Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net


Well-Known Member
Dec 17, 2017
I've decided to attempt making a (new and improved) forth version of the Cubecraft Book of world Records (note the ”attempt”)! Hopefully, this version will get more submissions and contain more accurate records, and it’ll make it an easier task to look up a record. If you aren't in the Cubecraft Book of world Records and/or believe that you've beaten the current record holder(s), feel free to submit your record! For those of you who don't, I've made an assortment of "clubs" consisting of players with the same records.* I've also added some new records to this thread, you're also welcome to suggest new records. Don’t forget that some of these records are far from correct, but that’s part of the point of this thread, to list as accurate records as possible! :)

*"Clubs" are just what they sound like they are, a group of players with the same achievement/record. These clubs will (obviously) not be for players who have the "most" of something, but rather for players who've achieved certain things or milestones. Keep reading to find out more about it (by clicking the following spoiler).
The following are guidelines you must follow in order to make a succesful submission:

1. Always provide valid evidence of your record! This is done with a video or screenshot (depending on the record). Please also remember to somehow prove that it in fact is YOU or your group who are the record holder(s). Thus, a screenshot with random stats won't be accepted as proof.

2. Remember to state which record you're submitting for!

3. [FOR PLAYERS SUBMITTING FOR THE 1000 WINS CLUB] The 1,000 Wins Club is for players with 1,000+ wins in at least 3 games. whenever 25+ players are in the club, the amount of games with 1000+ wins needed to join will increase by 1, leaving the players who already meet the new requirement in the club, and removing the ones who still have the old value. The current 1000 Wins Club will still be kept though, but in a separate section.*

4. If you’re submitting for a W/L record, you need at least 250 games played, if you’re submitting for a K/D record, you must have at least 750 kills in that game mode.

5. Post your proof on this thread (preferred). Messaging me also works. If you choose to message me, you also agree to giving me an ability to post or give the link to your proof (whenever) someone requests to see it!

6. If these guidelines change and you've already made a succesful submission, the new content will (obviously) not apply to your previous submission!

That's all! Good luck!

*1000+ in both Solo & Team modes in the same game count as 2 different games. Note that the club concerns WINS only, and thus 1000+ PvP Duels, FFA or Assassination kills will NOT count towards the 1000 Wins Club. However, note that PvP Duels kills & wins aren't the same statistic, and therefore only the wins count (as 1 game).

Color coding (to make your life easier):
Green - The record is VERY likely correct/accurate. The record WAS/IS correct when it was written.
Cyan - The record COULD be correct/very hard to find someone who's beaten it.
Orange - The record's credibility is UNKNOWN.
Red -The record is 100% INCORRECT and to be updated/waiting for a new submission. The record is only listed because of low amouts of submissions.
Purple - The record is ESTIMATED, and therefore not actually submitted. This color only applies to records that haven't been submitted for.

Bold text indicates that the record is held by the player in the first (most wins or PvP Duels kills) place on the leaderboard of that game, and that it therefore likely is (VERY) reliable (but we can't know for sure).

Tip: If you're using Google Chrome, type Ctrl+F and write the game your record is for, and it'll likely skip to the records for that game for you.

Java Edition

Lucky Islands (Solo)

Most Wins: LuisFcm27 - 11,245(+)
Most Kills: SanCookie - 28,103(+)
Most Deaths: SanCookie - 4,187(+)

Most Games Played: LuisFcm27 - 11,245+
Most Lucky Blocks Broken: SanCookie - 48,477(+)
Most Blocks Broken: SanCookie - 168,845(+)
Most Blocks Placed: SanCookie - 201,671(+)
Longest Distance Walked: SanCookie - 5,573,187(+)
Most Time Played: SanCookie - 24+ days
Best K/D Ratio: Kloska - 12.344
Best W/L Ratio: Kloska - 2.116
Fastest Win: xRoosjez - 42 seconds

Lucky Islands (Team)
Most Wins: DavidaOMG - 10,690(+)
Most Kills: xLuiJox - 44,534(+)
Most Deaths: SleepyLiv - 5,007(+)

Most Games Played: Kloska - 12,238+
Most Lucky Blocks Broken: Kloska - 41,806(+)
Most Blocks Broken: Kloska - 187,661(+)
Most Blocks Placed: Kloska - 222,262(+)
Longest Distance Walked: Kloska - 9,250,422(+)
Most Time Played: Kloska - 34+ days
Best K/D Ratio: Kloska - 8.279
Best W/L Ratio: Kloska - 2.653
Fastest Win: Kloska & Liibe - 25 seconds, (ImJustPinguin & ItzMeAcci - 0 seconds)
Most Kills in One Game: Kloska - 17

Tower Defence
Most Wins: Fgeto - 5,627(+)
Most Games Played: Fgeto - 5,627(+)
Most Towers Built: iDqm - 12,601
Most Monsters Sent: HurmitCurtis - 2,038,433(+)
Most Monsters Killed: iDqm - 42,217
Most Time Played: iDqm - 3+ days
Most Coins Collected in 1 Game: Efcluke94 - 3,402,568

Most EXP Collected in 1 Game: (not submitted)
Best W/L Ratio: iDqm - 9.525

Most Wins: Park0ur - 7,126(+)

Most Competitive Games Played: Park0ur - 7,126(+)
Most Fails: Park0ur - 4,659(+)
Most Time Played: Park0ur - 3+ days

I'll add records here as they're submitted.
Level 5: josher17 - 00:10:819

Most Wins: _ElitePringle - 8,155(+)
Most Kills: Jeff_Bllkth - 66,721(+)
Most Kills in One Game: SanCookie - 33
Most Deaths: Cuteee - 19,004(+)
Most Flags Captured: Andyuu - 9,947(+)
Most Core Damage Dealt: Cuteee - 1,297(+)
Most Games Played: Andyuu - 8,458(+)
Most Arrows Shot: Cuteee - 26,489(+)
Most Arrows Hit: Cuteee - 8,973(+)
Most Blocks Broken: Andyuu - 108,828(+)
Most Blocks Placed: Jeff_Bllkth - 476,394(+)
Most Blocks Walked: Andyuu - 19,441,154(+)
Most Time Played: Andyuu - 43+ days
Best K/D Ratio: Jeff_Bllkth - 4.427
Best W/L Ratio: Andyuu - 3.492

EggWars (Normal)
Most Wins: Shinte - 19,308(+)
Most Solo Wins: NEO_K4T4N4 - 1,616(+)
Most Team Wins: iDqm - 1,821(+)
Most Kills: MiguelColli - 50,610(+)
Most Deaths: Your_Buddy - 15,585(+)

Most Games Played: Shinte - 19,308(+)
Most Eggs Broken: MiguelColli - 8,286(+)
Most Blocks Placed: MiguelColli - 608,797(+)
Most Blocks Broken: MiguelColli - 14,914,181(+)
Most Blocks Walked: Juskebat - 8,767,677(+)
Most Time Played: Juskebat - 28+ days
Best K/D Ratio: CommunistCactus - 12.048
Best W/L Ratio: iDqm - 3.972

EggWars (Speed)
Most Wins: NLodjo - 12,222(+)
Most Solo Wins: Kloska - 312(+)
Most Team Wins: iDqm - 2,927(+)
Most Kills: NLodjo - 61,470(+)
Most Deaths: iiNoobiii - 8,371(+)

Most Games Played: NLodjo - 13,892(+)
Most Eggs Broken: NLodjo - 18,584(+)
Most Blocks Placed: iiNoobiii - 442,238(+)
Most Blocks Broken: NLodjo - 29,980(+)
Most Blocks Walked: NLodjo - 11,052,493(+)
Most Time Played: NLodjo - 26+ days
Best K/D Ratio: Guildmaster - 26.625
Best W/L Ratio: NLodjo - 9.406

EggWars (Experimental)
Most Wins: (not submitted)
Most Kills: (not submitted)
Most Deaths: (not submitted)
Most Games Played: (not submitted)
Most Eggs Broken: (not submitted)
Most Blocks Broken: (not submitted)
Most Blocks Placed: (not submitted)
Most Blocks Walked: (not submitted)

Most Time Played: (not submitted)
Best K/D Ratio: (not submitted)
Best W/L Ratio: (not submitted)

PvP Duels

Most Kills: _p3q_ - 41,661(+)
Most Wins: _p3q_- 37,077(+)
Most Deaths: _p3q_ - 3,603(+)
Most Arrows Shot: _p3q_ - 50,760(+)
Most Arrows Hit: _p3q_ - 21,361(+)
Most Normal Wins: _p3q_ - 6,900(+)
Most Classic Wins: _p3q_ - 185(+)
Most Insane Wins: _p3q_ - 3,228(+)
Most Overpowered Wins: _p3q_ - 4,210(+)
Most Time Played: _p3q_ - 39+ days
Best K/D ratio: Zetrum - 35.406

Free For All (FFA)/Assassination
Most Kills: zDreaming - 118,093(+)
(FFA) Most Deaths: blocky12 - 21,743(+)
(FFA) Best Killstreak: blocky12 - 366
(FFA) Most Blocks Walked: blocky12 - 16,282,651(+)
(FFA) Most Time Played: blocky12 - 27+ days
(FFA) Best (Overall) K/D Ratio: HackersDontWin - 20.227
(Assassination) Most Kills: vinlir - 10,761(+)
(Assassination) Most Deaths: vinlir - 918(+)
(Assassination) Most Blocks Walked: vinlir - 5,283,094(+)
(Assassination) Most Time Played: vinlir - 13+ days
(Assassination) Best K/D Ratio: vinlir - 11.722

Most Wins: ImJqs - 14,602(+)
Most Games Played: PerryJ - 15,042(+)
Most Trophieis Attained: PerryJ - 41,184(+)
Most MVP's Received: PerryJ - 4,089(+)
Most Sidetasks Completed: PerryJ - 4,213(+)
Best W/L Ratio: MJ010101 - 2.257

Most Wins: Kloska - 504(+)
Most Losses: Kloska - 65(+)
Most Kills: Kloska - 3,835(+)
Most Deaths: Kloska - 1,423(+)

Most Games Played: Kloska - 560(+)
Most Powerups Picked Up: Kloska - 1,486(+)
Most Paintballs Shot: Kloska - 58,076(+)
Most Blocks Broken: Kloska - 8,450(+)
Most Blocks Painted: Kloska - 102,503(+)
Biggest Killstreak: iDqm - 26
Most Blocks Walked: Kloska - 557,974(+)
Most Time Played: Kloska - 1(+) day, 20 hours
Best W/L Ratio: Kloska - 7.754

Layer Spleef
Most Wins: PerryJ - 3,000(+)
Most Losses: PerryJ - 2,703(+)

Most Games Played: PerryJ - 5,696(+)
Most Powerups Picked Up: PerryJ - 59,316(+)
Most Blocks Broken: PerryJ - 853,423(+)
Most Blocks Walked: PerryJ - 7,544,227(+)
Most Layers Played On: PerryJ - 17,353(+)
Most Eggs Shot: PerryJ - 242,859(+)
Most Time Played: PerryJ - 26(+) Days
Best W/L Ratio: PerryJ - 1.110

Wing Rush
Most Wins: PerryJ - 1,000(+)
Most Kills: PerryJ - 7(+)
Most Deaths: PerryJ - 75(+)

Most Games Played: PerryJ - 943(+)
Most Powerups Picked Up: PerryJ - 5,951(+)
Most Checkpoints Reached: PerryJ - 15,556(+)
Most Time Played: PerryJ - 4+ days
Best W/L Ratio: PerryJ - 4.181

Barn Brawl
Most Wins: Kloska - 171(+)
Most Games Played: Kloska - 201(+)
Most Powerups Picked Up: FaliceRoses - 145(+)
Most Animals Captured: Kloska - 1,745(+)
Most Glowing Animals Captured: Kloska - 419(+)
Most Animal Babies Caught: FaliceRoses - 8(+)
Most Creepers Caught: Kloska - 280(+)
Most Blocks Walked: FaliceRoses - 3,755(+)
Most Time Played: Kloska - 22+ hours
Best W/L Ratio: Kloska - 5.700

Line Dash
Most Wins: PerryJ - 8,000(+)
Most Losses: PerryJ - 3,116(+)
Most Kills: PerryJ - 17,715(+)

Most Games Played: PerryJ - 8,345(+)
Most Powerups Picked Up: PerryJ - 31,627(+)
Most Line Blocks Made: PerryJ - 4,213,471(+)
Most Blocks Walked: PerryJ - 5,432,861(+)
Most Time Played: PerryJ - 8+ days
Best W/L Ratio: PerryJ - 2.567

Quake Craft
Most Wins: PerryJ - 2,001(+)
Most Kills: PerryJ - 64,560(+)
Most Kills in One Game: PerryJ - 56
Most Deaths: PerryJ - 19,012(+)
Most Shots Fired: PerryJ - 112,114(+)
Longest Killstreak: PerryJ - 38

Most Games Played: PerryJ - 2,172(+)
Most Blocks Walked: PerryJ - 3,399,310(+)
Most Time Played: PerryJ - 6+ days
Best W/L Ratio: PerryJ - 8.130
Best K/D Ratio: iDqm - 3.280
Best K/D Ratio in One Game: PerryJ - 48.000

Slime Survival

Most Wins as Survivor: iDqm - 28(+)
Most Wins as Slime: iDqm - 32(+)
Most Wins: iDqm - 60(+)

Most Games Played: iDqm - 88(+)
Most Survivors Caught: iDqm - 144(+)
Most Powerups Picked Up: iDqm - 227(+)
Most Survivors Recovered: iDqm - 21(+)
Longest Distance Walked: iDqm - 88,868(+)
Most Time Played: iDqm - 5+ hours

Best W/L Ratio: (not submitted)

(Mixed Arcade) Most Trophies Attained: iDqm - 25

SkyWars (Solo)
Most Wins: Jefe_Maestro1 - 19,645(+)
Most Kills: Jefe_Maestro1 - 73,418(+)
Most Deaths: Jefe_Maestro1 - 17,662(+)

Most Games Played: Jefe_Maestro1 - 30,679+
Most Arrows Shot: Jefe_Maestro1 - 338,544(+)
Most Arrows Hit: (not submitted)
Most Blocks Broken: Jefe_Maestro1 - 315,138(+)
Most Blocks Placed: Jefe_Maestro1 - 1,024,486(+)
Longest Distance Walked: JustRyann - 19,000,000(+)
Most Time Played: Jefe_Maestro1 - 31(+) days

Best K/D Ratio: (not submitted)
Best W/L Ratio: (not submitted)
Fastest Win: Kloska - 46 seconds

SkyWars (Team)
Most Wins: RichardDelPra - 10,000(+)
Most Kills: Zhypo - 34,195(+)
Most Deaths: Zhypo - 3,456(+)

Most Games Played: RichardDelPra - 10,000(+)
Most Arrows Shot: Zhypo - 99,025(+)
Most Arrows Hit: EmmySpammy - 51,788(+)
Most Blocks Broken: Zhypo - 155,284(+)
Most Blocks Placed: Zhypo - 390,470(+)
Longest Distance Walked: Zhypo - 11,090,618(+)
Most Time Played: Zhypo - 39(+) days, 7 hours, 54 minutes
Best K/D Ratio: Kloska - 5.417
Best W/L Ratio: Kloska - 1.340
Fastest Win: Kloska, Lqfe, BuriitoS, ChampionTristBoi - 31 seconds

Survival Games (Solo)
Most Wins: Joany - 5,564(+)
Most Kills: Leovardo - 45,860(+)

Most Deaths: Vickay - 2,241(+)
Most Games Played: Joany - 5,564(+)
Most Arrows Shot: xMegaCoolx - 38,420(+)
Most Arrows Hit: xMegaCoolx - 18,826(+)
Most Chests Opened: xMegaCoolx - 36,370(+)
Longest Distance Walked: xMegaCoolx - 3,796,519(+)
Most Time Played: xMegaCoolx - 17(+) days, 2 hours, 34 minutes
Best K/D Ratio: Thefty - 13.506

Best W/L Ratio: (not submitted)
Fastest Win: Kloska - 22 seconds

Survival Games (Team)
Most Wins: RipSurvivalGames - 5,933(+)
Most Kills: 3_1416zza - 35,565(+)

Most Deaths: Thefty - 1,145(+)
Most Games Played: RipSurvivalGames - 5,933(+)
Most Arrows Shot: Thefty - 12,318(+)
Most Arrows Hit: Thefty - 5,785(+)
Most Chests Opened: Thefty - 20,141(+)
Longest Distance Walked: Thefty - 7,012,228(+)

Most Time Played: (not submitted)
Best K/D Ratio: Poandra - 40.012
Best W/L Ratio: (not submitted)
Most Kills in One Game: Poandra - 15
Fastest Win: RipSurvivalGames - 23 seconds

Most Wins: Brunah - 4,253(+)
Most Games Played: ViolationYT - 4,467(+)
Most Microgames Won: Brunah - 56,978(+)
Most Microgames Played: ViolationYT - 62,077(+)
Most Boss Games Won: iDqm - 1,169(+)
Most Time Played: iDqm - 5+ days
Best W/L Ratio: iDqm - 6.896

Battle Zone (Solo)
Most Wins: aSteeve - 333(+)
Most Kills: Foxy011 - 6,762(+)

Most Deaths: Scottness - 94(+)
Most Games Played: aSteeve - 333(+)
Most Shots Fired: Scottness - 54,366(+)
Most Shots Hit: Scottness - 1,516(+)
Most Structures Built: Scottness - 11,006(+)
Most Blocks Walked: Scottness - 1,460,012(+)
Most Time Played: Scottness - 2+ days
Best K/D Ratio: Scottness - 19.415
Best W/L Ratio: Scottness - 1.232

Battle Zone (Squad)

Most Wins: kimmio - 389(+)
Most Kills: Just_Tejay - 3,758(+)

Most Deaths: iDqm - 47(+)
Most Games Played: (not submitted)
Most Shots Fired: iDqm - 12,552(+)
Most Shots Hit: iDqm - 5,212(+)
Most Structures Built: iDqm - 1,196(+)
Most Blocks Walked: iDqm - 417,772(+)
Most Time Played: iDqm - 14+ hours

Best K/D Ratio: (not submitted)
Best W/L Ratio: (not submitted)

BETA Games
Most Wins: ImMaan - 1,716(+)
Most Human Wins: Kloska - 116(+)
Most Infected Wins: Glazh - 1,079(+)
Most Deaths: Glazh - 2,140(+)

Most Games Played: ImMaan - 1,716(+)
Most Infected Killed: Kloska - 1,223(+)
Most Players Infected: iDqm - 1,425(+)
Most Deaths: Glazh - 2,220(+)
Most Players Infected in One Game: Glazh - 8
Most Blocks Walked: iDqm - 596,566(+)
Most Time Played: Glazh - 2+ days
Best W/L Ratio: iDqm - 25.094

Most Wins: m9068678 - 1,446(+)
Most Solo Wins: Kloska - 236(+)
Most Team Wins: Kloska - 443(+)

Most Games Played: (not submitted)
Most Items Collected: Kloska - 5,033(+)
Most Blocks Walked: Kloska - 1,427,084(+)
Most Time Played: Kloska - 5+ days
Best W/L Ratio: Kloska - 3.536

Fastest Solo Game of Full House: precisi0n - 12:00 mins

Archer Assault
Most Wins: iiLoveYouu - 2,520(+)
Most Kills: (not submitted)
Most Deaths: (not submitted)
Most Games Played: (not submitted)
Most Arrows Fired: (not submitted)
Most Ultimates Used: (not submitted)
Most Time Capturing Objective: (not submitted)
Most Blocks Placed: (not submitted)
Most Blocks Walked: (not submitted)
Most Time Played: (not submitted)
Best K/D Ratio: (not submitted)
Best W/L Ratio: (not submitted)


Most Points: NLodjo - 860,874
Highest Level: NLodjo - 245(+)
Most Cubelets: (not submitted)
Most Super Cubelets: (not submitted)
Most Uber Cubelets: (not submitted)
Most Overall Cubelets: (not submitted)

Most Loot Points: Fliqa - 101,598

SheIsMyLife, Kloska, Baroet, Thefty, MJ010101, NLodjo, ZoonTijd, Juskebat, iDqm,Megaaa

Games with 1,000+ wins for each club member:
SheIsMyLife: Minerware, Arcade, Tower Defence...(potentially more) (Total 3(+))
Kloska: Lucky Islands (Solo), Lucky Islands (Team), PvP Duels, Arcade, SkyWars (Solo), Speed EggWars (Team), EggWars (Team), Tower Defence, SkyWars (Team), Survival Games (Solo), Competititve Parkour (Total 11)
Baroet: SkyWars (Solo), Survival Games (Solo), Minerware...(potentially more) (Total 3(+))
Thefty: Survival Games (Solo), Survival Games (Team), PvP Duels (Total 3)

MJ010101: Lucky Islands (Solo), PvP Duels, Arcade, Competitive Parkour, Lucky Islands (Team) (Total 5)
NLodjo: Speed EggWars, EggWars, Arcade (Total 3)
ZoonTijd: SkyWars (Solo), Infection, PvP Duels (Total 3)
Juskebat: EggWars, Competitive Parkour, PvP Duels (Total 3)
iDqm: Arcade, EggWars (Team), Speed EggWars (Team), PvP Duels, Tower Defence, Minerware, SkyWars (Team) (Total 7)
Megaaa: SkyWars (Solo), SkyWars (Team), Survival Games (Solo), PvP Duels (Total 4)

Most Messages: Moooofin - 17,868(+)
Most Likes: Tacosbefriends - 10,832(+)
Most Trophy Points: Spoon. - 614

Most Followers: rubik_cube_man - 1,362(+)
Most Liked Post: Cubecraft (link) - 320(+) likes
Most Replies on a Thread: PinkStr3ak (link) - 7,805(+)
Most Liked Profile Message: rubik_cube_man (link) - 90(+)
Most Commented Profile Message: TeoVolcano (link) - 58(+) replies/comments

Most Liked Posts by Subforum:
Suggestions: Thefty (link) - 77(+)
Introductions: Cynamooo (link) - 31(+)

News: johncoles (link) - 130(+)
Everything Else: musemat (link) - 60(+)
Forum Games: Tacosbefriends (link) - 13(+)
Artwork: Spuuuni (link) - 36(+)
YouTube: johncoles (link) - 74(+)

Most Blocks Removed in a Single Game of SkyWars: ZoonTijd, ImJustPinguin, MJ010101, Joel200, RemiO05, Spuuuni & _SkywarsLegend_ (link) - The Entire Map
Largest Platform Built in EggWars (with a sheep on top): ZoonTijd, Spuuuni, ImJustPinguin, MJ010101 & MysticMoon_ (link)
Largest Obsidian Base Built in EggWars: Miauw & LordCouscous (link)
Largest Fort Built in SkyWars (Using only/mostly Lava and Water): CommunistCactus & jollow250 (link)
Most Accurate Money Walls Recreation in EggWars: DragonLord, jollow250 & more (link)
Longest Rollercoaster Built in Lucky Islands: CommunistCactus & Epicfartofdoom (link) - (no exact measurement)
Longest Waterslide Built in Skywars: Gray_Ice & komododragon2002 (link) - (no exact measurement)

Most Players' Names Read on the Forums in One Sitting: jollow250 (link)
(coming soon)
Bedrock Edition
I'll add records here as they're submitted. If you're interested in submitting for a Bedrock Edition record, submit what you think could be a possible record.

Survival Games
Most Kills in One Game: LiveOmnivore794 - 15

Most Kills in One Game: cobvig - 8
Last edited:

AFreakingCookie (Hank)

Dedicated Member
Apr 3, 2016
I've decided to attemt making a forth version of the Cubecraft Book of world Records! My hopes are that this version will get more submissions and contain more accurate records. If you aren't in the Cubecraft Book of world Records and/or believe that you've beaten the current record holder(s), feel free to submit your record! I've also added some new records to this thread along with the top 5 winners for each game, you're also welcome to suggest new records.

The following are guidelines you must follow in order to make a succesful submission:

1. Always provide valid evidence of your record! This is done with a video or screenshot (depending on the record).

2. Remember to state which record you're submitting for!

3. If you're submitting a W/L record, you need at least 250 games played. If you're submitting a K/D record you must have at least 750 kills and 75 deaths in that gamemode.

4. The 1000 Wins Club is for players with 1000+ wins in at least 4 (might be lowered if it's too high) games.

5. Post your proof on this thread, or message me @MJ010101 (I'd prefer messaging).

That's all! Good luck!

Lucky Islands (Solo)

Top 5 Winners:
LuisFcm27 - 10910(+) Wins
JimStyles - 4350(+) Wins
ElDiezFX - 2860(+) Wins
RenzoJavier_A - 2851(+) Wins
SanCookie - 2806(+) Wins
Most Kills: (not submitted)
Most Deaths: (not submitted)
Most Games Played: (not submitted)
Most Lucky Blocks Broken: (not submitted)
Most Blocks Broken: (not submitted)
Most Blocks Placed: (not submitted)
Longest Distance Walked: (not submitted)
Most Time Played: (not submitted)
Best K/D Ratio: (not submitted)
Best W/L Ratio: (not submitted)
Fastest Game: (not submitted)

Lucky Islands (Team)
Top 5 Winners:
DavidaOMG - 9723(+) Wins
Tayri - 9184(+) Wins
Kloska - 8825(+) Wins
xLuiJox - 8755(+) Wins
Whalky - 7585(+) Wins
Most Kills: (not submitted)
Most Deaths: (not submitted)
Most Games Played: (not submitted)
Most Lucky Blocks Broken: (not submitted)
Most Blocks Broken: (not submitted)
Most Blocks Placed: (not submitted)
Longest Distance Walked: (not submitted)
Most Time Played: (not submitted)
Best K/D Ratio: (not submitted)
Best W/L Ratio: (not submitted)
Fastest Game: (not submitted)

Tower Defence
Top 5 winners:
HurmitCurtis - 3553(+) Wins
fgeto - 3279(+) Wins
ILoveHerMore - 2618(+) Wins
Mrvossie - 2160(+) Wins
engiwuck - 2046(+) Wins
Most Games Played: (not submitted)
Most Towers Built: (not submitted)
Most Monsters Sent: HurmitCurtis - 1571419(+)
Most Monsters Killed: (not submitted)
Most time Played: (not submitted)
Most Coins Collected in 1 Game: (not submitted)
Most EXP Collected in 1 Game: (not submitted)
Best W/L Ratio: (not submitted)

Top 5 winners:
_EliteAurora - 6392(+) Wins
ANDyUU - 6294(+) Wins
StuckUp - 5357(+) Wins
ImGaming_ - 5210(+) Wins
DamiCp - 5179 Wins
Most Kills: (not submitted)
Most Deaths: (not submitted)
Most Flags Captured: ANDyUU - 8595(+)
Most Core Damage Dealt: (not submitted)
Most Games Played: (not submitted)
Most Arrows Shot: (not submitted)
Most Arrows Hit: (not submitted)
Most Blocks Broken: (not submitted)
Most Blocks Placed: (not submitted)
Most Blocks Walked: (not submitted)
Most Time Played: (not submitted)
Best K/D Ratio: (not submitted)
Best W/L Ratio: (not submitted)

EggWars (Normal)
Top 5 (Overall) Winners:
Shinte - 17958(+) Wins
NEO_K4T4N4 - 14628(+) Wins
Miauw - 11845(+) Wins
Tristayy - 10254(+) Wins
HeckinDweeb - 9479(+) Wins
Most Solo Wins: (not submitted)
Most Team Wins: (not submitted)
Most Kills: (not submitted)
Most Deaths: (not submitted)
Most Games Played: (not submitted)
Most Eggs Broken: (not submitted)
Most Blocks Placed: (not submitted)
Most Blocks Broken: (not submitted)
Most Blocks Walked: (not submitted)
Most Time Played: (not submitted)
Best K/D Ratio: (not submitted)
Best W/L Ratio: (not submitted)

EggWars (Speed)
Top 5 (Overall) Winners:
NLodjo - 12137(+) Wins
Vinniera - 6702(+) Wins
clqde_ - 5808(+) Wins
Slimeyz - 5616(+) Wins
Darkninja_27 - 4737(+) Wins
Most Solo Wins: (not submitted)
Most Team Wins: (not submitted)
Most Kills: (not submitted)
Most Deaths: (not submitted)
Most Games Played: (not submitted)
Most Eggs Broken: (not submitted)
Most Blocks Placed: (not submitted)
Most Blocks Broken: (not submitted)
Most Blocks Walked: (not submitted)
Most Time Played: (not submitted)
Best K/D Ratio: (not submitted)
Best W/L Ratio: (not submitted)

PvP Duels
Top 5 Killers:
Chumchumnaru - 35000(+) Kills
1z2 - 28815(+) Kills
Varnus_Vs - 24316(+) Kills
vilchizz23_YT - 23084(+) Kills
Bugrq - 21083(+) Kills
Most Wins: Chumchumnaru - 35000(+)
Most Deaths: (not submitted)
Most Arrows Shot: (not submitted)
Most Arrows Hit: (not submitted)
Most Normal Wins: (not submitted)
Most Classic Wins: (not submitted)
Most Insane Wins: (not submitted)
Most Overpowered Wins: (not submitted)
Most Blocks Walked: (not submitted)
Most Time Played: (not submitted)
Best K/D ratio: (not submitted)

Free For All (FFA)/Assassination
Top 5 (FFA) Killers:
blocky12 - 80932(+) Kills
Galodox - 79088(+) Kills
Degenerood - 73899(+) Kills
NightChampion - 73196(+) Kills
SkittleEater1 - 64095(+) Kills
(FFA) Most Deaths: (not submitted)
(FFA) Best Killstreak: (not submitted)
(FFA) Most Blocks Walked: (not submitted)
(FFA) Most Time Played: (not submitted)
(FFA) Best K/D Ratio: (not submitted)
(Assassination) Most Kills: (not submitted)
(Assassination) Most Deaths: (not submitted)
(Assassination) Most Bow Kills: (not submitted)
(Assassination) Most Potion Kills: (not submitted)
(Assassination) Most Blocks Walked: (not submitted)
(Assassination) Most Time Played: (not submitted)
(Assassination) Best K/D Ratio: (not submitted)

Top 5 Overall Winners:
ILoveHerMore - 12175(+) Wins
PerryJ - 9596(+) Wins
xJqs - 9248(+) Wins
TheDevilEver - 8388(+) Wins
IWouldRun - 7955(+) Wins
Most Games Played: (not submitted)
Most Trophieis Attained: PerryJ - 27893
Most MVP's Received: (not submitted)
Most Sidetasks Completed: (not submitted)
Best W/L Ratio: (not submitted)

Most Wins: (not submitted)
Most Trophies Attained: (not submitted)
Most Losses: (not submitted)
Most Kills: (not submitted)
Most Deaths: (not submitted)
Most Games Played: (not submitted)
Most Powerups Picked Up: (not submitted)
Most Paintballs Shot: (not submitted)
Most Blocks Broken: (not submitted)
Most Blocks Painted: (not submitted)
Biggest Killstreak: (not submitted)
Most Blocks Walked: (not submitted)
Most Time Played: (not submitted)
Best W/L Ratio: (not submitted)

Layer Spleef
Most Wins: (not submitted)
Most Losses: (not submitted)
Most Games Played: (not submitted)
Most Powerups Picked Up: (not submitted)
Most Blocks Broken: (not submitted)
Most Layers Played On: (not submitted)
Most Eggs Shot: (not submitted)
Best W/L Ratio: (not submitted)

Wing Rush
Most Wins: (not submitted)
Most Losses: (not submitted)
Most Kills: (not submitted)
Most Deaths: (not submitted)
Most Games Played: (not submitted)
Most Powerups Picked Up: (not submitted)
Most Checkpoints Reached: (not submitted)
Most Time Played: (not submitted)
Best W/L Ratio: (not submitted)

Barn Brawl
Most Wins: (not submitted)
Most Losses: (not submitted)
Most Games Played: (not submitted)
Most Powerups Picked Up: (not submitted)
Most Animals Captured: (not submitted)
Most Glowing animals Captured: (not submitted)
Most Animal Babies Caught: (not submitted)
Most Creepers Caught: (not submitted)
Most Blocks Walked: (not submitted)
Most Time Played: (not submitted)
Best W/L Ratio: (not submitted)

Line Dash
Most Wins: (not submitted)
Most Losses: (not submitted)
Most Kills: (not submitted)
Most Games Played: (not submitted)
Most Powerups Picked Up: (not submitted)
Most Line Blocks Made: (not submitted)
Most Blocks Walked: (not submitted)
Most Time Played: (not submitted)
Best W/L Ratio: (not submitted)

(Mixed Arcade) Most Trophies Attained:

SkyWars (Solo)
Top 5 Winners:
Jefe_Maestro1 - 17639(+) Wins
ForGiveMe - 8270(+) Wins
Flqris - 8260(+) Wins
Yuu_Komori - 7815(+) Wins
Daveyyy - 7426(+) Wins
Most Kills: (not submitted)
Most Deaths: (not submitted)
Most Games Played: (not submitted)
Most Arrows Shot: (not submitted)
Most Arrows Hit: (not submitted)
Most Blocks Broken: (not submitted)
Most Blocks Placed: (not submitted)
Longest Distance Walked: (not submitted)
Most Time Played: (not submitted)
Best K/D Ratio: (not submitted)
Best W/L Ratio: (not submitted)
Fastest Game: (not submitted)

SkyWars (Team)
Top 5 Winners:
Diogo - 6283(+) Wins
Flqris - 6221(+) Wins
XiiKa - 5931(+) Wins
RichardDelPra - 5802(+) Wins
Moooofin - 5519(+) Wins
Most Kills: (not submitted)
Most Deaths: (not submitted)
Most Games Played: (not submitted)
Most Arrows Shot: (not submitted)
Most Arrows Hit: (not submitted)
Most Blocks Broken: (not submitted)
Most Blocks Placed: (not submitted)
Longest Distance Walked: (not submitted)
Most Time Played: (not submitted)
Best K/D Ratio: (not submitted)
Best W/L Ratio: (not submitted)
Fastest Game: (not submitted)

Survival Games (Solo)
Top 5 Winners:
Joany - 5563(+) Wins
Leovardo - 5149(+) Wins
Baroet - 3335(+) Wins
xMegaCoolx - 3076(+) Wins
Thefty - 2643(+) Wins
Most Kills: (not submitted)
Most Deaths: (not submitted)
Most Games Played: (not submitted)
Most Arrows Shot: (not submitted)
Most Arrows Hit: (not submitted)
Most Chests Opened: (not submitted)
Longest Distance Walked: (not submitted)
Most Time Played: (not submitted)
Best K/D Ratio: (not submitted)
Best W/L Ratio: (not submitted)

Survival Games (Team)
Top 5 Winners:
Baski - 5809(+) Wins
Thefty - 4967(+) Wins
fra_fraa - 4674(+) Wins
Ronzo_ - 4282(+) Wins
PinkySan - 4013(+) Wins
Most Kills: (not submitted)
Most Deaths: (not submitted)
Most Games Played: (not submitted)
Most Arrows Shot: (not submitted)
Most Arrows Hit: (not submitted)
Most Chests Opened: (not submitted)
Longest Distance Walked: (not submitted)
Most Time Played: (not submitted)
Best K/D Ratio: (not submitted)
Best W/L Ratio: (not submitted)

Ultra Hardcore (Normal)
Top 5 Winners:
Danikka - 535(+) Wins
Chrisi321 - 327(+) Wins
Aronija - 314(+) Wins
Foxy011 - 229(+) Wins
Bob_the_Giraffe 222(+) Wins
Most Kills: (not submitted)
Most Deaths: (not submitted)
Most Games Played: (not submitted)
Most Animals Killed: (not submitted)
Most Monsters Killed: (not submitted)
Most Diamonds Mined: (not submitted)
Most Blocks Placed: (not submitted)
Most Blocks Broken: (not submitted)
Longest Distance Walked: (not submitted)
Most Time Played: (not submitted)
Best K/D Ratio: (not submitted)
Best W/L Ratio: (not submitted)

Ultra Hardcore (Speed)
Top 5 Winners:
Juskebat - 825(+) Wins
Kqvin_Gz - 638(+) Wins
iDoritoo - 533(+) Wins
LanceDaniels - 425(+) Wins
iNouf - 418(+) Wins
Most Kills: (not submitted)
Most Deaths: (not submitted)
Most Games Played: (not submitted)
Most Animals Killed: (not submitted)
Most Monsters Killed: (not submitted)
Most Deathmatches Played: (not submitted)
Most Diamonds Mined: (not submitted)
Most Blocks Placed: (not submitted)
Most Blocks Broken: (not submitted)
Longest Distance Walked: (not submitted)
Most Time Played: (not submitted)
Best K/D Ratio: (not submitted)
Best W/L Ratio: (not submitted)

Top 5 Winners:
ILoveHerMore - 4208(+) Wins
Brunah - 3675(+) Wins
JustxEsmee - 2911(+) Wins
jpelzen - 2340(+) Wins
BqymqxOMG - 2335(+) Wins
Most Games Played: (not submitted)
Most Microgames Won: ILoveHerMore - 58373(+)
Most Microgames Played: (not submitted)
Most Boss Games Won: (not submitted)
Most Time Played: (not submitted)
Best W/L Ratio: (not submitted)

BETA Games
Most Human Wins: (not submitted)
Most Infected Wins: (not submitted)
Most Deaths: (not submitted)
Most Games Played: (not submitted)
Most Infected Killed: (not submitted)
Most Players Infected: (not submitted)
Most Blocks Placed: (not submitted)
Most Blocks Walked: (not submitted)
Most Time Played: (not submitted)
Best W/L Ratio: (not submitted)

Most Wins: (not submitted)
Most Games Played: (not submitted)
Most Items Collected: (not submitted)
Most Blocks Walked: (not submitted)
Most Time Played: (not submitted)
Best W/L Ratio: (not submitted)

Archer Assault
Most Wins: (not submitted)
Most Kills: (not submitted)
Most Deaths: (not submitted)
Most Games Played: (not submitted)
Most Arrows Fired: (not submitted)
Most Ultimates Used: (not submitted)
Most Time Capturing Objective: (not submitted)
Most Blocks Placed: (not submitted)
Most Blocks Walked: (not submitted)
Most Time Played: (not submitted)
Best K/D Ratio: (not submitted)
Best W/L Ratio: (not submitted)


Most Points: (not submitted)
Highest Level: (not submitted)
Most Cubelets: (not submitted)
Most Vanity Points: (not submitted)
(not submitted)

Most Messages: Moooofin - 17868(+)
Most Likes: (not submitted)
Most Trophy Points: (not submitted)
Most Liked Post: (not submitted)
Most Replies on a Thread: (not submitted)
Oldest Non-Necroposted Thread: (not submitted)
Most Liked Profile Message: (not submitted)
Most Commented Profile Message: (not submitted)
The chances of me having a “most __” is next to impossible so...
But thanks for spending the time to make this thread for others to show how many things they have!
  • Like
Reactions: MJ010101


Forum Expert
Sep 2, 2016
In A Box In San Francisco
I've decided to attemt making a forth version of the Cubecraft Book of world Records! My hopes are that this version will get more submissions and contain more accurate records. If you aren't in the Cubecraft Book of world Records and/or believe that you've beaten the current record holder(s), feel free to submit your record! I've also added some new records to this thread along with the top 5 winners for each game, you're also welcome to suggest new records.

The following are guidelines you must follow in order to make a succesful submission:

1. Always provide valid evidence of your record! This is done with a video or screenshot (depending on the record).

2. Remember to state which record you're submitting for!

3. If you're submitting a W/L record, you need at least 250 games played. If you're submitting a K/D record you must have at least 750 kills and 75 deaths in that gamemode.

4. The 1000 Wins Club is for players with 1000+ wins in at least 4 (might be lowered if it's too high) games.

5. Post your proof on this thread, or message me @MJ010101 (I'd prefer messaging).

That's all! Good luck!

Lucky Islands (Solo)

Top 5 Winners:
LuisFcm27 - 10910(+) Wins
JimStyles - 4350(+) Wins
ElDiezFX - 2860(+) Wins
RenzoJavier_A - 2851(+) Wins
SanCookie - 2806(+) Wins
Most Kills: (not submitted)
Most Deaths: (not submitted)
Most Games Played: (not submitted)
Most Lucky Blocks Broken: (not submitted)
Most Blocks Broken: (not submitted)
Most Blocks Placed: (not submitted)
Longest Distance Walked: (not submitted)
Most Time Played: (not submitted)
Best K/D Ratio: (not submitted)
Best W/L Ratio: (not submitted)
Fastest Game: (not submitted)

Lucky Islands (Team)
Top 5 Winners:
DavidaOMG - 9723(+) Wins
Tayri - 9184(+) Wins
Kloska - 8825(+) Wins
xLuiJox - 8755(+) Wins
Whalky - 7585(+) Wins
Most Kills: (not submitted)
Most Deaths: (not submitted)
Most Games Played: (not submitted)
Most Lucky Blocks Broken: (not submitted)
Most Blocks Broken: (not submitted)
Most Blocks Placed: (not submitted)
Longest Distance Walked: (not submitted)
Most Time Played: (not submitted)
Best K/D Ratio: (not submitted)
Best W/L Ratio: (not submitted)
Fastest Game: (not submitted)

Tower Defence
Top 5 winners:
HurmitCurtis - 3553(+) Wins
fgeto - 3279(+) Wins
ILoveHerMore - 2618(+) Wins
Mrvossie - 2160(+) Wins
engiwuck - 2046(+) Wins
Most Games Played: (not submitted)
Most Towers Built: (not submitted)
Most Monsters Sent: HurmitCurtis - 1571419(+)
Most Monsters Killed: (not submitted)
Most time Played: (not submitted)
Most Coins Collected in 1 Game: (not submitted)
Most EXP Collected in 1 Game: (not submitted)
Best W/L Ratio: (not submitted)

Top 5 winners:
_EliteAurora - 6392(+) Wins
ANDyUU - 6294(+) Wins
StuckUp - 5357(+) Wins
ImGaming_ - 5210(+) Wins
DamiCp - 5179 Wins
Most Kills: (not submitted)
Most Deaths: (not submitted)
Most Flags Captured: ANDyUU - 8595(+)
Most Core Damage Dealt: (not submitted)
Most Games Played: (not submitted)
Most Arrows Shot: (not submitted)
Most Arrows Hit: (not submitted)
Most Blocks Broken: (not submitted)
Most Blocks Placed: (not submitted)
Most Blocks Walked: (not submitted)
Most Time Played: (not submitted)
Best K/D Ratio: (not submitted)
Best W/L Ratio: (not submitted)

EggWars (Normal)
Top 5 (Overall) Winners:
Shinte - 17958(+) Wins
NEO_K4T4N4 - 14628(+) Wins
Miauw - 11845(+) Wins
Tristayy - 10254(+) Wins
HeckinDweeb - 9479(+) Wins
Most Solo Wins: (not submitted)
Most Team Wins: (not submitted)
Most Kills: (not submitted)
Most Deaths: (not submitted)
Most Games Played: (not submitted)
Most Eggs Broken: (not submitted)
Most Blocks Placed: (not submitted)
Most Blocks Broken: (not submitted)
Most Blocks Walked: (not submitted)
Most Time Played: (not submitted)
Best K/D Ratio: (not submitted)
Best W/L Ratio: (not submitted)

EggWars (Speed)
Top 5 (Overall) Winners:
NLodjo - 12137(+) Wins
Vinniera - 6702(+) Wins
clqde_ - 5808(+) Wins
Slimeyz - 5616(+) Wins
Darkninja_27 - 4737(+) Wins
Most Solo Wins: (not submitted)
Most Team Wins: (not submitted)
Most Kills: (not submitted)
Most Deaths: (not submitted)
Most Games Played: (not submitted)
Most Eggs Broken: (not submitted)
Most Blocks Placed: (not submitted)
Most Blocks Broken: (not submitted)
Most Blocks Walked: (not submitted)
Most Time Played: (not submitted)
Best K/D Ratio: (not submitted)
Best W/L Ratio: (not submitted)

PvP Duels
Top 5 Killers:
Chumchumnaru - 35000(+) Kills
1z2 - 28815(+) Kills
Varnus_Vs - 24316(+) Kills
vilchizz23_YT - 23084(+) Kills
Bugrq - 21083(+) Kills
Most Wins: Chumchumnaru - 35000(+)
Most Deaths: (not submitted)
Most Arrows Shot: (not submitted)
Most Arrows Hit: (not submitted)
Most Normal Wins: (not submitted)
Most Classic Wins: (not submitted)
Most Insane Wins: (not submitted)
Most Overpowered Wins: (not submitted)
Most Blocks Walked: (not submitted)
Most Time Played: (not submitted)
Best K/D ratio: (not submitted)

Free For All (FFA)/Assassination
Top 5 (FFA) Killers:
blocky12 - 80932(+) Kills
Galodox - 79088(+) Kills
Degenerood - 73899(+) Kills
NightChampion - 73196(+) Kills
SkittleEater1 - 64095(+) Kills
(FFA) Most Deaths: (not submitted)
(FFA) Best Killstreak: (not submitted)
(FFA) Most Blocks Walked: (not submitted)
(FFA) Most Time Played: (not submitted)
(FFA) Best K/D Ratio: (not submitted)
(Assassination) Most Kills: (not submitted)
(Assassination) Most Deaths: (not submitted)
(Assassination) Most Bow Kills: (not submitted)
(Assassination) Most Potion Kills: (not submitted)
(Assassination) Most Blocks Walked: (not submitted)
(Assassination) Most Time Played: (not submitted)
(Assassination) Best K/D Ratio: (not submitted)

Top 5 Overall Winners:
ILoveHerMore - 12175(+) Wins
PerryJ - 9596(+) Wins
xJqs - 9248(+) Wins
TheDevilEver - 8388(+) Wins
IWouldRun - 7955(+) Wins
Most Games Played: (not submitted)
Most Trophieis Attained: PerryJ - 27893
Most MVP's Received: (not submitted)
Most Sidetasks Completed: (not submitted)
Best W/L Ratio: (not submitted)

Most Wins: (not submitted)
Most Trophies Attained: (not submitted)
Most Losses: (not submitted)
Most Kills: (not submitted)
Most Deaths: (not submitted)
Most Games Played: (not submitted)
Most Powerups Picked Up: (not submitted)
Most Paintballs Shot: (not submitted)
Most Blocks Broken: (not submitted)
Most Blocks Painted: (not submitted)
Biggest Killstreak: (not submitted)
Most Blocks Walked: (not submitted)
Most Time Played: (not submitted)
Best W/L Ratio: (not submitted)

Layer Spleef
Most Wins: (not submitted)
Most Losses: (not submitted)
Most Games Played: (not submitted)
Most Powerups Picked Up: (not submitted)
Most Blocks Broken: (not submitted)
Most Layers Played On: (not submitted)
Most Eggs Shot: (not submitted)
Best W/L Ratio: (not submitted)

Wing Rush
Most Wins: (not submitted)
Most Losses: (not submitted)
Most Kills: (not submitted)
Most Deaths: (not submitted)
Most Games Played: (not submitted)
Most Powerups Picked Up: (not submitted)
Most Checkpoints Reached: (not submitted)
Most Time Played: (not submitted)
Best W/L Ratio: (not submitted)

Barn Brawl
Most Wins: (not submitted)
Most Losses: (not submitted)
Most Games Played: (not submitted)
Most Powerups Picked Up: (not submitted)
Most Animals Captured: (not submitted)
Most Glowing animals Captured: (not submitted)
Most Animal Babies Caught: (not submitted)
Most Creepers Caught: (not submitted)
Most Blocks Walked: (not submitted)
Most Time Played: (not submitted)
Best W/L Ratio: (not submitted)

Line Dash
Most Wins: (not submitted)
Most Losses: (not submitted)
Most Kills: (not submitted)
Most Games Played: (not submitted)
Most Powerups Picked Up: (not submitted)
Most Line Blocks Made: (not submitted)
Most Blocks Walked: (not submitted)
Most Time Played: (not submitted)
Best W/L Ratio: (not submitted)

(Mixed Arcade) Most Trophies Attained:

SkyWars (Solo)
Top 5 Winners:
Jefe_Maestro1 - 17639(+) Wins
ForGiveMe - 8270(+) Wins
Flqris - 8260(+) Wins
Yuu_Komori - 7815(+) Wins
Daveyyy - 7426(+) Wins
Most Kills: (not submitted)
Most Deaths: (not submitted)
Most Games Played: (not submitted)
Most Arrows Shot: (not submitted)
Most Arrows Hit: (not submitted)
Most Blocks Broken: (not submitted)
Most Blocks Placed: (not submitted)
Longest Distance Walked: (not submitted)
Most Time Played: (not submitted)
Best K/D Ratio: (not submitted)
Best W/L Ratio: (not submitted)
Fastest Game: (not submitted)

SkyWars (Team)
Top 5 Winners:
Diogo - 6283(+) Wins
Flqris - 6221(+) Wins
XiiKa - 5931(+) Wins
RichardDelPra - 5802(+) Wins
Moooofin - 5519(+) Wins
Most Kills: (not submitted)
Most Deaths: (not submitted)
Most Games Played: (not submitted)
Most Arrows Shot: (not submitted)
Most Arrows Hit: (not submitted)
Most Blocks Broken: (not submitted)
Most Blocks Placed: (not submitted)
Longest Distance Walked: (not submitted)
Most Time Played: (not submitted)
Best K/D Ratio: (not submitted)
Best W/L Ratio: (not submitted)
Fastest Game: (not submitted)

Survival Games (Solo)
Top 5 Winners:
Joany - 5563(+) Wins
Leovardo - 5149(+) Wins
Baroet - 3335(+) Wins
xMegaCoolx - 3076(+) Wins
Thefty - 2643(+) Wins
Most Kills: (not submitted)
Most Deaths: (not submitted)
Most Games Played: (not submitted)
Most Arrows Shot: (not submitted)
Most Arrows Hit: (not submitted)
Most Chests Opened: (not submitted)
Longest Distance Walked: (not submitted)
Most Time Played: (not submitted)
Best K/D Ratio: (not submitted)
Best W/L Ratio: (not submitted)

Survival Games (Team)
Top 5 Winners:
Baski - 5809(+) Wins
Thefty - 4967(+) Wins
fra_fraa - 4674(+) Wins
Ronzo_ - 4282(+) Wins
PinkySan - 4013(+) Wins
Most Kills: (not submitted)
Most Deaths: (not submitted)
Most Games Played: (not submitted)
Most Arrows Shot: (not submitted)
Most Arrows Hit: (not submitted)
Most Chests Opened: (not submitted)
Longest Distance Walked: (not submitted)
Most Time Played: (not submitted)
Best K/D Ratio: (not submitted)
Best W/L Ratio: (not submitted)

Ultra Hardcore (Normal)
Top 5 Winners:
Danikka - 535(+) Wins
Chrisi321 - 327(+) Wins
Aronija - 314(+) Wins
Foxy011 - 229(+) Wins
Bob_the_Giraffe 222(+) Wins
Most Kills: (not submitted)
Most Deaths: (not submitted)
Most Games Played: (not submitted)
Most Animals Killed: (not submitted)
Most Monsters Killed: (not submitted)
Most Diamonds Mined: (not submitted)
Most Blocks Placed: (not submitted)
Most Blocks Broken: (not submitted)
Longest Distance Walked: (not submitted)
Most Time Played: (not submitted)
Best K/D Ratio: (not submitted)
Best W/L Ratio: (not submitted)

Ultra Hardcore (Speed)
Top 5 Winners:
Juskebat - 825(+) Wins
Kqvin_Gz - 638(+) Wins
iDoritoo - 533(+) Wins
LanceDaniels - 425(+) Wins
iNouf - 418(+) Wins
Most Kills: (not submitted)
Most Deaths: (not submitted)
Most Games Played: (not submitted)
Most Animals Killed: (not submitted)
Most Monsters Killed: (not submitted)
Most Deathmatches Played: (not submitted)
Most Diamonds Mined: (not submitted)
Most Blocks Placed: (not submitted)
Most Blocks Broken: (not submitted)
Longest Distance Walked: (not submitted)
Most Time Played: (not submitted)
Best K/D Ratio: (not submitted)
Best W/L Ratio: (not submitted)

Top 5 Winners:
ILoveHerMore - 4208(+) Wins
Brunah - 3675(+) Wins
JustxEsmee - 2911(+) Wins
jpelzen - 2340(+) Wins
BqymqxOMG - 2335(+) Wins
Most Games Played: (not submitted)
Most Microgames Won: ILoveHerMore - 58373(+)
Most Microgames Played: (not submitted)
Most Boss Games Won: (not submitted)
Most Time Played: (not submitted)
Best W/L Ratio: (not submitted)

BETA Games
Most Human Wins: (not submitted)
Most Infected Wins: (not submitted)
Most Deaths: (not submitted)
Most Games Played: (not submitted)
Most Infected Killed: (not submitted)
Most Players Infected: (not submitted)
Most Blocks Placed: (not submitted)
Most Blocks Walked: (not submitted)
Most Time Played: (not submitted)
Best W/L Ratio: (not submitted)

Most Wins: (not submitted)
Most Games Played: (not submitted)
Most Items Collected: (not submitted)
Most Blocks Walked: (not submitted)
Most Time Played: (not submitted)
Best W/L Ratio: (not submitted)

Archer Assault
Most Wins: (not submitted)
Most Kills: (not submitted)
Most Deaths: (not submitted)
Most Games Played: (not submitted)
Most Arrows Fired: (not submitted)
Most Ultimates Used: (not submitted)
Most Time Capturing Objective: (not submitted)
Most Blocks Placed: (not submitted)
Most Blocks Walked: (not submitted)
Most Time Played: (not submitted)
Best K/D Ratio: (not submitted)
Best W/L Ratio: (not submitted)


Most Points: (not submitted)
Highest Level: (not submitted)
Most Cubelets: (not submitted)
Most Vanity Points: (not submitted)
(not submitted)

Most Messages: Moooofin - 17868(+)
Most Likes: (not submitted)
Most Trophy Points: (not submitted)
Most Liked Post: (not submitted)
Most Replies on a Thread: (not submitted)
Oldest Non-Necroposted Thread: (not submitted)
Most Liked Profile Message: (not submitted)
Most Commented Profile Message: (not submitted)
Most likes: tacosbefriends
Most trophy points: tie between tacosbefriends, younisco, and Sophie
Most replied to thread: https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/ban-the-person-above-you-game.10025/
Most liked post: first post on this thread: https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/helper-applications-open.139999/#post-949333
What did you expect?
Also for oldest none necroposted threads
By non necroposted do you just mean unlocked or can they be locked threads
  • Like
Reactions: MJ010101

Power Ranger

Forum Professional
Apr 20, 2016
The ♡
It's about time this thread came back. :) The only thing I would say is to copy some of the stats from the old thread until more stats are submitted.

Det är redan jättebra MJ :)

The number of wannabees on this forum compared to other servers.
He made a quality thread so he's a wannabe? I miss when the forums actually had a community...

Even if MJ is a wannabe, you yourself were a huge wannabe back in the day, so was I, and so were 95% of the people who use the term "helper wannabe". Let the kid have some fun like how most of us had lots of fun on the forums before. That's what Minecraft is supposed to be about right?
Last edited:


Forum Veteran
Dec 22, 2016
Sweden ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ
here is my team lucky island stats (1februari 2018)


  • 2018-02-01_16.35.05.png
    903.5 KB · Views: 891
  • Like
Reactions: MJ010101


Forum Expert
Jul 6, 2016
In a chicken coop
It's about time this thread came back. :) The only thing I would say is to copy some of the stats from the old thread until more stats are submitted.

Det är redan jättebra MJ :)

He made a quality thread so he's a wannabe? I miss when the forums actually had a community...

Even if MJ is a wannabe, you yourself were a huge wannabe back in the day, so was I, and so were 95% of the people who use the term "helper wannabe". Let the kid have some fun like how most of us had lots of fun on the forums before. That's what Minecraft is supposed to be about right?
I never called MJ out, what makes you assume I'm talking to him? we all stopped being helper wannabes after seeing the annoyances of it.


Forum Expert
Sep 2, 2016
In A Box In San Francisco
I never called MJ out, what makes you assume I'm talking to him? we all stopped being helper wannabes after seeing the annoyances of it.
"We all stopped being wannabes after seeing the annoyances of it"
Then you wouldn't post this reply for crying out loud
You are going to make me start a rant at this rate
The number of wannabees on this forum compared to other servers.


Forum Professional
May 29, 2015
Amersfoort, The Netherlands
I've decided to attemt making a forth version of the Cubecraft Book of world Records (note the ”attempt”)! My hopes are that this version will get more submissions and contain more accurate records. If you aren't in the Cubecraft Book of world Records and/or believe that you've beaten the current record holder(s), feel free to submit your record! I've also added some new records to this thread along with the top 5 winners for each game, you're also welcome to suggest new records.

The following are guidelines you must follow in order to make a succesful submission:

1. Always provide valid evidence of your record! This is done with a video or screenshot (depending on the record).

2. Remember to state which record you're submitting for!

3. If you're submitting a W/L record, you need at least 250 games played. If you're submitting a K/D record you must have at least 750 kills and 75 deaths in that gamemode.

4. The 1,000 Wins Club is for players with 1,000+ wins in at least 3 games.

5. Post your proof on this thread.

That's all! Good luck!

Lucky Islands (Solo)

Top 5 Winners:
LuisFcm27 - 10,910(+) Wins
JimStyles - 4,350(+) Wins
ElDiezFX - 2,860(+) Wins
RenzoJavier_A - 2,851(+) Wins
SanCookie - 2,806(+) Wins
Most Kills: iCheeetah - 181
Most Deaths: iCheeetah - 188
Most Games Played: LuisFcm27 - 10,910+
Most Lucky Blocks Broken: iCheeetah - 1,393
Most Blocks Broken: iCheeetah - 3,543
Most Blocks Placed: iCheeetah - 4,189
Longest Distance Walked: iCheeetah - 97,371
Most Time Played: (not submitted)
Best K/D Ratio: (not submitted)
Best W/L Ratio: (not submitted)
Fastest Game: (not submitted)

Lucky Islands (Team)
Top 5 Winners:
DavidaOMG - 9,723(+) Wins
Tayri - 9,184(+) Wins
Kloska - 8,825(+) Wins
xLuiJox - 8,755(+) Wins
Whalky - 7,585(+) Wins
Most Kills: ImJustFilip - 11,188
Most Deaths: ImJustFilip - 4,304
Most Games Played: Tayri - 9,244
Most Lucky Blocks Broken: ImJustFilip - 19,464
Most Blocks Broken: ImJustFilip - 113,590
Most Blocks Placed: ImJustFilip - 105,953
Longest Distance Walked: ImJustFilip - 4,065,579
Most Time Played: ImJustFilip - 21+ days
Best K/D Ratio: ImJustFilip - 2.599
Best W/L Ratio: ImJustFilip - 0.482
Fastest Game: (not submitted)

Tower Defence
Top 5 winners:
HurmitCurtis - 3,553(+) Wins
fgeto - 3,279(+) Wins
ILoveHerMore - 2,618(+) Wins
Mrvossie - 2,160(+) Wins
engiwuck - 2,046(+) Wins
Most Games Played: HurmitCurtis - 2450(+)
Most Towers Built: (not submitted)
Most Monsters Sent: HurmitCurtis - 1,571,419(+)
Most Monsters Killed: (not submitted)
Most time Played: (not submitted)
Most Coins Collected in 1 Game: (not submitted)
Most EXP Collected in 1 Game: (not submitted)
Best W/L Ratio: (not submitted)

Top 5 winners:
_EliteAurora - 6,392(+) Wins
ANDyUU - 6,294(+) Wins
StuckUp - 5,357(+) Wins
ImGaming_ - 5,210(+) Wins
DamiCp - 5,179 Wins
Most Kills: Jeff_San - 66,721
Most Deaths: Jeff_San - 15,526
Most Flags Captured: ANDyUU - 8,595(+)
Most Core Damage Dealt: (not submitted)
Most Games Played: Jeff_San - 6,031
Most Arrows Shot: Jeff_San - 14,608
Most Arrows Hit: Jeff_San - 6,727
Most Blocks Broken: Jeff_San - 70,667
Most Blocks Placed: Jeff_San - 476,394
Most Blocks Walked: Jeff_San - 15,878,121
Most Time Played: Jeff_San - 35 days, 21 minutes
Best K/D Ratio: (not submitted)
Best W/L Ratio: (not submitted)

EggWars (Normal)
Top 5 (Overall) Winners:
Shinte - 17,958(+) Wins
NEO_K4T4N4 - 14,628(+) Wins
Miauw - 11,845(+) Wins
Tristayy - 10,254(+) Wins
HeckinDweeb - 9,479(+) Wins
Most Solo Wins: (not submitted)
Most Team Wins: (not submitted)
Most Kills: MiguelColli - 50,610
Most Deaths: Your_Buddy - 15,585
Most Games Played: MiguelColli - 9,100
Most Eggs Broken: MiguelColli - 8,286
Most Blocks Placed: MiguelColli - 608,797
Most Blocks Broken: MiguelColli - 14,914,181
Most Blocks Walked: (not submitted)
Most Time Played: iCheeetah - 14 days, 3 hours, 27 minutes
Best K/D Ratio: (not submitted)
Best W/L Ratio: (not submitted)

EggWars (Speed)
Top 5 (Overall) Winners:
NLodjo - 12,137(+) Wins
Vinniera - 6,702(+) Wins
clqde_ - 5,808(+) Wins
Slimeyz - 5,616(+) Wins
Darkninja_27 - 4,737(+) Wins
Most Solo Wins: (not submitted)
Most Team Wins: (not submitted)
Most Kills: (not submitted)
Most Deaths: (not submitted)
Most Games Played: (not submitted)
Most Eggs Broken: (not submitted)
Most Blocks Placed: (not submitted)
Most Blocks Broken: (not submitted)
Most Blocks Walked: (not submitted)
Most Time Played: (not submitted)
Best K/D Ratio: (not submitted)
Best W/L Ratio: (not submitted)

PvP Duels
Top 5 Killers:
Chumchumnaru - 35,000(+) Kills
1z2 - 28,815(+) Kills
Varnus_Vs - 24,316(+) Kills
vilchizz23_YT - 23,084(+) Kills
Bugrq - 21,083(+) Kills
Most Wins: Chumchumnaru - 35,000(+)
Most Deaths: Skifby - 1,765
Most Arrows Shot: xMegaCoolx - 31,630
Most Arrows Hit: xMegaCoolx - 16,842
Most Normal Wins: (not submitted)
Most Classic Wins: (not submitted)
Most Insane Wins: (not submitted)
Most Overpowered Wins: (not submitted)
Most Blocks Walked: MJ010101 - 1,427,931
Most Time Played: Skifby - 7 days, 22 hours
Best K/D ratio: (not submitted)

Free For All (FFA)/Assassination
Top 5 (FFA) Killers:
blocky12 - 80932(+) Kills
Galodox - 79088(+) Kills
Degenerood - 73899(+) Kills
NightChampion - 73196(+) Kills
SkittleEater1 - 64095(+) Kills
(FFA) Most Deaths: yoyamin - 20,000
(FFA) Best Killstreak: (not submitted)
(FFA) Most Blocks Walked: yoyamin 13,000,000
(FFA) Most Time Played: Perdawdian - 13 days, 1 hour, 33 minutes
(FFA) Best K/D Ratio: (not submitted)
(Assassination) Most Kills: (not submitted)
(Assassination) Most Deaths: (not submitted)
(Assassination) Most Bow Kills: (not submitted)
(Assassination) Most Potion Kills: (not submitted)
(Assassination) Most Blocks Walked: (not submitted)
(Assassination) Most Time Played: (not submitted)
(Assassination) Best K/D Ratio: (not submitted)

Top 5 Overall Winners:
ILoveHerMore - 12,175(+) Wins
PerryJ - 9,596(+) Wins
xJqs - 9,248(+) Wins
TheDevilEver - 8,388(+) Wins
IWouldRun - 7,955(+) Wins
Most Games Played: (not submitted)
Most Trophieis Attained: PerryJ - 27,893(+)
Most MVP's Received: (not submitted)
Most Sidetasks Completed: (not submitted)
Best W/L Ratio: (not submitted)

Most Wins: (not submitted)
Most Trophies Attained: (not submitted)
Most Losses: (not submitted)
Most Kills: (not submitted)
Most Deaths: (not submitted)
Most Games Played: (not submitted)
Most Powerups Picked Up: (not submitted)
Most Paintballs Shot: (not submitted)
Most Blocks Broken: (not submitted)
Most Blocks Painted: (not submitted)
Biggest Killstreak: (not submitted)
Most Blocks Walked: (not submitted)
Most Time Played: (not submitted)
Best W/L Ratio: (not submitted)

Layer Spleef
Most Wins: PerryJ - 3,000(+)
Most Losses: PerryJ - 2,703(+)
Most Games Played: PerryJ - 5696(+)
Most Powerups Picked Up: PerryJ - 59,316(+)
Most Blocks Broken: PerryJ - 853,423(+)
Most Blocks Walked: PerryJ - 7,544,227(+)
Most Layers Played On: PerryJ - 17,353(+)
Most Eggs Shot: PerryJ - 242,859(+)
Most Time Played: PerryJ - 26(+) Days
Best W/L Ratio: PerryJ - 0.526

Wing Rush
Most Wins: (not submitted)
Most Losses: (not submitted)
Most Kills: (not submitted)
Most Deaths: (not submitted)
Most Games Played: (not submitted)
Most Powerups Picked Up: (not submitted)
Most Checkpoints Reached: (not submitted)
Most Time Played: (not submitted)
Best W/L Ratio: (not submitted)

Barn Brawl
Most Wins: (not submitted)
Most Losses: (not submitted)
Most Games Played: (not submitted)
Most Powerups Picked Up: (not submitted)
Most Animals Captured: (not submitted)
Most Glowing animals Captured: (not submitted)
Most Animal Babies Caught: (not submitted)
Most Creepers Caught: (not submitted)
Most Blocks Walked: (not submitted)
Most Time Played: (not submitted)
Best W/L Ratio: (not submitted)

Line Dash
Most Wins: (not submitted)
Most Losses: (not submitted)
Most Kills: (not submitted)
Most Games Played: (not submitted)
Most Powerups Picked Up: (not submitted)
Most Line Blocks Made: (not submitted)
Most Blocks Walked: (not submitted)
Most Time Played: (not submitted)
Best W/L Ratio: (not submitted)

(Mixed Arcade) Most Trophies Attained:

SkyWars (Solo)
Top 5 Winners:
Jefe_Maestro1 - 17,639(+) Wins
ForGiveMe - 8,270(+) Wins
Flqris - 8,260(+) Wins
Yuu_Komori - 7,815(+) Wins
Daveyyy - 7,426(+) Wins
Most Kills: Jefe_Maestro1 - 73,418
Most Deaths: Jefe_Maestro1 - 17,662
Most Games Played: Jefe_Maestro1 - 30,679
Most Arrows Shot: Jefe_Maestro1 - 338,544
Most Arrows Hit: (not submitted)
Most Blocks Broken: Jefe_Maestro1 - 315,138
Most Blocks Placed: Jefe_Maestro1 - 1,024,486
Longest Distance Walked: JustRyann - 19,000,000
Most Time Played: Jefe_Maestro1 - 31 days
Best K/D Ratio: (not submitted)
Best W/L Ratio: (not submitted)
Fastest Game: (not submitted)

SkyWars (Team)
Top 5 Winners:
Diogo - 6,283(+) Wins
Flqris - 6,221(+) Wins
XiiKa - 5,931(+) Wins
RichardDelPra - 5,802(+) Wins
Moooofin - 5,519(+) Wins
Most Kills: Zhypo - 34,195
Most Deaths: Zhypo - 3,456
Most Games Played: Zhypo - 6,763
Most Arrows Shot: Zhypo - 99,025
Most Arrows Hit: EmmySpammy - 51,788
Most Blocks Broken: Zhypo - 155,284
Most Blocks Placed: Zhypo - 390,470
Longest Distance Walked: Zhypo - 11,090,618
Most Time Played: Zhypo - 39 days, 7 hours, 54 minutes
Best K/D Ratio: (not submitted)
Best W/L Ratio: (not submitted)
Fastest Game: (not submitted)

Survival Games (Solo)
Top 5 Winners:
Joany - 5,563(+) Wins
Leovardo - 5,149(+) Wins
Baroet - 3,335(+) Wins
xMegaCoolx - 3,076(+) Wins
Thefty - 2,643(+) Wins
Most Kills: xMegaCoolx - 24,939
Most Deaths: Vickay - 2,241
Most Games Played: Joany - 5,563(+)
Most Arrows Shot: xMegaCoolx - 38,420
Most Arrows Hit: xMegaCoolx - 18,826
Most Chests Opened: xMegaCoolx - 36,370
Longest Distance Walked: xMegaCoolx - 3,796,519
Most Time Played: xMegaCoolx - 17 days, 2 hours, 34 minutes
Best K/D Ratio: (not submitted)
Best W/L Ratio: (not submitted)

Survival Games (Team)
Top 5 Winners:
Baski - 5,809(+) Wins
Thefty - 4,967(+) Wins
fra_fraa - 4,674(+) Wins
Ronzo_ - 4,282(+) Wins
PinkySan - 4,013(+) Wins
Most Kills: Thefty - 26,210
Most Deaths: Thefty - 1,145
Most Games Played: Thefty - 3,802
Most Arrows Shot: Thefty - 12,318
Most Arrows Hit: Thefty - 5,785
Most Chests Opened: Thefty - 20,141
Longest Distance Walked: Thefty - 7,012,228
Most Time Played: (not submitted)
Best K/D Ratio: (not submitted)
Best W/L Ratio: (not submitted)

Ultra Hardcore (Normal)
Top 5 Winners:
Danikka - 535(+) Wins
Chrisi321 - 327(+) Wins
Aronija - 314(+) Wins
Foxy011 - 229(+) Wins
Bob_the_Giraffe 222(+) Wins
Most Kills: Power_Ranger - 183
Most Deaths: Power_Ranger - 47
Most Games Played: Power_Ranger - 152
Most Animals Killed: Power_Ranger - 1,774
Most Monsters Killed: Power_Ranger - 668
Most Diamonds Mined: Power_Ranger - 1,276
Most Blocks Placed: Power_Ranger - 9,015
Most Blocks Broken: (not submitted)
Longest Distance Walked: Power_Ranger - 771,215
Most Time Played: (not submitted)
Best K/D Ratio: (not submitted)
Best W/L Ratio: (not submitted)

Ultra Hardcore (Speed)
Top 5 Winners:
Juskebat - 825(+) Wins
Kqvin_Gz - 638(+) Wins
iDoritoo - 533(+) Wins
LanceDaniels - 425(+) Wins
iNouf - 418(+) Wins
Most Kills: (not submitted)
Most Deaths: (not submitted)
Most Games Played: (not submitted)
Most Animals Killed: (not submitted)
Most Monsters Killed: (not submitted)
Most Deathmatches Played: (not submitted)
Most Diamonds Mined: (not submitted)
Most Blocks Placed: (not submitted)
Most Blocks Broken: (not submitted)
Longest Distance Walked: (not submitted)
Most Time Played: (not submitted)
Best K/D Ratio: (not submitted)
Best W/L Ratio: (not submitted)

Top 5 Winners:
ILoveHerMore - 4,208(+) Wins
Brunah - 3,675(+) Wins
JustxEsmee - 2,911(+) Wins
jpelzen - 2,340(+) Wins
BqymqxOMG - 2,335(+) Wins
Most Games Played: ILoveHerMore - 4,208(+)
Most Microgames Won: ILoveHerMore - 58,373(+)
Most Microgames Played: (not submitted)
Most Boss Games Won: Gabriel7Patrick - 230
Most Time Played: BramDerpie - 1 day, 19 hours, 21 minutes
Best W/L Ratio: (not submitted)

BETA Games
(Note that the leaderboards probably will change too much in the near future, making these lists incorrect)

Top 5 Winners:
Dorek1998 - 833(+) Wins
skeele789 - 768(+) Wins
Ali200467 - 570(+) Wins
immiboy08 - 529(+) Wins
zombiepower - 525(+) Wins
Most Human Wins: (not submitted)
Most Infected Wins: (not submitted)
Most Deaths: (not submitted)
Most Games Played: (not submitted)
Most Infected Killed: (not submitted)
Most Players Infected: (not submitted)
Most Blocks Placed: (not submitted)
Most Blocks Walked: (not submitted)
Most Time Played: (not submitted)
Best W/L Ratio: (not submitted)

Top 5 Winners:
zDutchie - 113(+) Wins
vnccrtr1 - 73(+) Wins
Gorditoinflon - 63(+) Wins
__Linda__ - 62(+) Wins
StitchMir - 60(+) Wins
Most Solo Wins: (not submitted)
Most Team Wins: (not submitted)
Most Games Played: (not submitted)
Most Items Collected: (not submitted)
Most Blocks Walked: (not submitted)
Most Time Played: (not submitted)
Best W/L Ratio: (not submitted)

Archer Assault
Top 5 Winners:
Tacosbefriends - 1065(+) Wins
Snodia - 540(+) Wins
Magrolix - 421(+) Wins
Gainfullterror - 390(+) Wins
Shinte - 365(+) Wins
Most Kills: (not submitted)
Most Deaths: (not submitted)
Most Games Played: (not submitted)
Most Arrows Fired: (not submitted)
Most Ultimates Used: (not submitted)
Most Time Capturing Objective: (not submitted)
Most Blocks Placed: (not submitted)
Most Blocks Walked: (not submitted)
Most Time Played: (not submitted)
Best K/D Ratio: (not submitted)
Best W/L Ratio: (not submitted)


Most Points: Thefty - 390k
Highest Level: Shinte - 200(+)
Most Cubelets: Baroet - 1,431
Most Vanity Points by Stone: (not submitted)
Most Vanity Points by Iron: (not submitted)
Most Vanity Points by Lapiz: (not submitted)
Most Vanity Points by Gold: (not submitted)
Most Vanity Points by Diamond: (not submitted)
Most Vanity Points by Emerald: (not submitted)
Most Vanity Points by Obsidian: (not submitted)

Most Messages: Moooofin - 17,868(+)
Most Likes: Tacosbefriends - 10,832(+)
Most Trophy Points: Tacosbefriends - 549
Most Liked Post: Cubecraft (link) - 320
Most Replies on a Thread: PinkStr3ak (link) - 7,805(+)
Oldest Non-Necroposted Thread: (not submitted)
Most Liked Profile Message: (not submitted)
Most Commented Profile Message: (not submitted)
Where's Blockband?


Most Vanity Points by Emerald: (not submitted)



Forum Expert
Jul 6, 2016
In a chicken coop
"We all stopped being wannabes after seeing the annoyances of it"
Then you wouldn't post this reply for crying out loud
You are going to make me start a rant at this rate
What? Then you wouldn't post this reply?
The heck does that mean lmao.
Idc if you want to rant but stop arguing, this is meant to be a world record thread.
Convo me if you want to rant.


Well-Known Member
Dec 17, 2017
Also for oldest none necroposted threads
By non necroposted do you just mean unlocked or can they be locked threads
Rethinking, I have no idea what my thought was when I added that record. I’ll remove it as it’s a very unfair record to achieve.


Forum Expert
Jul 23, 2016
the Netherlands
Jajaja I'm in the world record thing book thing!

I'm only wondering how MiguelColli can have the most games played if there are 5 people who at least have more than that amount, also I do think @PerryJ has the most points. Something like 700k, if not more.

Anyways, it's a nicely made thread. Sure would be funny to see some peculair world records added. For example: largest base ever made in EggWars.


Forum Veteran
Jul 3, 2016
Most Cubelets: Baroet - 1,431
I have 1736 cubies

Most Kills: iCheeetah - 181(+)
Most Deaths: iCheeetah - 188(+)
I have 16128 kills and 1600 deaths wich gives a k/d just over 10
Most Kills: ImJustFilip - 11,188(+)
35k + kills
Most Games Played: Tayri - 9,244+
12231 games played
Best K/D Ratio: ImJustFilip - 2.599
k/d 8,271...
Team lucky, fastest game, 17 sec (when actually killing someone) Otherwise 1 sec when the player left.

Team lucky 34 days played (+)
  • Like
Reactions: MJ010101 and PerryJ


Forum Expert
Sep 2, 2016
In A Box In San Francisco
Most Vanity Points by Stone: (not submitted)
how exactly does that work?
You need a rank to get the vanity points bonuses

Also I found a few more records that other people have gotten thanks to the forums
Most EXP Collected in 1 Game: (not submitted)
Wesey seems to take that record
[CHALLENGE] Who can get the most coins in a game?
Most Coins Collected in 1 Game: (not submitted)
So.... this was a pretty long game of survival lol

Survival - Double income
Both teams beat 100 waves

Coins: 3,402,568
View attachment 136456

Also some personal additions
Some UHC records
Most blocks broken and most deaths

(Assassination) Most Deaths: (not submitted)
Members Online

Team online

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Reesle wrote on bleedn's profile.
Hello! 👋

Cool skin btw!
Reesle wrote on Jedidiahh's profile.
Happy Birthday! 🧁🐕
News: Halloween Event 2024 has got an update on the Notion Board!
Changes: Ender is the Halloween Game (coming to both Java and Bedrock) and halloween lobby quests are also coming!
𝑷𝑹𝑶 𝑾𝑰𝑵𝑵𝑨𝑨𝑹 wrote on Pineapple's profile.
Happy bday 🎉
Mappoe wrote on Pineapple's profile.
hapy birday
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