
I really like this idea, and I think it would prevent people a bit from doing the things you mentioned.
To prevent shopcamping, allow people in the shop for 30 seconds and then a 30 second ban from the shop.
I don't think this is a good idea to prevent shop camping, players could still reset that 30 second timer and it's also kind of frustrating when you get focussed and you get a shop ban.
Healing Pots
Adding Instant Health 1 pots in shop. Make them like 200 a piece and dont add Instant Health 2 because that is way too OP.
Don't really see a problem with this, but it seems kinda useless because a golden apple is way better.
Big big BIG thing I want to see soon.
I wouldn't mind seeing this, but I'm not sure if it would attract enough players.
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Heya, after a good while years having not appreciated sleep a lot, have I learned things. I have most of the times seen it as a hindrance to things such as relations and projects. But after years I realised that you need to sleep to be well. Both physically and mentally. When I also realized that I could work better and more efficiently, did I try to get more sleep. That reminds me, I need to sleep now hah XD
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Thank you so mush for everything

I know i am late bc i didn't realize that you have left the team sadly we see the better one go ..
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