Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net

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  1. Efcluke95

    Bedrock Navegation improvements

    Hello CubeCrafters I'm doing these suggestions cause I have been playing in the bedrock edition for a long time, even I can say that nowadays I play more time on the bedrock server more than on Java, and during this time I have been thinking on how to improve the server with something that I...
  2. Efcluke95

    Improvements on the lobby Games

    Hello cubecrafters Today I have a new idea to improve the lobby games, to make them more interesting. my idea is that you can get achievements to each game like other games, for example, skywars or egg wars, I know it is a little confusing but I'm going to explain it with examples: first in...
  3. Efcluke95

    I cant see the images on the lobbies

    Hi I have a problem that is that i cant see the images of the lobbies I think that im, not the just one that has this problem but i saw something very rare when i enter to the server with the account that you see in the image i cant see the pictures but when i enter with another account i can...
  4. Efcluke95

    Cubelets Changes

    Hi, CubeCrafters Today I have 2 ideas to improve the user experience of the game on the server. My idea is the following: I'm sure almost everyone who plays on the cubecraft server knows what the cubelets are And we know that they are difficult to obtain in games. Therefore, I am sure that all...
  5. Efcluke95

    Egg Wars Point Multipliers

    Hi Cubecrafters: A few days ago I went to the store to buy things because I had 50% discount and I had an idea when I saw the points multipliers I thought if there was already a skywars multiplier of survival games and one of arcade games why not There could be a multiplier for EggWars since...
  6. Efcluke95

    New Commands to Friends

    Hey admins I have an idea that could help users with friends. My idea is to make a command with which you can know in which version, Minigame and lobby is your friend and also you can Know if your friend is inside a game. The Command can be like /f WhereIs <Name> or /f place <Name> or /f...
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