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Apr 25, 2017
In Your Closet
Types of people in Eggwars!
Please bear with me, as this is my first thread :)
Without further ado, let's get on to the Different Types of People in Eggwars.
1. The guy that hogs the gens.
Don't get me started with this type of guy. I'm sure that we all have that one greedy guy in every single game that hogs the gens, and is super self centered.

2. The guy that rushes to mid at the start of the game.
I have nothing to say about this type of guy, but if you bridge to mid and not build up, you and I will have a problem. The reason why I'm saying this is because, you can easily get rushed by other opponents if you build a straight bridge, whereas if you build a bridge going up, its harder for the other teams to get to your island.

3. The hacker.
Do I really need to go over this type of dude? Besides the fact that you're a coward if you hack.

4. The guy that trolls.
I don't have much to say about this dude but whoever trolls, you're bonkers (it's fine if you are, I am too)

5. The guy that pisses other teams off.
I certainly can name a few people, who provoke other teams. You're insane pal.

6. The guy that runs around naked.
I flip out every time I see my teammate running around naked. Like dude, there's armor for a reason.

7. The guy that rage quits.
Of course, the guy that quits. Let's not even talk about this guy.

8. The afk dude.
How fantastic.

9. The MLG.
The guy that goes all ape mode on you, and wrecks you. To sum it all up, the guy that is a pro.

10. The drama after elimination guy.
Now this one, I can guarantee you all, that we have met so many people that is super salty after you kill them, and they start complaining that you suck at pvp, or they start making up false accusations.

11. The hack accusation dude.
This one is similar to "The drama after elimination guy", but I just had to point this one out separately. Trust me on this, there's always going to be that one aggravating guy who says that you hack, just because you killed him. Whether they're joking or not, I've seen many people react to those unnecessary comments. Don't let them get to you, they carry with them a negative spirit. Don't let them drag you down to their level.

12. The guy who is terrible at pvp.
We all have to admit that we know at least one person that doesn't know how to pvp properly. Just a quick note, don't always expect yourself to be a god at pvping in every single game. We all have those days where we pvp like a potato, and some days where we pvp like a god. Therefore, expectations feeds frustration.

13. The Rusher
The guy who rushes other teams. You're wonderful.

14. The guy who keeps on dying.
Good job dude, your stats must be marvelous.

15. The Boss.
The player who tends to boss their teammates around. How crude.

16. The Nice One.

Eggwars gods, please bless these people. The teammate who gives you diamonds, iron, gold and is very considerate.

17. The Camper.
Campers annoy me to the max, but the fact that they drag out the game making it so long, it really is agitating.

18. The Bow Spammer.
That moment when you get shot off by a bow spammer using a punch bow. Yea, not a good feeling is it?

19. The Egotistic guy.
The guy who thinks he's a boss at pvp and says "I'm going to win". Quick story, once I played with a guy, and his ego was bigger than the Pacific Ocean. He claimed that he was a pro and will wreck everyone in the game, yet i caught him falling through a one block jump. You've proven your point.

20. The Lagger.
Dude, fix your internet. It's frustrating to see hits getting thrown at you, but the guy nowhere to be seen, he's probably floating mid air somewhere.

21. The cross teamer.
I'm sure you guys can all get a general idea of this type of guy.

22. The builder.
The guy who builds houses, towers, forts on their base. I mean dude, you're very creative, but there's 'creative mode' for that.

23. Middle guardian.
The guy who farms in mid, he kills anyone who tries to get some diamonds at mid.

24. The building up to save himself guy.
Don't you dare deny that you've never seen this before. We all have seen that one guy who keeps on building up and won't stop until you give up. Unless he's out of blocks.

I have to be honest with myself, I'm number 13 & 14.

If I missed out on anything, feel free to tell me and I'll add it to this list.

Don't take this thread seriously, created for entertainment purposes.

And thank you to the people who replied to this thread, and told me what i was missing :) Much appreciated.

Bye now :)

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Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2017
These are so true lol, I can relate to 12 xD

Also you missed these out

The Boss
-This player who tends to boss their teammates around like "LISTEN TO ME NUB, IF YOU DON"T YOU WILL DIE" and just "Trying" to take control of everything

The Nice one
-Opposite of all the bad things, this player is the "Nice" one, like giving you diamonds and using the materials like Gold/Diamond to upgrade the gens or buy Obi instead of using it on him/her self. Buying her teammates goodies for example She/He has 20 Diamonds, She could have just bought herself full iron or a Diamond sword,but she bought all her/his teammates a Iron Chestplate. ( I just love those players )
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Forum Expert
Jun 10, 2016
A Pasture
I had teammates once that were complete jerks. They were in a call or something together and I was the random on their team. It was on fairground.
At the start of the game, they were saying 'give us all the iron or we leave the game'. They were already gen hogging the two iron gens so I was only collecting gold. But they weren't the brightest of players and kept demanding that I give them iron I didn't have. They ending up keeping their word and left the game because I didn't give them iron. :P

Ahh, teammates are fun
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Deleted member 204478

I think I consider myself as number 13, rushing is a quick and simple way to end the game, and just get your xp.
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Well-Known Member
May 8, 2016
my personal hell
Actually, I usually rush mid without building up, and I usually lose my egg, but I also usually win because I get the best gear on the map and destroy everyone.

Sometimes, after I warm up enough, I can be number 9 (sort of). However, if I don't warm up and do not play for a week or so, I start slipping to 14. If I am doing very well + lucky, I get a lot of number 11s after me.

I do remember one game I had, I was not warmed up, I couldn't pvp. I just came back from snowboarding and my hands were half frozen. I was on a team of only 2 players on the map teaparty, and my OP teammate rushed and killed almost every single egg on the map and eliminated half the people... That is my standard for MLG.

No one called hacks on that teammate, which is surprising.

Also, you missed a few types of people:

Bow spammers

Hardcore campers



The guy that doesn't get any gear but just keeps upgrading every generator on the map...


Well-Known Member
May 8, 2016
my personal hell
xD see my thread on Media YouTube.
You can pvp with me if you want.:p
And also watch the video I did with an admin.... man that guy is a god :eek:

I watched that video and I noticed that the admin was getting hits on you from farther away than normal, that means you had lag that time too. Basically, your computer knows that you were knocked away from the enemy when he hit you, but the server still thinks you haven't been knocked away, so he can keep hitting you...

Try to circle him hardcore next time you fight, and close anything that may be causing you to lag. He is good at critical hits, but critical hits are hard to do against someone getting a circle combo on you.


Apr 25, 2017
In Your Closet
Actually, I usually rush mid without building up, and I usually lose my egg, but I also usually win because I get the best gear on the map and destroy everyone.

Yea I agree, I know many people who still win the game, even though their egg have been destroyed. But losing your egg can be an disadvantage, so i rather not have my egg destroyed at the start of the game due to my teammate building a straight bridge to mid :p
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Forum Veteran
Oct 2, 2016
Texas, US
1- My teammates at the start of the game.
2- Always me. period.
3- Never me.
4- I troll people only when im bored .-.
5- Im easily number 5. Everyone gets mad at me. lmao.
6- Me. Straight up me.
7- Only to hackers.
8- Im never AFK during the game,
9- IM THE MOST MLG PERSON ALIVE. Pretty much every solo game i play, i end up winning.
10- Everyone is salty when i kill the. I get the phrase "noob tryhard" a lot of times :P
11- The amount of times i get called for hacks is insane, i could write 10 novels on it.
12- im the opposite of this.
13- I <3 rushing
14- I die a lot to hackers, yet hackers die a lot to me :P
15- I am a QB in American Football. Its my nature to be in charge of things.
16- I am always nice, well, hopefully :eek:
17- i never camp. Camping is a sin.
18- I am a bowspammer when i can be, other times i just fight to the death using actual PvP skill.
19- I usually am not the bragging guy when it comes to games, but funny story.
This one guy thinks hes cool and is like "Noobs im going to r3k you all woth my skill"
I kill him easily. His response: "noob hacker. Have fun with ban" i said "Lmao"
Later in the game, he got braggy again. Saying he was the best, continuing to say i was a hacker.
*10 minutes later* gets eliminated from the game. he says to the guy who killed him "wow no lifer noob"
I check tab, the guy who killed him was a default skin, alex to be exact. Not being mean to defaults, but it was funny that the guy who killed him was in fact, a noob.
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🤝 Partner 💜
If I missed out on anything, feel free to tell me and I'll add it to this list.
"Money Wars" Player
The player who asks in the lobby where "Money Wars" is in the compass menu. I've seen this before and it was pretty hilarious since he denied the fact that Money Wars was EggWars :P
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