Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net


Dedicated Member
Jun 8, 2014
Wall Maria, Shiganshina District,
they might not, although, i didnt see the point in creating the EULA then a weeks later he sells it off to microsoft? i mean seriously
also i dont think microsoft will give two (insert a really mean word that means poop here) about the realms so they might get rid of eula, they dont need the boostage on realms, since no-one will probably buy it.


Forum Professional
Jan 30, 2014
I just seen this while I was browsing and I want to clear a few things up that may help this discussion.
Microsoft have very little control over what happens of minecraft.
The developers of minecraft (jeb and dinnerbone etc) are still working on minecraft.
it's just that Microsoft own mojang and therefore fund the company and receive any money it makes, this would affect the workers at mojangs' salary.

Microsoft are in full control of:
  • the EULA (fancy that) and the Terms of Service.
  • What devices Minecraft is sold on, apart from the ones it is already on.
  • Microsoft have the same controls over Scrolls, and other games that were in the copyright of "mojang".
  • Microsoft can add workers and new developers to mojang but I'm pretty sure they cannot fire the current employers.
As you see they do not own the entire of minecraft, some people are being a bit hyperbole about the subject and aren't really doing a lot of research.
An Example of this that I read on a blog is "OMG, Microsoft will RUIN Minecraft!".

I believe microsoft will handle this well and they have the power to change the EULA back, so be kind about it :3
Notch has absolutely no control over Mojang any longer and Notch (don't quote me on this) I believe has retired or is retiring.


Forum Professional
Jan 13, 2014
Breakfast for Dinner Club HQ


Well-Known Member
Jan 30, 2014
Why ?...Why oh no...I dont see the problem with having Microsoft's logo... I think everybody is exagerating a bit...Microsoft are not retarted...they know milions of children play this game...I dont think they would screw up a 2.5 billion dollars buy -_-...I dont see why ppl are complaining of Microsoft...they did do anything yet...what are you judging exacly ?...NOTHING...

Lord Farquaad

Well-Known Member
Jun 24, 2014
apperently they might change it to platform gaming consoles only... if they do they will loose so many customers, (i doubt they will)
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