Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net


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Forum Professional
Sep 18, 2016
The Netherlands
I think you all know this problem: You have plenty of normal cubelets, and you want to craft super cubelets. It takes a while to craft them, so what about adding a new feature you can use to craft more cubelets?
It should work like this: https://gyazo.com/1d5b6e3db394f6a94c2e1aa984bc3f68
You only have to fill in the amount of cubelets, and the crafting machine will craft the requested amount of cubelets!
But what should show up if you want to make 6 super cubelets, but you only have enough normal cubelets to make 4 of them? The crafting menu should close, and this should show up in the chat: You don't have enough [type of cubelet] to craft this cubelet!
If we have 16+ normal cubelet's, we should also be able to make 1 uber cubelet instead of having to make 4 super cubelets first. And we should also be able to see how much supers/ubers we can craft, instead of first making a sum to know how much cubelets you need to craft a better one. (I am lazy ;))

What do you think about the ideas above? Thanks,


Forum Professional
Sep 18, 2016
The Netherlands
I think that how it is now is good enough.
Its almost impossible to craft like 16 cubelets because you need 8000 loot points (unless you save loot points.)
I don't think you understand me. We should be able to craft (for example) 1 uber cubelet by converting 16 normal cubelets into an uber.

A better system for this would be one where you just don't get kicked out of the crafting GUI when you're making one. You'll be able to click the one you want to craft multiple times if you'd like, until it starts alerting you that you don't have enough cubelets.
The point of the suggestion you replied on was actually to just to warn the player if they don't have enough cubelets, so this could also be an option.

Deleted member 59979

I dont see a problem with this at all. All I can say is that its 5 super cubelets for an uber cubelet and 5 basic cubelets for a super not 4 xd
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Dedicated Member
Mar 5, 2018
Who knows?
I think you all know this problem: You have plenty of normal cubelets, and you want to craft super cubelets. It takes a while to craft them, so what about adding a new feature you can use to craft more cubelets?
It should work like this: https://gyazo.com/1d5b6e3db394f6a94c2e1aa984bc3f68
You only have to fill in the amount of cubelets, and the crafting machine will craft the requested amount of cubelets!
But what should show up if you want to make 6 super cubelets, but you only have enough normal cubelets to make 4 of them? The crafting menu should close, and this should show up in the chat: You don't have enough [type of cubelet] to craft this cubelet!
If we have 16+ normal cubelet's, we should also be able to make 1 uber cubelet instead of having to make 4 super cubelets first. And we should also be able to see how much supers/ubers we can craft, instead of first making a sum to know how much cubelets you need to craft a better one. (I am lazy ;))

What do you think about the ideas above? Thanks,

Well, I would say yes, but the only cubelet I get is :cubelet:, I got a :super_cubelet: once, because of my biweekly reward. and I have never gotten a :uber_cubelet: so this doesn't affect me ;)


May 16, 2017
It is not really necessary for players who play not much games and don’t get much Cubelets.
But for players who have 200 or 300 Cubelets it will be nice. They don’t have to think how manny they need to make and how manny the need to have they can just sea It how manny they need left. So I agree +1
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