Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net


Sep 29, 2022
I have some ideas for CubeCraft to tell, so I’m sharing it!

1. Survival games rank(or gamemode update)

A. Add new kill effects, example: lava/fire, water, poison (like a green particle)

B. Add new cages, example: dino rider (sounds goofy, but cage looks like you’re riding a dinosaur).

2. Add a cooldown for diamond/emerald generators on EggWars, to in first 5 minutes after game began they don’t work

3. (Actually, everyone wants this paragraph to happen…)

Return Magic & mayhem as a main gamemode (to it always could be available to play)

4. BlockWars:

A. Return double points in BlockWars Bridges

B. Bring back old spawn locations

C. Maybe Remove low gravity as a voting thing, because nobody uses it

D. Return old xp after winning a game (+125 xp after a win ctf/bridge, duels doesnt count)

That’s all things that came in my mind. Hope you will notice this post and change atleast something:)


Dedicated Member
Jun 4, 2020
I have some ideas for CubeCraft to tell, so I’m sharing it!

1. Survival games rank(or gamemode update)

A. Add new kill effects, example: lava/fire, water, poison (like a green particle)

B. Add new cages, example: dino rider (sounds goofy, but cage looks like you’re riding a dinosaur).

2. Add a cooldown for diamond/emerald generators on EggWars, to in first 5 minutes after game began they don’t work

3. (Actually, everyone wants this paragraph to happen…)

Return Magic & mayhem as a main gamemode (to it always could be available to play)

4. BlockWars:

A. Return double points in BlockWars Bridges

B. Bring back old spawn locations

C. Maybe Remove low gravity as a voting thing, because nobody uses it

D. Return old xp after winning a game (+125 xp after a win ctf/bridge, duels doesnt count)

That’s all things that came in my mind. Hope you will notice this post and change atleast something:)
I agree with some, disagree with some.

- survival games does already have a rank, but as survival games isn't too popular the only reason a lot of people get it is to have the kill effects (me included) so I agree it/SG in general needs an update.

-I think there should be a few more kill effects, that maybe come in a Kill effect bundle so there is another way to obtain some

-i disagree with having a cooldown on diamonds/emeralds just because I think it would be a pointless change, I never see someone with diamond/iron gear right at the start anyway.

-I don't think the exp for winning bridges should be reverted because of how quick you can grind it, however then again if you look at eggwars TO4. And no point removing low gravity. Yes it's bad and no one uses it but it's nice to have the option.

But overall good suggestions :)


Well-Known Member
May 15, 2022
1. Survival games rank(or gamemode update)

A. Add new kill effects, example: lava/fire, water, poison (like a green particle)

B. Add new cages, example: dino rider (sounds goofy, but cage looks like you’re riding a dinosaur).
I would absolutely love a Survival games update since it's the game I play the most on the server and new additions are always great and get you even more excited for the game. Though, I have to acknowledge, that SG is also one of the smaller games on the network and updating it makes less sense than updating some other larger game.

I myself don't have ranks on the server, but new cosmetics are always a great addition to Cube so I fully support adding a few more. But I do have to agree with @WorriedSkate940 that implementing cages in SG is not something that should ever happen. It's just not the right game mode for them. They work in many other games, but they should be kept out of SG.

2. Add a cooldown for diamond/emerald generators on EggWars, to in first 5 minutes after game began they don’t work
While I don't spend that much time in EggWars I don't think that those generators should be disabled. Everyone has their own unique playstyle and if someone's playstyle includes rushing diamond/emerald gens and that works for them, it should be a possible playstyle.

3. (Actually, everyone wants this paragraph to happen…)

Return Magic & mayhem as a main gamemode (to it always could be available to play)
Sadly never got to play it, so I'd love to see it once. But from what I have read on this topic, I think it will never return because of the sheer complexity of maintaining and updating it.

4. BlockWars:

A. Return double points in BlockWars Bridges

B. Bring back old spawn locations

C. Maybe Remove low gravity as a voting thing, because nobody uses it

D. Return old xp after winning a game (+125 xp after a win ctf/bridge, duels doesnt count)
I don't think the game really needs double points, what we have currently is perfectly fine. Also, limited time and a goal helps to keep games reasonably long but still fast-paced enough to make them interesting. Spawn points are fine I think, but I wouldn't be complaining if they get changed other, so no real opinion on this. And as @ItsJustWildd said nicely, if it works and isn't hurting anyone or causing problems, why remove it then? Maybe there are even some people that play it from time to time and you just don't know about them.
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Forum Expert
May 25, 2022
I have some ideas for CubeCraft to tell, so I’m sharing it!

1. Survival games rank(or gamemode update)

A. Add new kill effects, example: lava/fire, water, poison (like a green particle)

B. Add new cages, example: dino rider (sounds goofy, but cage looks like you’re riding a dinosaur).

2. Add a cooldown for diamond/emerald generators on EggWars, to in first 5 minutes after game began they don’t work

3. (Actually, everyone wants this paragraph to happen…)

Return Magic & mayhem as a main gamemode (to it always could be available to play)

4. BlockWars:

A. Return double points in BlockWars Bridges

B. Bring back old spawn locations

C. Maybe Remove low gravity as a voting thing, because nobody uses it

D. Return old xp after winning a game (+125 xp after a win ctf/bridge, duels doesnt count)

That’s all things that came in my mind. Hope you will notice this post and change atleast something:)
I agree with 1A, 3, & 4B.


Forum Expert
May 25, 2022
I would absolutely love a Survival games update since it's the game I play the most on the server and new additions are always great and get you even more excited for the game. Though, I have to acknowledge, that SG is also one of the smaller games on the network and updating it makes less sense than updating some other larger game.

I myself don't have ranks on the server, but new cosmetics are always a great addition to Cube so I fully support adding a few more. But I do have to agree with @WorriedSkate940 that implementing cages in SG is not something that should ever happen. It's just not the right game mode for them. They work in many other games, but they should be kept out of SG.

While I don't spend that much time in EggWars I don't think that those generators should be disabled. Everyone has their own unique playstyle and if someone's playstyle includes rushing diamond/emerald gens and that works for them, it should be a possible playstyle.

Sadly never got to play it, so I'd love to see it once. But from what I have read on this topic, I think it will never return because of the sheer complexity of maintaining and updating it.

I don't think the game really needs double points, what we have currently is perfectly fine. Also, limited time and a goal helps to keep games reasonably long but still fast-paced enough to make them interesting. Spawn points are fine I think, but I wouldn't be complaining if they get changed other, so no real opinion on this. And as @ItsJustWildd said nicely, if it works and isn't hurting anyone or causing problems, why remove it then? Maybe there are even some people that play it from time to time and you just don't know about them.
I occasionally play Low Gravity on ctf/bridges because it provides a nice change to repetitive gameplay. And I agree with you @ItsJustWildd when he said that it’s always good to have the option. More options usually = more players attracted.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2020
I like mkse of these ideas.
But about 2 and 4D i dont agree and this is why;

When I am playing eggwars on bedrock i dont mention that people are getting to fast OP, most times i dont even have to get diamonds because no one has to strong armour or something like that. Maybe you could explain this a little more so it will become clear.

Now about 4D, blockwars is a fantastic game but it wont take that long to play one game, so if they would upgrade the amount of xp its won't be fair against the other gamemodes.

This is waht iam thinking about these suggestion parts.


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Oh wow! 3k reaction score! Congrats! Same day as my 1k!
Yes! 1000 reaction score! Thanks to@Reesle for being my 1k reaction! Still did not get my trophy points...
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Welcome 🤗 🤗
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