Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net
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Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2020
Hello, Everyone who has played tower defence will know the struglle of annoying teammates that place the towers at a bad spot(example: archer towers on the 2nd row, leach tower on a bad spot,...). Cube has done alot to prevent this like making it impossible to place towers on multiple squares. I always ask to remove the towers but some players don't even know how to do that or refuse.

That is why I suggest to make a teamvote to prevent this kind of problems. The teamvote could be in the tower itself. When someone votes to remove a tower, the tower will light up and other teammates will see that someone is suggesting to remove this tower. I think that if 1/2 of the team voted to remove, the tower should be removed and the money would go back to the builder.


Forum Expert
Jun 15, 2020
I feel like this would be very easy to abuse among party members and almost useless when playing with radnom people.

When a party of 4 or so decide they dont want a tower they'll just abuse and remove the towers they dont like and at the end of the day early game towers are your primary source of income really. Giving groups of friends and parties the ability to co-ordinate trolling etc isnt a good thing imo

When it comes to maybe actually being usefull for example when your playing solo with a group of random people who may not be as knowledgable of the game, i feel it would be useless as people will just ignore and not want to co-operate in voting for a tower to be removed.

Overall i feel this feature would be open to abuse with people in parties, with easy "co-ordinated trolling" just like with vote kick. And when it may be usefull i feel it would be useless because co-operation is minimum when you are in a group of random people. In short i feel its fine as it is now, just adds to the fun and makes it more challenging.


Forum Professional
Sep 18, 2016
The Netherlands
I'd rather have people know about what they're doing wrong instead of being kicked and getting upset. Perhaps some commonly known things (such as archers on the back row) should be included in the tutorial so people know about the fact that it doesn't work.


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2020
I'd rather have people know about what they're doing wrong instead of being kicked and getting upset. Perhaps some commonly known things (such as archers on the back row) should be included in the tutorial so people know about the fact that it doesn't work.
I get your point but they don't get kicked there tower gets deleted, and now all players play the tutorial.
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GiGaGekkies wrote on vS7lya's profile.
Happy Birthday
I was only offline for like 15 days, and a lot of things have happened lol
I'm pretty sure I missed a few important things, no idea what it is though.
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