Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net
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Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2016
dear cubecraft

can you please remove overpowered items and triple health because its way to hard and op so can you remove it
because overpowered items has prot 5 gear its to hard to kill and triple health is like to hard to kill because it has 60
health it takes to long to kill someone

and thank you
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Dedicated Member
Apr 30, 2016
a Pleb Family
When people buy certain ranks, it says the advantages of those ranks. One of the advantages of a gold rank (or above), is to be able to vote for item types and health in eggwars. If they could no longer vote for OP and triple health, it would mean that they have bought a rank to vote for something that has now been removed ; this could cause outrage.

If you don't like what ranked people vote for, either buy a rank and vote against them, or just leave the game to find another game.


Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2015
My god...
For all the people who say that "OH, IF YA DONT LIKE IT THEN DON'T PLAY IT" Well, donors go in to most good maps, those fill up, then all you have left are maps of poor quality, if even any at all.
And i bet you would like me to buy a rank, would you Cubecraft?
There are even instances where donors would go into a game and choose a hated game mode just to get people to leave, then leave themselves.
And in overpowered mode, all you need is a bow and full diamond.
I n v i n c i b l e.
And Enderpearls? yeah, EVERYBODY gets em, so if you EP to the camper, they'll just leave again. EVERYBODY just chooses Overpowered mode, gets stacked, and nobody, NOT EVEN THE GOOD PLAYERS, are able to kill them based on DPS only, and if a good player get full diamond and the best sword:
lord have mercy on your soul.
And if i decide to try to counter the donor's vote with mine, it isn't guaranteed, and I DON'T WANT TO HAVE TO BUY RANKS IN ORDER TO HAVE FUN, AS I HAVE SAID BEFORE.
instead of being able to win by being good at the game, you will have to hope and pray that you dont have to fight 1 or even 2 people in full diamond because they have taken over key diamond gen positions because going after them is suicide.
It also seems that more armor = less knockback. If true, then thats ridiculous.
But what will asking for ways that we can have more fun, instead of being forced to buy a rank so we dont play the same FULL DIAMOND MAKES YOU INVINCIBLE Game Modes all the time if we want to play on the good/ fun maps, which there aren't many of anymore.
Now you may say: But there is the option to choose a map.
Yeah, there is, IF YOU BUY IT.
And what about friends? they cant follow you unless they donate as well. Well isn't that just wonderful and not at all shameless and greedy, NOW IS IT?
And the different game modes add nearly nothing except for they make people take longer to kill, and enderpearls, but THATS IT.
What sounds more fun: having a good 1-2 min. fight where the 2 of you are fighting your hardest, and one comes out on top not because his armor and weapon were better, but because he was just better at the game, OR A 20 MINUTE SLUGFEST WHERE BOTH PEOPLE ARE SLAPPING EACH OTHER WITH SLICES OF MOLDY MEAT SHAPED LIKE SWORDS.Hitting somebody with full diamond in overpowered mode is like hitting a tank with a sack of meat, it just ain't gonna work, not unless you have a tactical nuke or something, or the void, but thats hard as hell to do since they take just as much knockback as said tank.
Overpowered mode isn't fun, it isn't interesting, it isn't unique, its just boring, lazy, infuriating, and its just VERY VERY poorly designed.
It makes players bend to the will of the donors if they want to do anything other than slap each other with sacs of meat.

Its just very bad.
Either change how donors are able to vote, change the game mode, or just get rid of said game mode. Its just bad.


Dedicated Member
Jul 7, 2016
Just because YOU don't like OP and Triple Health doesn't mean they will remove it. Many other players love those and they will be really pissed if they remove OP. If you want to do Normal or Hardcore just buy a rank: https://store.cubecraft.net/
Again, never expect anyone to do something just because YOU disagree when there's many others who disagree with YOU.
Have a nice day. :)


Dedicated Member
Jul 7, 2016
My god...
For all the people who say that "OH, IF YA DONT LIKE IT THEN DON'T PLAY IT" Well, donors go in to most good maps, those fill up, then all you have left are maps of poor quality, if even any at all.
And i bet you would like me to buy a rank, would you Cubecraft?
There are even instances where donors would go into a game and choose a hated game mode just to get people to leave, then leave themselves.
And in overpowered mode, all you need is a bow and full diamond.
I n v i n c i b l e.
And Enderpearls? yeah, EVERYBODY gets em, so if you EP to the camper, they'll just leave again. EVERYBODY just chooses Overpowered mode, gets stacked, and nobody, NOT EVEN THE GOOD PLAYERS, are able to kill them based on DPS only, and if a good player get full diamond and the best sword:
lord have mercy on your soul.
And if i decide to try to counter the donor's vote with mine, it isn't guaranteed, and I DON'T WANT TO HAVE TO BUY RANKS IN ORDER TO HAVE FUN, AS I HAVE SAID BEFORE.
instead of being able to win by being good at the game, you will have to hope and pray that you dont have to fight 1 or even 2 people in full diamond because they have taken over key diamond gen positions because going after them is suicide.
It also seems that more armor = less knockback. If true, then thats ridiculous.
But what will asking for ways that we can have more fun, instead of being forced to buy a rank so we dont play the same FULL DIAMOND MAKES YOU INVINCIBLE Game Modes all the time if we want to play on the good/ fun maps, which there aren't many of anymore.
Now you may say: But there is the option to choose a map.
Yeah, there is, IF YOU BUY IT.
And what about friends? they cant follow you unless they donate as well. Well isn't that just wonderful and not at all shameless and greedy, NOW IS IT?
And the different game modes add nearly nothing except for they make people take longer to kill, and enderpearls, but THATS IT.
What sounds more fun: having a good 1-2 min. fight where the 2 of you are fighting your hardest, and one comes out on top not because his armor and weapon were better, but because he was just better at the game, OR A 20 MINUTE SLUGFEST WHERE BOTH PEOPLE ARE SLAPPING EACH OTHER WITH SLICES OF MOLDY MEAT SHAPED LIKE SWORDS.Hitting somebody with full diamond in overpowered mode is like hitting a tank with a sack of meat, it just ain't gonna work, not unless you have a tactical nuke or something, or the void, but thats hard as hell to do since they take just as much knockback as said tank.
Overpowered mode isn't fun, it isn't interesting, it isn't unique, its just boring, lazy, infuriating, and its just VERY VERY poorly designed.
It makes players bend to the will of the donors if they want to do anything other than slap each other with sacs of meat.

Its just very bad.
Either change how donors are able to vote, change the game mode, or just get rid of said game mode. Its just bad.
Nah, It's just luck that more ranked players who like Op get into the same map.


Dedicated Member
Apr 30, 2016
a Pleb Family
And i bet you would like me to buy a rank, would you Cubecraft?

No one is asking you to buy a rank. I never have and never will see a staff member ask you to buy a rank. A rank is a donation, and players have the choice to donate if they want.

I n v i n c i b l e.

In OP no one is invincible. The best strategy (the one which i use) is to break the armour. Another way is to get them off the map. This is not too hard, you can either use a punch bow with slowness arrows, or you can hit the person off using a sword.

more armor = less knockback

I have never noticed this, when you crit someone they get more knockback, and if someone bows someone they can either use a punch or a power.

good/ fun maps, which there aren't many of anymore.

There are tons of fun maps, please feel free to give your feedback: https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/eggwars-maps-give-us-feedback.132419/page-8#post-712116

they cant follow you unless they donate as well

as long as you and your friends are in the same lobby you can just click on the same signs.

Overpowered mode isn't fun, it isn't interesting, it isn't unique, its just boring, lazy, infuriating, and its just VERY VERY poorly designed.

This is simply opinion. Lot's of people, including myself, enjoy OP. For me, it's because you can survive the whole game with full leather (which in my opinion is good).

Either change how donors are able to vote

When donors buy a rank they get the ability of being able to vote for things. If cube changes what donors can vote for their will be outrage.


You have to understand donors have bought a rank, they should and always will have the ability to vote for gamemodes If you don't like the gamemode which they vote for, then just join another game. You are not invincible in OP, you just need to have the tactics and resources.


Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2015
Just because YOU don't like OP and Triple Health doesn't mean they will remove it. Many other players love those and they will be really pissed if they remove OP. If you want to do Normal or Hardcore just buy a rank: https://store.cubecraft.net/
Again, never expect anyone to do something just because YOU disagree when there's many others who disagree with YOU.
Have a nice day. :)
You have got to be kidding me....
Yes, I dont like overpowered, but im not the only one, and im not the only one who doesnt play egg wars, but i dont really care, since i see issues in this gamemode, so people who dont like it either develop an actual argument, or suck it up.
Your argument is ridiculous.
Let me just explain why.
Yeah, DONORS will be pissed if you remove OP mode since they wont be able to cheese everybody anymore.
If i want another gamemode, I SHOULDN'T HAVE TO BUY THAT in order to play the gamemode i want. NOBODY like it when mobile apps try to jam microtransactions down your throat, SO WHY IS IT OK IF CC DOES IT?
and im not expecting anybody to do anything, but when somebody criticises something, actual problems with it SHOULD be addressed, not just left alone to let grow like a cancer.
And really, i dont care if im outnumbered by people that are acting like CC bots telling me to BUY A RANK OR GET OUT, i have my argument and im sticking to it, so deal with it.


Well-Known Member
Jun 1, 2016
Hello there, Possible more people love OP then Normal and hardcore since 70% matches that I play are always OP even though I choose normal. Op is there to make the game more interesting, longer and make you think more about strategies. I I like OP since your can buy an ender pearl and defeat the campers, So please do not eliminate OP, OP is awesome. Like other said, you have the choice of /leave


Dedicated Member
Jul 7, 2016
You have got to be kidding me....
Yes, I dont like overpowered, but im not the only one, and im not the only one who doesnt play egg wars, but i dont really care, since i see issues in this gamemode, so people who dont like it either develop an actual argument, or suck it up.
Your argument is ridiculous.
Let me just explain why.
Yeah, DONORS will be pissed if you remove OP mode since they wont be able to cheese everybody anymore.
If i want another gamemode, I SHOULDN'T HAVE TO BUY THAT in order to play the gamemode i want. NOBODY like it when mobile apps try to jam microtransactions down your throat, SO WHY IS IT OK IF CC DOES IT?
and im not expecting anybody to do anything, but when somebody criticises something, actual problems with it SHOULD be addressed, not just left alone to let grow like a cancer.
And really, i dont care if im outnumbered by people that are acting like CC bots telling me to BUY A RANK OR GET OUT, I have my argument and I'm sticking to it, so deal with it.
If you shouldn't have to buy a rank for voting then what would ranks be for? They would be useless and people would feel scammed. again it is not my fault you can't afford a rank. It would just be luck to see other players who are voting for another kind of game modes. Ex. My friend @Crafter146 doesn't like OP but we divide our games into Normal, Op, and sometimes hardcore. People doesn't go crazy and want to kill us. (Most of the time)
Donors will be feel scammed and pissed and you SHOULD care since if you bought a $189 rank and they removed the most important thing of your rank then you would get pissed.
I do know there are other players who don't like Op. Let's make an example. 50% of the community likes Op, the other 50% doesn't like Op Out of the 50% who don't like Op only 10% has a rank and a 15% who do like Op have a rank. The problem is, not all of them will join the same map. It is basically luck if other ranked players vote for Op. Then it's not the ranked player's fault, is it?
By the way use a better grammar. .-.


Dedicated Member
Apr 30, 2016
a Pleb Family
Look, we are all just going to have to agree to disagree. Everyone is entitled to their opinions, but changes cannot happen unless everyone agree's, therefore i doubt that OP will be removed. @Nikooo can you please settle this.


Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2015
No one is asking you to buy a rank. I never have and never will see a staff member ask you to buy a rank. A rank is a donation, and players have the choice to donate if they want.
"no one is asking you to buy a rank" well, um, in the context that i want to choose a gamemode that ISN'T OP, thats kinda a lie.
Just look in this thread, they are all (EVEN YOU) say that if you dont like the gamemode, then buy a rank. We shouldn't have to do that in order to play the gamemode we want in the map we want without a donor coming in and choosing the Camper-friendly snoozefest gamemode that requires very little skill, just get full diamond and the best sword, and you are PRACTICALLY (not literally) INVINCIBLE.

In OP no one is invincible. The best strategy (the one which i use) is to break the armour. Another way is to get them off the map. This is not too hard, you can either use a punch bow with slowness arrows, or you can hit the person off using a sword.
I didnt say they were literally invincible, thats stupid, they are FIGURATIVELY invincible, meaning they are very hard to kill, EVEN if you have the same gear.
and i was talking in a normal PVP fight, 1v1, no cheap strats, the fight's going to take around 5 (in a blue moon) to 15 minutes depending if they have healing items or not, (especially with how EASY it is to get) they most likely will.

I have never noticed this, when you crit someone they get more knockback, and if someone bows someone they can either use a punch or a power.

There are tons of fun maps, please feel free to give your feedback: https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/eggwars-maps-give-us-feedback.132419/page-8#post-712116
Oh yeah, there are fun maps, like teaparty, and teaparty, and teaparty,(not saying teaparty is bad, just it appears on the board. a lot) and maps nobody likes so they always appear on the board because nobody is filling them up.

as long as you and your friends are in the same lobby you can just click on the same signs.

not what im talking about
the DONOR ONLY statue that allows you to pick a match? yup, that one, thats what im talking about. other than that, you just have to wait until the map you want appears, which can take from 5 seconds to, maybe a few hours at the least.

This is simply opinion. Lot's of people, including myself, enjoy OP. For me, it's because you can survive the whole game with full leather (which in my opinion is good).

Well, if you rush and kill everybody, then yeah. and against full diamond? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH, you're not winning that. ever. not even if you are a bot, you are going to die. I dont care if im outnumbered in my opinion, i just see this as a bad gamemode that people bad at pvp play as a handicap since they are so bad.

When donors buy a rank they get the ability of being able to vote for things. If cube changes what donors can vote for their will be outrage.
Well yeah, there will be outrage, since then donors wont have the same power to choose the same mundane and repetitive gamemode they always choose as easily, then win, a lot.


You have to understand donors have bought a rank, they should and always will have the ability to vote for gamemodes If you don't like the gamemode which they vote for, then just join another game. You are not invincible in OP, you just need to have the tactics and resources.

You almost literally ignored the entire rant. When you go into a match, if its a good map which people like, there will likely be a donor. They vote OP. Almost every single time, and if it lasts for a certain amount of time, they get full diamond, and either you die right then, or the enderpearl and you die, or you both get full diamond and you all slap each other with wet noodles shaped like sharp V swords for a few minutes and MAYBE you'll win, or you'll just die and they will mock you. go up a few lines to see that i said that you aren't literally invincible, it just takes such a long time to kill you, that it feels like you both aren't able to die until maybe 20 minutes later when one of you drops dead out of boredom or you FINALLY knock him off. Tactics? OH YEAH, like spamming left click and pray, and resources, like full diamond armor and a sharp V sword. Just like factions. have the best gear or die, or you can be an idiot and die anyway.


Dedicated Member
Jul 7, 2016
You almost literally ignored the entire rant. When you go into a match, if its a good map which people like, there will likely be a donor. They vote OP. Almost every single time, and if it lasts for a certain amount of time, they get full diamond, and either you die right then, or the enderpearl and you die, or you both get full diamond and you all slap each other with wet noodles shaped like sharp V swords for a few minutes and MAYBE you'll win, or you'll just die and they will mock you. go up a few lines to see that i said that you aren't literally invincible, it just takes such a long time to kill you, that it feels like you both aren't able to die until maybe 20 minutes later when one of you drops dead out of boredom or you FINALLY knock him off. Tactics? OH YEAH, like spamming left click and pray, and resources, like full diamond armor and a sharp V sword. Just like factions. have the best gear or die, or you can be an idiot and die anyway.
Well, that's why there's a rank, to vote Op and/or Hardcore. No need to buy a rank for Normal unless to win against other ranked player's vote.
About getting full diamond and swords etc. That doesn't happen too often in average size maps if it ever happens diamond armor and Iron armor don't have much difference on protection, but diamond resists 3 times more. and there are not many cases when they e pearl right back when they get knocked off.
About tactics, click spam is never a good, but knocking them off is often the best way and the easiest way. I like long pvp personally I don't know about you.


Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2015
If you shouldn't have to buy a rank for voting then what would ranks be for? They would be useless and people would feel scammed. again it is not my fault you can't afford a rank. It would just be luck to see other players who are voting for another kind of game modes. Ex. My friend @Crafter146 doesn't like OP but we divide our games into Normal, Op, and sometimes hardcore. People doesn't go crazy and want to kill us. (Most of the time)
Donors will be feel scammed and pissed and you SHOULD care since if you bought a $189 rank and they removed the most important thing of your rank then you would get pissed.
I do know there are other players who don't like Op. Let's make an example. 50% of the community likes Op, the other 50% doesn't like Op Out of the 50% who don't like Op only 10% has a rank and a 15% who do like Op have a rank. The problem is, not all of them will join the same map. It is basically luck if other ranked players vote for Op. Then it's not the ranked player's fault, is it?
By the way use a better grammar. .-.
I never said that we should get rid of voting, its just OP thats the problem, so i said that i think it should be removed or changed so players with more skill should be able to win based on skill, NOT armor/ weapons.
And really? 139$ for a rank just to choose a gamemode? Wat ya talkin bout, dont seem like a scem to me.
And yeah, if i do feel like i would get scammed, i would be angry, but really, And also, if a good map opens up, and there are donors in the lobby, which there will be some, then they will likely go in there and vote OP. Rinse and repeat infinitely. and since its such a 'favored' gamemode for donors who choose to cheese everybody, then YES, it is their fault since they should just get good instead of wanting to cheese everybody with tank armor and cheese pearls. Who needs bridges when you have enderpearls. Sure your opponent cant do anything to prevent their death, but WHO CARES, WE'VE GOT YER MONEI, now have almighty god powers.
and well, its 90% OP, 7% normal, and 3% hardcore, the actual game mode where you really should get good to get on top.
never said i couldn't afford a rank, its just we shouldn't have to buy a rank to not get cheesed by the donors who choose to turn every good and fun map into a cheese fest.
And really, people dont want to kill you when you choose Op, its probably because they dont want to get annihilated by everybody in chat, who will probably have your back since you are a donator, and the other person is a pleb. You're also not the only donor, a ton of donors and kind of terrible people who will target the good people (or maybe just everybody) and mock their suffering. so giving them the option of skill over cheese? they WILL pick cheese, since they want the free kills.


Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2015
Well, that's why there's a rank, to vote Op and/or Hardcore. No need to buy a rank for Normal unless to win against other ranked player's vote.
About getting full diamond and swords etc. That doesn't happen too often in average size maps if it ever happens diamond armor and Iron armor don't have much difference on protection, but diamond resists 3 times more. and there are not many cases when they e pearl right back when they get knocked off.
About tactics, click spam is never a good, but knocking them off is often the best way and the easiest way. I like long pvp personally I don't know about you.

lol. well donors dont care about the pleb's fefees, they will choose cheesing them over skill any day, and yes, there is a need to buy a rank for normal since everybody will choose OP. and people LOVE EPing back up after they get back up. I dont know what lobby you usually are in, but if giving the opportunity, they will do that.
And i hate long pvp. Its boring and annoying, and doing a 1V1 WITHOUT CHEESE (no knocking off) is kinda ridiculous in OP mode.
In order to stop people from getting full diamond, you need to kill everybody very quickly. does that sound like anything different from the other game modes?


Dedicated Member
Jul 7, 2016
I never said that we should get rid of voting, it's just OP that's the problem, so I said that I think it should be removed or changed so players with more skill should be able to win based on skill, NOT armor/ weapons.
And really? 139$ for a rank just to choose a game mode? Wat, ya talking bout, don't seem like a scam to me.
And yeah, if I do feel like I would get scammed, I would be angry, but really, And also, if a good map opens up, and there are donors in the lobby, which there will be some, then they will likely go in there and vote OP. Rinse and repeat infinitely. and since its such a 'favored' game mode for donors who choose to cheese everybody, then YES, it is their fault since they should just get good instead of wanting to cheese everybody with tank armor and cheese pearls. Who needs bridges when you have ender pearls. Sure your opponent can't do anything to prevent their death, but WHO CARES, WE'VE GOT YER MONEY, now have almighty god powers.
and well, its 90% OP, 7% normal, and 3% hardcore, the actual game mode where you really should get good to get on top.
never said I couldn't afford a rank, it's just we shouldn't have to buy a rank to not get cheesed by the donors who choose to turn every good and fun map into a cheese fest.
And really, people don't want to kill you when you choose Op, it's probably because they don't want to get annihilated by everybody in chat, who will probably have your back since you are a donator, and the another person is a pleb. You're also not the only donor, a ton of donors and kind of terrible people who will target the good people (or maybe just everybody) and mock their suffering. so giving them the option of skill over cheese? they WILL pick the cheese since they want the free kills.
First of all, I'll correct all your grammar. .-.
I never said they should remove voting. I only said that's the main reason of ranks.
Yes, ranks are really expensive on this server. My rank is $182.99 (Just looked it up).
About good maps, there's always the same map on the server. (With iron rank you can just join it)
I think what you don't like about Op is that it takes way too long and it's almost all about luck on who wins at the end. Then all you should have said is to remove the Op stuff such as Diamond armor. (Or maybe lower the protection III) about diamond swords with sharpness V maybe just make it sharpness IV. bow spamming is impossible to stop.
If this is not what you meant then I don't think there's anything they might change.


Dedicated Member
Jul 7, 2016
lol. well donors dont care about the pleb's fefees, they will choose cheesing them over skill any day, and yes, there is a need to buy a rank for normal since everybody will choose OP. and people LOVE EPing back up after they get back up. I dont know what lobby you usually are in, but if giving the opportunity, they will do that.
And i hate long pvp. Its boring and annoying, and doing a 1V1 WITHOUT CHEESE (no knocking off) is kinda ridiculous in OP mode.
In order to stop people from getting full diamond, you need to kill everybody very quickly. does that sound like anything different from the other game modes?
Why should we care? I'm mostly in lobby 1 of every game mode by the way.
Read my past quote to answer your answers. xDDD
First of all, I'll correct all your grammar. .-.
I never said they should remove voting. I only said that's the main reason of ranks.
Yes, ranks are really expensive on this server. My rank is $182.99 (Just looked it up).
About good maps, there's always the same map on the server. (With iron rank you can just join it)
I think what you don't like about Op is that it takes way too long and it's almost all about luck on who wins at the end. Then all you should have said is to remove the Op stuff such as Diamond armor. (Or maybe lower the protection III) about diamond swords with sharpness V maybe just make it sharpness IV. bow spamming is impossible to stop.
If this is not what you meant then I don't think there's anything they might change.


Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2015
First of all, I'll correct all your grammar. .-.
I never said they should remove voting. I only said that's the main reason of ranks.
Yes, ranks are really expensive on this server. My rank is $182.99 (Just looked it up).
About good maps, there's always the same map on the server. (With iron rank you can just join it)
I think what you don't like about Op is that it takes way too long and it's almost all about luck on who wins at the end. Then all you should have said is to remove the Op stuff such as Diamond armor. (Or maybe lower the protection III) about diamond swords with sharpness V maybe just make it sharpness IV. bow spamming is impossible to stop.
If this is not what you meant then I don't think there's anything they might change.
You actually spent 189$ on a rank? WHY?
Arguement doesnt really matter anyway, since everything just gets locked.


Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2015
You actually spent 189$ on a rank? WHY?
Arguement doesnt really matter anyway, since everything just gets locked.
Like its just about to in a few minutes. 'O hey, i know, instead of actually looking at this stuff, lets just cut off all possible chance for communication, that solves everything!'
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