Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net


Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2016
In response to this post im unsure if a criticism post is a good thing i feel that it would be used to rant and im not sure that it would be helpful i may be wrong but i can foresee some issues with this suggestion, further down this post i see tacos has asked the question of examples on where some feel ignored.
I feel that koi_ytp post is a good reflection on how most feel here and that is we get what we are given regardless of if we want it or not. It needs to be reminded that we as players and loyal members are the ones that put money in to this server. It's important that we are made to feel we contribute to make this server better and if the community feels ignored well.. its not a good footing for the future
Sadly i can think of a few things where we in the tower defence community feel we have been ignored. Before you read the list I want to state that this isn't a witch hunt reply I do understand that not everything can be implemented.

1, first the vote kick issue of misplaced towers-everyone is aware that this is an issue still nothing tons of suggested fixes put forward by A LOT of people here still nothing.

2. The suggestion to bring back the old tower defence as a separate game for the old players that left due to the update it's okay if that can not be done but no one has said this is not possible with an explanation to the people who requested for its return they feel ignored

3.I reported the grinding of wins that the obsidian players where doing to gain wins over someone who has not bought this rank, I put this to tacos and the response I had was you could do the same..... This was very disheartening I was like oh my did they really just say that... I took it as "go ahead and grind that's fine" :/ I felt like just giving up and letting this just be a thing but the unfairness of the situation gripped me but thankfully there was a staff member that payed attention and that was quetzi they listened to the issues and fixed it but originally yes it was ignored :/
I'm going to stop now as I feel that I've wrote enough examples but number 1 and 2 needs attention. I don't want this reply to be all negative so I will add a few things were I feel staff has tried to help
1 I've reported a few glitches to staff in my 2 years of being here and supporting this server and most have been looked at I have been in countless games with staff trying to find these issues and I have to give credit where it's due hats off to chaos for helping the towers game their dedication as a staff member is second to none and this needs to be recognised,
I have also been in the game with two other staff members looking for the glitch where zues towers were killing invisible spiders,I have forgotten the names but the issue was found and fixed shortly after.
and lastly quetzi I have seen them in the tower defence lobby a high number of times trying to find the kicking issue that is happening when you play on versions such as 1.12 etc
for myself they are the staff that you go to when there is an actual issue.
Apologies for only using tower defence and not other games but I only play that and bingo so i can not comment on them only what I know
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Forum Professional
Jul 24, 2016
It is a hidden sub-forum for players with the Plus rank.
Question. Who thought that would be a good idea? There aren't a lot a plus players. Let alone on the forums. Let alone people who use that extra forum..

You've probably already posted this somewhere, but can you give examples of some of the things you believe we're ignoring?
Auto kit, arcade, it took a while for play again.
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Forum Expert
Jan 6, 2014
Manchester, UK
See my issue with having a "Complaints Forum" is that it would just be a place for negativity. The whole idea of suggestions is not that you have 100% off the fix but rough idea of what you would like to see, other users can then discuss this and come up with a far better idea than we would have had or any single person would have had.

As for the delays in features being added I've explained this in posts before. It's not always as simple as just adding a feature to one game, something like "autokit" was actually a huge rewrite of all our kits systems. What it does mean is that once it was done adding it in to more than one game should be far easier. We constantly try to take features that could be written for one game specifically and make it something that can be reused in other games, it just makes far more sense from a developer resource point of view. It does however come with the cost of having to take longer sometimes.

The other issue that comes up a lot is "we want new games", "we want 1.8 games", "we want new features", "give us x" however we only have so much resource we can throw at projects at one time. Again this can mean that a decision we make today might not get out of development and released to you all for a month or more.

Feel free to keep discussing this I would welcome someone to change my opinion but we will not be adding a "Complaints Forum".


Forum Expert
Mar 13, 2017
Criticism by itself is not useful. Constructive criticism is good, this usually takes the form of pointing out a problem and suggesting possible better ways, i.e. suggestions. What you are asking for is a rant forum, so no, not happening.


Dedicated Member
Apr 22, 2017
Question. Who thought that would be a good idea? There aren't a lot a plus players. Let alone on the forums. Let alone people who use that extra forum..
Even plus players who use the forums won't be guaranteed access to it, they might not have their forums and mc accounts linked.
With any luck, there will be an update on this one soon. Hold onto your butts! :)
Hopefully you don't get banned for telling us what's coming (aka giving us what we want)
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Forum Professional
Mar 13, 2015
Beyond time and space
You've probably already posted this somewhere, but can you give examples of some of the things you believe we're ignoring?
Well you could start off by reading this thread and seeing your immediate answer:
Auto-kit feature? <- it's been suggested many times, and hasn't been implemented yet
Play again option? <- it took ages to be implemented
"it's difficult to implement and it takes time" - I've seen some no-premium servers with less than 15 players and an auto-kit feature... is it that difficult to add?
But I guess I can't expect too much.
Anyway here's just a *small* list:

https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/u...-cant-make-the-excuse-it-isnt-out-yet.201869/ (b-b-b-ut... It's a big change! muh time! Be real, mc is in 1.13.2 now. Cube is still in 1.9.2. That's far too behind and you had more than enough time to at least update, and it's not like it's not being requested either)
At this point I thought it was enough but just for fun I went to check all the escalated threads that are so dead simple yet not implemented, here are a few of them(there are also some in the list above):​
(if you weren't aware, ok you are aware, these are all threads about the same darn thing. This isn't exclusive to just auto kits either. A past example would be adding enderpearls in eggwars which is apparently so goddarn complex it took you over a year)​
https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/i...neration-is-disabled-in-uhc-duel-kits.205046/ (guess it's too late for this one but proves my point)

and now the big one:
Part 3 explains why the whole suggestion system itself is flawed and why just responding with "but we commented and escalated it tho" is not enough, and why there are so many of the same suggestions. But of course, it got locked because of 1 part you didn't like which I even discussed about removing in exchange for an unlock.

Also, if anyone is wondering why the quality of suggestions has been decreasing lately, it's because quite a few of the ones that do make good suggestions (examples in the list) are network banned now. Really makes you think.


Forum Expert
Oct 18, 2015
deep inside my mind...
Question. Who thought that would be a good idea? There aren't a lot a plus players. Let alone on the forums. Let alone people who use that extra forum..
I'm not sure who came up with that idea. Considering the amount of people that use the forums in general, I'm sure anyone could guess how used the Plus Lounge gets. I personally would not have thought that adding a sub-forum for them would be that good of an idea.

And I'm guessing it's another "eveything else" section?
Essentially just a place where Plus can post practically anything as long as it follows the rules.
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