Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net

What do you think about this?

  • Bring 'Minions' eggwars map back only

    Votes: 2 7.7%
  • Bring 'Area51' eggwars map back only

    Votes: 2 7.7%
  • I don't mind

    Votes: 3 11.5%
  • Add both back

    Votes: 9 34.6%
  • Keep them removed

    Votes: 10 38.5%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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Novice Member
Jun 23, 2017
Let's just get right in to the point.

As you're reading this "suggestion" I am pretty sure you're also a player who uses to play eggwars or at least a bit of it. (Also maybe just curious forum-worm that uses to stalk everything/everyone, which is fine also)

Anyways this suggestion is about to suggest to bring some removed maps back, because in my opinion those were pretty cool and I plus maybe some other players had fun when they were actually playing these maps.

The maps I'm talking about, is some known maps called 'Area51' and 'Minions'.

I know, they probably had a reason why they removed these maps. My suggestion isn't a begging/rant they should instantly add them back like nothing happened.

What I am really trying to say, I guess we all had good time playing those maps, and here it is why;

Area51 was maybe a bit messy because the islands were 'too far away from the mid and each others', and "the nightvision problem" (You spawned with automatic nightvision, but after you die once you lost that for rest of the game), but actually the map's design itself was so wonderful and for now it was one of my favorite maps I've ever played in my life of eggwars. I'm pretty sure I am not the only. Also the islands each team owns. Explaining below;

They were so huge and it was actually a dream to those players who actually loves PvP and wants a big area for it. There are not many maps that gives that chance. Teaparty or Mushrooms might be similiar, but for players who actually have intense amount of lag they can't do tea. Area51 was friendly map for those players who actually have FPS problems. (Not so much things on way, flat areas that gave PvP an amazing chance to do, not "overdetailed").

/The mid wasn't perfect, (Too much "glass" *The thing under the ufo (beam?)* to get stuck with) but to be honest it was in weird way some kind of fun to watch and stalk those players who was getting diamonds down there. I think at least some of you guys know what I'm talking about. Anyways. I know the map had so many reasons it got removed from the server.

- But I am just suggesting maybe you should improve/remake it? The builders that made the map, they did incredible work on it. I promise that would not be an useless map to have. It was really the ones that was nice to play. [Opinion]

Another map I'm talking about is Minions, and I have no idea why this map got removed and was replaced by this "Huts" map which isn't bad either. - But neither was Minions. I am sorry if I skipped something I don't possibly know, - But Minions was also a map that was nice to play just because of the outfit of the map wasn't horrible and I did love it where the egg-spots were.

/All those failed "parkour jumps" which had to perform to get to gens and we just have so much memories of that map it can't get forgotten. Also the minions, they must be keep in mind. I used to grind that map with my friends and have extremely fun there, amazing map. I asked some people what is their opinion in this, and they all said they really should bring back Minions.

- Remake/Improve?
I hope I did a well enough suggestion. This is my first time I'm making one and hoping this included everything it needs. Thank you for using time for this suggestion and sorry about my messy english- language. I wish you got the point.

What is yours opinion to get these maps back? Should it be ditched idea or not? Would be nice to hear what you others are thinking

Huge apologize if this kind of suggestion already is on existance
. I tried to search, but didn't find anything that could ask Area51 or Minions back. Have a nice day ^^


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2016
Those maps were not the best, my opinion. There are still so many other nice maps! Sorry, but I like this idea not so good. o_O
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Forum Expert
Apr 9, 2016
Minions had really bad gameplay and it really didn't consist of people fighting at all, just people falling. Area51 was just plain rubbish.
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Team CubeCraft
💙 Admin Team
🎨 Designer
Oct 20, 2013
When a map is removed the communities opinion is always took into consideration. That's why we have threads like these: https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/eggwars-maps-give-us-feedback.132419/ There was an overwhelming hatred for minions and I agreed with a lot of the points, the map will not return.

Minions - Feedback from the community

Players reasons why they liked the map:

  1. "You get to rush and farm a lot of points because of the villager having it's own island".
  2. "cool but why did you get rid of control point" - Reason for liking it, is that it reminds him of a game we no longer have...

Players reasons why they disliked the map:
  1. "This map while having potential just doesn't live up to it. The fact that all the islands are so close by means that rarely is true pvp or strategy involved its just a rush diamonds, get a bow, and be op kind of map"
  2. "Wait. You need to BUILD to get gold or diamonds? While somebody is faster than us?"
  3. "The entire map is just too small".
  4. "Usually I play this map for a quick/easy game - The map is very disproportionate and badly designed, even if I didn't hate minions. The outskirts of the map are hardly used, even with their generators, other than to easily rush. Teams put at a disadvantage due to them not being able to get to a generator often have little to no chance to regain momentum or win the game, and the terrible pathway at the start from the egg island to the EggWars shop... Well, I see at least 3 people die from it every game".
  5. "Okay. So this map is weird. really weird. Normally there's a gold gen and possibly a diamond gen at your base, but this time, NEITHER. This could be REALLY tough if you can't dominate the middles".
  6. "No space to move, it is all pressed against eachother"
  7. "Hate - minions"
  8. "Oh yeah, Minions is a really crappy map. Everything is WAY too close and the only way to access generators is by fighting 2 other islands for it. Also, Minions looks horrible and features something that is horrible."
  9. "I hate it. Not one good experience in it. Maps are to close and the fact that you have to parkour of build a bridge to get to things is very tiresome".
  10. "Inconvenient with generators, layout is confusing and difficult to navigate"
  11. "BAD: Minions"

Area 51 - Feedback from the community

Players reasons why they liked the map:
  1. "It's a pretty nice map, you can PvP well enough on the islands, though on mid it's quite annowying because of those blocks everywhere, and it's annoying you have to build UP to get back to your Island. But this doesn't mean I don't like the map".
  2. "(Takes time to build and can shoot off ppl)"
  3. "Its a great map to rush other islands and always gives awesome pvp"
  4. The contest at the middle is very fun.
  5. Big islands, big map. Most of the games a lot of action
After it was removed:
  1. this was a great map, its wide open arenas were perfect for pvp, the mid was amazing it was a fantastic strategic idea to have to build up to escape mid, it was just an all around fun map with good egg placement and island spacing
  2. Games always went by very quickly. Mid is huge and I like the fact that you had to work to get in and out. I also noticed that it hasn't showed up on the board in a long time and hope that it could be brought back.
Players reasons why they disliked the map:
  1. "The islands are way too far apart to rush, and mid doesn't look overly great. It also lacks room to PvP effectively."
  2. Least favourites: "Area 51"
  3. "Islands are too far away too rush other people!"
  4. "Getting back from the middle can really be a pain. Maybe add generators on the space ship and not just under for easier ways to come back (build staircase up, then you can also come back down)".
  5. Too dark
  6. The generators are far too overopwered. It is almost impossible to get back up because of the height. Because of how low the center gene are, it is too easy to get raided, lose your egg and get eliminated.
  7. I like the layout of the base and how it has so many gens, but mid and neighbors are so far away, one needs to become ever so slightly closer.
    OR add a point in between two of the bases and mid, just to feel like you're getting closer.
  8. spawn is a pain in the neck to get to, almost dead when you get there.
  9. Islands are too far away too rush other people!
  10. Too much space between the islands.
  11. you can't see if you die.
  12. its way too easy to rush other teams, and if you forget to bring blocks you cant get back to your island from mid
    vegetables: Same with Area 51, took easy to rush people
  13. Least favourite: Area51
  14. Least favourite: Area 51 (no explanation was given to either one)
  15. Hard to get out of the center especially in the middle of a fight and I think that the teams should be bigger.
  16. the distance is huge and mid is very annoying.
So Area 51 had mixed feedback, but mostly negative. It's hard basing a decision on maps like these as every time one person likes a specific point about the map, two players will dislike it for that exact same point. I can see the positives of the map how fun the map was, having PvP on a flat surface, but it needs a total layout redesign if it were come back due to the majority of the reasons given. I recently revamped construction and I'm really pleased with how it looks as I tried out a new layout, staff seem to really liked it during testing and some community members.

Everytime we 'remove' something that isn't deemed a high standard by the community whether it be a map or game, it will either be something to do with the dull game mechanics, broken gameplay and it being hugely unpopular/hated. Based on the feedback I was given by the community on these maps, they weren't as liked as everyone remembers after it has been removed. Minion will not return as the original or revamp, Area 51 'could' return as a revamp, but not anytime soon.


Novice Member
Jun 23, 2017
When a map is removed the communities opinion is always took into consideration. That's why we have threads like these: https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/eggwars-maps-give-us-feedback.132419/ There was an overwhelming hatred for minions and I agreed with a lot of the points, the map will not return.

Minions - Feedback from the community

Players reasons why they liked the map:

  1. "You get to rush and farm a lot of points because of the villager having it's own island".
  2. "cool but why did you get rid of control point" - Reason for liking it, is that it reminds him of a game we no longer have...

Players reasons why they disliked the map:
  1. "This map while having potential just doesn't live up to it. The fact that all the islands are so close by means that rarely is true pvp or strategy involved its just a rush diamonds, get a bow, and be op kind of map"
  2. "Wait. You need to BUILD to get gold or diamonds? While somebody is faster than us?"
  3. "The entire map is just too small".
  4. "Usually I play this map for a quick/easy game - The map is very disproportionate and badly designed, even if I didn't hate minions. The outskirts of the map are hardly used, even with their generators, other than to easily rush. Teams put at a disadvantage due to them not being able to get to a generator often have little to no chance to regain momentum or win the game, and the terrible pathway at the start from the egg island to the EggWars shop... Well, I see at least 3 people die from it every game".
  5. "Okay. So this map is weird. really weird. Normally there's a gold gen and possibly a diamond gen at your base, but this time, NEITHER. This could be REALLY tough if you can't dominate the middles".
  6. "No space to move, it is all pressed against eachother"
  7. "Hate - minions"
  8. "Oh yeah, Minions is a really crappy map. Everything is WAY too close and the only way to access generators is by fighting 2 other islands for it. Also, Minions looks horrible and features something that is horrible."
  9. "I hate it. Not one good experience in it. Maps are to close and the fact that you have to parkour of build a bridge to get to things is very tiresome".
  10. "Inconvenient with generators, layout is confusing and difficult to navigate"
  11. "BAD: Minions"

Area 51 - Feedback from the community

Players reasons why they liked the map:
  1. "It's a pretty nice map, you can PvP well enough on the islands, though on mid it's quite annowying because of those blocks everywhere, and it's annoying you have to build UP to get back to your Island. But this doesn't mean I don't like the map".
  2. "(Takes time to build and can shoot off ppl)"
  3. "Its a great map to rush other islands and always gives awesome pvp"
  4. The contest at the middle is very fun.
  5. Big islands, big map. Most of the games a lot of action
After it was removed:
  1. this was a great map, its wide open arenas were perfect for pvp, the mid was amazing it was a fantastic strategic idea to have to build up to escape mid, it was just an all around fun map with good egg placement and island spacing
  2. Games always went by very quickly. Mid is huge and I like the fact that you had to work to get in and out. I also noticed that it hasn't showed up on the board in a long time and hope that it could be brought back.
Players reasons why they disliked the map:
  1. "The islands are way too far apart to rush, and mid doesn't look overly great. It also lacks room to PvP effectively."
  2. Least favourites: "Area 51"
  3. "Islands are too far away too rush other people!"
  4. "Getting back from the middle can really be a pain. Maybe add generators on the space ship and not just under for easier ways to come back (build staircase up, then you can also come back down)".
  5. Too dark
  6. The generators are far too overopwered. It is almost impossible to get back up because of the height. Because of how low the center gene are, it is too easy to get raided, lose your egg and get eliminated.
  7. I like the layout of the base and how it has so many gens, but mid and neighbors are so far away, one needs to become ever so slightly closer.
    OR add a point in between two of the bases and mid, just to feel like you're getting closer.
  8. spawn is a pain in the neck to get to, almost dead when you get there.
  9. Islands are too far away too rush other people!
  10. Too much space between the islands.
  11. you can't see if you die.
  12. its way too easy to rush other teams, and if you forget to bring blocks you cant get back to your island from mid
    vegetables: Same with Area 51, took easy to rush people
  13. Least favourite: Area51
  14. Least favourite: Area 51 (no explanation was given to either one)
  15. Hard to get out of the center especially in the middle of a fight and I think that the teams should be bigger.
  16. the distance is huge and mid is very annoying.
So Area 51 had mixed feedback, but mostly negative. It's hard basing a decision on maps like these as every time one person likes a specific point about the map, two players will dislike it for that exact same point. I can see the positives of the map how fun the map was, having PvP on a flat surface, but it needs a total layout redesign if it were come back due to the majority of the reasons given. I recently revamped construction and I'm really pleased with how it looks as I tried out a new layout, staff seem to really liked it during testing and some community members.

Everytime we 'remove' something that isn't deemed a high standard by the community whether it be a map or game, it will either be something to do with the dull game mechanics, broken gameplay and it being hugely unpopular/hated. Based on the feedback I was given by the community on these maps, they weren't as liked as everyone remembers after it has been removed. Minion will not return as the original or revamp, Area 51 'could' return as a revamp, but not anytime soon.

Thanks for giving the bright side how things with these maps are, it included many negative facts that anyone just can't see in game. I think you should then give more space for another new and better maps if Minions is indeed staying to be removed.

Still doubt that area51 had well gameplay enough in my opinion, but to be honest with these things people will like the map or they will hate it. Unluckily it didn't seem to fill all the hopes that players wanted to. - But giving such great map a chance would not be a bad idea. I would love to see a done remake of that map, and indeed it had its own strategy to get the mid and get out of there, other maps just aren't just like that, at least yet. (You have to work out if want to go with diamonds). Is it annoying or not, - It's just an another thing that makes this server and map's unique. Looking forward to see this map in the future.

Thanks for the feedback and keep up doing good work. Also thanks for the responses and feedback you other people sent.


Forum Professional
Jul 23, 2016
Chicago, Illinois
Let's just get right in to the point.

As you're reading this "suggestion" I am pretty sure you're also a player who uses to play eggwars or at least a bit of it. (Also maybe just curious forum-worm that uses to stalk everything/everyone, which is fine also)

Anyways this suggestion is about to suggest to bring some removed maps back, because in my opinion those were pretty cool and I plus maybe some other players had fun when they were actually playing these maps.

The maps I'm talking about, is some known maps called 'Area51' and 'Minions'.

I know, they probably had a reason why they removed these maps. My suggestion isn't a begging/rant they should instantly add them back like nothing happened.

What I am really trying to say, I guess we all had good time playing those maps, and here it is why;

Area51 was maybe a bit messy because the islands were 'too far away from the mid and each others', and "the nightvision problem" (You spawned with automatic nightvision, but after you die once you lost that for rest of the game), but actually the map's design itself was so wonderful and for now it was one of my favorite maps I've ever played in my life of eggwars. I'm pretty sure I am not the only. Also the islands each team owns. Explaining below;

They were so huge and it was actually a dream to those players who actually loves PvP and wants a big area for it. There are not many maps that gives that chance. Teaparty or Mushrooms might be similiar, but for players who actually have intense amount of lag they can't do tea. Area51 was friendly map for those players who actually have FPS problems. (Not so much things on way, flat areas that gave PvP an amazing chance to do, not "overdetailed").

/The mid wasn't perfect, (Too much "glass" *The thing under the ufo (beam?)* to get stuck with) but to be honest it was in weird way some kind of fun to watch and stalk those players who was getting diamonds down there. I think at least some of you guys know what I'm talking about. Anyways. I know the map had so many reasons it got removed from the server.

- But I am just suggesting maybe you should improve/remake it? The builders that made the map, they did incredible work on it. I promise that would not be an useless map to have. It was really the ones that was nice to play. [Opinion]

Another map I'm talking about is Minions, and I have no idea why this map got removed and was replaced by this "Huts" map which isn't bad either. - But neither was Minions. I am sorry if I skipped something I don't possibly know, - But Minions was also a map that was nice to play just because of the outfit of the map wasn't horrible and I did love it where the egg-spots were.

/All those failed "parkour jumps" which had to perform to get to gens and we just have so much memories of that map it can't get forgotten. Also the minions, they must be keep in mind. I used to grind that map with my friends and have extremely fun there, amazing map. I asked some people what is their opinion in this, and they all said they really should bring back Minions.

- Remake/Improve?
I hope I did a well enough suggestion. This is my first time I'm making one and hoping this included everything it needs. Thank you for using time for this suggestion and sorry about my messy english- language. I wish you got the point.

What is yours opinion to get these maps back? Should it be ditched idea or not? Would be nice to hear what you others are thinking

Huge apologize if this kind of suggestion already is on existance. I tried to search, but didn't find anything that could ask Area51 or Minions back. Have a nice day ^^

Area 51 should be revamped to be you and center are same block range and not having to build down...
Maybe half mids...

Minions needs to come back as Speed with still equal changes...

@Efcluke94 what you think of my idea?


Forum Expert
Jul 23, 2016
the Netherlands
Let's just get right in to the point.

As you're reading this "suggestion" I am pretty sure you're also a player who uses to play eggwars or at least a bit of it. (Also maybe just curious forum-worm that uses to stalk everything/everyone, which is fine also)

Anyways this suggestion is about to suggest to bring some removed maps back, because in my opinion those were pretty cool and I plus maybe some other players had fun when they were actually playing these maps.

The maps I'm talking about, is some known maps called 'Area51' and 'Minions'.

I know, they probably had a reason why they removed these maps. My suggestion isn't a begging/rant they should instantly add them back like nothing happened.

What I am really trying to say, I guess we all had good time playing those maps, and here it is why;

Area51 was maybe a bit messy because the islands were 'too far away from the mid and each others', and "the nightvision problem" (You spawned with automatic nightvision, but after you die once you lost that for rest of the game), but actually the map's design itself was so wonderful and for now it was one of my favorite maps I've ever played in my life of eggwars. I'm pretty sure I am not the only. Also the islands each team owns. Explaining below;

They were so huge and it was actually a dream to those players who actually loves PvP and wants a big area for it. There are not many maps that gives that chance. Teaparty or Mushrooms might be similiar, but for players who actually have intense amount of lag they can't do tea. Area51 was friendly map for those players who actually have FPS problems. (Not so much things on way, flat areas that gave PvP an amazing chance to do, not "overdetailed").

/The mid wasn't perfect, (Too much "glass" *The thing under the ufo (beam?)* to get stuck with) but to be honest it was in weird way some kind of fun to watch and stalk those players who was getting diamonds down there. I think at least some of you guys know what I'm talking about. Anyways. I know the map had so many reasons it got removed from the server.

- But I am just suggesting maybe you should improve/remake it? The builders that made the map, they did incredible work on it. I promise that would not be an useless map to have. It was really the ones that was nice to play. [Opinion]

Another map I'm talking about is Minions, and I have no idea why this map got removed and was replaced by this "Huts" map which isn't bad either. - But neither was Minions. I am sorry if I skipped something I don't possibly know, - But Minions was also a map that was nice to play just because of the outfit of the map wasn't horrible and I did love it where the egg-spots were.

/All those failed "parkour jumps" which had to perform to get to gens and we just have so much memories of that map it can't get forgotten. Also the minions, they must be keep in mind. I used to grind that map with my friends and have extremely fun there, amazing map. I asked some people what is their opinion in this, and they all said they really should bring back Minions.

- Remake/Improve?
I hope I did a well enough suggestion. This is my first time I'm making one and hoping this included everything it needs. Thank you for using time for this suggestion and sorry about my messy english- language. I wish you got the point.

What is yours opinion to get these maps back? Should it be ditched idea or not? Would be nice to hear what you others are thinking

Huge apologize if this kind of suggestion already is on existance. I tried to search, but didn't find anything that could ask Area51 or Minions back. Have a nice day ^^
Area51 was a map with it's own unique features, like the fact you could get stuck on 'mid' really easy added a bit more challenge to those who choose to get stacked with diamonds/gold. I guess that compensates for the large distances between the islands. The fact that the 'mid' was harder to access (or at least return back to your island from) made campers a less likely problem. At least that's what I think (please don't hate me). What I'm trying to say is that Area51 is indeed a map that they should maybe consider bringing back.


Dedicated Member
May 2, 2017
Let's just get right in to the point.

As you're reading this "suggestion" I am pretty sure you're also a player who uses to play eggwars or at least a bit of it. (Also maybe just curious forum-worm that uses to stalk everything/everyone, which is fine also)

Anyways this suggestion is about to suggest to bring some removed maps back, because in my opinion those were pretty cool and I plus maybe some other players had fun when they were actually playing these maps.

The maps I'm talking about, is some known maps called 'Area51' and 'Minions'.

I know, they probably had a reason why they removed these maps. My suggestion isn't a begging/rant they should instantly add them back like nothing happened.

What I am really trying to say, I guess we all had good time playing those maps, and here it is why;

Area51 was maybe a bit messy because the islands were 'too far away from the mid and each others', and "the nightvision problem" (You spawned with automatic nightvision, but after you die once you lost that for rest of the game), but actually the map's design itself was so wonderful and for now it was one of my favorite maps I've ever played in my life of eggwars. I'm pretty sure I am not the only. Also the islands each team owns. Explaining below;

They were so huge and it was actually a dream to those players who actually loves PvP and wants a big area for it. There are not many maps that gives that chance. Teaparty or Mushrooms might be similiar, but for players who actually have intense amount of lag they can't do tea. Area51 was friendly map for those players who actually have FPS problems. (Not so much things on way, flat areas that gave PvP an amazing chance to do, not "overdetailed").

/The mid wasn't perfect, (Too much "glass" *The thing under the ufo (beam?)* to get stuck with) but to be honest it was in weird way some kind of fun to watch and stalk those players who was getting diamonds down there. I think at least some of you guys know what I'm talking about. Anyways. I know the map had so many reasons it got removed from the server.

- But I am just suggesting maybe you should improve/remake it? The builders that made the map, they did incredible work on it. I promise that would not be an useless map to have. It was really the ones that was nice to play. [Opinion]

Another map I'm talking about is Minions, and I have no idea why this map got removed and was replaced by this "Huts" map which isn't bad either. - But neither was Minions. I am sorry if I skipped something I don't possibly know, - But Minions was also a map that was nice to play just because of the outfit of the map wasn't horrible and I did love it where the egg-spots were.

/All those failed "parkour jumps" which had to perform to get to gens and we just have so much memories of that map it can't get forgotten. Also the minions, they must be keep in mind. I used to grind that map with my friends and have extremely fun there, amazing map. I asked some people what is their opinion in this, and they all said they really should bring back Minions.

- Remake/Improve?
I hope I did a well enough suggestion. This is my first time I'm making one and hoping this included everything it needs. Thank you for using time for this suggestion and sorry about my messy english- language. I wish you got the point.

What is yours opinion to get these maps back? Should it be ditched idea or not? Would be nice to hear what you others are thinking

Huge apologize if this kind of suggestion already is on existance. I tried to search, but didn't find anything that could ask Area51 or Minions back. Have a nice day ^^
Minions was my favorite eggwars map and i want it seriously back!
So i agree!
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Novice Member
Jul 23, 2019
Let's just get right in to the point.

As you're reading this "suggestion" I am pretty sure you're also a player who uses to play eggwars or at least a bit of it. (Also maybe just curious forum-worm that uses to stalk everything/everyone, which is fine also)

Anyways this suggestion is about to suggest to bring some removed maps back, because in my opinion those were pretty cool and I plus maybe some other players had fun when they were actually playing these maps.

The maps I'm talking about, is some known maps called 'Area51' and 'Minions'.

I know, they probably had a reason why they removed these maps. My suggestion isn't a begging/rant they should instantly add them back like nothing happened.

What I am really trying to say, I guess we all had good time playing those maps, and here it is why;

Area51 was maybe a bit messy because the islands were 'too far away from the mid and each others', and "the nightvision problem" (You spawned with automatic nightvision, but after you die once you lost that for rest of the game), but actually the map's design itself was so wonderful and for now it was one of my favorite maps I've ever played in my life of eggwars. I'm pretty sure I am not the only. Also the islands each team owns. Explaining below;

They were so huge and it was actually a dream to those players who actually loves PvP and wants a big area for it. There are not many maps that gives that chance. Teaparty or Mushrooms might be similiar, but for players who actually have intense amount of lag they can't do tea. Area51 was friendly map for those players who actually have FPS problems. (Not so much things on way, flat areas that gave PvP an amazing chance to do, not "overdetailed").

/The mid wasn't perfect, (Too much "glass" *The thing under the ufo (beam?)* to get stuck with) but to be honest it was in weird way some kind of fun to watch and stalk those players who was getting diamonds down there. I think at least some of you guys know what I'm talking about. Anyways. I know the map had so many reasons it got removed from the server.

- But I am just suggesting maybe you should improve/remake it? The builders that made the map, they did incredible work on it. I promise that would not be an useless map to have. It was really the ones that was nice to play. [Opinion]

Another map I'm talking about is Minions, and I have no idea why this map got removed and was replaced by this "Huts" map which isn't bad either. - But neither was Minions. I am sorry if I skipped something I don't possibly know, - But Minions was also a map that was nice to play just because of the outfit of the map wasn't horrible and I did love it where the egg-spots were.

/All those failed "parkour jumps" which had to perform to get to gens and we just have so much memories of that map it can't get forgotten. Also the minions, they must be keep in mind. I used to grind that map with my friends and have extremely fun there, amazing map. I asked some people what is their opinion in this, and they all said they really should bring back Minions.

- Remake/Improve?
I hope I did a well enough suggestion. This is my first time I'm making one and hoping this included everything it needs. Thank you for using time for this suggestion and sorry about my messy english- language. I wish you got the point.

What is yours opinion to get these maps back? Should it be ditched idea or not? Would be nice to hear what you others are thinking

Huge apologize if this kind of suggestion already is on existance. I tried to search, but didn't find anything that could ask Area51 or Minions back. Have a nice day ^^
Maybe minions was removed due to copyright issues? I dont know.
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Mappoe wrote on Daanfkyy's profile.
followed you because i love minerware :3
Thank you so much for 2 500 in reaction score!:D
2 500 reaction score.png
I'm surprised I didn't get a welcome back trophy :o It's been well over a year! How is everyone? Catch me up on the latest gossip, cya!
qKhalidd wrote on Desiderata's profile.
hai. how ar u.
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