Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net

Which Of These Do You Want Added?

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Forum Expert
Sep 2, 2016
In A Box In San Francisco
You Okay so a long time ago I made a suggestion on arcade
it was pretty well recieved since then I wanted to bring back the suggestion and add a lot to it, thus I have
So for those who read the first suggestion you'll maybe recognise some of these but there are going to be a lot more
and for those who haven't it seems long but it isn't to long

New Minigame: Obstacle Run
So how this minigame works is there are 4 teams of 3, in a random area where there are a few obstacles in your way from getting to the middle and winning with a bunch of obstacles (depending on the map) you and your team mates have to pass to get to the middle of the maze, like Droppers, parkour, and more mazes, however if 1 player takes too long than they are killed by the boarder because it starts to come in after a 45 second head start (no it isn't coming in that fast but a decent speed) first team with a player to get to the middle wins and the mazes, parkours, and droppers are of a bunch to chose from not always the same I also want to point out that there is only 1 way to the middle which is by climbing going underneath the ground through a hole and if it is the right 1 the middle will be right your way... so you have to find the correct entrance. This would fit into the fast paced style of the Arcade games (Some power-ups involve: Speed, TNT (to break throw certian walls of the huge maze [Thanks @PerryJ for that 1]), Flashbang, Fus Ro Dah (no clue if I spelled that right), & Knockback sword (0 Durability)


  • Turf Gamemode - Now most of you will know paintballs will turn blocks to your colour that however can also be used as a way to play how this works is you play normal paintball except In this version there is no overtime and every time you die you'll have to wait 3 seconds to respawn but the idea of this game is for you to cover more of the map in your colour of clay/glass/wool since there are certain cases of all 3 I also want to explain that this gamemode still has towers that grow but there is no coloured clay/glass/wool in them without someone shooting them
  • Sniper mode - So how this would work is players are given slowness when they shift so that it zooms in for you to shoot at. This gun will 2 shot a player and 1 shot if it is a headshot it comes with 5 paintballs for you to shoot the time it takes for another paintball to come into your inventory after the gun has been shot is a whole 5 seconds (it's amo is the eggs from the "egg sniper" power-up)
  • Flame thrower mode - Let's start off by saying no there will not be flames on the ground from this weapon, how it actually works is by shooting a normal paintball which has a 1 in 3 chance of setting it's target on fire. This game mode would make for a bunch of interesting new combinations for gameplay
  • Grenade mode - This one is an idea from @Tacosbefriends now onto explaining it: so this mode is very self explanatory you just get grenades. You start of with 1, there is no maximum to how many you can have, but it takes a full 10 seconds to get 1 you also do have a paintball gun but you don't have any amo unless you pick up a power-up that gives it to you (the amo power-up does apply for the gun not for grenades). This would be a very interesting way to play and it would make for some fun combinations
  • Blindness power-up - This power-up will do something very simple, blind the whole team on the other side for 3 seconds, this is useful for obvious reasons it will allow you to escape and maybe even get a kill quickly
  • Flame thrower power-up - So I've already explained how the flame thrower works now just like for the rest of the current modes in the game there is a power-up which has the amo this would apply (item that represents it is a fire charge)
  • Time Option - This would require iron rank to vote for and it is quite simple, you vote for whether it is night or day, having the ability to switch light would have a big impact on ability to play as now someone might be able to ambush you more easily
  • Instant wall power-up - This power-up is just like it sounds, similar to the instant wall power-up in snowman survival it would create a temporary wall just like the auto-building structures do, this wall can't be broken through though. You'll have to wait before it just disappears
  • Decoy power-up - Okay this 1 is not at all like the 1 in snowman survival as this is will just place a stationary clown for you but you will still be visible, this power-up can just act as a distraction and can only be found in the middle power-up spawner
Layer Spleef
  • 3 Left out modes - Okay now this is fairly straight forward, in the update they added new modes as classic spleef TNT run and splegg, now though I understand the intention was because people missed these games but what about TNT spleef people didn't miss that? I missed it, I also think it would be cool to have these as individual modes. keep reading if you're interested (P.S. for all the modes I suggest below those apply too)
  • Custom layers - Okay this is a perk for Obby+ only basically you can vote for what will be the first layer, the second layer, the third etc. this would be another choice for a mode but once again obby only choice, so how this works is that it will have 5 slots, however if the map volcano for example is chosen (which only has 3 layers) it will just use the top 3 if it is sky with all 6 layers than it does them all
  • Tool spleef - This is a new type of spleef/new layer what you get is an enchanted diamond pickaxe to break the layer made out of hardened clay, you will have a diamond shovel to break areas made out of dirt, and also an enchanted diamond axe to break wood which is also on the other areas of the layer these would be randomly mixed together to have an interesting new layer(Hunger does apply) the special power-up for this is gives you a knockback 1 item which has 1 use
  • Effect run - There is black clay for the floor but there is also certain coloured blocks which give you certain effects (these blocks also do break after you step on it 3 times)
    (Yellow - Speed [5 Seconds]) (Red - Jump Boost [5 Seconds]) (Cyan - Blindness [5 Seconds]) (Blue - Blocks Not Breaking [5 Seconds]) (Green - Slowness) [5 Seconds]) (Pink - No Jumping [5 Seconds]) (Orange - Poison [5 Seconds]) (Purple - Nausea [5 seconds]) (White - Random)
    the special power-up will make some of the normal blocks turn into special blocks
  • New Achievements - So here are some new achievements that could be added
    Break 50 snow blocks with your fist, Shoot 1000 arrows, Win while starving, Shoot 1000 eggs, Shoot 50 big eggs, Run over 2500 TNT blocks, In the lava run layer turn 100 coloured blocks back into black blocks, Win by being the first person to fall to the bottom layer, Melt 1000 snow blocks
  • Double jump voting option - This is fairly straight forward it is just a new thing to add in, you can vote for this and it will allow you to jump twice depending on the amount of layers so depending on the map will depend on the amount of jumps you can have you will always have 2 less than the amount of layers on the map you are on
  • All layer leap power-up - Simple suggestion, add leap power-up to all layers
Wing Rush
  • Toggle chat - Okay this would be something you can do and it is only for you basically you can toggle the chat to either stay on (the way it is) to you only (will only say who you hit with a power-up, who hits you with a power-up, if you pick-up a power-up, if you crash, if anyone finishes, or if you try to use boost without being able too) none (only gives chat if you try to use boost when not able) the reason for this is that chat can become fairly distracting
  • Power-up votes - People can vote for a custom set of power-ups. Basically you can choose which power-ups can be gotten through the game (This is a feature for Obsidian and doesn't apply in hoop mode)
  • Nausea & Poison power-ups - This is another fairly straight forward 1, the name basically says it all when you get these power-ups it gives the player closest to you nausea for 5 seconds or poison for 8 seconds
  • A pumpkin power-up - This power-up would be put on someone's head to partially blind them it goes on the all players' heads for 3 seconds due to it only being partially blinding, this could also be a replacement for blindness since I know that 1 is incredibly annoying for players since you have no way to know what is ahead of you since you are flying so fast however this would still be blinding but not completely blinding
  • Distance bar - okay so this is 1 go right out to @ThatGrimCreeper who should get full credit for this idea it is a bar that will tell you how far away you are from 1 of 2 things: how far person behind you is from you, how far the person in front of you is for you, this could be selected in the lobby and they'd show up on the sidebar
  • Backwards race mode - this would be a very different game with this mode existing how it works is you are racing just like normal except you are doing it the other way around the map so what is normally the last checkpoint before the finish line is now the first, this would make racing much harder since people who are used to racing forward since now you have to do it in reverse (applies for hoop mode too) in reverse mode you will also start facing backwards
  • Hoop Boost - Though there are no power-ups in hoop mode I think that every time you pass a checkpoint you should get at least an added half on your boost bar giving you enough for at least 1 more boost, that's all
Barn Brawl
  • Lead power-up - You can lead mobs with this power-up, the difference between this and the fishing rod is that this doesn't pull it to you, it moves with you like lead does (you also get a total of 3 lead when you pick up the power-up)
  • Ten-der mite stack - This is an endermite stack is worth plus 20 points because they are the only evil mob that will give you points
  • Shield power-up - This 1 goes out to @Gainfullterror , this power-up would give you a temporary shield which is in your off hand you can still hit mobs when you have the shield but you can't be hit by other players when you have the shield, it is basically a temporary immunity to attacks, however the fus ro dah power-up can still push you, the shield power-up has to stay in your offhand because than you either wouldn't be able to hit animals anywhere or if you weren't holding it out at all but still being protected that would get a lot of anti-knockback reports for just having a power-up
  • A stun power-up - This power-up would stun only animals so they can't move away, not players though it has 2 durability left making it only usable 3 times before it breaks this power-up would apply to all mobs including enderman and silver fish so the enderman can't teleport and the silverfish can't turn into stone.
Line Dash
  • Experiment world event - Okay so the world events are on all of the maps for line dash so far (Arena - Skeletons, Garden - Acorns falling, Frost - Ice spikes forming) So what about Experiment? well how is this for a world event in experiment certain blocks get that barrier effect like in Garden and Frost, and what happens there? Lightning strikes... it fits the theme of lab experiments obviously and it would be a good world event for the map.
  • Sonic world event - Now we can't forget about this map now can we, "so what would be a good world event for sonic?" you may ask, well what is sonic known for being? Fast. What better effect than to have a 1/5 chance to give the player speed every time they pick up a power-up this will apply for chaos too so you will get an even higher speed in chaos mode.
  • Paint mode - So currently you can see the stats for a game finished and it tells you how many blocks you painted, now the point of this mode is to have painted the most blocks as a team by a certain time, some power-ups aren't in this mode such as: flash bang, TNT, & rotten eggs. If only 1 team is left than the game is automatically finished when/if the remaining team paints the more blocks than the other team(s) by the the end of the time if only 1 team is left but they still don't have the most blocks than they lose makes sense right? basically whichever team has the most blocks painted
  • Slowness power-up - Okay so here we have a power-up which just gives players slowness, that is all it gives 1 random player on a team that isn't on the same team as whom picked it up slowness 3 for 8 seconds
  • Longer time before border - This is a fairly simple suggestion the time before the border starts coming is actually fairly short I personally think the time should be around 1 minute longer that's all
  • Boots invisibility - The suggestion is simple, it will hide your boots when you get the invisibility power-up, now obviously the track is still seen behind you but if the boots are invisible it'd be a much more practical power-up being if you look down while running you'll notice there is a slight delay with where you track is placed, this makes sense or else how would you ever run into anyone else's track if yours was always directly under your feet, which is why hiding the boots when this power-up is on would be better this would also cause people not to know if you also have a leap or jump boost which is good

  • Individual game leaderboards - Here we are almost at the end of the suggestion and adding some things about arcade as a whole... here's the first 1: so currently there are the arcade leaderboards but only for arcade as a whole, I am suggesting here that in the waiting lobbies for the individual games there should be leaderboards which detail the best players in that specific game. That's all it is...
  • All Achievements achievement - This is 1 achievement for arcade as a whole it is get every achievement in all of arcade (excluding the win X amount of games achievements) the prize is 25000 exp, 1000 points, and 5 cubelets (of course as well it comes with a feeling of completion)
  • All games achievement - so you know how all games have a achievement to get 1, 10, 100, 1000, and 10000 games won well arcade as a total has that too but it doesn't have win 1 on each arcade game, or win 10 on each game, etc. So why not add it
  • Add snowman survival - This has been brought up before but I'll address it again, the game has so much compatibility with arcade, it is a quick fast-paced game that has power-ups, medals (for conversion being trophies), and the over-all feeling of an arcade game not to mention its popularity. Last year there were to games in the Christmas games present rush and snowdown, I don't think I need to remind you that present rush returned this year and snowdown is now known as Line Dash, it was just like Snowman Survival, it was quick and fast-paced, it had a lot of power-ups and it was very popular. So what do you have to lose adding it to the arcade games
Note this all has nothing to do with the old arcade games and suggestions to bring them back are already plentiful so please do not start saying "oh what about super craft bros." because those are completely different suggestions
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Forum Professional
Jul 24, 2016
they aren't going to add back a game they removed I'm telling you that much
I liked the game to but I am 99% Sure they are not doing it
We should look it on the bright side..
There is still 1/% chance left that.. they'll.. add.. it.. back..
Alright yeah.. They're not going to add it
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Dedicated Member
Mar 23, 2016
Under the sea
All of these ideas are amazing, I especially love the paintball one. Also arcade should really get more attention, it is one of those places where you can find lots of games to play and you are spoiled for choice. Like I remember the old arcade lobby and every time I joined the lobby I never knew which game to play because all of them were really good. But now we limit our arcade to 5 games, and this should change bring back quake craft or hide and seek or even try new concepts like the snowman game. I’ll be making a thread in the coming days suggestions some changes to both island games and arcade and also new game and lobby layout suggestions.


Forum Expert
Feb 8, 2014
Land O' Corn
I really miss the old arcade games. They were the reason I stuck around for so long. I hate these new games. They're too confusing and I almost never get to play any because no one would join. They should add back some of the old games. (QuakeCraft, Parkour Minigame, TnT Run, Normal Spleef, Hide n Seek, Super Craft Bros)


Forum Expert
Sep 2, 2016
In A Box In San Francisco
eum I recently read that they were working on it
and if they are
great still no point in addressing it as that would mean they would be adding it
Why no hide n seek :c
be realistic here
hide n seek was bugged with 1.9 so it broke
they never fixed it for the over a year that they were in 1.9+ until they updated arcade and just threw it out the window
with mind you a lot of suggestions asking for it to be added back and yet nothing
I didn't say anything about any of the old games because other than layer spleef, tnt run, and spleef (the only surviving games) there was really a low chance of them ever deciding to add them back, cool cool
We should look it on the bright side..
There is still 1/% chance left that.. they'll.. add.. it.. back..
Alright yeah.. They're not going to add it
optimism killed the cat
wait no that's not the phrase
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AFreakingCookie (Hank)

Dedicated Member
Apr 3, 2016
Okay so a long time ago I made a suggestion on arcade
it was pretty well recieved since then I wanted to bring back the suggestion and add a lot to it, thus I have
So for those who read the first suggestion you'll maybe recognise some of these but there are going to be a lot more
and for those who haven't it seems long but it isn't to long

New Minigame: Obstacle Run
So how this minigame works is there are 4 teams of 3, in a random area where there are a few obstacles in your way from getting to the middle and winning with a bunch of obstacles (depending on the map) you and your team mates have to pass to get to the middle of the maze, like Droppers, parkour, and more mazes, however if 1 player takes too long than they are killed by the boarder because it starts to come in after a 45 second head start (no it isn't coming in that fast but a decent speed) first team with a player to get to the middle wins and the mazes, parkours, and droppers are of a bunch to chose from not always the same I also want to point out that there is only 1 way to the middle which is by climbing going underneath the ground through a hole and if it is the right 1 the middle will be right your way... so you have to find the correct entrance. This would fit into the fast paced style of the Arcade games (Some power-ups involve: Speed, TNT (to break throw certian walls of the huge maze [Thanks @PerryJ for that 1]), Flashbang, Fus Ro Dah (no clue if I spelled that right), & Knockback sword (0 Durability)


  • Turf Gamemode - Now most of you will know paintballs will turn blocks to your colour that however can also be used as a way to play how this works is you play normal paintball except In this version there is no overtime and every time you die you'll have to wait 3 seconds to respawn but the idea of this game is for you to cover more of the map in your colour of clay/glass/wool since there are certain cases of all 3 I also want to explain that this gamemode still has towers that grow but there is no coloured clay/glass/wool in them without someone shooting them
  • Sniper mode - So how this would work is players are given slowness when they shift so that it zooms in for you to shoot at. This gun will 2 shot a player and 1 shot if it is a headshot it comes with 5 paintballs for you to shoot the time it takes for another paintball to come into your inventory after the gun has been shot is a whole 5 seconds (it's amo is the eggs from the "egg sniper" power-up)
  • Flame thrower mode - Let's start off by saying no there will not be flames on the ground from this weapon, how it actually works is by shooting a normal paintball which has a 1 in 3 chance of setting it's target on fire. This game mode would make for a bunch of interesting new combinations for gameplay
  • Grenade mode - This one is an idea from @Tacosbefriends now onto explaining it: so this mode is very self explanatory you just get grenades. You start of with 1, there is no maximum to how many you can have, but it takes a full 10 seconds to get 1 you also do have a paintball gun but you don't have any amo unless you pick up a power-up that gives it to you (the amo power-up does apply for the gun not for grenades). This would be a very interesting way to play and it would make for some fun combinations
  • Blindness power-up - This power-up will do something very simple, blind the whole team on the other side for 3 seconds, this is useful for obvious reasons it will allow you to escape and maybe even get a kill quickly
  • Flame thrower power-up - So I've already explained how the flame thrower works now just like for the rest of the current modes in the game there is a power-up which has the amo this would apply (item that represents it is a fire charge)
  • Time Option - This would require iron rank to vote for and it is quite simple, you vote for whether it is night or day, having the ability to switch light would have a big impact on ability to play as now someone might be able to ambush you more easily
  • Instant wall power-up - This power-up is just like it sounds, similar to the instant wall power-up in snowman survival it would create a temporary wall just like the auto-building structures do, this wall can't be broken through though. You'll have to wait before it just disappears
  • Decoy power-up - Okay this 1 is not at all like the 1 in snowman survival as this is will just place a stationary clown for you but you will still be visible, this power-up can just act as a distraction and can only be found in the middle power-up spawner
Layer Spleef
  • 3 Left out modes - Okay now this is fairly straight forward, in the update they added new modes as classic spleef TNT run and splegg, now though I understand the intention was because people missed these games but what about TNT spleef people didn't miss that? I missed it, I also think it would be cool to have these as individual modes. keep reading if you're interested (P.S. for all the modes I suggest below those apply too)
  • Custom layers - Okay this is a perk for Obby+ only basically you can vote for what will be the first layer, the second layer, the third etc. this would be another choice for a mode but once again obby only choice, so how this works is that it will have 5 slots, however if the map volcano for example is chosen (which only has 3 layers) it will just use the top 3 if it is sky with all 6 layers than it does them all
  • Tool spleef - This is a new type of spleef/new layer what you get is an enchanted diamond pickaxe to break the layer made out of hardened clay, you will have a diamond shovel to break areas made out of dirt, and also an enchanted diamond axe to break wood which is also on the other areas of the layer these would be randomly mixed together to have an interesting new layer(Hunger does apply) the special power-up for this is gives you a knockback 1 item which has 1 use
  • Effect run - There is black clay for the floor but there is also certain coloured blocks which give you certain effects (these blocks also do break after you step on it 3 times)
    (Yellow - Speed [5 Seconds]) (Red - Jump Boost [5 Seconds]) (Cyan - Blindness [5 Seconds]) (Blue - Blocks Not Breaking [5 Seconds]) (Green - Slowness) [5 Seconds]) (Pink - No Jumping [5 Seconds]) (Orange - Poison [5 Seconds]) (Purple - Nausea [5 seconds]) (White - Random)
    the special power-up will make some of the normal blocks turn into special blocks
  • New Achievements - So here are some new achievements that could be added
    Break 50 snow blocks with your fist, Shoot 1000 arrows, Win while starving, Shoot 1000 eggs, Shoot 50 big eggs, Run over 2500 TNT blocks, In the lava run layer turn 100 coloured blocks back into black blocks, Win by being the first person to fall to the bottom layer, Melt 1000 snow blocks
  • Double jump voting option - This is fairly straight forward it is just a new thing to add in, you can vote for this and it will allow you to jump twice depending on the amount of layers so depending on the map will depend on the amount of jumps you can have you will always have 2 less than the amount of layers on the map you are on
  • All layer leap power-up - Simple suggestion, add leap power-up to all layers
Wing Rush
  • Toggle chat - Okay this would be something you can do and it is only for you basically you can toggle the chat to either stay on (the way it is) to you only (will only say who you hit with a power-up, who hits you with a power-up, if you pick-up a power-up, if you crash, if anyone finishes, or if you try to use boost without being able too) none (only gives chat if you try to use boost when not able) the reason for this is that chat can become fairly distracting
  • Power-up votes - People can vote for a custom set of power-ups. Basically you can choose which power-ups can be gotten through the game (This is a feature for Obsidian and doesn't apply in hoop mode)
  • Nausea & Poison power-ups - This is another fairly straight forward 1, the name basically says it all when you get these power-ups it gives the player closest to you nausea for 5 seconds or poison for 8 seconds
  • A pumpkin power-up - This power-up would be put on someone's head to partially blind them it goes on the all players' heads for 3 seconds due to it only being partially blinding, this could also be a replacement for blindness since I know that 1 is incredibly annoying for players since you have no way to know what is ahead of you since you are flying so fast however this would still be blinding but not completely blinding
  • Distance bar - okay so this is 1 go right out to @ThatGrimCreeper who should get full credit for this idea it is a bar that will tell you how far away you are from 1 of 2 things: how far person behind you is from you, how far the person in front of you is for you, this could be selected in the lobby and they'd show up on the sidebar
  • Backwards race mode - this would be a very different game with this mode existing how it works is you are racing just like normal except you are doing it the other way around the map so what is normally the last checkpoint before the finish line is now the first, this would make racing much harder since people who are used to racing forward since now you have to do it in reverse (applies for hoop mode too) in reverse mode you will also start facing backwards
  • Hoop Boost - Though there are no power-ups in hoop mode I think that every time you pass a checkpoint you should get at least an added half on your boost bar giving you enough for at least 1 more boost, that's all
Barn Brawl
  • Lead power-up - You can lead mobs with this power-up, the difference between this and the fishing rod is that this doesn't pull it to you, it moves with you like lead does (you also get a total of 3 lead when you pick up the power-up)
  • Ten-der mite stack - This is an endermite stack is worth plus 20 points because they are the only evil mob that will give you points
  • Shield power-up - This 1 goes out to @Gainfullterror , this power-up would give you a temporary shield which is in your off hand you can still hit mobs when you have the shield but you can't be hit by other players when you have the shield, it is basically a temporary immunity to attacks, however the fus ro dah power-up can still push you, the shield power-up has to stay in your offhand because than you either wouldn't be able to hit animals anywhere or if you weren't holding it out at all but still being protected that would get a lot of anti-knockback reports for just having a power-up
  • A stun power-up - This power-up would stun only animals so they can't move away, not players though it has 2 durability left making it only usable 3 times before it breaks this power-up would apply to all mobs including enderman and silver fish so the enderman can't teleport and the silverfish can't turn into stone.
Line Dash
  • Experiment world event - Okay so the world events are on all of the maps for line dash so far (Arena - Skeletons, Garden - Acorns falling, Frost - Ice spikes forming) So what about Experiment? well how is this for a world event in experiment certain blocks get that barrier effect like in Garden and Frost, and what happens there? Lightning strikes... it fits the theme of lab experiments obviously and it would be a good world event for the map.
  • Sonic world event - Now we can't forget about this map now can we, "so what would be a good world event for sonic?" you may ask, well what is sonic known for being? Fast. What better effect than to have a 1/5 chance to give the player speed every time they pick up a power-up this will apply for chaos too so you will get an even higher speed in chaos mode.
  • Paint mode - So currently you can see the stats for a game finished and it tells you how many blocks you painted, now the point of this mode is to have painted the most blocks as a team by a certain time, some power-ups aren't in this mode such as: flash bang, TNT, & rotten eggs. If only 1 team is left than the game is automatically finished when/if the remaining team paints the more blocks than the other team(s) by the the end of the time if only 1 team is left but they still don't have the most blocks than they lose makes sense right? basically whichever team has the most blocks painted
  • Slowness power-up - Okay so here we have a power-up which just gives players slowness, that is all it gives 1 random player on a team that isn't on the same team as whom picked it up slowness 3 for 8 seconds
  • Longer time before border - This is a fairly simple suggestion the time before the border starts coming is actually fairly short I personally think the time should be around 1 minute longer that's all
  • Boots invisibility - The suggestion is simple, it will hide your boots when you get the invisibility power-up, now obviously the track is still seen behind you but if the boots are invisible it'd be a much more practical power-up being if you look down while running you'll notice there is a slight delay with where you track is placed, this makes sense or else how would you ever run into anyone else's track if yours was always directly under your feet, which is why hiding the boots when this power-up is on would be better this would also cause people not to know if you also have a leap or jump boost which is good

  • Individual game leaderboards - Here we are almost at the end of the suggestion and adding some things about arcade as a whole... here's the first 1: so currently there are the arcade leaderboards but only for arcade as a whole, I am suggesting here that in the waiting lobbies for the individual games there should be leaderboards which detail the best players in that specific game. That's all it is...
  • All Achievements achievement - This is 1 achievement for arcade as a whole it is get every achievement in all of arcade (excluding the win X amount of games achievements) the prize is 25000 exp, 1000 points, and 5 cubelets (of course as well it comes with a feeling of completion)
  • All games achievement - so you know how all games have a achievement to get 1, 10, 100, 1000, and 10000 games won well arcade as a total has that too but it doesn't have win 1 on each arcade game, or win 10 on each game, etc. So why not add it
  • Add snowman survival - This has been brought up before but I'll address it again, the game has so much compatibility with arcade, it is a quick fast-paced game that has power-ups, medals (for conversion being trophies), and the over-all feeling of an arcade game not to mention its popularity. Last year there were to games in the Christmas games present rush and snowdown, I don't think I need to remind you that present rush returned this year and snowdown is now known as Line Dash, it was just like Snowman Survival, it was quick and fast-paced, it had a lot of power-ups and it was very popular. So what do you have to lose adding it to the arcade games
Parkour minigame?
Parkour definitely! I like all the other game ideas though, but parkour (in my opinion) is one of the best things to have in an arcade gamemode.
A few of the other ideas should be added as well!
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Forum Expert
Sep 2, 2016
In A Box In San Francisco
You forgot hide 'n seek. But I agree with the most ideas.
Just read
and if they are
great still no point in addressing it as that would mean they would be adding it

be realistic here
hide n seek was bugged with 1.9 so it broke
they never fixed it for the over a year that they were in 1.9+ until they updated arcade and just threw it out the window
with mind you a lot of suggestions asking for it to be added back and yet nothing
I didn't say anything about any of the old games because other than layer spleef, tnt run, and spleef (the only surviving games) there was really a low chance of them ever deciding to add them back, cool cool

optimism killed the cat
wait no that's not the phrase


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Sep 2, 2016
In A Box In San Francisco

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Reesle wrote on bleedn's profile.
Hello! 👋

Cool skin btw!
Reesle wrote on Jedidiahh's profile.
Happy Birthday! 🧁🐕
News: Halloween Event 2024 has got an update on the Notion Board!
Changes: Ender is the Halloween Game (coming to both Java and Bedrock) and halloween lobby quests are also coming!
𝑷𝑹𝑶 𝑾𝑰𝑵𝑵𝑨𝑨𝑹 wrote on Pineapple's profile.
Happy bday 🎉
Mappoe wrote on Pineapple's profile.
hapy birday
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