Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net

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Dedicated Member
Oct 14, 2017
under your bed
Finalized Eggwars Gamemode variation (Eggwars Alliances) - Concept Thread


Hello people of CubeCraft!

It's been a while! You might remember me from several decades ago. A time of peace and prosperity, yet also of wretched troubles and vicious wars. A different era. Well, if your neurons are firing, you might just recognize this concept, also known as a different Gamemode variation for Eggwars that i myself and many others have worked on extensively in the past and considered to be pretty neato burito and would absolutely consider trying out / playing with and delve our teeth into. Well, the time is now it seems for me to offer another (this time impecabbaly timed) friendly visit.

Staff. You're looking for a new update for Eggwars? Well allow me to introduce myself due to the occasion, this one time, again. Why want this? Cause Eggwars has been getting boring, repetitive, predictable and stale and people seem to be wanting something new. Also hey, you're looking for an update. Looks like i might got you covered.

I'll explain it below further into the thread; it's pretty simple, which makes it thus the more great. The mainconcept contains a simple tweak, but one that could yet pose to be quite effective in making Eggwars more interesting again.

Please take a good seat, maybe grab yourself a snack. Cause this is not your average thread my friend.

This has potential to be something awesome, especially with all the options for expansion. This could work in the current system of Eggwars Teams and i don't see why it wouldn't be able to work with Solo too!

(I do advice you to read the whole thing beforehand, to prevent yourself from looking stupid/silly if you're going to comment on this and show your thoughts/opinions on it. Please DO NOT)

Let me first start off with the things this concept could offer:

  • Make Eggwars fun again and revitalize it.

  • many possibilities regarding team design (making 4 alliances each made out of 2 teams / making 3 alliances each made out of 3 teams / making 2 alliances each made out of 5 teams / making 6 alliances each made out of 2 teams. Etc. Etc.). There's also definitely some room for creativity in creating maps for this.

  • Make Eggwars stand out again between all these Eggwars rip-offs we have nowadays; with something that's yet to be done before (to my knowledge) and is original (yet simple).

  • A nice well overdue, new, fresh air to the current team system that would make for an interesting, fun and dynamic new gamemode played in a different manner (strategic wise for example) compared to Normal Eggwars. Especially with the additional ideas i've been able to add through the feedback i've received.

  • Give us more frequent longer, more epic, fun games. Like those long exciting games from back in the days when we were still new to Eggwars. (Remember those days? When this game used to be the bomb? Those were the glory days)

  • Team co-operation would be an interesting aspect and dynamic introduced by this concept, once again adding to the fun and also the strategic aspect of Eggwars.

  • Making Eggwars MORE Eggwars (if you get what i'm saying)

( ) = potential extra's. Not part of the main concept! (but still things that would hold true in accordance to my personal vision)

  • (More added strategic ways of playing the game due to added minor buffs to each island in a team. This should make the game more interesting, fun and dynamic aswell!)

  • (Enables to be very creative in gamesetup-design (see additional extra ideas) due to combining multiple team-designs into one map/game. This could be so freaking awesome! The potential! oooh the potential! Can you see it?)

Annoyed by the long list? GOOD. That should already prove how valuable the implementation of this could be regarding the many things this could offer Eggwars.

- - - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - - -

The Concept

(Two-word summary: Allied teams)

NAME (IDEAS): Eggwars Alliances.
(Other ideas: 'Allies' or 'Allywars' / 'Squads')

MAIN CONCEPT: Same setup as with Normal Team Eggwars (or Solo Eggwars), only now, individual seperate teams/islands are allied with other teams/islands, but still stay seperate teams/islands each with their own egg and respawn ties to that egg, creating an alliance. Seperate teams/islands will be working together. An alliance is just a few different individual islands, each with their own eggs, allied together. Alliances will basically be split into different teams/sections across different islands in a sense (An alliance consisting out of multiple teams each with their own respective egg). what i mean by that is that for example on the map Storm: (24players total) (12 teams of 2), you could have: 6 alliances of 2 teams/islands // 3 alliances of 4 teams/islands // 2 allliances of 6 teams/islands. Simple as that.

This could work especially well on big maps divided in multiple smaller teams. I believe this gamemode would be a great idea for already existing big maps like Teaparty/Mushrooms/Dwarven/Garden/Haunted, but would probably work out even better with newly made customized maps designed specifically for this new alliance/team setup (obviously).

So to eliminate one whole and complete alliance, you’ll have to take out each seperate island/team (each with their own egg and respawn ties to that egg) consisting out of that alliance to completely eliminate it. Once again: Easy as that. Shouldn't be complicated. Moving on!

Lastly, you will NOT be able to break your allies' eggs of course, that just be incredibly stupid otherwise.

Here are some examples of how already existing maps could work with alliances.

Examples (one with pictures!):

Teaparty: (40players total) (has 8 teams of 5players): 4 alliances of 2 teams / 2 alliances of 4 teams

Mushrooms: (40players total) (has 8 teams of 5players): 4 alliances of 2 teams / 2 alliances of 4 teams

Storm: (24players total) (has 12 teams of 2): 6 alliances of 2 teams / 3 alliances of 4 teams / 2 allliances of 6 teams

Pizza: (16players total) (has 8 teams of 2): 4 alliances of 2 teams / 2 alliances of 4 teams

Eggs: (32players total) (has 8 teams of 4): 4 alliances of 2 teams / 2 alliances of 4 teams

I'll stop now.

Here are also some added pictures with how Eggs could look like with alliances, just to give you an idea of what could be possible (there are of course more thing possible than just the pictures i show below):

Like i stated before, i do have to say though that for this gamemode to work at its best, we'll need more big maps divided into multiple small teams/islands



(Please make sure that before you judge or offer criticism towards any of these ideas that you've read the elaboration on it beforehand)

- Each section/island gets their own strengths and/or their own items to purchase, therefore each island could play in a smart strategic way according to their own strenghts.

Click on the spoiler tag for more info.

If i were to include this in my idea, the strenghts/buff(s) of each island would be made minor and simple, as to not have it be too gamechanging but instead just enough to add a bit of spice to the game and the room for strategy. So perhaps some minor tweaks; these are the ideas i've come up myself so far in regards of this:

  • Weapon island buff: extra purchasable Sharpness 1 wooden and stone weapons (swords and axes). So how this would look like in the villagershop is like this (with islands that have a weapon buff):

5 iron - wooden sword.

20 iron - wooden sword (sharpness 1).

32 iron - stone sword.

64 iron - stone sword (sharpness 1).

Other scenario if we were to combine a damagebuff with a lower standard item price for weapons; then it would be something like this:

4 iron - wooden sword.

18 iron - wooden sword (sharpness 1).

30 iron - stone sword.

60 iron - stone sword (sharpness 1).

  • Miner island buff: what this would include is a purchasable haste 1 potion for 10 gold and each pickaxe price would be lowered along with an extra diamond pickaxe with 1 higher effiency compared to what would normally be the fastest/most efficient pickaxe
(example of this would be:

5 iron for stone pickaxe (Ef1),

1 gold for an iron pickaxe (Ef1),

5 gold for a diamond pickaxe (Ef 1),

5 diamonds for a diamond pickaxe (Ef 3),

10 diamonds for a diamond pickaxe (Ef 5))

  • Armor island buff: you would be able to either buy yourself a normal unenchanted leather set (1 iron per piece) or you could buy yourself enchanted protection 1 leather armor for 2 iron per piece. The last item that would also be made purchasable would be leather featherfalling 2 boots. So basically, you would be given two extra purchasable items, which in this case is prot 1 leather and feather falling 2 leather boots (with no prot 1).

  • Archery island buff/strength: your normal price for a bow is 3 diamonds cheaper than it would normally be (so a normal bow that would normally be around let's say 25 diamonds would now be 22 diamonds. A power 1 bow that would normally be 35 diamonds would now be 32 diamonds. A punch 1 bow, which would normally be 48 diamonds, would for them be just 45 diamonds), another thing that would be made cheaper would be arrows, which from 5 gold for 10 arrows, would now be 3 gold for 10 arrows. Maybe another thing that could be added to this island strength are making more types of certain tipped arrows purchasable, what kind, i'm not sure of yet, but perhaps as a start, levitation; staff can probably figure something.

  • Builder and food buff: 1 iron would give you 3 building blocks as a standard price. All foods (aside from gapples) would be 1 iron cheaper as its standard price. And lastly, golden apples have a standard price with a discount option. Gapples would still be 2 gold per gapple; however, there would also be the option to buy 6 gapples for 10gold. Supermarket tactics, get more for a cheaper price haha (1 free gapple!), well that’s this too. Perhaps Notch apples would also be less pricey and become 30 diamonds instead of 32 as a standard price.

Make the island buff a votable thing for the ranked players. They can vote the items for all the items for everyone on the map like OP, Normal and Hardcore. But now the ranked folks will also be able to vote for something else! And that would be their island buff! This vote would of course only affect the buff for the island that the ranked voter would be placed in. For other islands/teams who don’t have anyone that can vote something for them, they will simply have randomised island buffs; but only an island buff that hasn’t been voted for by someone else on the alliance on a different team already. Each island buff can only appear once in an alliance, no more. So having your whole alliance have the weapon island buff is impossible. If multiple voters from different islands on the same alliance would all vote for the same buff then the island with the most voters voting for that buff would get the buff, the majority gets what it wants basically. If the amount of votes are equal for one single chosen buff between the islands of an alliance (so 2 voters from each island voting for the same buff for example) then the buff will be acquired by either one of the islands that voted for it by random chance. It's just the same really as how voting now gets approached.

I'll also like to make clear that only people from the island with the buff have the ability to buy either these lil extra's or buy things at a lower normal price (instead of just everyone, so no, you wouldn't be able to just hop from island to island to get your item cheaper or to get that stone sharp 1 sword, it would have to be given to you by someone else if you aren't part of the island that has this naturally installed if you'd want to still profit from other island buffs within your alliance).

It might also be nice to see if ranked players (Gold and beyond) could already vote IN THE LOBBY while waiting for players to choose whether they would like to play with buffs or not, with the default unaltered settings to this being with island buffs/strenghts.

Lastly, you can also scrap the whole voting thing out of this and take the route of having the strengths/buffs predetermined and consistently the same on each island on the map, this way you'll also be able to pick your the island of an alliance you find most favourable in regards of it buff/strength as a regular stone ranked player.

The more i think about this, the more potential, strategic creativity and fun i can see in it.

By me @FartiliciousManChild, also made thanks to @CookieBoy368

- Have multiple islands combined into one team, but DON'T give each island a seperate egg. Instead, give them only one egg.

Click on the spoiler tag for more info.

Each island of one of these alliances would depend on one egg in this scenario. So let's say you have 3 islands, combined into one alliance; then this alliance would have 1 egg for all 3 the islands. But to avoid this from being totally the same as just one big team, have the spawnpoints be different, and have players spawn on different, seperate islands in this team. The egg would preferably be located in the 'middle' island if there is one, or have the egg be located at one of the islands that belongs to that team by random.

Example: Green + Dark Green + Lime = 1 team with 1 egg. ==> Egg would be located at Dark Green (assuming that would be the island inbetween Green and Lime) ==> Green, Dark Green and Lime all have to protect this one egg to ensure their respective spawnpoints to be able to keep respawning after death.

Applications for something like this could be a lot of things, there's a lot of room for creativity if you combine this idea with the main concept (or even the Normal Eggwars setup) and have a gamesetup that goes something like this:

Possible gamesetup (this one is a bit crazy though, but to prove a point):

Alliance 1 (Omega)(each island with a seperate egg): Green (3 players) + Dark Green (3 players) + Lime (3 players) (9 players total)


Alliance 2 (Alpha)(with just one egg for all islands): Orange (5 players) + Red (5 players) + Dark Red (5 players) (15 players total)


Alliance 3 (Gamma)(each island with a seperate egg): Light Blue (1 player) + Blue (1 player) + Dark Blue (1 player) + Purple (1 player) + Dark Purple (1 player) + Pink (1 player) (6 players total)


Alliance 4 (Delta)(just one island with one egg): Yellow (12 players)

I can see this being a bit hectic, so i hope that Cube could come up with something to prevent this from happening. They can already start off by applying the fix i noted before for "Not being able to recognize well who your allies and enemies are". And also, if it did happen that this couldn't possibly be made less hectic (if we were to assume it would be), then honestly, so be it; the amount of possibilities for something cool or crazy (like the example above) is way to cool to pass up on, the playerbase would figure it out and adapt over time.

Although, aside from trying to fix this possible gamesetup from possibly being hectic, i did only choose to come up with a gamesetup as crazy as shown above just to prove how creative you can get with this if you dare to combine multiple team-designs.

By me @FartiliciousManChild

- Have unique uneven maps with unique interesting alliance designs.

Click on the spoiler tag for more info.

Imagine a map for example having an alliance design that would look like this:

alliance (1 island) - 8 players per island)


alliance (2 islands) - 5 players per island(s))


alliance (3 islands) - 4 players per island(s)).

Now of course the alliances with the higher island and playercount should be given big disadvantages compared to the alliances with a lower island + playercount (which in contrast should be given big advantages) as a way to remain balanced and fair; the advantages/disadvantages can be realised through the means of map design, the starting levels of the generators and the overall amount of gens each alliance has, just to name a few ways. I think something like this could be extremy interesting to play with. But success of this depends completely on the designers competentency to properly pull this off, to which i just helped a bit in regards to that last few sentences. So hey, probably do-able.

By me @FartiliciousManChild

- Have Greek alphabet alliance names, instead of colournames. So stuff like: Alpha, Beta, Omega, Delta, Gamma, Theta, Kappa (yes this a Greek letter lol), Sigma, Omicron, Epsilon, Zeta, Psi, Upsilon, iota.

Click on the spoiler tag for more info.

These are already 14 different potential names for an alliance, in other words, more than enough.

Enough, cause these names should be given to an alliance, not a team/island individually, which i would stick to giving colour names. So here's an example of how that would look like:

Game setup:

Alliance 1 called Omega: Green (3 players) + Dark Green (3 players) + Lime (3 players)


Alliance 2 called Alpha: Orange (3 players) + Red (3 players) + Dark Red (3 players)


Alliance 3 called Gamma: Light Blue (3 players) + Blue (3 players) + Dark Blue (3 players)

By @Younisco and further worked out by me @FartiliciousManChild

- An in-game incentive for alliance teamwork. This would encourage players to work together as an alliance and push them in the right and beneficial way of playing and could reward them for it. something simple and basic to start off with would be an Ally chat/Alliance chat.

Click on the spoiler tag for more info.

Next thing could be this: Have the villagershop at your base sell food, weapons (only affecting wooden and stone weapons) and bows at a slightly more expensive price once one of the teams in the alliance dies off completely (so instead of steak costing 5 iron make it cost 1 iron more after a team of an alliance dies off, with a cap of 8 iron - a 3 iron difference (in the case of there ever going to be maps where alliances would consist out of a lot of teams, which is why i added a cap, so the price can't just increase till like 10 iron if you happen to be playing with a map that places you in an alliance consisting out of 6 teams and therefore making it possible to up the price to 10 iron if we apply the rule of: price goes up 1 iron per fallen team of the alliance). Swords and axes (only the wooden and stone ones) would also get slightly more expensive to buy (1 iron more expensive per team of the alliance that gets taken down, once again, capping at 3 iron more compared to the normal price). While this might add to the incentive of making teams work together, about the weapons though, because this could also add fuel to the problem of being able to make a potential comeback, i leave the penality to just wooden and stone weapons.

For now as it stands, the penality per lost team would be this:

All food gets 1 iron more expensive - capping at 3 iron more expensive compared to the normal price

Weapons (only affecting wooden and stone) get 1 iron more expensive - capping at 3 iron more expensive compared to the normal price

All bows get 1 diamond more expensive - capping at 3 diamonds more expensive compared to the normal price

All block prices stay unaltered.

It might actually even be cool aswell if these more expensive prices would only be existing at the villagers of the teams of your alliance, (given there are other alliances left who still have all their eggs alive and therefore an unaltered/cheaper price) so not the enemy villagers, this could also pose to be a good incentive to act more offensively (and attack other people so you can use their less inflated villagers) and not just defend cause they're the last team standing of the alliance with an egg. Hope you understand what i mean with this. This can go both ways by the way, cause it could also lead to players buying items more expensively at other alliances that have lost teams, which would just be something you could try to keep track of if you'd want to prevent that; don't see any big problems with this. If anything i think it's pretty cool actually as this leaves more room for skill development as you could learn to get good at keeping track of what other alliance prices are and act smartly/strategically accordingly to that info.


In terms of rewards for teamwork, i would do something along the lines of 'you get x by keeping all the eggs of your alliance alive' after a set amount of time has passed, now what this x would be is not yet 100% clear to me as i want to keep this very minor and not give a big advantage, maybe something like it would make blocks slightly cheaper and give you more blocks in turn for 1 iron (so 3 blocks instead of 2 blocks per 1 iron), since being in this position in the first place puts you in a pretty strong position so any big lasting buffs should be unnecessary, i atleast don't want to give these teams any advantages in regards of pvp, i'm thinking more off stuff like building blocks and food.

I guess for now i'll keep it at food and blocks being affected by this.

(Recap:) In short: food and block prices are reduced by 1 iron


*after 10 minutes of keeping all the eggs alive of your alliance* A message pops up: 'Your prices have gotten lower as a reward for keeping your alliance's eggs alive!' --> 1 iron now gives you 3 blocks instead of 2. All food now costs 1 iron less!. This buff reward doesn't get extended if you happen to succesfully keep your alliance's eggs alive for any longer. So not this: *after 20 minutes of keeping all the eggs alive of your alliance* --> 1 iron now gives you 4 blocks. Food price is now 2 iron less.

If an alliance that has had this buff loses one of its eggs, it will receive the same penalty as people who haven't had the buff. What this means basically is that food would increase by 2 iron and blocks return to the normal price. The food price would be increased from it's standard price, not in accordance to its decreased price. *(if you would keep the previous potential additional idea in mind and the island buff that was in it called 'builder and food buff', this 'standard price' would be lower by default)*

Made thanks to the help of @Gainfullterror due to shedding light to the likely need for this, Team-incentive solution/concept, made by me @FartiliciousManChild



- Not being able to recognize well who your allies and enemies are
Fix: Give everyone in one team very similiar colours (Green, Dark Green, Lime). Put some kind of scoreboard up that makes it easier to distinguish on the side (like the ones we already have at Eggwars right now but slightly modified of course, also showing alliances, something like this for example

Give players a tag above their heads showing the team they belong to, like this guy has too:

Other fix (credit for this idea to @SpankMeSanta ) could be that you could use things like underlined names, bold names, italic names and a different font family (that's different enough compared to others of course), and lastly, you could like i stated above before, add a simple tag above the players' name, showing what alliance the player is part of; examples:

(correction to this picture: '*Normal Letters*' (first picture on the left) should be '*Underlined letters*'.)

Another way (credit for this idea to @CommunistCactus ) could be to just make the names of everyone in your alliance bold (which would only be looking bold to you and rest from your alliance, every other alliance would also just see their teammates/allies in bold names, with the other non-allied players being displayed as names with normal (not bold) text) for each alliance), also put the allied teams in the same chat.

I personally think the best solution to this problem is to both make the colours of each team of the alliance it's part of very similiar AND the tag i've mentioned above in the pictures. Similiar colours + Tag = Boom, fixed baby!

Although Communist's idea definitely isn't bad either and might just be better actually due to it's simplicity.

Fixes found along with the help of @SpankMeSanta and @CommunistCactus

- Toxic players breaking egg defenses of other allied islands
Fix: not found yet. Possible fix could be that only the members of the island of that given egg could break the blocks placed around the egg, not the other islands of the alliance. Although i think this might cause frustrating situations and inconveniences. Then again, is this really a big deal? They're in Normal Teams and Speed Teams aswell (whoops this no longer exists). Besides, how often do you even encounter really toxic players, i personally, not so often. If it is a problem, i think it might just be something that we have to accept, i mean we could also accept it with other games/gamemodes, this should be no exception in that regard. They're unfortunately, (at times) part of the game. It would be nothing exclusive to just this gamemode anyway.

You could also of course report those players if needed.

'Fix' by me @FartiliciousManChild along with assurement from @CommunistCactus

- Grand scale camping
Fix: No punch bow/very expensive punch bows; diamond gens only at mid/no diamond gens at bases; slightly cheaper enderpearls (48 diamonds or higher for example).

i think starting out with very expensive punch bows instead of no punch bows is the way to go, cause i do believe it belongs in Eggwars and is part of it. If it happens that still doesn't do the trick in regards of reducing camping then we could possibly remove them all together. Deciding on whether to remove a punch bow or not at this early stage is quite difficult though, so i'll rather decide on possibly removing it in a later stage after we would've seen and experienced how troublesome punch bows still prove to be.

Fix by me @FartiliciousSwoleMan

- False crossteam accusation attempts

  • Either have maps specificially made for this gamemode (and therefore revealing the gamemode played
  • Have leather armor colours look different compared to normal Eggwars.
  • Have the tags i mentioned in 'Not being able to recognize well who your allies and enemies are', something only this gamemode is likely to have. This would also reveal in what gamemode you're playing and prevent people recording you for crossteaming in the wrong gamemode.
  • Put something in the scoreboard making clear in what gamemode you're playing; have some signature thing or something exclusive to just that gamemode, making once again, clear in what gamemode you're playing. Anything that will distinct itself from Normal Eggwars in a way should work.
  • If more is necessary to convey in what gamemode you're playing, you could always have a message repeat after every 15 minutes or something similiar in chat that clearly says that you are in the given mode that you are currently playing in.
  • Basically, make this gamemode recognizable in some ways, that's what it comes down to.

SEE "Not being able to recognize well who your allies and enemies are" too.
Fix by me @FartiliciousManChild

- The possibility of having to perform a very (too) tough comeback
Fix: once you've lost 75% of all the players in your alliance, a 'warfare tradesman' will spawn near the normal villagershop (or will just be present the entirety of the game but only accessible when this 75% or more dead requirement is met, i personally think it would be cooler though to have him spawn in) at all the islands of your alliance (all players from other alliances can use these too, IF, these players from those different alliances have also lost 75% or more of the players in their alliance), offering you a few possible one time deals (which means you can only purchase one for the entirety of the game and no more) for a pretty cheap price (5 diamonds for example). You can only purchase one of these 6 offers, you can't buy all 6 once, so choose wisely.

The deals include:

- a resistance 1 potion (that thing you get from a enchanted golden apple) lasting for 8 minutes

- a strength 1 potion lasting 8 minutes

- a swiftness 1 potion lasting 8 minutes

- a very efficient diamond pickaxe

- a diamond chestplate

- and lastly a stone sword with sharpness V (therefore being the equivalent of a sharpness 1 diamond sword (1 attack damage higher compared to a normal unenchanted diamond sword) but with lower durability (would only apply with normal items! For Overpowered items, if it ever gets added to this gamemode, it would be an iron sword with sharpness IX, which would be the equivalent of a sword with 1 attack damage higher than a diamond sword with sharpness V)

Every player (that's still left) on the team can purchase one of these one time deals.

The villager could even speak to you saying (in just text): 'I heard you guys were in a dire situation and in need in for assistance, well let me show you my special one time only offer. Choose wisely...' This could be added if villager speech would become a thing.

Anyways, while the comeback tools the warfare tradesman sells should assist you somewhat; it shouldn't make a comeback of the worst case scenario easy. Making a comeback where you're in the worst possible scenario should be avoided in the first place (unless you're delibaretely looking for a real challenge) since it would definitely be very challenging, atleast very likely more challenging compared to having to make a comeback on Normal Team Eggwars (unless you're either playing Rome or Mansion), but that's not a bad thing, it would be another in-game incentive to: try to keep your alliance/team alive, prevent other alliances from remaining fully intact, aswell as it being an incentive for teamwork instead of going solo almost all the time and letting the rest of your alliance/team die; cause that could lead to (Epicfartof)doom, which it would of course be very hard to recover/comeback from (BUT, should still be possible with smarts and the comeback tools provided by the warfare tradesman). Lastly, it would also add to the intensity of matches.

Thanks to @Gainfullterror for bringing light to the need of some sort of comeback tool, solution/idea made by me @FartiliciousManChild

- Too small of a playerbase?
Fix: first off, i don't think it is too small to begin with;

and secondly: wouldn't adding something like this bring more players to Eggwars (and Cube as a whole) in general and maybe make up for the what might now be a deficient amount of players? this could very well be possible.

Also just think about YT'ers likely playing Eggwars on their channels again and bringing new traffic to Cubecraft too for example. I'm sure they might try this due to this being Eggwars, a very popular gamemode to my knowledge in regards of all the Minecraft servers. So something new to Eggwars like a variation would likely be considered as a pretty big thing that could catch those (usefull in regards to increasing traffic towards certain servers) YT'ers attention. Their influence and attention can have a pretty big (what seems to be lasting) impact on a servers popularity, and therefore traffic.

Fix by me @FartiliciousManChild

- What about the coding?
Fix: Considering this is one of the server's topdogs, it be absolutely worth the time and effort.

This could only heighten the population, it's a risk of course, but so is adding every game to the server; it's all about that risk-to-reward ratio, and i believe this far exceeds the risks with the rewards it offers (new eggwars game, original undone idea so far, no copycats have gotten their hands on something like this yet, this would make Cube's version stand out more, new unknown strategies for players to discover making it quite interesting to play with, has expansion possibilities (additional ideas), it would keep Eggwars sustainable for a much longer period again e.g. compared to just doing a minor Eggwars update, give Eggwars a well needed revitalization since it has gotten old, etc.)

Lastly you think BattleZone didn't take a lot of coding? Was more complex than this yet they handled that fine. End of discussion.

Fix by me @FartiliciousManChild

- Players won't co-operate well with each other
Fix: See '- An in-game incentive for alliance teamwork. ' (additional idea)

Fix by me @FartiliciousManChild

- Too complicated?
I highly doubt it; is it more complicated than Normal Eggwars teams or Speed Eggwars?: yes, cause this gamemode is much more centered on strategy, and strategy can be 'complicated', especially compared to speed Eggwars where mindless rushing is more prevelant. But Is it too complicated?: no. I believe that in terms of complexity it's close to Battle Zone, a game i haven't heard anyone speak up about being 'too complicated!!'. Also, don't misjudge very detailed + a lot of text and thought out for complicated please, it is indeed quite a bit of content to take in at first, but it's not complicated, don't be mistaken. Secondly, it might seem complicated due to the fact that this is new and different (but not too different), the first time i had to learn how to drive a car also seemed 'complicated' to me, but this actually wasn't really the case, but rather, was the case of someone (me) being confronted by something new. People will also learn how to effectively play the game just like they do with any game through experience/trial and error. Also, there are multiple other kid-friendly games played by kids (my little brother, who is 11, and his friends do for example) that also include this alliance idea (take Clash Royale e.g. along with other MMO games). Most people know by the way, what an alliance is, so that's another point; it also isn't really anything hard to grasp, there's literally nothing confusing about it. Also the only real thing that changes the game in this, is alliances (with the rest being almost all just accessory stuff to make this work out better or spice this already good concept up even more. I am basically giving you a gamemode with possible DLC content added in it from the get go), which like i just showed, should be absolutely fine in regards with young or new players. Now lets also not forget the obligatory info board for this that would of course properly explain how this works, eliminating all unlikely but possible unclarities about this and making this more easy to understand.

But, i have some more things to say than just that. Cause let me tell what i think is the best way to implement this and prevent it from feeling like too much/overwhelming. Lets just keep it with the basics if this gets implemented and just start out with creating maps that allow a '4 alliances consisting each out of 2 teams' / '3 alliances consisting each out of 3 teams' / '2 alliances consisting out of 4 teams' setup, and basically avoid doing anything 'complicated', like with the additional ideas: '- Have teams combined into one team, but DON'T give each team a seperate egg.' and '- Have unique uneven maps with unique interesting team designs.'; <-- this could be stuff for later on (i also mainly included those ideas anyways just to showcase the potential and how crazy you could get with an alliance concept in the first place).

Lastly, see this quote from @SyIvaly :

"I know the server is filled with childeren but keep in mind they do have a brain , I agree that they’re idiots but they can understand stuff without much of a problem. This suggestion doesnt involve complex trignjsjwjqkakkak , just some ez to understand stuff . Even an ffa player could understand

I totally agree, well said. Along with that i like to add. A lot of Minecraft players have been growing up. A large chunk of Minecraft's playerbase aren't just kids anymore.

My personal view

My personal view on how the endproduct of all these ideas should look like is to simply start out basic and later on have the additional idea and especially fixes added to the mainconcept in the end as an expansion to this; that be my personal preference for good reason, but in the end Cube is the decisionmaker and they can of course decide not to include all the things listed in the list of extras; they're after all still just potential additional accessory ideas that Cube could pick from to possibly add to the mainconcept as a sort of DLC. I do think implementing all the fixes in the mainconcept is a definite must though, even at the start.



Cubecraft...What will you do with this diamond? The choice is yours.


Thank you for reading my concept thread :) , i know it's quite a lot, so i truly do appreciate it if you've read all of it. This concept has been developed over the course of several trials and gotten improvements over the course of several months, incredible amounts of work has gone into this.

Please leave your opinions down below on this, i am always open to debate or hear you out! Points of improvements are always welcome, so do please share!

Also if you have any questions about it or things that aren’t clear for you, feel free to ask

Previous threads + poll/like responses to them:

Thank you! :)


(If you vote 'no' i would really appreciate it if you would let me know why / discuss your arguments with me in a civil way as to why you chose it so i could possibly improve my concept with that info, thanks in advance)


(a.k.a. Epicfartofdoom)
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Forum Professional
Jul 6, 2015
It's completely relevant, especially now, and has a lot of support for it.
Instead of making a sarcastic remark why don't you give some constructive feedback instead?
Sure, it's relevant. Has always been. But wouldn't it get boring for you to read the same feedback over and over again? Because considering this is another repost --
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Forum Professional
Mar 13, 2015
Beyond time and space
Sure, it's relevant. Has always been. But wouldn't it get boring for you to read the same feedback over and over again? Because considering this is another repost --
If it's relevant and popular then why complain about it?
There's no need to post "the same feedback". If it's the same it's already addressed in the post itself under "POSSIBLE PROBLEMS WITH THIS CONCEPT AND SOLUTIONS TO THEM:"



Forum Professional
Jul 6, 2015
If it's relevant and popular then why complain about it?
Where did I complain? I just asked how many more times this would be reposted. Don't see how asking a simple question is complaining?

There's no need to post "the same feedback". If it's the same it's already addressed in the post itself under "POSSIBLE PROBLEMS WITH THIS CONCEPT AND SOLUTIONS TO THEM:"
Can't you tell this thread looks exactly the same as the previous ones? How was I ever supposed to notice that?


Dedicated Member
Oct 14, 2017
under your bed
Sure, it's relevant. Has always been. But wouldn't it get boring for you to read the same feedback over and over again? Because considering this is another repost --

The occasion was right for this.

Where did I complain? I just asked how many more times this would be reposted. Don't see how asking a simple question is complaining?

Can't you tell this thread looks exactly the same as the previous ones? How was I ever supposed to notice that?
They have some tweaks don't be mistaken but sure i get why'd it look like that.

Like i said in the beginning though. This will be a one timer. I don't plan on endlessly repeating this, nor does it deserve that.
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Dedicated Member
Oct 14, 2017
under your bed
Also let me not forget to state that out of ALL criticism i've ever gotten, there has not been one thing (especially not a major issue) i've not been able to address / solve.

The staff already gave their take on this before e.g. They had some criticism like it would be too complicated e.g. But again, i debunk/adress or solve stuff left and right and did then so too with relative ease again (since nearly all things mentioned would come down to them either missing the point and not reading thorougly enough to find the answers to their questions / problems), never got a reply on that though, probably because they just didn't wanna bother debating me on it since i can imagine that debating me can be a bit overwhelming since e.g. i'm for one willing to go balls deep cause i have faith in this idea + make sense and write long texts.

Plus, they also already had plans with Eggwars at the time which i assume was Eggwars Double Egg
(i believe one of the biggest reasons they didn't wanna bother at the time), to which they already knew how to do it and what it needed etc. Things were more prepared for that so they were more stubborn in their focus on that instead of debating me, regardless of the completely valid counter points i made back then against their criticism that seemingly got swept under the rug. Which i'm not completely surprised with (although a slight bit disappointed in); it was obviously more attractive to them to invest further into something they had already invested in instead of scrapping all of it and going for something new that had to be build from scratch, especially if they didn't even fully understand the idea to begin with at the time, even though i had at that time already fixed those explaining issues when i heard of those understanding issues, but they never bothered to give it another look after the first time they saw my thread which was already months before i had the discussion with them on it (so before i vastly improved the explanation of the concept), so basically they were reading / refering to an outdated (less clear) version of the thread to me, although they also tended to make statements that blatantly showed that they didn't read it thorougly enough or they just didn't bother with any solutions i would make on the spot (would instead be ignored) or bother with me in general any further in regards to discussion/debate cause i guess it just seemed too overwhelming and a tedious even though my points were as solid as a rock (which again, were just simply ignored. But the fact that i had an answer to everything might have been one of the biggest things that made it more tedious and appaling to deal with me for them, since i wasn't able to shut up so easily because i had good counterpoints to anything and everything they said).

They did say though that they'll consider it for future eggwars updates hence why i'm here now again, (happened to be well timed when i gave this place a visit too). So for example to anyone who voted 'no' as a display of annoyance seeing this thread resurface again, that's another reason why it's here: the occasion is right and the potential is there going off how they said they'll consider it for the future, which is definitely now.
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Dedicated Member
Oct 14, 2017
under your bed
@Waterguy_12 Fair enough. Well feel free to tell what's bothering ya; obviously curious what the reasoning behind the decision is, be it just a feeling or an actually rational reason behind it (preferably a rational reason). Please do make sure though that it's not some problem i already mentioned in the thread, not the end of the world ofc if you don't, but would of course be pretty nice


Dedicated Member
Apr 16, 2019
I have some problems with this idea, the main two being Differentiation and Balancing.

  • Differentiation
One of your main selling points for this idea is the need to bring something new and fresh to Eggwars, and to make it different from all the other ripoffs out there on other servers. Eggwars really needs a revamp to make it fresh again, but this doesn't bring a lot of new things to the table. The main difference is that you are essentially splitting a team 3/4 ways, and still make them cooperate, teams inside of teams. What team eggwars could be in the world of Inception perhaps. But this isn't enough to differentiate it. The differences between regular team eggwars and your version of eggwars are not enough to justify making a new gamemode. Most of your extra "potential" ideas could just be added to team eggwars with some tweaks and make the same gameplay impact as they would on your version. Why would a new gamemode be needed to add those small features?

  • Balancing
I am not referring to the items, or the maps, but to the players which constitute the teams. The big difference from regular eggwars is that this mode requires way more complex coordination. You can argue this is a good thing, and that it requires more advanced strategies, but I don't think this mode benefits better strategy, just better communication between players. A team that has a good strategy but poor communication with his teammates will most likely lose to a team with a mediocre strategy but great communication, as they can warn each other, change strategy and coordinate better. What am I trying to argue with this? This overwhelmingly benefit parties and clans that know each other and are using voice chat, and don't have to waste time typing messages in chat. Since these players can communicate, thus coordinate much better, they have a huge advantage over casual players who just pop in a game alone and use chat to talk to their teammates, who may not even speak the same language. Skill could even be less important than having your teammates on voice chat due to the emphasis this mode has on coordination. You can argue this is already an issue in team eggwars, and while that is the case, you are just aggravating the issue and making it even more biased in favor of those players. This will eventually lead to most casual players leaving, as they will have no chance against parties. Casual players make a large percentage of the players, so the playercount of this mode would drop quite soon after launch. Having a lower player count will make this mode less viable to create and maintain as not a lot of people would be playing it.

Aside from this i have a few small issues

- Each section/island gets their own strengths and/or their own items to purchase, therefore each island could play in a smart strategic way according to their own strenghts.

I assume this would be randomly picked, and this would lead to certain teams being more OP than other, at the very least in the first months after adding it, as this would be really really hard to balance, so some teams would happen to have more OP perk than other teams just because of RNG.

- An in-game incentive for alliance teamwork. This would encourage players to work together as an alliance and push them in the right and beneficial way of playing and could reward them for it. something simple and basic to start off with would be an Ally chat/Alliance chat.

These ideas just seem like a nerf to already struggling teams as they have even more of a difficulty to get gear than teams that are still alive, making a comeback even harder, even with your suggested fix, this will not help the "impossible comebacks" issue.

Also one of your rebuttals is not right

Fix: first off, i don't think it is too small to begin with;

and secondly: wouldn't adding something like this bring more players to Eggwars (and Cube as a whole) in general and maybe make up for the what might now be a deficient amount of players? this could very well be possible.

Also just think about YT'ers likely playing Eggwars on their channels again and bringing new traffic to Cubecraft too for example. I'm sure they might try this due to this being Eggwars, a very popular gamemode to my knowledge in regards of all the Minecraft servers. So something new to Eggwars like a variation would likely be considered as a pretty big thing that could catch those (usefull in regards to increasing traffic towards certain servers) YT'ers attention. Their influence and attention can have a pretty big (what seems to be lasting) impact on a servers popularity, and therefore traffic.

It may be somewhat large at first, but some time after a new game is released, people lose interest fast (looking at you Battle Zone) and player numbers for that game drop quickly, even more due to what i already mentioned above. Also said above, this game would not be different enough for most people (and youtubers) to think of it as a new game, and regular eggwars players won't think learning the new one is worth the effort as they are already playing essentially the same game anyways.


Dedicated Member
Oct 14, 2017
under your bed
Well holy s***. I just got notified on this and this is like one of the few times again (or my memory is failing on me) that i actually get an in depth at first hard reasonable looking review. Very much appreciated. Not even read a word as of yet but already appreciated. Actually interesting feedback that somewhat challenges me well i see now as i've started reading, leaving a like just for that so far. Great response so far as far as i can tell. Exemplary. Will reply tomorrow, it's late (hope i'll still think the same about the response and won't find out it actually misses a lot of things but doesn't seem like it)

(To the ignorant people who seriously thought i'd bully poeple who aren't in my 'echo of approval'. No, nonsense, absolutely moronic statement. I just want proper discussion with good arguments (@Tacosbefriends) and not stupid dumb garbage that are for the majority based on not reading stuff well or being stupid. This is the kinda stuff i ideally look for. He disagrees with the idea, but provides a well thought out response and doesn't seem completely underinformed, i can easily respect that.)

Thank you.

Edit: edited out swear
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Forum Professional
Jul 6, 2015
Okay, so, before I go on I would like to apologize if I mention issues or literally anything else that you have addressed in your thread. I hope you do realise that with such an extensive thread, information slips through :)

MAIN CONCEPT: Same setup as with Normal Team Eggwars (or Solo Eggwars), only now, individual seperate teams are allied with other teams, but still stay seperate teams each with their own egg and respawn ties to that egg, creating an alliance. Seperate teams will be working together. Alliances will basically be split into different teams/sections across different islands in a sense (An alliance consisting out of multiple teams each with their own respective egg). what i mean by that is that for example on the map Storm: (24players total) (12 teams of 2), you could have: 6 alliances of 2 teams / 3 alliances of 4 teams / 2 allliances of 6 teams. Simple as that.
So if I'm correct: 2 teams that are completely unable to harm one another or break each other's egg, but they still have their own island? This sounds familiar... Oh... Double Egg EggWars! And that didn't work out now, did it?
The concept is just too similar to Double Egg mode and though it may seem like it's offering a whole new challenge, it really is not.

What I do like about this core concept is having a team split up over multiple islands. But I don't think we necessarily need an entire new game mode for that :P

- Each section/island gets their own strengths and/or their own items to purchase, therefore each island could play in a smart strategic way according to their own strenghts.

Click on the spoiler tag for more info.

If i were to include this in my idea, the strenghts/buff(s) of each island would be made minor and simple, as to not have it be too gamechanging but instead just enough to add a bit of spice to the game and the room for strategy. So perhaps some minor tweaks; these are the ideas i've come up myself so far in regards of this:

  • Weapon island buff: extra purchasable Sharpness 1 wooden and stone weapons (swords and axes). So how this would look like in the villagershop is like this (with islands that have a weapon buff):

5 iron - wooden sword.

20 iron - wooden sword (sharpness 1).

32 iron - stone sword.

64 iron - stone sword (sharpness 1).

Other scenario if we were to combine a damagebuff with a lower standard item price for weapons; then it would be something like this:

4 iron - wooden sword.

18 iron - wooden sword (sharpness 1).

30 iron - stone sword.

60 iron - stone sword (sharpness 1).

  • Miner island buff: what this would include is a purchasable haste 1 potion for 10 gold and each pickaxe price would be lowered along with an extra diamond pickaxe with 1 higher effiency compared to what would normally be the fastest/most efficient pickaxe
(example of this would be:

5 iron for stone pickaxe (Ef1),

1 gold for an iron pickaxe (Ef1),

5 gold for a diamond pickaxe (Ef 1),

5 diamonds for a diamond pickaxe (Ef 3),

10 diamonds for a diamond pickaxe (Ef 5))

  • Armor island buff: you would be able to either buy yourself a normal unenchanted leather set (1 iron per piece) or you could buy yourself enchanted protection 1 leather armor for 2 iron per piece. The last item that would also be made purchasable would be leather featherfalling 2 boots. So basically, you would be given two extra purchasable items, which in this case is prot 1 leather and feather falling 2 leather boots (with no prot 1).

  • Archery island buff/strength: your normal price for a bow is 3 diamonds cheaper than it would normally be (so a normal bow that would normally be around let's say 25 diamonds would now be 22 diamonds. A power 1 bow that would normally be 35 diamonds would now be 32 diamonds. A punch 1 bow, which would normally be 48 diamonds, would for them be just 45 diamonds), another thing that would be made cheaper would be arrows, which from 5 gold for 10 arrows, would now be 3 gold for 10 arrows. Maybe another thing that could be added to this island strength are making more types of certain tipped arrows purchasable, what kind, i'm not sure of yet, but perhaps as a start, levitation; staff can probably figure something.

  • Builder and food buff: 1 iron would give you 3 building blocks as a standard price. All foods (aside from gapples) would be 1 iron cheaper as its standard price. And lastly, golden apples have a standard price with a discount option. Gapples would still be 2 gold per gapple; however, there would also be the option to buy 6 gapples for 10gold. Supermarket tactics, get more for a cheaper price haha (1 free gapple!), well that’s this too. Perhaps Notch apples would also be less pricey and become 30 diamonds instead of 32 as a standard price.

Make the island buff a votable thing for the ranked players. They can vote the items for all the items for everyone on the map like OP, Normal and Hardcore. But now the ranked folks will also be able to vote for something else! And that would be their island buff! This vote would of course only affect the buff for the island that the ranked voter would be placed in. For other islands/teams who don’t have anyone that can vote something for them, they will simply have randomised island buffs; but only an island buff that hasn’t been voted for by someone else on the alliance on a different team already. Each island buff can only appear once in an alliance, no more. So having your whole alliance have the weapon island buff is impossible. If multiple voters from different islands on the same alliance would all vote for the same buff then the island with the most voters voting for that buff would get the buff, the majority gets what it wants basically. If the amount of votes are equal for one single chosen buff between the islands of an alliance (so 2 voters from each island voting for the same buff for example) then the buff will be acquired by either one of the islands that voted for it by random chance. It's just the same really as how voting now gets approached.

I'll also like to make clear that only people from the island with the buff have the ability to buy either these lil extra's or buy things at a lower normal price (instead of just everyone, so no, you wouldn't be able to just hop from island to island to get your item cheaper or to get that stone sharp 1 sword, it would have to be given to you by someone else if you aren't part of the island that has this naturally installed if you'd want to still profit from other island buffs within your alliance).

It might also be nice to see if ranked players (Gold and beyond) could already vote IN THE LOBBY while waiting for players to choose whether they would like to play with buffs or not, with the default unaltered settings to this being with island buffs/strenghts.

Lastly, you can also scrap the whole voting thing out of this and take the route of having the strengths/buffs predetermined and consistently the same on each island on the map, this way you'll also be able to pick your the island of an alliance you find most favourable in regards of it buff/strength as a regular stone ranked player.

The more i think about this, the more potential, strategic creativity and fun i can see in it.

By me @FartiliciousManChild, also made thanks to @CookieBoy368
So I think the problem with this is that it will either be unfair as certain strengths may offer severe advantages when compared to other teams, or it will just be so subtle and insignificant that literally no one will care or even notice. In order for this to work, it'll have to be extremely well balanced and thought out -- which I'm not sure if it's worth it. Could be something refreshing though!

- Have Greek alphabet alliance names, instead of colournames. So stuff like: Alpha, Beta, Omega, Delta, Gamma, Theta, Kappa (yes this a Greek letter lol), Sigma, Omicron, Epsilon, Zeta, Psi, Upsilon, iota.

Click on the spoiler tag for more info.

These are already 14 different potential names for an alliance, in other words, more than enough.

Enough, cause these names should be given to an alliance, not a team/island individually, which i would stick to giving colour names. So here's an example of how that would look like:

Game setup:

Alliance 1 called Omega: Green (3 players) + Dark Green (3 players) + Lime (3 players)


Alliance 2 called Alpha: Orange (3 players) + Red (3 players) + Dark Red (3 players)


Alliance 3 called Gamma: Light Blue (3 players) + Blue (3 players) + Dark Blue (3 players)

By @Younisco and further worked out by me @FartiliciousManChild
If your suggestion about the alliances would be implemented then it would be really dumb to use colours anyway because that would be so confusing :D So, I guess these greek names would work

- Toxic players breaking egg defenses of other allied islands
Fix: not found yet. Possible fix could be that only the members of the island of that given egg could break the blocks placed around the egg, not the other islands of the alliance. Although i think this might cause frustrating situations and inconveniences. Then again, is this really a big deal? They're in Normal Teams and Speed Teams aswell (whoops this no longer exists). Besides, how often do you even encounter really toxic players, i personally, not so often. If it is a problem, i think it might just be something that we have to accept, i mean we could also accept it with other games/gamemodes, this should be no exception in that regard. They're unfortunately, (at times) part of the game. It would be nothing exclusive to just this gamemode anyway.

You could also of course report those players if needed.

'Fix' by me @FartiliciousManChild along with assurement from @CommunistCactus
Here's my fix: it should and would be considered team trolling, which is reportable and punishable :)

- a resistance 1 potion (that thing you get from a enchanted golden apple) lasting for 8 minutes
There's no such thing as a resistance potion though. (location: /spoiler "The possibility of having to perform a very (too) tough comeback")

Kind of hard to take literally everything you said into consideration when writing a response to a thread this huge and detailed


Forum Professional
Jul 23, 2016
Chicago, Illinois
(A lot of it got stuck in one of the spoilers FYI)

Why do you care though?

It's completely relevant, especially now, and has a lot of support for it.
Instead of making a sarcastic remark why don't you give some constructive feedback instead?

But he is right though..? He wasn't being sarcastic...

If it's relevant and popular then why complain about it?
There's no need to post "the same feedback". If it's the same it's already addressed in the post itself under "POSSIBLE PROBLEMS WITH THIS CONCEPT AND SOLUTIONS TO THEM:"

Again it seems like your obsessed with this and how personally you're taking it is odd.


The occasion was right for this.

Rude, no?

They have some tweaks don't be mistaken but sure i get why'd it look like that.

Like i said in the beginning though. This will be a one timer. I don't plan on endlessly repeating this, nor does it deserve that.

Yet here we are for like the third time.

Staff. You're looking for a new update for Eggwars? Well allow me to introduce myself due to the occasion, this one time, again. Why want this? Cause Eggwars has been getting boring, repetitive, predictable and stale and people seem to be wanting something new. Also hey, you're looking for an update. Looks like i might got you covered. Let me start this off with the fact that this isn't completely true, Egg Wars needs something more but I was hoping for speed egg wars or no void. Not... This.

(I do advice you to read the whole thing beforehand, to prevent yourself from looking stupid/silly if you're going to comment on this and show your thoughts/opinions on it. Please DO NOT)

I can't even with this.

Let me first start off with the things this concept could offer:

  • Make Eggwars fun again and revitalize it. Egg Wars is still fun though. And has a big player base.
  • many possibilities regarding team design (making 4 teams each made out of 2 teams / making 3 teams each made out of 3 teams / making 2 teams each made out of 5 teams / making 6 teams each made out of 2 teams. Etc. Etc.). There's also definitely some room for creativity in creating maps for this. Big nope for me already. If your going to make teams like this just make 2 teams period. Maybe they spawn on different islands but making them completely separate is just weird. How would you deal with cross-teaming? Is there even a way to identify who is with who. Team trolling would rule.
  • Make Eggwars stand out again between all these Eggwars rip-offs we have nowadays; with something that's yet to be done before (to my knowledge) and is original (yet simple). Egg Wars still stands out plenty. This idea, in my opinion, wouldn't make it stand out in a good way. Currently, developers have more important things to work on and if and when we get an egg wars update there is a lot more they need to fix and add rather then this.
  • Give us more frequent longer, more epic, fun games. Like those long exciting games from back in the days when we were still new to Eggwars. (Remember those days? When this game used to be the bomb? Those were the glory days) Most people aren't as interested in long games as they used to be. Sure we remember OG Egg Wars but your making it sound like it's completely fallen. It's actually in some ways better and in other ways could be better.
  • Team co-operation would be an interesting aspect and dynamic introduced by this concept, once again adding to the fun and also the strategic aspect of Eggwars. This might be one of the main things that I dislike. Teammates even on one team are super annoying, whether they are little kids who don't understand much, trolls, don't speak the right language, that's one thing. But with 2 teams who are "allied," this would just be even more chaotic. I'm not sure if it would be fun, more chaos then fun, not much strategy added either.
  • Making Eggwars MORE Eggwars (if you get what i'm saying)
No, that makes no sense. How can you make something more of something if it indeed is that something?

  • (More added strategic ways of playing the game due to added minor buffs to each island in a team. This should make the game more interesting, fun and dynamic aswell!) Did you want to make this unique? Well, Bed Wars has this so... How would it be fun? Buffs sound annoying to deal with already and I haven't even heard them yet.
  • (Enables to be very creative in gamesetup-design (see additional extra ideas) due to combining multiple team-designs into one map/game. This could be so freaking awesome! The potential! oooh the potential! Can you see it?) No, I can't
NAME (IDEAS): Eggwars Alliances. You had it right the first time with this name cheif.
(Other ideas: 'Allies' or 'Allywars' / 'Squads') No, no, ew no.

MAIN CONCEPT: Same setup as with Normal Team Eggwars (or Solo Eggwars), only now, individual seperate teams are allied with other teams, but still stay seperate teams each with their own egg and respawn ties to that egg, creating an alliance. But this changes hardly anything, some teams don't go after each other which this sounds like, also this will dramatically slow the game down.

Seperate teams will be working together. Alliances will basically be split into different teams/sections across different islands in a sense (An alliance consisting out of multiple teams each with their own respective egg). what i mean by that is that for example on the map
Storm: (24players total) (12 teams of 2), you could have: 6 alliances of 2 teams / 3 alliances of 4 teams / 2 allliances of 6 teams. Simple as that.

Again this takes maps that are made to be a bit faster or cases where people want fast gameplay and greatly slowing it down into something pretty dull. Also, what's the point of working together when you can carry yourself? And if your allies are on the other side of the map you're screwed. I can think of plenty of maps where this wouldn't work. Furthermore this idea if it even saw the light of day should be its own separate model. I'd rather play normal egg wars thanks.

This could work especially well on big maps divided in multiple smaller teams. I believe this gamemode would be a great idea for already existing big maps like Teaparty/Mushrooms/Dwarven/Garden/Haunted, but would probably work out even better with newly made customized maps designed specifically for this new alliance/team setup (obviously). So in the end again it slows the fighting down and makes it more tedious for players who want a quicker game.

So to eliminate one whole and complete alliance, you’ll have to take out each seperate island/team (each with their own egg and respawn ties to that egg) consisting out of that alliance to completely eliminate it. Once again: Easy as that. Shouldn't be complicated. Moving on!

That's a lot of work, and can't you play normal egg wars and accomplish the SAME THING.

Storm: (24players total) (has 12 teams of 2): 6 alliances of 2 teams / 3 alliances of 4 teams / 2 allliances of 6 teams

Pizza: (16players total) (has 8 teams of 2): 4 alliances of 2 teams / 2 alliances of 4 teams

If you do this for Pizza and Storm you will ruin the complete balance of the maps and fully eliminate the whole purpose of fast and fun gameplay. Again this is teams but more complicated and unnecessary.

Here are also some added pictures with how Eggs could look like with alliances, just to give you an idea of what could be possible (there are of course more thing possible than just the pictures i show below):


Like i stated before, i do have to say though that for this gamemode to work at its best, we'll need more big maps divided into multiple small teams

This all again seems so unnecessary though. It really dosen't bring any thrill to me. It seems longer, more boring, etc.

- Each section/island gets their own strengths and/or their own items to purchase, therefore each island could play in a smart strategic way according to their own strenghts.

But how is this fair? If a tryhard group that's good at PVP get's weapon or strength-based stuff they are guaranteed a win.

If i were to include this in my idea, the strenghts/buff(s) of each island would be made minor and simple, as to not have it be too gamechanging but instead just enough to add a bit of spice to the game and the room for strategy. So perhaps some minor tweaks; these are the ideas i've come up myself so far in regards of this: Why do we need this though? We have OP, Normal, and Hardcore mode. Why add this when we have our own mini version of this.

  • Weapon island buff: extra purchasable Sharpness 1 wooden and stone weapons (swords and axes). So how this would look like in the villagershop is like this (with islands that have a weapon buff):

5 iron - wooden sword.

20 iron - wooden sword (sharpness 1).

32 iron - stone sword.

64 iron - stone sword (sharpness 1).

Other scenario if we were to combine a damagebuff with a lower standard item price for weapons; then it would be something like this:

4 iron - wooden sword.

18 iron - wooden sword (sharpness 1).

30 iron - stone sword.

60 iron - stone sword (sharpness 1).

But we have this already but better... It would break the point of modes if you added this to all of them. And again it's not fair if one group gets more damage then the rest.

  • Miner island buff: what this would include is a purchasable haste 1 potion for 10 gold and each pickaxe price would be lowered along with an extra diamond pickaxe with 1 higher effiency compared to what would normally be the fastest/most efficient pickaxe
(example of this would be:

5 iron for stone pickaxe (Ef1),

1 gold for an iron pickaxe (Ef1),

5 gold for a diamond pickaxe (Ef 1),

5 diamonds for a diamond pickaxe (Ef 3),

10 diamonds for a diamond pickaxe (Ef 5))

That's really op. And again would break modes.

  • Armor island buff: you would be able to either buy yourself a normal unenchanted leather set (1 iron per piece) or you could buy yourself enchanted protection 1 leather armor for 2 iron per piece. The last item that would also be made purchasable would be leather featherfalling 2 boots. So basically, you would be given two extra purchasable items, which in this case is prot 1 leather and feather falling 2 leather boots (with no prot 1).

  • Archery island buff/strength: your normal price for a bow is 3 diamonds cheaper than it would normally be (so a normal bow that would normally be around let's say 25 diamonds would now be 22 diamonds. A power 1 bow that would normally be 35 diamonds would now be 32 diamonds. A punch 1 bow, which would normally be 48 diamonds, would for them be just 45 diamonds), another thing that would be made cheaper would be arrows, which from 5 gold for 10 arrows, would now be 3 gold for 10 arrows. Maybe another thing that could be added to this island strength are making more types of certain tipped arrows purchasable, what kind, i'm not sure of yet, but perhaps as a start, levitation; staff can probably figure something.

  • Builder and food buff: 1 iron would give you 3 building blocks as a standard price. All foods (aside from gapples) would be 1 iron cheaper as its standard price. And lastly, golden apples have a standard price with a discount option. Gapples would still be 2 gold per gapple; however, there would also be the option to buy 6 gapples for 10gold. Supermarket tactics, get more for a cheaper price haha (1 free gapple!), well that’s this too. Perhaps Notch apples would also be less pricey and become 30 diamonds instead of 32 as a standard price.
Sames comments.

Make the island buff a votable thing for the ranked players. They can vote the items for all the items for everyone on the map like OP, Normal and Hardcore. But now the ranked folks will also be able to vote for something else! And that would be their island buff! This vote would of course only affect the buff for the island that the ranked voter would be placed in. For other islands/teams who don’t have anyone that can vote something for them, they will simply have randomised island buffs; but only an island buff that hasn’t been voted for by someone else on the alliance on a different team already. Each island buff can only appear once in an alliance, no more. So having your whole alliance have the weapon island buff is impossible. If multiple voters from different islands on the same alliance would all vote for the same buff then the island with the most voters voting for that buff would get the buff, the majority gets what it wants basically. If the amount of votes are equal for one single chosen buff between the islands of an alliance (so 2 voters from each island voting for the same buff for example) then the buff will be acquired by either one of the islands that voted for it by random chance. It's just the same really as how voting now gets approached.

So Ranked people control the game? Pay to win? Seriously? Voting OP, Normal, Hardcore is one thing, but again a group of tryhards could ruin matches with the soul fact they can get strength for example and kill everyone. And if they tie it's random? Yikes.

I'll also like to make clear that only people from the island with the buff have the ability to buy either these lil extra's or buy things at a lower normal price (instead of just everyone, so no, you wouldn't be able to just hop from island to island to get your item cheaper or to get that stone sharp 1 sword, it would have to be given to you by someone else if you aren't part of the island that has this naturally installed if you'd want to still profit from other island buffs within your alliance).

Still not balanced.

Lastly, you can also scrap the whole voting thing out of this and take the route of having the strengths/buffs predetermined and consistently the same on each island on the map, this way you'll also be able to pick your the island of an alliance you find most favourable in regards of it buff/strength as a regular stone ranked player.

So if you come in late your forced to join an island that will probably loose. Ok.

- Have multiple islands combined into one team, but DON'T give each island a seperate egg. Instead, give them only one egg.

Or you could just combined them completely together instead of making it so complicated.

Click on the spoiler tag for more info.

Each island of one of these alliances would depend on one egg in this scenario. So let's say you have 3 islands, combined into one alliance; then this alliance would have 1 egg for all 3 the islands. But to avoid this from being totally the same as just one big team, have the spawnpoints be different, and have players spawn on different, seperate islands in this team. The egg would preferably be located in the 'middle' island if there is one, or have the egg be located at one of the islands that belongs to that team by random.

Example: Green + Dark Green + Lime = 1 team with 1 egg. ==> Egg would be located at Dark Green (assuming that would be the island inbetween Green and Lime) ==> Green, Dark Green and Lime all have to protect this one egg to ensure their respective spawnpoints to be able to keep respawning after death.

Confusing, and also why not just always put the egg in between regardless???

Possible gamesetup (this one is a bit crazy though, but to prove a point):

Alliance 1 (Omega)(each island with a seperate egg): Green (3 players) + Dark Green (3 players) + Lime (3 players) (9 players total)


Alliance 2 (Alpha)(with just one egg for all islands): Orange (5 players) + Red (5 players) + Dark Red (5 players) (15 players total)


Alliance 3 (Gamma)(each island with a seperate egg): Light Blue (1 player) + Blue (1 player) + Dark Blue (1 player) + Purple (1 player) + Dark Purple (1 player) + Pink (1 player) (6 players total)


Alliance 4 (Delta)(just one island with one egg): Yellow (12 players)

Yes, 15v6 sounds good. Even with more than one egg, again this sounds like double egg wars. It still pretty unfair.

I can see this being a bit hectic, so i hope that Cube could come up with something to prevent this from happening. They can already start off by applying the fix i noted before for "Not being able to recognize well who your allies and enemies are". And also, if it did happen that this couldn't possibly be made less hectic (if we were to assume it would be), then honestly, so be it; the amount of possibilities for something cool or crazy (like the example above) is way to cool to pass up on, the playerbase would figure it out and adapt over time.

Again please let this be a separate mode if it's added. I wouldn't want something like this in a million years. And you think Cube can oppressed a small player base to such large changes, especially with flaws? That would kill it.

- Have unique uneven maps with unique interesting alliance designs.

Click on the spoiler tag for more info.

Imagine a map for example having an alliance design that would look like this:

alliance (1 island) - 8 players per island)


alliance (2 islands) - 5 players per island(s))


alliance (3 islands) - 4 players per island(s)).

Now of course the alliances with the higher island and playercount should be given big disadvantages compared to the alliances with a lower island + playercount (which in contrast should be given big advantages) as a way to remain balanced and fair; the advantages/disadvantages can be realised through the means of map design, the starting levels of the generators and the overall amount of gens each alliance has, just to name a few ways. I think something like this could be extremy interesting to play with. But success of this depends completely on the designers competentency to properly pull this off, to which i just helped a bit in regards to that last few sentences. So hey, probably do-able.

Already made a comment about this.

- Have Greek alphabet alliance names, instead of colournames. So stuff like: Alpha, Beta, Omega, Delta, Gamma, Theta, Kappa (yes this a Greek letter lol), Sigma, Omicron, Epsilon, Zeta, Psi, Upsilon, iota.

Eh. Not really a fan, and also still would be easier to identify by color, you might as well color them still, while you're at it keep it the same.

Game setup:

Alliance 1 called Omega: Green (3 players) + Dark Green (3 players) + Lime (3 players)


Alliance 2 called Alpha: Orange (3 players) + Red (3 players) + Dark Red (3 players)


Alliance 3 called Gamma: Light Blue (3 players) + Blue (3 players) + Dark Blue (3 players)

Again, feels super confusing.

- An in-game incentive for alliance teamwork. This would encourage players to work together as an alliance and push them in the right and beneficial way of playing and could reward them for it. something simple and basic to start off with would be an Ally chat/Alliance chat.

But it won't. You can't guarantee everyone will participate in the way you carefully designed it.

Next thing could be this: Have the villagershop at your base sell food, weapons (only affecting wooden and stone weapons) and bows at a slightly more expensive price once one of the teams in the alliance dies off completely (so instead of steak costing 5 iron make it cost 1 iron more after a team of an alliance dies off, with a cap of 8 iron - a 3 iron difference (in the case of there ever going to be maps where alliances would consist out of a lot of teams, which is why i added a cap, so the price can't just increase till like 10 iron if you happen to be playing with a map that places you in an alliance consisting out of 6 teams and therefore making it possible to up the price to 10 iron if we apply the rule of: price goes up 1 iron per fallen team of the alliance). Swords and axes (only the wooden and stone ones) would also get slightly more expensive to buy (1 iron more expensive per team of the alliance that gets taken down, once again, capping at 3 iron more compared to the normal price). While this might add to the incentive of making teams work together, about the weapons though, because this could also add fuel to the problem of being able to make a potential comeback, i leave the penality to just wooden and stone weapons.

Unfair to the team, unfairly great to the enemys...

It might actually even be cool aswell if these more expensive prices would only be existing at the villagers of the teams of your alliance, (given there are other alliances left who still have all their eggs alive and therefore an unaltered/cheaper price) so not the enemy villagers, this could also pose to be a good incentive to act more offensively (and attack other people so you can use their less inflated villagers) and not just defend cause they're the last team standing of the alliance with an egg. Hope you understand what i mean with this. This can go both ways by the way, cause it could also lead to players buying items more expensively at other alliances that have lost teams, which would just be something you could try to keep track of if you'd want to prevent that; don't see any big problems with this. If anything i think it's pretty cool actually as this leaves more room for skill development as you could learn to get good at keeping track of what other alliance prices are and act smartly/strategically accordingly to that info.

Skill development, when your teammate dies and you're alone and everything seems against you... The response is to make everything cost more?

In terms of rewards for teamwork, i would do something along the lines of 'you get x by keeping all the eggs of your alliance alive' after a set amount of time has passed, now what this x would be is not yet 100% clear to me as i want to keep this very minor and not give a big advantage, maybe something like it would make blocks slightly cheaper and give you more blocks in turn for 1 iron (so 3 blocks instead of 2 blocks per 1 iron), since being in this position in the first place puts you in a pretty strong position so any big lasting buffs should be unnecessary, i atleast don't want to give these teams any advantages in regards of pvp, i'm thinking more off stuff like building blocks and food.

I guess for now i'll keep it at food and blocks being affected by this.

(Recap:) In short: food and block prices are reduced by 1 iron


*after 10 minutes of keeping all the eggs alive of your alliance* A message pops up: 'Your prices have gotten lower as a reward for keeping your alliance's eggs alive!' --> 1 iron now gives you 3 blocks instead of 2. All food now costs 1 iron less!. This buff reward doesn't get extended if you happen to succesfully keep your alliance's eggs alive for any longer. So not this: *after 20 minutes of keeping all the eggs alive of your alliance* --> 1 iron now gives you 4 blocks. Food price is now 2 iron less.

If an alliance that has had this buff loses one of its eggs, it will receive the same penalty as people who haven't had the buff. What this means basically is that food would increase by 2 iron and blocks return to the normal price. The food price would be increased from it's standard price, not in accordance to its decreased price. *(if you would keep the previous potential additional idea in mind and the island buff that was in it called 'builder and food buff', this 'standard price' would be lower by default)*

Let's encourage camping and cheap tactics.


- Not being able to recognize well who your allies and enemies are
Fix: Give everyone in one team very similiar colours (Green, Dark Green, Lime). Put some kind of scoreboard up that makes it easier to distinguish on the side (like the ones we already have at Eggwars right now but slightly modified of course, also showing alliances, something like this for example
This would be an eyesore and when people get other armor this idea dies. Plus with the scoreboard are you sure you can fit all that on there? And this idea is so complicated I feel like people could read the board and be like: Uhh... What?? I have already read this thread more than 3 times and I still don't understand some parts.

Give players a tag above their heads showing the team they belong to, like this guy has too: But we have that? Except for villagers.

Other fix (credit for this idea to @SpankMeSanta ) could be that you could use things like underlined names, bold names, italic names and a different font family (that's different enough compared to others of course), and lastly, you could like i stated above before, add a simple tag above the players' name, showing what alliance the player is part of; examples: Eyesaur first off, and could still get complicated. And the fact it might not be possible with a limit in characters in space and what not.

(correction to this picture: '*Normal Letters*' (first picture on the left) should be '*Underlined letters*'.)

Another way (credit for this idea to @CommunistCactus ) could be to just make the names of everyone in your alliance bold (which would only be looking bold to you and rest from your alliance, every other alliance would also just see their teammates/allies in bold names, with the other non-allied players being displayed as names with normal (not bold) text) for each alliance), also put the allied teams in the same chat.

I personally think the best solution to this problem is to both make the colours of each team of the alliance it's part of very similiar AND the tag i've mentioned above in the pictures. Similiar colours + Tag = Boom, fixed baby!

Although Communist's idea definitely isn't bad either and might just be better actually due to it's simplicity.

I already discussed this.

- Toxic players breaking egg defenses of other allied islands
Fix: not found yet. Possible fix could be that only the members of the island of that given egg could break the blocks placed around the egg, not the other islands of the alliance. Although i think this might cause frustrating situations and inconveniences. Then again, is this really a big deal? They're in Normal Teams and Speed Teams aswell (whoops this no longer exists). Besides, how often do you even encounter really toxic players, i personally, not so often. If it is a problem, i think it might just be something that we have to accept, i mean we could also accept it with other games/gamemodes, this should be no exception in that regard. They're unfortunately, (at times) part of the game. It would be nothing exclusive to just this gamemode anyway.

You could also of course report those players if needed.\

Just accept it? Please. Report someone who just wants to end the game / have a quick game? Please.

- Grand scale camping
Fix: No punch bow/very expensive punch bows; diamond gens only at mid/no diamond gens at bases; slightly cheaper enderpearls (48 diamonds or higher for example). Still can camp, and this again makes the game harder and less fun. It reduces some forms of camping but overall makes things harder.

i think starting out with very expensive punch bows instead of no punch bows is the way to go, cause i do believe it belongs in Eggwars and is part of it. If it happens that still doesn't do the trick in regards of reducing camping then we could possibly remove them all together. Deciding on whether to remove a punch bow or not at this early stage is quite difficult though, so i'll rather decide on possibly removing it in a later stage after we would've seen and experienced how troublesome punch bows still prove to be. God. No. Removing the punch bow would be so annoying.

- False crossteam accusation attempts

  • Either have maps specificially made for this gamemode (and therefore revealing the gamemode played
  • Have leather armor colours look different compared to normal Eggwars.
  • Have the tags i mentioned in 'Not being able to recognize well who your allies and enemies are', something only this gamemode is likely to have. This would also reveal in what gamemode you're playing and prevent people recording you for crossteaming in the wrong gamemode.
  • Put something in the scoreboard making clear in what gamemode you're playing; have some signature thing or something exclusive to just that gamemode, making once again, clear in what gamemode you're playing. Anything that will distinct itself from Normal Eggwars in a way should work.
  • If more is necessary to convey in what gamemode you're playing, you could always have a message repeat after every 15 minutes or something similiar in chat that clearly says that you are in the given mode that you are currently playing in.
  • Basically, make this gamemode recognizable in some ways, that's what it comes down to.

SEE "Not being able to recognize well who your allies and enemies are" too.

Another reason why I hate this is how complicated it is. The fact you have to come up with so many fixes and ways to make things work is already not a good sign.

- The possibility of having to perform a very (too) tough comeback
Fix: once you've lost 75% of all the players in your alliance, a 'warfare tradesman' will spawn near the normal villagershop (or will just be present the entirety of the game but only accessible when this 75% or more dead requirement is met, i personally think it would be cooler though to have him spawn in) at all the islands of your alliance (all players from other alliances can use these too, IF, these players from those different alliances have also lost 75% or more of the players in their alliance), offering you a few possible one time deals (which means you can only purchase one for the entirety of the game and no more) for a pretty cheap price (5 diamonds for example). You can only purchase one of these 6 offers, you can't buy all 6 once, so choose wisely.

Eh, rather see the villager just light up or something and have a special shop section for things.

The deals include:

- a resistance 1 potion (that thing you get from a enchanted golden apple) lasting for 8 minutes

- a strength 1 potion lasting 8 minutes

- a swiftness 1 potion lasting 8 minutes

- a very efficient diamond pickaxe

- a diamond chestplate

Again would break the game and just no.

- and lastly a stone sword with sharpness V (therefore being the equivalent of a sharpness 1 diamond sword (1 attack damage higher compared to a normal unenchanted diamond sword) but with lower durability (would only apply with normal items! For Overpowered items, if it ever gets added to this gamemode, it would be an iron sword with sharpness IX, which would be the equivalent of a sword with 1 attack damage higher than a diamond sword with sharpness V)


The villager could even speak to you saying (in just text): 'I heard you guys were in a dire situation and in need in for assistance, well let me show you my special one time only offer. Choose wisely...' This could be added if villager speech would become a thing. Sounds pointless, we don't have time to focus on details like that, especially if your team is dying.

Anyways, while the comeback tools the warfare tradesman sells should assist you somewhat; it shouldn't make a comeback of the worst case scenario easy. Making a comeback where you're in the worst possible scenario should be avoided in the first place (unless you're delibaretely looking for a real challenge) since it would definitely be very challenging, atleast very likely more challenging compared to having to make a comeback on Normal Team Eggwars (unless you're either playing Rome or Mansion), but that's not a bad thing, it would be another in-game incentive to: try to keep your alliance/team alive, prevent other alliances from remaining fully intact, aswell as it being an incentive for teamwork instead of going solo almost all the time and letting the rest of your alliance/team die; cause that could lead to (Epicfartof)doom, which it would of course be very hard to recover/comeback from (BUT, should still be possible with smarts and the comeback tools provided by the warfare tradesman). Lastly, it would also add to the intensity of matches. I don't even know how to respond to this.

- Too small of a playerbase?
Fix: first off, i don't think it is too small to begin with;

and secondly: wouldn't adding something like this bring more players to Eggwars (and Cube as a whole) in general and maybe make up for the what might now be a deficient amount of players? this could very well be possible. Not sure about it, your acting like it's set and done and perfect.

Also just think about YT'ers likely playing Eggwars on their channels again and bringing new traffic to Cubecraft too for example. I'm sure they might try this due to this being Eggwars, a very popular gamemode to my knowledge in regards of all the Minecraft servers. So something new to Eggwars like a variation would likely be considered as a pretty big thing that could catch those (usefull in regards to increasing traffic towards certain servers) YT'ers attention. Their influence and attention can have a pretty big (what seems to be lasting) impact on a servers popularity, and therefore traffic. The same response above.

- What about the coding?
Fix: Considering this is one of the server's topdogs, it be absolutely worth the time and effort.

They don't have that many devs and more than likely there working on something already, this in its self so complicated that I don't even think it's worth there time.

This could only heighten the population, it's a risk of course, but so is adding every game to the server; it's all about that risk-to-reward ratio, and i believe this far exceeds the risks with the rewards it offers (new eggwars game, original undone idea so far, no copycats have gotten their hands on something like this yet, this would make Cube's version stand out more, new unknown strategies for players to discover making it quite interesting to play with, has expansion possibilities (additional ideas), it would keep Eggwars sustainable for a much longer period again e.g. compared to just doing a minor Eggwars update, give Eggwars a well needed revitalization since it has gotten old, etc.)


Lastly you think BattleZone didn't take a lot of coding? Was more complex than this yet they handled that fine. End of discussion.

But they had many more developers. Not to mention that no this seems pretty complicated for what you're asking.

- Too complicated?
I highly doubt it; is it more complicated than Normal Eggwars teams or Speed Eggwars?: yes, cause this gamemode is much more centered on strategy, and strategy can be 'complicated', especially compared to speed Eggwars where mindless rushing is more prevelant. But Is it too complicated?: no. I believe that in terms of complexity it's close to Battle Zone, a game i haven't heard anyone speak up about being 'too complicated!!'. Also, don't misjudge very detailed + a lot of text and thought out for complicated please, it is indeed quite a bit of content to take in at first, but it's not complicated, don't be mistaken. Secondly, it might seem complicated due to the fact that this is new and different (but not too different), the first time i had to learn how to drive a car also seemed 'complicated' to me, but this actually wasn't really the case, but rather, was the case of someone (me) being confronted by something new. People will also learn how to effectively play the game just like they do with any game through experience/trial and error. Also, there are multiple other kid-friendly games played by kids (my little brother, who is 11, and his friends do for example) that also include this alliance idea (take Clash Royale e.g. along with other MMO games). Most people know by the way, what an alliance is, so that's another point; it also isn't really anything hard to grasp, there's literally nothing confusing about it. Also the only real thing that changes the game in this, is alliances (with the rest being almost all just accessory stuff to make this work out better or spice this already good concept up even more. I am basically giving you a gamemode with possible DLC content added in it from the get go), which like i just showed, should be absolutely fine in regards with young or new players. Now lets also not forget the obligatory info board for this that would of course properly explain how this works, eliminating all unlikely but possible unclarities about this and making this more easy to understand. So you can tell us it's not complicated and we have to agree it's not. No. Also cool an 11-year-old can get used to something is completely unrelated. :clap clap:

But, i have some more things to say than just that. Cause let me tell what i think is the best way to implement this and prevent it from feeling like too much/overwhelming. Lets just keep it with the basics if this gets implemented and just start out with creating maps that allow a '4 alliances consisting each out of 2 teams' / '3 alliances consisting each out of 3 teams' / '2 alliances consisting out of 4 teams' setup, and basically avoid doing anything 'complicated', like with the additional ideas: '- Have teams combined into one team, but DON'T give each team a seperate egg.' and '- Have unique uneven maps with unique interesting team designs.'; <-- this could be stuff for later on (i also mainly included those ideas anyways just to showcase the potential and how crazy you could get with an alliance concept in the first place). So add basic stuff and add more seems more complicated. People are constantly getting used to more and more changed and it get's even more pulled out.

Lastly, see this quote from @SyIvaly :

I totally agree, well said. Along with that i like to add. A lot of Minecraft players have been growing up. A large chunk of Minecraft's playerbase aren't just kids anymore. Not relevant to much anymore. Because lots of the old community members are leaving slowly. Being replaced with younger and younger members.

Previous threads + poll/like responses to them:

- https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/t...eciated-if-that-can-be-supplied.209145/page-2
(only 1 proper no)
View attachment 147203
View attachment 147204
(only 1 person with a reasonable reason as to vote no)

- https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/e...g-this-thread-please-management-staff.206139/


- https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/r...r-known-for-locking-legit-suggestions.206027/


- https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/g...oking-for-mainly-moderators-responses.201768/ (somewhat outdated one now)


(Again, only one person with a somewhat valid reason for 'no')

- Deleted first Eggwars thread R.I.P ;( had 31 yes's

Not valid as this was years ago, members, ideas, and much more have changed. Also considering some peoples votes to not be valid dosen't seem right.

@Waterguy_12 Interesting poll choice seeing how you liked the thread hahah...?..

Also let me not forget to state that out of ALL criticism i've ever gotten, there has not been one thing (especially not a major issue) i've not been able to address / solve. So therefor it's not valid?

The staff already gave their take on this before e.g. They had some criticism like it would be too complicated e.g. But again, i debunk/adress or solve stuff left and right and did then so too with relative ease again (since nearly all things mentioned would come down to them either missing the point and not reading thorougly enough to find the answers to their questions / problems), never got a reply on that though, probably because they just didn't wanna bother debating me on it since i can imagine that debating me can be a bit overwhelming since e.g. i'm for one willing to go balls deep cause i have faith in this idea + make sense and write long texts.

Plus, they also already had plans with Eggwars at the time which i assume was Eggwars Double Egg
(i believe one of the biggest reasons they didn't wanna bother at the time), to which they already knew how to do it and what it needed etc. Things were more prepared for that so they were more stubborn in their focus on that instead of debating me, regardless of the completely valid counter points i made back then against their criticism that seemingly got swept under the rug. Which i'm not completely surprised with (although a slight bit disappointed in); it was obviously more attractive to them to invest further into something they had already invested in instead of scrapping all of it and going for something new that had to be build from scratch, especially if they didn't even fully understand the idea to begin with at the time, even though i had at that time already fixed those explaining issues when i heard of those understanding issues, but they never bothered to give it another look after the first time they saw my thread which was already months before i had the discussion with them on it (so before i vastly improved the explanation of the concept), so basically they were reading / refering to an outdated (less clear) version of the thread to me, although they also tended to make statements that blatantly showed that they didn't read it thorougly enough or they just didn't bother with any solutions i would make on the spot (would instead be ignored) or bother with me in general any further in regards to discussion/debate cause i guess it just seemed too overwhelming and a tedious even though my points were as solid as a rock (which again, were just simply ignored. But the fact that i had an answer to everything might have been one of the biggest things that made it more tedious and appaling to deal with me for them, since i wasn't able to shut up so easily because i had good counterpoints to anything and everything they said).

They did say though that they'll consider it for future eggwars updates hence why i'm here now again, (happened to be well timed when i gave this place a visit too). So for example to anyone who voted 'no' as a display of annoyance seeing this thread resurface again, that's another reason why it's here: the occasion is right and the potential is there going off how they said they'll consider it for the future, which is definitely now.[/QUOTE]

I've already spent so much time reading and reading and typing a response im going to assume you recap the whole thing. Thanks for reading. If you read this far make sure you write this phrase in your next response: "Cookies"
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BicolourSine41 wrote on TheOrderOfSapphire's profile.
Oh wow! 3k reaction score! Congrats! Same day as my 1k!
Yes! 1000 reaction score! Thanks to@Reesle for being my 1k reaction! Still did not get my trophy points...
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