Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net


Well-Known Member
Mar 8, 2015
Hola creo que biomes estorba en su server practicamente nadie lo juega, solo estorba y hace dificil encontrar un mapa que agrade.
P.D chequen el tema de los hacker que solo molestan a las personas y no podemos jugar a gusto


Well-Known Member
Jun 15, 2014
I tried to translate this and it still didn't make much sense. Could someone help out?
He wants biomes to appear more I believe.

The system works by randomising maps, and is all luck based. I remember when there was biomes appearing a lot.
Translation: Hi I think Biomes is clogging in your server, it only clogs and is hard to find a nice map to play.

Best Regards

PD: check the hacker theme because they bother us and he can't play
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Well-Known Member
Mar 8, 2015
Now I translated
Okay, I suggest you remove the map of biomes because nobody plays at and hard to find a nice map.
Also If they can do something about hackers because it can not play because only bother.
Thank You!
He wants biomes to appear more I believe.

The system works by randomising maps, and is all luck based. I remember when there was biomes appearing a lot.


Well-Known Member
Jul 9, 2014
Also, our staff is always trying to fix bugs or catch hackers. If you see a hacker, start recording him/her hacking, and report them on forums.


Forum Expert
Nov 14, 2013
It comes in randomization, it may come it big clogs of biomes maps and sometimes there may be none. It's a pretty popular map and we're not going to remove it. Hope you understand though. Since it's been resolved in sort of a way, I'd lock it. If you want it to be unlocked just private convo me.


Forum Expert
Oct 21, 2014
I honestly agree with noscoper. Biomes appears way too often. I even have images where boards are just filled with biomes, there was no other map to select. It may be randomized in how the maps are picked/placed, but it doesn't really work out. You still see Biomes 90% of the time. My friends also have images of this happening. Besides, every time I see a biomes, it never fills up. They are always empty. Despite that not many players like this map, it causes lag. I tried playing this map once and I would freeze every minute. It produces lag and I don't really see any advantage in having Biomes as an option when other people enjoy other maps a whole lot more.

People even created a hashtag - #ACubeCraftWithoutBiomes. That's what I usually see when I go into lobbies.


Dedicated Member
Feb 7, 2015
Scotland, UK
I was trying to point out that I too agree with this thread because some maps are shown way more than others. On the other hand, your comment is absolutely out of subject.

Neither was there a point for your comment :P
I honestly agree with noscoper. Biomes appears way too often. I even have images where boards are just filled with biomes, there was no other map to select. It may be randomized in how the maps are picked/placed, but it doesn't really work out. You still see Biomes 90% of the time. My friends also have images of this happening. Besides, every time I see a biomes, it never fills up. They are always empty. Despite that not many players like this map, it causes lag. I tried playing this map once and I would freeze every minute. It produces lag and I don't really see any advantage in having Biomes as an option when other people enjoy other maps a whole lot more.

People even created a hashtag - #ACubeCraftWithoutBiomes. That's what I usually see when I go into lobbies.

Seriously? Biomes hardly ever appears.


game maker
Team CubeCraft
💙 Admin Team
Oct 20, 2013
I just upped the probability... sorry about that. Had problems with it coming up too much, reduced the chance too much :eek:
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