Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net


Dedicated Member
Feb 9, 2021

“Why call it a repost, when you can call it remastered”

This is a remastered version of a suggestion I made a long time ago. The original suggestion can be found Here.

How the game works

The game is loosely based on an old game from Java, called Assassination. It is also close to FFA.
Except everyone dies in one hit!

You start by selecting a kit, similar to FFA, then you teleport on to the map. You will receive a target to kill and that target will glow to you, the same way opponents glow after being hit by a spectral arrow. However, someone will also have you as their target, so watch your back!

Killing your target, or the player who has a target on you will net you 1 Bounty Point. Bounty Points work as the scoring in this game and are used in most systems. If you kill a player with more than 10 Bounty Points, you will receive half of their bounty points (rounded down to the nearest whole number). The 5 players who have the most Bounty Points will appear on the scoreboard.

Games will work similar to FFA, where you can join at any time, or leave at any time. Lobbies will stay open for 1 hour before they shut down, similar to FFA. One key difference is that in Bounty, everyone has speed 2.

Bounty will work a bit different on Java however, as you can’t swing while your attack is on cooldown. If you do, you will do 0 damage and 0 knock back. Your attack cooldown will also be reset, so watch your cooldown!


There would be 4 kits in the game, each with their own perks and abilities. Kit selection would be the same as in FFA. Most armour and swords in this game are cosmetic, they are only there to make the kits visually distinct.

Frogs have a leap feather which can be used to launch themselves in any direction. They can use this to avoid danger, or to chase their targets. This ability has a 10 second cooldown. They also have a camouflage ability, when they activate this ability, they turn invisible for 3 seconds. During this, they cannot be attacked, however they can’t attack when invisible; Frogs will not glow whilst camouflaged. Camouflage has a 30 second cooldown. They also have an iron sword which kills opponents in one hit and green leather armour.

Cheetahs have permanent speed 3, making them faster than the competition. They also have throwable trap, which can snare either their targets, or the person who has a target on them. Once you are in a Cheetahs snare, you will be given blindness for 5 seconds and you won’t be able to move. This ability regenerates every 20 seconds. Cheetahs will have orange leather armour.

Rhinos are the most unique kit in Bounty. This is because they go against the rule of everyone dying in one hit. Instead, Rhinos die in 2 hits. However, “with great power comes a massive, crippling weakness”. So to counterbalance them dying in 2 hits, they also kill everyone in 2 hits. This ability would not stack, so Rhinos kill other Rhinos in 2 hits. Rhinos have a stone sword and grey leather armour.

Eagles are the snipers of bounty, they have a bow with 1 arrow. The bow kills in 1 hit and they receive a new arrow upon every kill, or 30 seconds after they shot their last arrow. Eagles may only have 1 arrow at a time. The bow kills Rhinos in 2 hits, instead of 1. They also receive a stone sword, which kills in 2 hits, similar to the sword that Rhinos receive. However, if they shoot a Rhino with their bow, they will be able to kill the Rhino in 1 but with their sword. They will have white leather armour.

Bounty Points

Bounty Points aren’t just used for flexing, they can be used to make yourself more powerful. You will be able to get an upgrade every 10 Bounty Points. This works by selecting a second kit. Let’s say you start off as a Frog and you reach 10 Bounty Points, if you select Rhino as your second kit, you will now die in 2 hits, but you will still kill in 1 hit. You will also keep your leap and camouflage abilities. This works in reverse as well, if a Rhino or an eagle select a kit that kills in 1 hit, they will now receive that kits abilities, and they will kill in 1 hit. But they will keep the perks of their old kit.

This stops at 30 Bounty Points, once you reach 30 points, you will be extremely powerful. But to reach that you will have to kill 30 players in a row. Remember, if you kill a player with over 10 Bounty Points, you receive half of their Bounty Points. You also lose all of your Bounty Points when you die.

To add a downside to all of this, the more Bounty Points you have, the more people will have you as their targets. For every 5 Bounty Points you have, 1 more person will be out to get you. This stops when your reach 50 Bounty Points, once you reach 50 Bounty Points something special will happen.

Global Bounties

Upon reaching 50 Bounty Points, you will become the “Global Bounty”. This means that a special Bounty will be given to each player to take you out. This means the whole lobby will be out to get you, so watch out! Everyone will still have their normal Bounty, but they will receive you as a second Bounty. This means you will glow to everyone in the lobby. Killing the Global Bounty will give you 100 EXP.

You will also receive 2 EXP for every Bounty Points you get. This also means that if you die and lose all your Bounty Points, you will still keep the EXP from them. You will also not lose Bounty Points upon receiving a second kit.


Bounty will have events, similar to FFA. You win these events by having the most Bounty Points by the end. The amount of EXP you get from these events will be the same as FFA. There would be more events than this, these are just some I came up with.

Double Trouble

During Double Trouble, everyone will have 2 Bounties. This means that you’ll see 2 different people glowing. During this event you will be able to rack up tons of Bounty Points, as you will have twice as many targets, and they’ll be twice as many targets on your back.

Seeing Red

During this event, everyone who has a Bounty on you will glow red, this means that you’ll know exactly who’s coming for you. So you’ll have the perfect chance to take them out. You’re opponents won’t glow red if you are the global bounty while this event is active.


Bounty would be a part of Battle Arena, so having Battle Arena rank would give you access to map selection in Bounty. You would also receive blue kill messages if you have purchased Battle Arena rank. You would be able to vote for events and set a personal time of day. On Java you would be able to all of this as well if you had the appropriate rank, the required rank would be the same as in FFA.


This took a long time to write up and is probably the biggest suggestion I’ve made in 2 years. I hope it gets implemented, but it would take a long time for this game to be added. As adding new games takes a looooong time. So larger suggestions are less likely to get implemented, as they take more time to develop. Anyway thanks for reading and please, kindly vote Agree :agree: .

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Dedicated Member
Feb 9, 2021
I like this suggestions. Would teaming also be allowed in this game mode?
It's very hard to team in Bounty, as you can only kill 2 people most of the time. If you intentionally don't kill your Bounty, you won't get many Bounty Points, making you easy pickings. But It would definitely be allowed, it just wouldn't be as strong as it is in FFA. Although people will naturally team up against any Global Bounties, so they can steal all the Bounty Points.
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Dedicated Member
Feb 9, 2021
I'm bumping this post! Hopefully I won't get a bounty on me for bumping. Ok I'll stop with the bad jokes, otherwise I'll be in double trouble.
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