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Aug 1, 2017
Any Place That Has Wifi
This idea I have thought of over a week. This game I call

  • This game will hold a lobby of 10 or 15 people
  • In a game of 10 people, there will be 9 town and 1 killer
  • In a game of 15 people, there will be 13 town and 2 killers
  • In each game, there will be 3 periods
  1. Grace (Lasts for 2 Minutes)
  2. Role (Lasts for 1 Minute)
  3. Game (Lasts for 15 Minutes)
  • There is a countdown at the top of the screen saying how much is left in the game
  • The grace period lasts for 2 minutes
  • Everyone has 2 minutes to find somewhere to either hide, or start his/her objective
  • There are 13 Objectives for the town
  1. Get to the top of the middle
  2. Kill (Gamertag)
  3. Stay still for 1 minute
  4. Keep (Gamertag) alive
  5. Stay alive 5 minutes into the Game Period
  6. Get to a certain point of the map
  7. Live until (Gamertag) is killed
  8. Find the secret lab
  9. Find the bad people and expose them
  10. Kill the bad people before the end of the Game Period
  11. Collect 10 coins
  12. Stay alive
  13. To die first
  • Each town member is randomly assigned these objectives
  • If the town member completes his/her objective they get a hint to who the killer is
  • There are also 2 Objectives for the Killers
  1. Kill everyone
  2. Live to see everyone who opposes you die
  • If all the town completes their objective BEFORE the grace period is over, they automatically win
  • After the Grace Period is over, the Role Period starts.
  • This period lasts for 1 minutes
  • In this period the town are assigned their roles.
  • The town can ONLY use their ability ONCE and ONLY during the ROLE PERIOD unless their role states otherwise
  • There are 14 Possible Town Roles
  1. Investigator: Can investigate 1 person only to see what their exact role is
  2. Sheriff: Can investigate 3 people to see if they are bad are not
  3. Jailer: Can investigate 1 person to see if they are bad or not, if bad, the bad person is automatically killed
  4. Maniac: If killed during the first 3 minutes of Game Period the killer's name tag is replaced with KILLER for 3 minutes
  5. Witch: If killed any time during the Game Period, the killer will be gived slowness, blindness, and fatigue for 3 minutes
  6. Survivor: Has 3 Lifes. Whenever they are killed they will die, but will respawn in 30 seconds.
  7. Gold Collector: If finds 15 gold, they know exactly who the killer(s) is/are, but can not speak until the Truce Period
  8. Guilt Monger: If killed the killer will have nausea for 2 minutes
  9. Baiter: Baits one person. If your "baited" person is killed, the killer's name is revealed to you. You can't speak until the Truce Period starts
  10. Executioner: Take matter into your own hands and shot a random person with a bow once in the Game Period
  11. Gunman: Shoots randomly once. Has a chance to shoot self.
  12. Miner: If killed in the Game Period, the nearest person is blown up and killed
  13. Medium: Can see dead chat through entire game
  14. Crazed: (1% chance to get) If killed by a bad guy, the bad guys lose automatically
  • There are 3 Possible Killer Roles
  1. Leader: Can one hit kill every 10 seconds. Has to hit target.
  2. Muscle Man: Can deal 1 heart of damage every 3 seconds. Has to hit target
  3. Fan: (1% chance to get) Will save the leader once if the leader is attacked. Displays in chat as the leader dying.
  • The Game Period is when the Killers are allowed to start killing
  • If the Game Period lasts longer than 15 minutes, the Truce Period starts
  • This truce is a period where no one can be killed
  • Whenever the truce starts, everyone is teleported to the middle
  • Everyone then has 3 chances to win.
  • A screen will pop up asking who you think is the bad guy (If there is more than 1, then you will get 2 guesses the first round)
  • This screen will last 10 seconds.
  • At the end of the 10 seconds, the person who was voted the most dies
  • If that person was good, there is 2 more "trials"
  • If that person was bad, the town wins.
  • This repeats until there are no more trials.
  • If the bad person is not put to death by the end of the trials, the killer wins.
  • If the bad person is put to death by the end of the trails, the town wins.


Well-Known Member
Jan 13, 2016
What happens when a towns person is assigned to kill another towns person before they finish their objective? Or would they be assigned to the killer?


Forum Veteran
Jun 26, 2016
This game I call
What is it called? The suspense is horrible. Anyways on a more serious note, this actually sounds like a fun game to have added to the server. It reminds me a lot of a game I played on the internet, but with a very unique twist to it. I feel Gold Collector would be a bit OP, unless it is hard to get the gold. Either way that should be a role that is not as easy to become. Asides from that it is really creative and well thought out, so good idea! (:


Dedicated Member
Feb 5, 2015
Im confused, i dont even know what this is even called and you havent done a clear tutorial on how it actually works. And the way you win is so confusing
Aug 1, 2017
Any Place That Has Wifi
What is it called? The suspense is horrible. Anyways on a more serious note, this actually sounds like a fun game to have added to the server. It reminds me a lot of a game I played on the internet, but with a very unique twist to it. I feel Gold Collector would be a bit OP, unless it is hard to get the gold. Either way that should be a role that is not as easy to become. Asides from that it is really creative and well thought out, so good idea! :)

in this game gold spawns every 2 and half minutes. only the gold collector can grab them (or if you have the ten gold objective) Gold despawns after 5 minutes and they are spawned randomly on the map in the time frame. Also sorry about not saying the name. I couldnt think of one, but if anyone else could that would be great!
Aug 1, 2017
Any Place That Has Wifi
Im confused, i dont even know what this is even called and you havent done a clear tutorial on how it actually works. And the way you win is so confusing

I havent decided on a name yet. This game is a lot like Murder Mystery but with a twist. The job of the town is to kill or hang (truce period) before the killers kill everyone.


Forum Expert
Sep 2, 2016
In A Box In San Francisco
Sure, after all the people who say hypixel stole their game Bedwars from Cubecraft than in the most recent eggwars update just attacking Cubecraft saying that the update copied Bedwars (which mind you were the things suggested by players)

Let's just use this game and throw everyone right the heck off

This game just isn't something cube will likely ever add
Aug 1, 2017
Any Place That Has Wifi
Sure, after all the people who say hypixel stole their game Bedwars from Cubecraft than in the most recent eggwars update just attacking Cubecraft saying that the update copied Bedwars (which mind you were the things suggested by players)

Let's just use this game and throw everyone right the heck off

This game just isn't something cube will likely ever add

sure but i didnt mean it was Murder Mystery. that game only has 2 roles. a detective and a murderer. this game has multiple roles
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