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The CubeCraft Times

Well-Known Member
Oct 23, 2020

The CubeCraft Times | Edition #6


🧊 Another week is over!

Hello everybody! Another week is over and you know what that means... today we're releasing a new edition of The CubeCraft Times! Before starting, we'd like to thank you for helping us hit 100 members on our Discord server. We'd also like to thank the Reporters and Moderators for their amazing work. You’re absolutely great, thank you so much!

More info about this can be found on the following thread:

Finally, thank you for the support, readers - you’re all amazing. Now, let's get started!

🕹️ PlayStation Support and CubeCraft's new Record!

We're sure nobody, or almost nobody, was going to expect CubeCraft PlayStation support. CubeCraft's Bedrock Edition network got almost 10 thousand extra players (from 23-24k to +35k daily players). This helped CubeCraft's Bedrock Edition network to achieve a new player record of+43k. This is something absolutely amazing and we hope to see the network growing up really soon!

Article by: @FerminTorno18

⚔️ Sentinel - CubeCraft's Never-Ending Project

Sentinel, some of us love it, and some of us don't. But we can all agree that it has had a great impact on the amount of cheaters on the server. Cheating is a big problem on the server because of how much creative freedom Minecraft gives. So it's up to the servers to prevent people from using cheats. It's not as easy as it sounds, though, when creating a new check there need to be massive amounts of testing to ensure that it won't ban innocent players. The reason this is so hard is that they are completely flying blind and making new checks based completely off of trial and error because they are in new territory. Even with this sentinel bans up to 8 players every minute between the two networks, so let's hope this thread has given you a little more appreciation for the massive amount of work that goes into CubeCraft's anti-cheat: https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/behind-the-cube-2-sentinel.270731/

Article by: @Ender

📕 Passport - New CubeCraft Account Linking System

CubeCraft released a new feature called Passport! We knew it would be coming for a long time but now it's finally here.
Passport will become the new home of all CubeCraft's accounts! At the moment, you can link your Minecraft (both Java and Bedrock), Discord and forums account, but they are planning to allow you to link more accounts as well! The advantages of the brand new Passport system are numerous! Firstly, every site that would use the passport system (only forums for now ) will be logged in once you log in on one site, as it's all with the passport system. You can also link your Minecraft and Discord account, which allows CubeCraft to show your rank and VIP level on the cube discord! Cool!! You can add one discord account and as many Java and Bedrock account as you one (you can set one as primary for both). The team is planning to release more cool features in the future, you'll hear them here!

Article by: @xHappyMoof

🎥 Top 5 - Best Kills

Another exciting video was released from the CubeCraft Team on their YouTube channel, it includes 5 of the best kills submitted over the course of a 3 week period. The montage ranges from people killing using some strategized traps, double kills, and even backstabbing!

Next month’s video is Best Traps! If you wish to submit some of your wises traps on footage, take a look at this thread:
~ https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/get-featured-on-our-youtube-channel‎.235038/!

Article by: @Gemmmmie

😍 Your turn - Featured threads!

We're finally introducing featured threads! In this section, you will be able to find out some of the coolest threads posted by the community over the week. There was a lot of lovely threads, but only a few of them could be added to this edition. Sorry!

🔐 Lockdown & You - by @jelliobean

Starting off with @jelliobean, who wrote an interesting collage of memories that the Staff Team has experienced over the recent months, especially with these uncertain times. It also includes some helpful ideas for anyone that needs activities during this period.
~ https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/lockdown-you-by-team-cubecraft.270916/

📦 New Nether Cages - by @SamC1

Next is @SamC1, the whole thread includes some amazing cages that they designed themselves. Sadly the blocks used were with the recent 1.16 update so they can’t be implemented onto CubeCraft at this current time.
~ https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/new-nether-cages.270987/

📜 Tower Defence Lobby Addition - by @CrystalDrop

This suggestion, written by @CrystalDrop, is simplistic but honestly a fantastic idea. Tower Defence is overcoming some huge changes within the next few months and the community would really love to help everyone gather an understanding of the game. The thread describes that the lobby of the game mode includes all the towers available, but the addition of a sign that explains it’s qualities would be handy for any newcomers. Looks cool, right? Give them their deserved attention!
~ https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/tower-defence-lobby-addition.270687/

Article by: @Gemmmmie

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Dedicated Member
Jun 24, 2019
This has been my first week that I have collaborated in TCCT, since I joined yesterday Sunday and I wanted to do this to collaborate in our great team (TCCT). Thank you to all of you who are sending us nice and supportive messages! 😊 😋
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UncleSpect wrote on TnAdan_'s profile.
Happy birthday!
Reesle wrote on TnAdan_'s profile.
Happy Birthday! 🎂
lorilambthecoolgamer wrote on luminance69's profile.
BicolourSine41 wrote on TheOrderOfSapphire's profile.
Oh wow! 3k reaction score! Congrats! Same day as my 1k!
Yes! 1000 reaction score! Thanks to@Reesle for being my 1k reaction! Still did not get my trophy points...
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