Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net
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Forum Veteran
Apr 10, 2018
Sofia, Bulgaria

Hello dear storytellers!
A little bird told me you’ve got a sunburning desire to unleash your inner artists, so I’ve decided to give you this opportunity.

Welcome to my unofficial CubeCraft Games Summer Story Competition! If you have got an interesting story to tell, post it here and compete with others for the hot prizes!

1st: 10 Summer Cubelets
2nd: 3 Summer Cubelets

The rules of the story competition are the following:
- Your story must be 100% original. No stealing! Parodies are allowed.
- Keep your story appropriate.
- Your story must have something to do with both CubeCraft and Summer in general.
- Bonus points for creativity! You could make your story a song or edit a video together.
- If your story is too long to post here, you can either upload it to pastebin and provide a link.

The deadline for submissions is August 20th! Good luck to all the participants!


Jun 19, 2019
i go pvp morning to friend to pvp group the tropcal maps to fight a get the knocked to water it was cool XD i sayd NOOOOOO!!! then go to fast kit for me to fight but knocked to water AGAIIN end


Aug 2, 2019
we take me 2 dog to at beach a bit from where live they sit in back seat next me one dogy go cry an be sick it smells likes tunas :oops::oops: the other eat it an that what happen when i go beach


Forum Professional
Sep 18, 2016
The Netherlands

Hi everyone, this is a story about Tom, a 14-years-old boy and will tell you something about his summer. Its name is Australia. I hope you’ll enjoy! \o/


Chapter 1

“Hi mom, I’m home!”, said Tom. Tom was super excited because tomorrow, they (Tom and his family) would go from the Netherlands, all the way to Australia to celebrate their vacation! It would be his first time in an airplane, which made him even more excited. “Hey Tom, how was your day at school?”, asked his mother, but Tom ran upstairs to pack his bags as fast as he could, so he totally forgot answering her question. The family was in a hurry because a lot of things still had to be packed, but eventually, when everyone packed their bags, the family was relieved because that job was done.
The next day Tom and his family would drive from a small village near the capital of his county to Amsterdam, the capital of his country. They would leave early to go sightseeing in Amsterdam, because the airplane they would fly on would depart in the evening. Tom had once been in Amsterdam, but didn’t remember a lot of it because he was only 4 when he visited the city. When they arrived in the city the first thing they saw was the massive number of tourists in the city; Asians, Americans, British people, they all were there! “The number of people around here is impressive!”, Tom said. They first went to the Rijksmuseum, one of the biggest, if not the biggest museum of the country. When they finished looking at paintings of the biggest painters of the world, they wandered around for some hours until Tom’s father took a look at his telephone. “Sh*t! It’s 6 PM already and the airplane departs within an hour, at 7 PM!”, shouted Tom’s father. The family ran to the car and drove to the airport as fast as they could. When they finally arrived at the airport Tom was shocked: He could not find his mobile phone! “Guys, I think I forgot my mobile phone in the museum we visited!”, said Tom.
“Are you sure it’s not in the pocket of your jacket?”, said his mother. “No, it’s not there! Maybe it’s in your bag?”, said Tom. “I think you’re unlucky because I can’t find it and we have no time to go back. If I were you, I would buy a new one. You have saved money, right?” said Tom’s mother.
“Yes, I have saved money, but money’s not the problem! How am I supposed to play CubeCraft now? You know that’s my favorite Minecraft server, right?”, said Tom.
“Don’t complain about that stupid game now, Tom.”, said his mother. “Not being able to play a game is not the end of the world and after all, we’re going to Australia! You will be able to entertain yourself in the swimming pool and by fighting with kangaroos, right? There’s so much more to do than playing mobile games on your phone.”
“Yes, I think you are right. This is gonna be the best vacation ever!”, said Tom.
Although the family almost missed their flight, they managed to reach the airplane in time, and landed safely in Australia. Losing his phone was not a big deal anymore, because in the airplane there was a WI-FI connection and there were special tablet screens which allowed him to play on CubeCraft. He could tell his friends about the things he had experienced in Amsterdam, and he told them about losing his phone, and how terrible it was. And of course, about the airplane, which had this great tablet he was playing on.

Chapter 2

When they finally landed at the airport of Brisbane, they had flown 20 hours. Not bad for your first time in an airplane! The family was delighted to be in Australia and drove to a place near Nudgee Beach, which is near the centre of Brisbane, and is very close to the Tasman Sea.
Tom was lucky because when it’s summer in the Netherlands, it is winter in Australia. But even in the winter it’s still hot there, so he basically spent the afternoons there chilling in his room with his mom’s mobile phone. After 4 days of being there, Tom played CubeCraft on his mom’s phone, and almost got in the first place of the Bedrock SkyWars leaderboard! Only one more win and he would be there! But then, all of a sudden, he got a call of his uncle, who told him to give the phone to his mom, to talk about something serious.
When Tom’s mom and his uncle finished talking, his mom convened the family to talk about something. “Hi, I have called you together to talk about something. I have just spoke with your uncle and he told me that your grandmother, so my mother, is sick.”, said Tom’s mother.
“Okay, but that’s not a huge problem, right?”, said his sister. “It’s not just sickness, she was diagnosed colon cancer.” The family was shocked when they heard the bad news and nobody knew what to say really. Then Tom asked what they were going to do in the following days. His mother replied that they were gonna stay in Australia, because everyone needed a vacation, and granny would probably not have any troubles until they were back in the Netherlands. They had experienced this kind of situations before when they went to one of Holland’s islands. Tom’s mother had to go back to the coast to take care of her sister, who was dying. Eventually, her sister made it and is still alive. The years after the sister-incident Tom’s family didn’t want to go far from home when it came to vacations; they were scared of another incident. But this year, nothing would stand in their way. They would have the greatest vacation ever in Australia! Some days passed and granny seemed to become even healthier than before, until they received a call from Tom’s uncle: Granny passed away. The family was in turmoil and had to pack their bags, to return to the Netherlands again. Then, the doctor who took care of granny called. He told Tom’s mother that granny’s sickness was detected too late and that colon cancer is very progressive. Some may survive months or even years, and some only a few days or weeks. Tom’s family was very sad and when they drove to the airport everyone was quiet, and trying to handle the grief. Tom was also very quiet but was also playing on his mother’s phone. Normally, she didn’t want Tom to play too long on her phone but in the car, she didn’t mind, for obvious reasons. This time, the family got to the airport on time. “This was supposed to be the best vacation ever”, said Tom. “But it turned out to be a real nightmare.”, and then his father put an arm around him, trying to comfort him.

Chapter 3

When the airplane departed, everything seemed to be fine. Of course, there was some turbulence around the plane, but that is a common thing. Tom was playing on the tablet of the airplane again and was flexing with his first place on the Bedrock SkyWars leaderboard. As a matter of course, he was still sad, but CubeCraft comforted him, because if he played Cube he could talk about his sadness with his friends. Everything went well on the plane. After all they booked business class seats so everything was supposed to be fine. Tom was just chilling with a coke in his left hand and a tablet in his right hand when the pilots announced that they were at ½ of the flight. Tom was a little bored of playing SkyWars so he decided to put his coke and the tablet away, and he slept for some hours, until he heard a lot of noise. He woke up confused when he saw that a duck flew into one of the plane engines. It wasn’t a pleasure for his eyes, let that be clear. Anyways, this meant that the plane was forced to make an emergency landing near Poland. “Phew!”, thought Tom. “Luckily Poland isn’t that far away from the Netherlands! Hopefully the emergency landing won’t take that long, and hopefully the problem won’t take long to be solved.”
Then he fell asleep again, and when he woke up, he was dizzy and had a severe headache. Then he opened his eyes. “What the heck!?”, thought Tom. The plane crashed near the airport! He looked around him and searched for his family, but he couldn’t move. “What is all of this!?”, thought Tom. “Why can’t I move? Is this a horrible nightmare?”
Then he went knock-out again. When he woke up he was in some sort of hospital. A couple of doctor-looking men were standing around him and were talking Polish, so he couldn’t understand them. “You English?”, asked one of the doctors. “No, I’m Dutch!”, said Tom. “And where i s my mother? My father? Where is my family?”
Then everything went black and Tom realised that he was knock-out again. He heard some voices around him. Apparently the Polish hospital also had some English doctors, because he heard them shouting at each other. “Heart beat dropping! Blood pressure is no longer measureable!”, they shouted. “The patient is in some sort of shock! Is there anything we can do to save him?”
Then he heard and felt nothing for quite a while, when suddenly he heard an English man shouting that the patient was waking up again. “What a miracle!”, the doctor said.
Tom asked the doctor what happened to his family and he said that his mother didn’t survive the crash, but that his father and his sister were in intensive care. The doctor also said that Tom had some organ transplantations because some of his organs didn’t funcionate anymore after his shock. He barely got off the hook, but hey, Tom managed to survive so that was a good thing. “But,”, said the doctor. “I also have some bad news for you. Try to move your legs and your back.”
“I can’t!”, said Tom. “That is true.”, said that doctor. “Miraculously you managed to survive both the crash and the shock, but directly after the crash your spine broke. Unfortunately, we couldn’t save your legs. Luckily, your neck didn’t break so you can still move your arms.”
“Yeah, that’s another way to look at it. I have to stay positive.”, said Tom.

Chapter 4

2 months had passed after the plane incident, and Tom and his family were still recovering from their injuries. His sister was still in intensive care, but his father recovered faster than she did. Miraculously he was able to walk again. In spite of this miracle, he did lose an arm and a leg, but he didn’t really mind. All he wanted was getting his precious wife back, which was obviously not a possibility. Tom was very happy that he could still use his arms; he could still play the game he loved, which was Minecraft. Although Tom was a very good player and was still in the lead of the SkyWars leaderboard, he was constantly disrespected and harassed for never coming outside and always playing Minecraft. Although he had obvious reasons for this, as he was still recovering, he didn’t want to tell the story to anyone else but his dearest friends. They supported him whenever he needed help, but of course, they couldn’t always be online, just like every other normal kid, so Tom was still bullied by other players who were jealous of his place on the leaderboard. After the bullying continued he quit Minecraft. He was proud of his first place on the leaderboard but didn’t want to be bullied anymore. His sister and father had both already recovered from their injuries, and were ready to go outside again, as 4 months had passed already. They went to the grave of their grandmothers and mothers/wife, as they both were in one grave, because Tom’s mother died one day after his grandmother. There they stood. For the first time after 4 months, they had the possibility to get near granny and mother again. Tom’s father carried his sister with the arm he still had, and Tom sat in a wheelchair.
They cried.

~The End~

@Riley I think I went nuts


Jul 13, 2019
hey: I thought, why not? Bit of a coincidence, but mine is also set in Australia, but specifically this city called Rockingham in Western Australia. Anyway, here goes:

The Opal
He moved his hands to gently rest on his black pants, staining them with sweat. He bent backwards into the cushioning of his chair, tilting his head forward. The wood of the chair beside him creaked softly when his mother sat atop the mauve cushion. Dark fabric spilled over the edge of the chair as she shifted to focus on him. A wave of silence filled the cold air.

The older woman let her lips part, a soft whimper escaping her mouth. He found his hands reaching for his mother’s. He held them tightly. Allowing his face to relax into a faint smile, he drew his hands back to his lap. His mother sniffled and tentatively brought a used tissue to her eyes. Her hand dropped to rummage in her leather handbag, before her slender fingers reappeared. She opened her palm in the direction of her son. The black chain dropped from the shaking limb, falling quietly into his own outstretched hand. He studied the chain, turning it around to gaze into the creamy swirls of a white opal. He immediately recognised the chain.

It was his brother’s. Found stuck between rocks, powdered with sand. He and his brother had become quickly attracted to the milky gemstone. His brother, a year older, had elected himself as the rightful owner of the chain. The opal had sat there, resting against his chest, until three days ago. It was three days ago that his brother had been announced dead.


It had been a humid day - in the middle of summer. He was sat in his mother’s living room. His brother had announced a last-minute trip to Indonesia with his friends. They were celebrating their recent graduation from university.

The summer had been tedious that year. With his brother gone, he and his mother had no stable form of income. At the start of spring, he had applied for a job at a nearby office. His brother had lent him the opal - “for good luck”, he had claimed. He was given the job almost instantly, investing in an air conditioning unit for his small family - they had never had one before. When the spring rains had ended, and the flowers began to wilt in the heat, he had received the news that his position had been terminated. Unable to work elsewhere, he and his mother had been forced to spend yet another long summer in the blistering heat.

They had been gripped with the absence of wealth for most of his life. His mother, a recovered alcoholic, had been abandoned by his father when he was young. He had wanted, when he was older, to sell the opal. But it was pointless - others described the opal as “bad luck” and refused to purchase the item. Now, struggling to find the money to keep their house, the air conditioner sat lifeless and unused.

The knocking that fell upon their door that afternoon had lifted them from their mild conversation. His mother had later returned from the door with wet eyes, collapsing against him.


He gave his mother a toothless smile, chewing on his bottom lip. The woman ran an arm across her face, drying her tear-stained cheeks. He stretched his own arm towards his mother. The chain fell onto her thighs between his separated fingers and he stood. Granting her a saccharine smile before he disappeared from her sight.


It was when the heat had dulled, the sun guarded by grey clouds, that he had been called to stand by his mother’s side in her hospital bed. A single vehicle accident had left her in intensive care. Outside, the air was fragile - plagued with dark clouds.

His mother gripped his hand in her weak grasp. He stared into her glazed eyes, pleadingly. “Don’t leave me.”

She pulled her lips into a thin line. The skin below her eyes was stained with black from her mascara and her nose had become reddened and irritated. Her leant downwards to press his dry, cracked lips against her sweaty forehead. His mother shivered violently beneath him. He pulled away to brush the tips of his fingers across a thin cut on the side of her head. Flakes of dried blood fell from her matted hair. He placed his lips on her cheek and returned to a standing position.

Her eyes squinted with the sound of thunder in the distance. He knelt beside her, his arms resting on the threadbare blanket. With the finality of her strength, she lifted the chain from around her neck, holding it towards her youngest son.


His body swayed with the rocking of the waves. He had convinced himself of the opal’s responsibility in the passing of his family. He was but a stranger to the history of the opal. At first, he had doubted the superstitious properties of the gemstone - just a simple rumour spread by diamond traders. As time continued to flow, however, he had felt more inclined to believe the tale.

His brother had been involved in many ‘unlucky’ scenarios. Though not one of them had been life-threatening (before his death), his sibling had been left to feel misfortunate at times. It was when his mother had been admitted to hospital, wearing the opal, that he had felt certain of the theory.

The water stilled as the ferry reached land. He stepped onto the small dock and traipsed towards the beach.

It was this beach, on the western side of the tiny island, littered with rocks and grass, in which his brother had found the chain. Sitting on the soft sand, his hands moved to wearily press into his smooth skin. He let his thoughts wander - to fully assess the opal. His mother’s doctor had been quick to argue against his belief. An aneurysm, apparently. He rolled his eyes mockingly. It wasn’t as if he were naive, or gullible.

He stood, straightening his back, stretching his joints. He stared out into the horizon, taking a hurried breathe, before running forward and hurling the opal into the sea.


He and his brother had become closer over a mutual interest in video games. Yet, even now, their bond dripped with a tinge of irony.

There was a branch in his heart that would always reach out towards the shared games on CubeCraft. And, so, the oldest of his memories had wound themselves tightly, rustling like leaves within him.

Every game had a way to tweak the chances - just as he had learnt with his brother beside him, laughter falling from their lips. If life was a game; he was merely turning his luck in his favour.

That night he walked home over the powdered rocks.


Soft skin wrapped around the black chain, eagerly. A small girl plucked the chain from the sparkling water. She shivered in the cold air, bringing the chain closer to her face. Smiling into the shining chain, she raced towards a middle-aged man, enthusiastically. “Look what I found, daddy.”
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Forum Professional
Jul 2, 2015
DISCLAIMER: Sorry for grammatical errors. I tried to make them as little as possible, but i’m not perfect. Also I might’ve drifted apart from the theme CubeCraft and summer, but I have mentioned it. I’m not doing this for the prices but to encourage more people to write stories. I love reading short stories from other people (especially if it’s some good fantasy). If you need some good fantasy times DM me because I will smash you to death with some good books :).

“Ugh where did I left my shoes again?! I need to be at work in 10 Lollipop! Do you know where they are?” Lollipop, a golden retriever, tilts her head while sitting next to Dayenna. “Alright then, I will search them on my own”

Dayenna is running through the streets of Myriad, with her shoes on. Lollipop had thrown them under the couch... again. Myriad is a poor city. Houses are collapsed, rooftops are broken, people are begging and living on the streets, but not Dayenna. Dayenna is an orphan, her parents died in the last war against Troika when she was just eight years old. She used to live on the streets until she was twelve, now she works full time and more at a cooking company. “Good morning Rodrigo!” Rodrigo, the grey haired man with a bit of a tummy walks towards Dayenna and hugs her. Rodrigo has been a father figure for Dayenna, looking after her when he needed to. He took care of her financially and mentally the best he could after the death of her parents. She barely has friends but Rodrigo is for sure one of them. - BZZ BZZ - Dayennas phone went off. She starts to sweat, her hands start to shake. As fast as she can her hand goes towards her pants, reaching inside her pocket for her phone, she gets her phone out of her pocket and starts reading her messages. “Good morning beautiful” it’s from her lover, Gabriel, who she met online through a forum site called CubeCraft. She is in love with him even though they have never met in real life nor video-chatted with each other. Rodrigo scrapes his throat “now leave your boyfriend alone, we need to discuss something special, we received a letter from the castle” Dayenna raises her eyebrows slowly. “The castle? What would they need from us? The king has his own staff and kitchen” Rodrigo answers that the king wants them to host a yearly summer event. Thirty of the most talented and pretty girls will get a chance to meet Prince. The festivities starts with a fancy dinner followed by a lot of wine. Later that week they will have all kind of summer activities like fashion walkways, sports as archery and horse riding. All for the Prince of raven, nobody knows his real name but only that his hair is black as ravens. Rodrigo and Dayenna are hand picked by the advisors of the king to prepare a meal. Dayenna feels everything but happy to serve dinner for the prince his party, her parents died for the royal family, but they never got any gratitude for dying while protecting them. It’s not like they died at the battlefield far away from the king, no, her parents were royal guards, protecting the king and his family from close, real close. There was set off a bomb and Dayenna her parents were human shields for the royal family. “I know you are not looking forward to this Day.. but if we take this chance we will never have to worry about money and you can live as far from the castle as you would like to”. Dayenna sighs deeply “Fine, but I only want to get involved in the parts where you really need me”

It’s two weeks later and all preparations have been done, the event is tomorrow and Dayenna and Rodrigo are working hard at night to make everything right for the deadline. Rodrigo closes the van once Dayenna picks up the last boxes and starts walking towards the castle. There is barely any place in the kitchen as the pressure is high to serve a perfect dinner for the royal family and their friends, they have brought as many extra ingredients as they could. Dayenna has barely spoken to Gabriel as he is busy with preparing some special event and she also works around the clock for the prince his event and other events that were already planned. She places the boxes on the ground and grabs her phone to check if she didn’t forgot to take something with her. Suddenly a man bumps into her and her phone falls on the ground. But it is not just a man. He is beautiful and she stares at his hair, which is black and soft, his shoulders are big, his arms have a lot of muscle, his jaw is a thin line and as sharp as a razor blade and right into his eyes.. his blue and green eye with both grey spots are looking towards hers, penetrating through her soul, she wakes up from her daydream and starts to yell: “look where you are walking! There are vulnerable things here everywhere! You’ve almost broken my phone you dumbass” the boy looks mad at her, walks towards one of the cabins in the kitchen, grabs a bag of chips and walks away. Dayenna is shocked, that was rude of him and was this place not empty? She opens up the cabin and discovers that there is a secret stash of food hidden in there. Weird dude. “I’m going to bed Day, we have to get up early in the morning to start the real preparations” Dayenna wishes Rodrigo goodnight as she walks towards her own room. The royal family also provided rooms for Rodrigo and Dayenna to follow the event for two weeks. As soon as Dayenna arrives at her room she turns on the bathtub and starts to undress. A long warm bath is what she needs after this day. Her muscles are weak from packing everything and from carrying the boxes towards and from the van. Not to mention the impressive castle she walked through. There is no poverty here, if only the king would use it to help his kingdom.

After Dayenna had scrubbed herself clean she left the bath and went to bed. The bed has a giant mattress, 3 people could easily sleep on it, especially if you would compare it to her bed at home, home where Lollipop is. Oh god she misses Lollipop so much, how can she live two weeks without her beloved dog?! One of her friends is taking care of Lollipop and she trusts her friend fully. They are probably cuddling on the couch right now, after they played for some time and with that thought she fell asleep.

The next morning Dayenna wakes up from the light in her bedroom, golden sun rays shine through her window behind her bed, making her room glow like it’s full of glitter. She starts to yawn while stretching and slowly moves out of bed and walks towards her closet. She grabs the most comfortable white t shirt and black leggings she has without it being ugly. Today is a big day for her and Rodrigo. She quickly washes her face in the bathroom and combs with her fingers through her hair. She checks her phone, a message from Gabriel. “Hi hun, sorry I was barely there to talk with you, I have some issues I want to talk about with you, my father is trying to push me to marry a girl between now and two weeks, but I do not want to. I want to spend the summer with you and not with some other girl I do not love. I hope that we can meet soon, but I will be gone for the next two weeks, or at least to busy to reply. I love you” Dayenna is confused, Gabriel has to marry a girl who he probably does not want to marry? What a strange situation. Parents do not decide who and when you shall wed since ages. And what if he does find a new girl and marries her out of love? What if he forgets me? Dayenna walks worried towards the kitchen, only something catches her attention before reaching the kitchen. There are ladies dressed in their best dresses and wearing their best makeup, they are all chatting and running as fast as they can. Why are they running? Dayenna starts to follow the ladies, leaving the staff area and going towards the center of the castle. The loses the ladies at a carved wooden door. There are symbols of the creation of the city carved into it, explaining how it happened. She enters the room behind the wooden door and…. She starts to sweat, her heartbeat is raising and she is shaking a little bit, the man on the throne.. it is the man she got mad at yesterday evening. He is hard to miss in his formal clothing accentuated with gold. The prince of raven is the man she yelled at?! God she is so stupid. As fast as Dayenna can she turns around and runs away towards the kitchen.

Luckily Rodrigo is already too busy noticing her sudden appearance and she gets to work quickly, hoping that she can make it right what she did to the future king by providing an excellent dinner. Why has he not yelled at her? Why was she not thrown into the dungeons? She leaves it there for now, if she asks it to anyone she will for sure end up in the dungeons.

Rodrigo and Dayenna are dripping in sweat. They worked more than twelve hours on their course. Rodrigo is making the finishing touches with the food by seasoning it and Dayenna is making sure that there are enough plates for everyone, running through the whole kitchen. “ONE MORE MINUTES AYE” screams one of the staff members from the king. His knife and taser are impressive and scary. Dayenna starts to walk with the hot plates while Rodrigo puts everything on a plate. She stretches her back, plumps her lips and makes sure she walks fast on a female way, swiftly evading people. Once she reached the room she quickly scans where the royal family is, right there at the middle of the table. Perfect. She starts serving at the end of the table, the food is still hot and she wants to wait with the temperature before she serves the royal family. Time is going slowly while Dayenna keeps running back and forth from the kitchen. Until she grabs the plates for the royal family, she cannot walk fast enough or breathe fast enough. She slowly approaches the table with a stone face. She starts with the Queen, she approaches her from the right shoulder and slowly puts down her plate, without touching the Queen too closely, the same goes for the Prince and as last the King. While walking away she hears the King talking to his son “Well Gabriel, I hope you enjoy the festivities we organize for you, starting with this”. Huh?! Gabriel as in the boy I am talking through to CubeCraft? Is he the same Gabriel?

THE END(for now) -
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Well-Known Member
May 14, 2016
DISCLAIMER: Sorry for grammatical errors. I tried to make them as little as possible, but i’m not perfect. Also I might’ve drifted apart from the theme CubeCraft and summer, but I have mentioned it. I’m not doing this for the prices but to encourage more people to write stories. I love reading short stories from other people (especially if it’s some good fantasy). If you need some good fantasy times DM me because I will smash you to death with some good books :).

“Ugh where did I left my shoes again?! I need to be at work in 10 Lollipop! Do you know where they are?” Lollipop, a golden retriever, tilts her head while sitting next to Dayenna. “Alright then, I will search them on my own”

Dayenna is running through the streets of Myriad, with her shoes on. Lollipop had thrown them under the couch... again. Myriad is a poor city. Houses are collapsed, rooftops are broken, people are begging and living on the streets, but not Dayenna. Dayenna is an orphan, her parents died in the last war against Troika when she was just eight years old. She used to live on the streets until she was twelve, now she works full time and more at a cooking company. “Good morning Rodrigo!” Rodrigo, the grey haired man with a bit of a tummy walks towards Dayenna and hugs her. Rodrigo has been a father figure for Dayenna, looking after her when he needed to. He took care of her financially and mentally the best he could after the death of her parents. She barely has friends but Rodrigo is for sure one of them. - BZZ BZZ - Dayennas phone went off. She starts to sweat, her hands start to shake. As fast as she can her hand goes towards her pants, reaching inside her pocket for her phone, she gets her phone out of her pocket and starts reading her messages. “Good morning beautiful” it’s from her lover, Gabriel, who she met online through a forum site called CubeCraft. She is in love with him even though they have never met in real life nor video-chatted with each other. Rodrigo scrapes his throat “now leave your boyfriend alone, we need to discuss something special, we received a letter from the castle” Dayenna raises her eyebrows slowly. “The castle? What would they need from us? The king has his own staff and kitchen” Rodrigo answers that the king wants them to host a yearly summer event. Thirty of the most talented and pretty girls will get a chance to meet Prince. The festivities starts with a fancy dinner followed by a lot of wine. Later that week they will have all kind of summer activities like fashion walkways, sports as archery and horse riding. All for the Prince of raven, nobody knows his real name but only that his hair is black as ravens. Rodrigo and Dayenna are hand picked by the advisors of the king to prepare a meal. Dayenna feels everything but happy to serve dinner for the prince his party, her parents died for the royal family, but they never got any gratitude for dying while protecting them. It’s not like they died at the battlefield far away from the king, no, her parents were royal guards, protecting the king and his family from close, real close. There was set off a bomb and Dayenna her parents were human shields for the royal family. “I know you are not looking forward to this Day.. but if we take this chance we will never have to worry about money and you can live as far from the castle as you would like to”. Dayenna sighs deeply “Fine, but I only want to get involved in the parts where you really need me”

It’s two weeks later and all preparations have been done, the event is tomorrow and Dayenna and Rodrigo are working hard at night to make everything right for the deadline. Rodrigo closes the van once Dayenna picks up the last boxes and starts walking towards the castle. There is barely any place in the kitchen as the pressure is high to serve a perfect dinner for the royal family and their friends, they have brought as many extra ingredients as they could. Dayenna has barely spoken to Gabriel as he is busy with preparing some special event and she also works around the clock for the prince his event and other events that were already planned. She places the boxes on the ground and grabs her phone to check if she didn’t forgot to take something with her. Suddenly a man bumps into her and her phone falls on the ground. But it is not just a man. He is beautiful and she stares at his hair, which is black and soft, his shoulders are big, his arms have a lot of muscle, his jaw is a thin line and as sharp as a razor blade and right into his eyes.. his blue and green eye with both grey spots are looking towards hers, penetrating through her soul, she wakes up from her daydream and starts to yell: “look where you are walking! There are vulnerable things here everywhere! You’ve almost broken my phone you dumbass” the boy looks mad at her, walks towards one of the cabins in the kitchen, grabs a bag of chips and walks away. Dayenna is shocked, that was rude of him and was this place not empty? She opens up the cabin and discovers that there is a secret stash of food hidden in there. Weird dude. “I’m going to bed Day, we have to get up early in the morning to start the real preparations” Dayenna wishes him goodbye as she walks towards her own room. The royal family also provided rooms for Rodrigo and Dayenna to follow the event for two weeks. As soon as Dayenna arrives at her room she turns on the bathtub and starts to undress. A long warm bath is what she needs after this day. Her muscles are weak from packing everything up and from carrying the boxes towards and from the van. Not to mention the impressive castle she walked through. There is no poverty here, if only the king would use it to help his kingdom.

After Dayenna had scrubbed herself clean she left the bath and went to bed. The bed has a giant mattress, 3 people could easily sleep on it, especially if you would compare it to her bed at home, home where Lollipop is. Oh god she misses Lollipop so much, how can she live two weeks without her beloved dog?! One of her friends is taking care of Lollipop and she trusts her friend fully. They are probably cuddling on the couch right now, after they played for some time and with that thought she fell asleep.

The next morning Dayenna wakes up from the light in her bedroom, golden sun rays shine through her window behind her bed, making her room glow like it’s full of glitter. She starts to yawn while stretching and slowly moves out of bed and walks towards her closet. She grabs the most comfortable white t shirt and black leggings she has without it being ugly. Today is a big day for her and Rodrigo. She quickly washes her face in the bathroom and combs with her fingers through her hair. She checks her phone, a message from Gabriel. “Hi hun, sorry I was barely there to talk with you, I have some issues I want to talk about with you, my father is trying to push me to marry a girl between now and two weeks, but I do not want to. I want to spend the summer with you and not with some other girl I do not love. I hope that we can meet soon, but I will be gone for the next two weeks, or at least to busy to reply. I love you” Dayenna is confused, Gabriel has to marry a girl who he probably does not want to marry? What a strange situation. Parents do not decide who and when you shall wed since ages. And what if he does find a new girl and marries her out of love? What if he forgets me? Dayenna walks worried towards the kitchen, only something catches her attention before reaching the kitchen. There are ladies dressed in their best dresses and wearing their best makeup, they are all chatting and running as fast as they can. Why are they running? Dayenna starts to follow the ladies, leaving the staff area and going towards the center of the castle. The loses the ladies at a carved wooden door. There are symbols of the creation of the city carved into it, explaining how it happened. She enters the room behind the wooden door and…. She starts to sweat, her heartbeat is raising and she is shaking a little bit, the man on the throne.. it is the man she got mad at yesterday evening. He is hard to miss in his formal clothing accentuated with gold. The prince of raven is the man she yelled at?! God she is so stupid. As fast as Dayenna can she turns around and runs away towards the kitchen.

Luckily Rodrigo is already too busy noticing her sudden appearance and she gets to work quickly, hoping that she can make it right what she did to the future king by providing an excellent dinner. Why has he not yelled at her? Why was she not thrown into the dungeons? She leaves it there for now, if she asks it to anyone she will for sure end up in the dungeons.

Rodrigo and Dayenna are dripping in sweat. They worked more than twelve hours on their course. Rodrigo is making the finishing touches with the food by seasoning it and Dayenna is making sure that there are enough plates for everyone, running through the whole kitchen. “ONE MORE MINUTES AYE” screams one of the staff members from the king. His knife and taser are impressive and scary. Dayenna starts to walk with the hot plates while Rodrigo puts everything on a plate. She stretches her back, plumps her lips and makes sure she walks fast on a female way, swiftly evading people. Once she reached the room she quickly scans where the royal family is, right there at the middle of the table. Perfect. She starts serving at the end of the table, the food is still hot and she wants to wait with the temperature before she serves the royal family. Time is going slowly while Dayenna keeps running back and forth from the kitchen. Until she grabs the plates for the royal family, she cannot walk fast enough or breathe fast enough. She slowly approaches the table with a stone face. She starts with the Queen, she approaches her from the right shoulder and slowly puts down her plate, without touching the Queen too closely, the same goes for the Prince and as last the King. While walking away she hears the King talking to his son “Well Gabriel, I hope you enjoy the festivities we organize for you, starting with this”. Huh?! Gabriel as in the boy I am talking through to CubeCraft? Is he the same Gabriel?

THE END(for now) -
Dm on discord or on the forums :D


Forum Veteran
Apr 10, 2018
Sofia, Bulgaria
Sadly, the competition has ended. Now it's time to announce the winners...

For a professionally written and interesting story.
2nd: @BattleZoneLover01
For writing a long and interesting story that strictly follows the rules of the competition.

You will be contacted on the forums / Discord about your prizes.

Thanks to everyone who participated, and keep your eyes peeled for future games / competitions!
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lorilambthecoolgamer wrote on luminance69's profile.
BicolourSine41 wrote on TheOrderOfSapphire's profile.
Oh wow! 3k reaction score! Congrats! Same day as my 1k!
Yes! 1000 reaction score! Thanks to@Reesle for being my 1k reaction! Still did not get my trophy points...
Im so close to 1000 reaction score!
BicolourSine41 wrote on luminance69's profile.
Welcome 🤗 🤗
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