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wiebe de jong

Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2016
Netherlands, Blaricum
When i was trying freebuild for the first time i noticed that it was very boring after a few minutes and if you want to build then you just go to single player. Soo i thought that there must be a more competitive way of building. I introduce the game: Guess the build.

So when you join a game (5 to 8 players) you start with a vote if you want hard, normal or easy
(everyone can vote!!). If its hard you get builds that are harder to guess and to build and if its normal its easier and so on. with harder to guess i mean a longer word. Then the game starts.

At the beginning 1 person gets picked as the builder he gets a word. that word he needs to build. he gets 3 minutes to build. in the mean time the players can guess the word. When the word is guessed for the first time there is set a timer for 30 seconds in that time the other player can guess the word. the builder gets 2 points per guess. And 1st the guesser also gets 10 points. The 2nd guesser get 10-2 points The 3rd get 10-4 points, and so on. Then a other person is chosen to build. This is repeated till everyone builded. Then the game ends. The player who guessed the most builds gets 30 points
(the build he builded gets 2 points, If guessed) and the 2nd 20 points and the 3rd 10 points.

I thought you can replace this game with blockband becuase its dead:)
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Dedicated Member
Aug 1, 2016
ur mom's house
i feel like the game would be too long if everybody got 5 minutes to build. say you have 10 players, that's 5 minutes each, resulting in a 50 minute game (plus however long it takes to guess). also, i don't think it's fair that only the builder and the first person who guesses correctly gets the points. you should give everyone a chance to get the word, and decrease the amount of points they get. for example, *player has guessed the word, 10 points*, *player has guessed the word, 8 points* and so on. i like the idea, though, you may need to tweak it a little.


Nobody can build on a pvp server but ok , that just means i have low chances of coming actoss someone good

Uh +1
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GiGaGekkies wrote on vS7lya's profile.
Happy Birthday
I was only offline for like 15 days, and a lot of things have happened lol
I'm pretty sure I missed a few important things, no idea what it is though.
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