Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net
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Novice Member
Oct 2, 2020
Hi! as you may know, cubecraft recently added bedwars to beta games and i have a some suggestions for it.

1.- leather armor at the start.

In most servers in which the "bedwars" mode exists, at the time of starting the game we already have leather armor as our basic armor and when we buy better armor we only change 2 parts of it (pants and boots). This would make leaving the island faster.

2.- blocks price (wool).
currently the blocks cost are

10iron ---> 16 blocks

and to be able to rush an enemy base you need a minimum of 32blocks (20iron)
imagine u play in normal mode
the game will be too slow

My suggestion is that the blocks cost (wool)

4iron ---> 16 blocks

so instead of needing 20 iron u will need 8 to rush and the games will be faster and not boring.

3.- increase the speed of the enderman.

In bedwars there is an item which builds a bridge in the direction you choose but this is too slow for what it costs
If it were possible to speed it up a bit it might be worth using it.

thats all for now :)
have a nice day

Mr Jii Gamer

Dedicated Member
Jun 10, 2022
Hi! as you may know, cubecraft recently added bedwars to beta games and i have a some suggestions for it.

1.- leather armor at the start.

In most servers in which the "bedwars" mode exists, at the time of starting the game we already have leather armor as our basic armor and when we buy better armor we only change 2 parts of it (pants and boots). This would make leaving the island faster.

2.- blocks price (wool).
currently the blocks cost are

10iron ---> 16 blocks

and to be able to rush an enemy base you need a minimum of 32blocks (20iron)
imagine u play in normal mode
the game will be too slow

My suggestion is that the blocks cost (wool)

4iron ---> 16 blocks

so instead of needing 20 iron u will need 8 to rush and the games will be faster and not boring.

3.- increase the speed of the enderman.

In bedwars there is an item which builds a bridge in the direction you choose but this is too slow for what it costs
If it were possible to speed it up a bit it might be worth using it.

thats all for now :)
have a nice day
Agree with you in the second suggestion


Novice Member
Apr 16, 2023
Hi! as you may know, cubecraft recently added bedwars to beta games and i have a some suggestions for it.

1.- leather armor at the start.

In most servers in which the "bedwars" mode exists, at the time of starting the game we already have leather armor as our basic armor and when we buy better armor we only change 2 parts of it (pants and boots). This would make leaving the island faster.

2.- blocks price (wool).
currently the blocks cost are

10iron ---> 16 blocks

and to be able to rush an enemy base you need a minimum of 32blocks (20iron)
imagine u play in normal mode
the game will be too slow

My suggestion is that the blocks cost (wool)

4iron ---> 16 blocks

so instead of needing 20 iron u will need 8 to rush and the games will be faster and not boring.

3.- increase the speed of the enderman.

In bedwars there is an item which builds a bridge in the direction you choose but this is too slow for what it costs
If it were possible to speed it up a bit it might be worth using it.

thats all for now :)
have a nice day
That's cool suggestions for Bedwars , But i disgree with number 2 Because we already have fast generator :3

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