Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net

Should they add Winstreak and Best Winstreak?

  • Yes

    Votes: 17 100.0%
  • No

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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May 1, 2019
In cubecraft, you can view your stats by clicking on a game and clicking on the stats paper. I am a try-hard skywars player so I play basically for stats. One stat that really should appear there but doesn’t is win streak. We have wins, deaths, kills, etc. but no win streak. I would love to see my current and best win streaks in skywars.

This thread just asks that Cubecraft add the win streak statistic and your best winstreak statistic to stats in games. (especially skywars)


Forum Expert
Sep 1, 2015
  • 3.11 - Please don't repeat previously mentioned and discussed topics, unless you have something significant to add to the conversation and the previous topic is locked.

For the idea itself: I completely agree!
I already gave a full explanation as to why this static would be an awesome feature on CubeCraft in the last thread regarding this topic ^

I'll summarize the most important and most relevant arguments in this thread as well to save you some time:
- This feature will encourage people to play mini-games more often (again) as they'll have a new 'goal' to play for.

- This feature can bring along some more cool achievements.
[insert name here] - get 10 wins of [game] in a row.
[insert name here] - get 25 wins of [game in a row.
[insert name here] - get 50 wins of [game] in a row.
[insert name here] - get 100 wins of [game] in a row.
May 1, 2019

For the idea itself: I completely agree!
I already gave a full explanation as to why this static would be an awesome feature on CubeCraft in the last thread regarding this topic ^

I'll summarize the most important and most relevant arguments in this thread as well to save you some time:
- This feature will encourage people to play mini-games more often (again) as they'll have a new 'goal' to play for.

- This feature can bring along some more cool achievements.
[insert name here] - get 10 wins of [game] in a row.
[insert name here] - get 25 wins of [game in a row.
[insert name here] - get 50 wins of [game] in a row.
[insert name here] - get 100 wins of [game] in a row.
Thank you. Please spread the word of this thread and other ones regarding this to hopefully get this added
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