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Where do you stand in the Ketchup VS. Mayonnaise battle?

  • Ketchup

  • Mayonnaise

  • I like neither

  • I like both

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Speedy Wing Rush Gonzales
Aug 4, 2017
meow meow

❓ Today's topic: Sauces, Spices & Seasonings

➜ Do you ever cook?
➜ Do you add sauces, spices and seasonings to your meals?
➜ Which meals are perfect for you to do so?

➜ What’s your favourite sauce/dressing?
➜ What’s your favourite spice?
➜ What’s your favourite seasoning?

My own answers! 📝

➜ I prepare my own simple foods sometimes - noodles and/or simple soups, for instance -, but my mother is the one that cooks for our household.
➜ I do, I love sweet chili sauce on practically everything. Yes, even my chicken nuggets sometimes... Ketchup is good too. Salt and pepper go on everything as well - You take one bite and boom, flavour (and pungency) heaven. My eating habits are weird-.
➜ Noodles are the perfect candidate for my odd tastes. Without a topping, they're bland, so when adding spices, sauces, etc, you're only adding to the taste. It won't make it taste worse. First a layer of pepper, then some sweet chili sauce to cover it. I think it's safe to say that I like spicy foods...

➜ (Sweet) chili sauce, no doubt.
➜ Black pepper!!! - Again, no doubt about it. It's just great.
➜ My favourite seasoning has to be salt. It's simple, enhances flavour and goes well with a lot of foods.


Well-Known Member
Jan 4, 2021
Bamboo forest
➜ Do you ever cook?
- Sometimes! Not often tho.

➜ Do you add sauces, spices and seasonings to your meals?
- Meh spices sometimes, not very a sauce person.

➜ Which meals are perfect for you to do so?
- Idk tbh xd

➜ What’s your favourite sauce/dressing?
- Like I said I'm not really a sauce person, but if I have to choose I'd say ketchup

➜ What’s your favourite spice?
- Idk!

➜ What’s your favourite seasoning?
- Uh I also dont know xd
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Dedicated Member
Jun 4, 2020
➜ Do you ever cook?
Yep, once a week I cook a proper meal for the 7 of us

➜ Do you add sauces, spices and seasonings to your meals?
Most of the meals I cook are Indian, Japanese, Thai, Chinese as they are my favourite cuisines and most of them have lots of spices and seasonings in them, especially Indian.
If I am not cooking I'll add sauce very conventionally, as in ketchup goes on things like sausages etc.

➜ Which meals are perfect for you to do so?
As you said dishes that are fairly bland on their own.

➜ What’s your favourite sauce/dressing?
Mustard easily. Well Wasabi is my favourite but as I rarely have it as we only have sushi when I make it mustard is overall best (they both are similar flavours)

➜ What’s your favourite spice?
I am not an expert but definitely black pepper or paprika, something like that.

➜ What’s your favourite seasoning?
Idk if it counts but lemon juice easily. Obviously only works on specific foods but I still love it.
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Senior Moderator
Team CubeCraft
🛠️ Sr. Moderator
Mar 31, 2018
Personally I don't like talking about my food preferences, but I did want to say that I love this topic and the presentation of this thread!
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Speedy Wing Rush Gonzales
Aug 4, 2017
meow meow
Personally I don't like talking about my food preferences, but I did want to say that I love this topic and the presentation of this thread!
Thank you <3. I’m trying my best to make these weekly discussion threads as unique as possible to distinguish myself from others who do the same thing :). I appreciate your compliments! 💛
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Well-Known Member
May 15, 2022
Fooooood, I agree very much with the Minemans before me, it's a very cool and unique topic. So, now to the answers, even though after reading the questions I have no clue what I will write yet😅

➜ Do you ever cook?
Yes, I do. Most of my friends usually know me as the pasta guy, since I don't cook a lot of other things, but when it comes to pasta in 100 different ways, count me in! Also grilling meat and baking potatoes. Yes, please!
➜ Do you add sauces, spices and seasonings to your meals?
It does depend on what I'm cooking and who I'm cooking it for but usually yes. I mean many of the ingredients I work with are rather decent on their own, but the spices just add that cherry to the cake.
➜ Which meals are perfect for you to do so?
Probably pasta since I cook it the most, or maybe risotto that I (or even better my mother) sometimes make, since it fits just so well there.

➜ What’s your favourite sauce/dressing?
Probably a cream sauce or just a basic sauce made from a specific meat broth. Also, sorry if some translations are a bit weird, we use our native dialect when talking about food here and it's quite a pain to translate sometimes.
➜ What’s your favourite spice? / What’s your favourite seasoning?
Decided to just combine this two since spice is spice. Simple. The winners are probably chilli powder, white pepper and we of course cannot forget about salt since it's THE spice.
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Forum Professional
Jul 6, 2015
I basically live by myself so I cook every day. I like both ketchup and mayonnaise but use mayonnaise more because I can use it in all sorts of meals, ranging from pasta, salads, and regular meals without it adding a strong tomato taste to everything.
Additionally, I need to gain weight and mayonnaise is higher in fat than ketchup. I also use mayonnaise as a substitute for butter on bread and sandwiches.
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