Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net
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Well-Known Member
May 10, 2017
Though I have to agree with you that some things are definitely not as they should be around here, I wanna remind you all that the moderators are people too, and from my opinion, the moderators memeing around and making fun of eachother (as show in the image in this post:
As a designer I dont really stress on the need for you to be like an angel or anything, but the mods... they shouldnt go around liking stuff like that. They should be caring individuals and sensitive to the fact that players act in certain ways...

Because real life can suck for some people u know. Mods should know better.

View attachment 167228
Are way funnier and connected with the community. Yes, they need to keep the services clean, but a very strict staffteam that doesn't joke around and is very serious all the time isn't the best thing either.
That being said, @OP, do you know the story behind that post/comment made by @Molly (KitsuneToru) ? Assuming not since it was sent to you by a friend of yours. I'm pretty sure moderators would have removed the post if it was in breach with the community rules. On top of that, I think public shaming someone is not very nice. Blur names next time or something.

Then about the gamemodes:
While I agree things like lucky islands could've been a flagship and have a lot of potential, they can't do everything at the same time. Some things just have a bit more priority than others, due to it being more popular or there being more ideas for that gamemode.

I feel like this post is not really a suggestion, but just a plain complaint letter and stuff you feel you could do better when you were in lead.
I hope for you admins will do something with it.

Queen Ualala

Well-Known Member
May 4, 2020
Though I have to agree with you that some things are definitely not as they should be around here, I wanna remind you all that the moderators are people too, and from my opinion, the moderators memeing around and making fun of eachother (as show in the image in this post:

Are way funnier and connected with the community. Yes, they need to keep the services clean, but a very strict staffteam that doesn't joke around and is very serious all the time isn't the best thing either.
That being said, @OP, do you know the story behind that post/comment made by @Molly (KitsuneToru) ? Assuming not since it was sent to you by a friend of yours. I'm pretty sure moderators would have removed the post if it was in breach with the community rules. On top of that, I think public shaming someone is not very nice. Blur names next time or something.

Then about the gamemodes:
While I agree things like lucky islands could've been a flagship and have a lot of potential, they can't do everything at the same time. Some things just have a bit more priority than others, due to it being more popular or there being more ideas for that gamemode.

I feel like this post is not really a suggestion, but just a plain complaint letter and stuff you feel you could do better when you were in lead.
I hope for you admins will do something with it.
No, SenatorKarma isn’t my friend. Mods are humans, I also felt uneasy about making this thread. This is something I hate seeing because of what happened to a classmate of mine irl. He took certain drastic steps irl, will not go into detail as it’s morbid. It happened because of bullying in our society.

Bullying isnt against the rules atm, which is why posts like that are still up. How something like that wasn’t deleted is truly baffling to me.

It’s easy to forget there’s another person on the other side of the screen. We don’t know them, they could be on the verge of breaking. I dont think anyone I mentioned is a bad person. It’s just hard to sympathize and understand text on a screen.

Saying ez noob bg L etc. isn’t toxic compared to what happened there.

Next time i will blur the names out.

Deleted member 492126

If I were mod joining to help the server and all, I would be kind of annoyed to be put on translator app duty. Afaik they weren’t even informed beforehand
Translator recruiters are volunteers from the Translation Team who actually chose to be part of the Recruitment team. Moderators don't have to handle applications, it's 100% their choice

I'll probably type a proper answer later & reply to your other concerns, I don't have time right now though and just wanted to comment on that :)


Forum Expert
Jul 3, 2016
You are completely right in the sense that I should not have liked this post and I'm really sorry if this made you or anyone else feel uncomfortable or unwelcome on the network. I'm not scared to admit I can get a bit salty at times, it's something I have been working on for a while now.

However, I don't think it's fair you claim the moderation team is unprofessional and then share a screenshot of me, a designer, liking a toxic post. I do not represent the moderation team, no staff member ever will represent the entire team on itself. 😛
Well in some way every staff member represents the entire team and the server itself. You are wrong in that way xd


Forum Expert
Apr 21, 2020
Well in some way every staff member represents the entire team and the server itself.
I have to disagree with this, one person's actions do not define the staff team's intentions. No one is perfect and it's not right to expect these volunteers to never mess up.


Forum Professional
Jul 6, 2015
Well in some way every staff member represents the entire team and the server itself. You are wrong in that way xd
If we say anything bad, it can reflect badly on the entire server. However, this doesn't mean just because I liked a toxic post, the entire staff team agrees with me. I feel like it's wrong if people think one person represents the entire team. Every single person in the staff team is different: with their own mindset, perspective, opinions, talents, difficulties, backgrounds, you name it.


Forum Expert
Jul 3, 2016
If we say anything bad, it can reflect badly on the entire server. However, this doesn't mean just because I liked a toxic post, the entire staff team agrees with me. I feel like it's wrong if people think one person represents the entire team. Every single person in the staff team is different: with their own mindset, perspective, opinions, talents, difficulties, backgrounds, you name it.
Oh yea thats another complete thing apart. Ye


Dedicated Member
Nov 12, 2016
With regards to beta eggwars, I absolutely agree.
It perplexes me how the staff in charge of eggwars are unable to simply reduce the price of steak in eggwars from 5 iron to 2 iron in normal items in 1.9 eggwars (in order to make normal items far more playable), yet they are able to produce a completely new eggwars game. Especially considering the fact that I don't recall any of the "additions" in beta eggwars ever being suggested strongly on the forums (to my knowledge anyway). It truly boggles the mind.
In addition, I believe that if any of these disgraceful changes are implemented to eggwars permanently, the bulk of the eggwars community will leave, with rome/mansion farmers being the only remaining regulars. Whoever is in charge of eggwars development has truly disgraced the server. Hopefully they resign or are relieved of their duties, as this has angered myself and many other players I know in the eggwars community.

As far as the staff team is concerned, let's be honest, who actually cares? Staff have been irrelevant for a long time now. From their biased reports handling, to their favouritism with regards to accepting appeals, and their inability to identify relatively easy signs of cheaters, it is clear that many of them are peripheral to this server. I'm hearing that some staff members are even as low as level 3 on the server, indicating that they do not even have to play the server these days.
My advice would be to ignore their nonsense. The one good thing about staff is that they are incredibly fun to anger in game as they are very sensitive people. Focus on this instead of getting angry at them, it a far more efficient way to spend your time. (Just make sure to read the rules beforehand so you do not get punished).

I'll be honest I'm note sure why you included bedrock in this thread; nobody cares about bedrock.


Forum Expert
Apr 21, 2020
From their biased reports handling, to their favouritism with regards to accepting appeals, and their inability to identify relatively easy signs of cheaters, it is clear that many of them are peripheral to this server. I'm hearing that some staff members are even as low as level 3 on the server, indicating that they do not even have to play the server these days.
My advice would be to ignore their nonsense. The one good thing about staff is that they are incredibly fun to anger in game as they are very sensitive people
The Staff process is very select and staff members can be demoted for not doing their job correctly. They do process reports accurately and I think if you disagree then you might think players that aren't hacking are hacking. (This might just be skill)
I'll be honest I'm note sure why you included bedrock in this thread; nobody cares about bedrock.
I mean Bedrock has like 3x the players on it and Cubecraft is a featured server, but I guess that's your opinion
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Well-Known Member
May 10, 2017
No, SenatorKarma isn’t my friend. Mods are humans, I also felt uneasy about making this thread. This is something I hate seeing because of what happened to a classmate of mine irl. He took certain drastic steps irl, will not go into detail as it’s morbid. It happened because of bullying in our society.

Bullying isnt against the rules atm, which is why posts like that are still up. How something like that wasn’t deleted is truly baffling to me.

It’s easy to forget there’s another person on the other side of the screen. We don’t know them, they could be on the verge of breaking. I dont think anyone I mentioned is a bad person. It’s just hard to sympathize and understand text on a screen.

Saying ez noob bg L etc. isn’t toxic compared to what happened there.

Next time i will blur the names out.
As far as ive heard from the person who originally posted that comment, i found it correct. Do you know the reason and the story behind that post?

Deleted member 492126

People got network banned from CubeCraft for things they didn't do 2 years ago. Yet they don't get an unban. But make fun of suicide? Get a helper rank!
The hypocrisy is that they demoted gainfullterror for something trivial months before demotion, but then do this
Those members got banned 2 years ago, and Gainy got demoted what, 3 years ago?
Pretty much the whole staff team has changed ever since, many old staff members (including the staff manager) left ages ago. Saying we are being hypocrite just because we do things differently from people who aren't even staff members anymore doesn't make much sense

You should keep in mind that the Helper rank is a training and learning process which takes days - even months to be completed. CubeCraft has been understaffed for years, the best way to fix this is to accept members that maybe aren't 100% suitable, but have to be trained to be good staff members and better people. If we were to accept only perfect, incredibly beautiful human beings, then we wouldn't have more than 5 moderators.

It’s nice and refreshing to see a non-toxic community on cubecraft, however, in recent days i’ve come to realize that it is very likely because members are trying to please staff, I.e get the pink tag. It’s not wrong but what this does is cause a very stale community with homogenous views - not at all fun. People join the forums with the sole intent of getting either a translator or a helper rank. Is that a real community? No, it’s not. It’s just a fallacy.
Personally I think changing the requirements hasn't changed that many things. Yes, you can have 0 messages and meet all the requirements, however this doesn't mean you will be accepted. If you apply only because you want a nice pink rank, you will probably be instantly denied / won't make it to moderator

Someone who has publicly sworn with cancer, made fun of down.
Someone who has made fun of suicide and rape..
The person you are talking about got muted like 6 months before getting accepted, I think this is more than enough time to change. Some staff members used to be very toxic in the past (moi) but that doesn't mean they can't change

In addition, I believe that if any of these disgraceful changes are implemented to eggwars permanently, the bulk of the eggwars community will leave, with rome/mansion farmers being the only remaining regulars. Whoever is in charge of eggwars development has truly disgraced the server. Hopefully they resign or are relieved of their duties, as this has angered myself and many other players I know in the eggwars community.

I'm hearing that some staff members are even as low as level 3 on the server
That is simply not true


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2020
The backyard.
Hello there!

First of all i understand with whole my heart your frustration and your right there should be some changes in some cubecraft games.

Tower defence should have an update haven't been updated since it came out.
Beta eggwars in my opinion isn't fun at all everyone just went for the leaderboard and there is nearly no change to beat people who rush for the leaderboard.
Lucky island is just perfect i wouldn't add or remove anything besides the automatic bow, it shoots way to fast and it does louds of damage.
Rejoin should be added because sometimes you crashed because of some error in the game.
I would love to see rejoin then.
Also they can't copy stuff from other servers and say it was theres.
The staff team is trying all they can to improve the CubeCraft community.

Also every single one of the staff team is really nice as a person.

About the staff team.

I understand how you feel about them.
And I understand why to because sometimes they see something in there own perspective and they are right.
If they would think something would go better that way they should try it, but then if it doesn't work they should maybe try what to community says.
They are such amazing people and you gotta understand no one is perfect so the staff team can't be perfect.
If something doesn't work it just doesn't work you can't change that.
And you gotta understand they are tryna keep the server CubeCraft and not copy some idea's from Hypixel or any other servers.
They are trying to keep it unique and they do all they can.
Their own private lives matter to, they can't just be moderating all day or banning hackers they have right on there own lives to.
And I know it might be annoying sometimes but that how it is man.
I hope you understand what I mean with this.

I hope you'll have a nice day! :D


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2020
The backyard.
Thats probably because they have an different play account just to have some fun, and that account is probably just for helper.


Forum Veteran
Dec 25, 2017
Bogota, Colombia
It's exciting for me to see threads like these pop up every now and then, community members are in all of their right to complain and point out what they disagree with, and these conversations add much more to our network than deciding wether people above 100 ping should be banned or not.

First off, I won't comment on the EggWars part because I myself am not very experienced with it and my opinion might come out as misinformed.

The staff team, although they’re down-to-earth and seemingly nice people, really seem to prefer memeing and escalating threads that are QOL than taking part in active suggestion building, to be honest, it is, a little baffling. Staff have no problem replying to and saying the same thing on a thread asking to kick all laggers ad nauseam, but don’t care to take a closer look at fresh, newer suggestions. I understand why translators are needed, but it was really weird that during the time, without sentinel, the staff team was made to go through some hundred translator applications.
I also feel as though some members if the moderator team are very unprofessional, going around liking toxic posts to make members feel bad.

I do think that the handling of suggestions is a problem as well, it's only the most controversial things that receive attention, but that's mainly because it's easy to reply to something you strongly disagree with. At times it may feel like we only pay attention to the smallest and least relevant suggestions, and leave the high-effort, well supported and justified suggestions unattended. But we do make an effort in granting recognition where recognition is due, like what happened with THIS thread. It's really nothing QOA related, it in fact proposed an entire new gamemode, and yet it was escalated because the community support made it clear that this was an idea worth contemplating. The problem with "bigger" more important threads is that, the more they propose to change, the harder it is to come up with logical solutions for all of it. And the easier it is to question the ideas that are being proposed.

I'm not sure as to what you mean with the translator applications. I believe Spuuuni has already explained this, Translator applications are only reviewed by a group of 6 Moderators who voluntarily offered their time and effort to handle applications. It's not like it is an overwhelming staff duty either, nowdays we average around 20ish applications per day, which is not a lot, much less for 6 people.

I do see what you refer to with liking posts that make other members feel bad, and at least personally I recognize that as a mistake. We shouldn't be supporting posts that attack other members regardless if within our personal judgements we agree with it or not. There are points in which we need to remain neutral and that was one of them.

I think that reducing staff qualifications was a big mistake overall, and will come back to bite, since the staff team dont seem to be able to handle *toxic situations* in a neutral manner
I was skeptical about reducing staff qualifications as well when I was a member, mainly because these changes resulted in the hiring of some people that I initially questioned were adequate for the job. But later on I realized and was helped realize that for too long we had the wrong idea of the person who should be a Helper and who shouldn't. The Helper rank was treated as a Prize, when it should be treated as what it is, a trial. In the spirit of commitment, anyone is able to improve themselves. And lowering these requirements is extremely useful for the server since it has been lacking moderation presence for a long time. The fact that Bedrock every time has more dedicated staff members, and that timezones different to Europe have more staff present, does show off a few of the multiple benefits that hiring more staff brings. I made a suggestion some months ago, where I compared the amount of staff members CubeCraft had with other servers of similar size, and to my surprise the servers I found had 3,4 and even 5 times more Staff dedicated to Moderation. Which came to me as a shock, since i thought the 20-30 Moderators CubeCraft had were more than enough.

It is only damaging to want to only hire those candidates that seem to be perfect and near ready to become Moderators immediately, it's only closing yourself to more opportunities of people that could potentially be really useful and have a positive impact on the network in the future.

It’s nice and refreshing to see a non-toxic community on cubecraft, however, in recent days i’ve come to realize that it is very likely because members are trying to please staff, I.e get the pink tag. It’s not wrong but what this does is cause a very stale community with homogenous views - not at all fun. People join the forums with the sole intent of getting either a translator or a helper rank. Is that a real community? No, it’s not. It’s just a fallacy.

I mostly agree with you on this one, the Helper Information threads recommended players to be active on the forums and in suggestion making, which definitely had an interesting yet not completely negative outcome. In a way the forums are not even close to what they used to be, since the threads that are frequently posted nowadays are mostly low detail, rushed and just repeat ideas that have been suggested before over and over again. And in its core the cause of this must be the Helper requirements/information threads. And while it is nice to see the forums being livelier by the day, it's not enjoyable to find out that your 20 notifications every morning are just 2 sentences suggestions that don't really add anything, and most don't even make sense. It makes me feel like the conversations going on in this website have severely decreased in depth and quality.

The Bedrock addition, is also uninspiring, unlike Java, the Bedrock server is on the lastest version (Which for some reason Cubecraft Java isn’t privledged to have) yet doesn’t have anything really unique going for it. All maps are copy-pasted from Java and make no use of the amazing new features which should have been implemented ab initio.

That is not entirely true, Bedrock is its own world. Yes most of its content is the same/similar to Java, it is directed to a separate demographic. Bedrock and Java don't really need to be different, because they're played by different people already. Which is also why it's also called CubeCraft in Bedrock and not something else. Regardless the gamemodes and mechanics do feel vastly different in some aspects, which gives the Bedrock network its own unique feel. And today the Beta Games were announced, through CubeCraft's instagram page. Which also evidences that it's receiving the new features and updates it deserves.

Even skyblock seems not to live upto it’s potential at all. It also runs 1.9 for some odd reason and is essentially a game made only of sidequests and has little engaging bosses, only has the snowman. Compare this to what it could be: a special dungeon exploring skyblock experience making use of all Minecraft features post 1.15 - which special bosses, like a kraken underwater to traversing lava lakes in the nether, to trading with villager NPCs for materials, raiding Piglin bastions and so much more!

Yes, personally I didn't find SkyBlock that great, it really does get boring overtime, and seemingly the solution to make the game feel more complete was just expanding waiting times for crops and ores and whatnot by ridiculous amounts, so that it cannot be completed in just a few days. Which I understand in a way, but it's not fun at all. Not a fan of SkyBlock

I also feel cubecraft forums’ current userbase has an extremely conformist attitude and downvote most posts they see, often with weak reasoning.

Well that's really on the people, they decide wether they like something or not and vote yes or no. What I really don't like is how some people don't seem to stand the fact that not everyone is able to write an entire essay explaining their position on a certain idea or suggestion. A lot of people take voting/liking as their oportunity to express their own opinions without having to justify themselves, it's just participating of democracy. You don't have to explain why you want a certain candidate to win, you're in your right to vote.

Ranked mode, rejoin, heavily requested yet ignored. I’ve come up with a decent idea of how to implement ranked mode so do take a peek.
That's something I've always liked as an idea, though it seems like it ends up being overly complicated so I don't know if something like that would ever make sense to add. But definitely a fan of it.

I encourage you to continue to make threads like these, having more serious talks once in a while feels refreshing. Everything you brought up is very important, and it is most appreciated that you take your time to give your feedback.

Queen Ualala

Well-Known Member
May 4, 2020
With regards to beta eggwars, I absolutely agree.
It perplexes me how the staff in charge of eggwars are unable to simply reduce the price of steak in eggwars from 5 iron to 2 iron in normal items in 1.9 eggwars (in order to make normal items far more playable), yet they are able to produce a completely new eggwars game. Especially considering the fact that I don't recall any of the "additions" in beta eggwars ever being suggested strongly on the forums (to my knowledge anyway). It truly boggles the mind.
In addition, I believe that if any of these disgraceful changes are implemented to eggwars permanently, the bulk of the eggwars community will leave, with rome/mansion farmers being the only remaining regulars. Whoever is in charge of eggwars development has truly disgraced the server. Hopefully they resign or are relieved of their duties, as this has angered myself and many other players I know in the eggwars community.

As far as the staff team is concerned, let's be honest, who actually cares? Staff have been irrelevant for a long time now. From their biased reports handling, to their favouritism with regards to accepting appeals, and their inability to identify relatively easy signs of cheaters, it is clear that many of them are peripheral to this server. I'm hearing that some staff members are even as low as level 3 on the server, indicating that they do not even have to play the server these days.
My advice would be to ignore their nonsense. The one good thing about staff is that they are incredibly fun to anger in game as they are very sensitive people. Focus on this instead of getting angry at them, it a far more efficient way to spend your time. (Just make sure to read the rules beforehand so you do not get punished).

I'll be honest I'm note sure why you included bedrock in this thread; nobody cares about bedrock.
I dont think beta eggwars is newly developed, it looks a lot like plugins from Chaos skywars on bedrock. Idk for sure.

I included bedrock because -
I used to be amongst the best Skywars players on the Hive. I was absolutely LIVID when they changed the PvP back to 1.8. I could no longer play on my fave server. Therefore, needless to say, I hope Cubecraft does better than the hive and Mineplex also on Bedrock edition

Queen Ualala

Well-Known Member
May 4, 2020
It's exciting for me to see threads like these pop up every now and then, community members are in all of their right to complain and point out what they disagree with, and these conversations add much more to our network than deciding wether people above 100 ping should be banned or not.

First off, I won't comment on the EggWars part because I myself am not very experienced with it and my opinion might come out as misinformed.

I do think that the handling of suggestions is a problem as well, it's only the most controversial things that receive attention, but that's mainly because it's easy to reply to something you strongly disagree with. At times it may feel like we only pay attention to the smallest and least relevant suggestions, and leave the high-effort, well supported and justified suggestions unattended. But we do make an effort in granting recognition where recognition is due, like what happened with THIS thread. It's really nothing QOA related, it in fact proposed an entire new gamemode, and yet it was escalated because the community support made it clear that this was an idea worth contemplating. The problem with "bigger" more important threads is that, the more they propose to change, the harder it is to come up with logical solutions for all of it. And the easier it is to question the ideas that are being proposed.

I'm not sure as to what you mean with the translator applications. I believe Spuuuni has already explained this, Translator applications are only reviewed by a group of 6 Moderators who voluntarily offered their time and effort to handle applications. It's not like it is an overwhelming staff duty either, nowdays we average around 20ish applications per day, which is not a lot, much less for 6 people.

I do see what you refer to with liking posts that make other members feel bad, and at least personally I recognize that as a mistake. We shouldn't be supporting posts that attack other members regardless if within our personal judgements we agree with it or not. There are points in which we need to remain neutral and that was one of them.

I was skeptical about reducing staff qualifications as well when I was a member, mainly because these changes resulted in the hiring of some people that I initially questioned were adequate for the job. But later on I realized and was helped realize that for too long we had the wrong idea of the person who should be a Helper and who shouldn't. The Helper rank was treated as a Prize, when it should be treated as what it is, a trial. In the spirit of commitment, anyone is able to improve themselves. And lowering these requirements is extremely useful for the server since it has been lacking moderation presence for a long time. The fact that Bedrock every time has more dedicated staff members, and that timezones different to Europe have more staff present, does show off a few of the multiple benefits that hiring more staff brings. I made a suggestion some months ago, where I compared the amount of staff members CubeCraft had with other servers of similar size, and to my surprise the servers I found had 3,4 and even 5 times more Staff dedicated to Moderation. Which came to me as a shock, since i thought the 20-30 Moderators CubeCraft had were more than enough.

It is only damaging to want to only hire those candidates that seem to be perfect and near ready to become Moderators immediately, it's only closing yourself to more opportunities of people that could potentially be really useful and have a positive impact on the network in the future.

I mostly agree with you on this one, the Helper Information threads recommended players to be active on the forums and in suggestion making, which definitely had an interesting yet not completely negative outcome. In a way the forums are not even close to what they used to be, since the threads that are frequently posted nowadays are mostly low detail, rushed and just repeat ideas that have been suggested before over and over again. And in its core the cause of this must be the Helper requirements/information threads. And while it is nice to see the forums being livelier by the day, it's not enjoyable to find out that your 20 notifications every morning are just 2 sentences suggestions that don't really add anything, and most don't even make sense. It makes me feel like the conversations going on in this website have severely decreased in depth and quality.

That is not entirely true, Bedrock is its own world. Yes most of its content is the same/similar to Java, it is directed to a separate demographic. Bedrock and Java don't really need to be different, because they're played by different people already. Which is also why it's also called CubeCraft in Bedrock and not something else. Regardless the gamemodes and mechanics do feel vastly different in some aspects, which gives the Bedrock network its own unique feel. And today the Beta Games were announced, through CubeCraft's instagram page. Which also evidences that it's receiving the new features and updates it deserves.

Yes, personally I didn't find SkyBlock that great, it really does get boring overtime, and seemingly the solution to make the game feel more complete was just expanding waiting times for crops and ores and whatnot by ridiculous amounts, so that it cannot be completed in just a few days. Which I understand in a way, but it's not fun at all. Not a fan of SkyBlock

Well that's really on the people, they decide wether they like something or not and vote yes or no. What I really don't like is how some people don't seem to stand the fact that not everyone is able to write an entire essay explaining their position on a certain idea or suggestion. A lot of people take voting/liking as their oportunity to express their own opinions without having to justify themselves, it's just participating of democracy. You don't have to explain why you want a certain candidate to win, you're in your right to vote.

That's something I've always liked as an idea, though it seems like it ends up being overly complicated so I don't know if something like that would ever make sense to add. But definitely a fan of it.

I encourage you to continue to make threads like these, having more serious talks once in a while feels refreshing. Everything you brought up is very important, and it is most appreciated that you take your time to give your feedback.
The thing with Skyblock was that it was akin to lasagna made a at a fast food restaraunt. Maybe it tasted good in the beginning, but not a substitute for good food in the long run.

Skyblock should have had a lot more soul in the game. That’s what cubecraft lacks more than funds or staff- soul. Hypixel skyblock is really good because of the passion that went into it. Cubecraft lost the spark it had.

I still think that Lucky Islands update was THE BEST UPDATE cubecraft ever came up with. The Grapple bow was really fun to play with.

As for the decline of the forums - again the mods ought to share blame. Kingdom wars was escalated when it reached 60 replies or something. Normal suggestions don’t get that kind of exposure and are ignored. Rubbish posts get a lot of attention.

Paragraphs posted by staff members repeating the same thing on kick all the laggers was annoying to see at the least.

Can’t wait to see Blockwars on Bedrock. Hope it’s a cool functional gamemode with unique kits (unlike Java)
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JustNathie wrote on caraMel's profile.
Hi Caramel. Please check my reports, thanks
Hi everyone! How is life going? :D
Final exams starting in 8 days 🤚🏻..

It's my last year in high school
So i need to pass it to college
And it's really stressful tbh :(
Please wish me luck in my exams🤞🏻

Wish you all a great time!
iTz1Hamood wrote on caraMel's profile.
Hii again!
Thanks for accepting both reports,
Truly appreciate it!:D
BicolourSine41 wrote on Mintypie231's profile.
What site for facts do you use? I have a feeling that we are using the same one! xD
Daily fact #4-
The first computer virus ever created was called Creeper back in 1971. Shortly after this virus was created, Reaper was created as the world’s first anti-virus.
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