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Howdy fellow Cubecrafters,

Skywars is one of my favorite gamemodes but in my opinion the kits are not very unique and the abilities do not have much impact on the game.

What do I mean with not unique?
The kits in Skywars are very straight forward swordsman gives you a sword Iron golem some armor etc.
Most of the kits become irrelevant after the early game (the first 3 minutes) because you get better equipment or will become less effective.

How do I think you can fix this?
I think kits should be renamed to classes because it will be more suitable then kits. I think its better to revamping some of the old kits before making any new ones.
As for revamping the kits into classes I think it would be very important to make sure there is a good reason to pick a specific class and players can actually feel connected to a class (having a favorite class and the ability to excel at a certain class*).
Every class needs a special ability or passive that separates them from other kits.

Examples of classes:


Right now Swordsman is a kits that is most used by rushers and is most effective at its first minutes.
When revamping Swordsman I think its important to keep that element. For example give a Swordsman strength I for the first 30 seconds. To keep the class relevant during the midgame I think giving a swordsman 3 seconds of invisibility after he kills someone would fit. This would give the player a brief moment to escape or reposition. The goal of this kit would be to excel at the early game and fall off once everybody got their equipment.

As for starter equipment a Swordsman should get a stone sword and leather chestplate to get a small advantage over the enemy.

This kit would be considered as an assassins class.


Pyromaniac is not a kit that is often used but I think it would have a lot of potential. For gameplay I think it is really important that a Pyromaniac plays around fire and cripples the enemy. For example when the Pyromaniac is on fire he gains a brief moment of speed and strength. to keep the class viable when there is not a lot of lava or fire around him he should have a small chance of setting the enemy on fire when hitting them.

As for starter equipment a Pyromaniac should get fire resistance during the entire game and get a flint and steel (very broken only 3/5 uses to prevent to proc his passive too much) and a stone sword to defend himself while gearing up.

Iron golem:

This kit is used by players that like to gear up and gain a lot of resistance. To make this class more special an Iron golem player would gain a bonus life every kill he makes. This way the Iron golem kit doesn't fall off in the late game when people have better equipment. Iron golem stacks would cap at 20 hearts to prevent it from being broken. To make up for his strong defense the Iron golem gets slowness I permanent so there is good counter play against it.

As for starter equipment a Iron golem should get a chain chestplate to give him some defense before he stacks his health.

This kit would be considered as a tank class


I think the developers did a very good job at creating abilities, the only downfall of it is that they are very expensive and the rewards are not much. To make abilities more interesting I think the developers should make it more towards your playstyle. I think a skill tree would be more interesting then the system right now. A good example of revamping the abilities system would be the rune / masteries system of league of legends.

To wrap this post up I'd like to say that by no means this needs to happen. I think Skywars is in a pretty good spot right now, but I think this would give veteran players a refreshing look and improve the overall quality of Skywars.

I would love to hear feedback on this topic and maybe some suggestions of classes you'd like to see in this Skywars.

a difference between a new and advanced player using the class*

A pigeon

Oh wow. I love the “siggestiona” for swordsman and pyromaniac. Im a pyromaniac main and I say its pretty OP with fore resistence so its all the better for me if we get speed and strength as well.

I dnt know about stacking health. Imo the tradeoff is not very effective as capping with 20 hearts seems a bit hard to kill espacially with gapple chuggers.


Dedicated Member
Oct 25, 2016
Some kits need fix, for example the swordsman kit. You get a Stone Sharp II and in one of your chest you either get a diamond sword or a iron sword Sharp II
that are way better.

AFreakingCookie (Hank)

Dedicated Member
Apr 3, 2016
Howdy fellow Cubecrafters,

Skywars is one of my favorite gamemodes but in my opinion the kits are not very unique and the abilities do not have much impact on the game.

What do I mean with not unique?
The kits in Skywars are very straight forward swordsman gives you a sword Iron golem some armor etc.
Most of the kits become irrelevant after the early game (the first 3 minutes) because you get better equipment or will become less effective.

How do I think you can fix this?
I think kits should be renamed to classes because it will be more suitable then kits. I think its better to revamping some of the old kits before making any new ones.
As for revamping the kits into classes I think it would be very important to make sure there is a good reason to pick a specific class and players can actually feel connected to a class (having a favorite class and the ability to excel at a certain class*).
Every class needs a special ability or passive that separates them from other kits.

Examples of classes:


Right now Swordsman is a kits that is most used by rushers and is most effective at its first minutes.
When revamping Swordsman I think its important to keep that element. For example give a Swordsman strength I for the first 30 seconds. To keep the class relevant during the midgame I think giving a swordsman 3 seconds of invisibility after he kills someone would fit. This would give the player a brief moment to escape or reposition. The goal of this kit would be to excel at the early game and fall off once everybody got their equipment.

As for starter equipment a Swordsman should get a stone sword and leather chestplate to get a small advantage over the enemy.

This kit would be considered as an assassins class.


Pyromaniac is not a kit that is often used but I think it would have a lot of potential. For gameplay I think it is really important that a Pyromaniac plays around fire and cripples the enemy. For example when the Pyromaniac is on fire he gains a brief moment of speed and strength. to keep the class viable when there is not a lot of lava or fire around him he should have a small chance of setting the enemy on fire when hitting them.

As for starter equipment a Pyromaniac should get fire resistance during the entire game and get a flint and steel (very broken only 3/5 uses to prevent to proc his passive too much) and a stone sword to defend himself while gearing up.

Iron golem:

This kit is used by players that like to gear up and gain a lot of resistance. To make this class more special an Iron golem player would gain a bonus life every kill he makes. This way the Iron golem kit doesn't fall off in the late game when people have better equipment. Iron golem stacks would cap at 20 hearts to prevent it from being broken. To make up for his strong defense the Iron golem gets slowness I permanent so there is good counter play against it.

As for starter equipment a Iron golem should get a chain chestplate to give him some defense before he stacks his health.

This kit would be considered as a tank class


I think the developers did a very good job at creating abilities, the only downfall of it is that they are very expensive and the rewards are not much. To make abilities more interesting I think the developers should make it more towards your playstyle. I think a skill tree would be more interesting then the system right now. A good example of revamping the abilities system would be the rune / masteries system of league of legends.

To wrap this post up I'd like to say that by no means this needs to happen. I think Skywars is in a pretty good spot right now, but I think this would give veteran players a refreshing look and improve the overall quality of Skywars.

I would love to hear feedback on this topic and maybe some suggestions of classes you'd like to see in this Skywars.

a difference between a new and advanced player using the class*
I think the kits are fine as they are now, but I dont like the swordsman kit. It USED to be an iron sword and that was the whole reason why I got it. But nope, I feel scammed... its a stone sword now :,(
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