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Should they remove CubeCraft on Bedrock Edition?

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Well-Known Member
May 3, 2020
The Netherlands
Remove CubeCraft on Bedrock and focus on Java📜

Hello everybody!
This suggestion is about removing CubeCraft from Bedrock, and I will give you a few reasons why they should remove it.
Its allowed to give your opinion in the comments, but please be respectfull.

1. Java is older🕖
My first reason is the "age" of the server.
Because the Java edition is older, I think it need to stay.
Most of the memories are made there, so its stupid to remove the server on Java.

2. More staffmembers:cube_light:
If all Bedrock staffmembers move to Java, there will be more staffmembers.
This would lead to a better organised server and more fun.
When there are too many staffmembers, some of them could be fired. This wouldnt lead to any problems since they are volunteers.

3. Better anti-cheat❌
The Bedrock anti-cheat isnt great, so there are less hackers on CubeCraft if there is no Bedrock edition.
When Bedrock is removed, the reports are handled quicker and more efficient I think.

4. Java is more fun 🥳
I have done some research in the community and asked players their opinion about Bedrock.
84% of the asked players told me Bedrock is really bad and they dont like it.
This is some evidenice about how bad Bedrock is.

5. More fair fights⚔️
Bedrock can be really unfair when a Windows 10 Edition (PC) player fights against a mobile player.
By removing the server on Bedrock, all players would play on PC.

6. Less players📉
Since there are less players on Java, there are less hackers and is moderating easier.
This is a big difference compared to Bedrock, wehre are a lot of players.
Moderating on trolling, camping and inappropriate behaviour is difficult.

With the arguments given above, there is only one conclusion possible: CubeCraft on Bedrock edition needs to be removed.
I hope you all agree with me. If you did, please vote agree :agree: .
If you disagree or are unsure about it, vote :disagree:/:unsure:.


Forum Expert
Sep 18, 2021
Amman, Jordan
Remove CubeCraft on Bedrock and focus on Java📜

Hello everybody!
This suggestion is about removing CubeCraft from Bedrock, and I will give you a few reasons why they should remove it.
Its allowed to give your opinion in the comments, but please be respectfull.

1. Java is older🕖
My first reason is the "age" of the server.
Because the Java edition is older, I think it need to stay.
Most of the memories are made there, so its stupid to remove the server on Java.

2. More staffmembers:cube_light:
If all Bedrock staffmembers move to Java, there will be more staffmembers.
This would lead to a better organised server and more fun.
When there are too many staffmembers, some of them could be fired. This wouldnt lead to any problems since they are volunteers.

3. Better anti-cheat❌
The Bedrock anti-cheat isnt great, so there are less hackers on CubeCraft if there is no Bedrock edition.
When Bedrock is removed, the reports are handled quicker and more efficient I think.

4. Java is more fun 🥳
I have done some research in the community and asked players their opinion about Bedrock.
84% of the asked players told me Bedrock is really bad and they dont like it.
This is some evidenice about how bad Bedrock is.

5. More fair fights⚔️
Bedrock can be really unfair when a Windows 10 Edition (PC) player fights against a mobile player.
By removing the server on Bedrock, all players would play on PC.

6. Less players📉
Since there are less players on Java, there are less hackers and is moderating easier.
This is a big difference compared to Bedrock, wehre are a lot of players.
Moderating on trolling, camping and inappropriate behaviour is difficult.

With the arguments given above, there is only one conclusion possible: CubeCraft on Bedrock edition needs to be removed.
I hope you all agree with me. If you did, please vote agree :agree: .
If you disagree or are unsure about it, vote :disagree:/:unsure:.
Is this a joke lmao


Dedicated Member
Jan 9, 2021
Remove CubeCraft on Bedrock and focus on Java📜

Hello everybody!
This suggestion is about removing CubeCraft from Bedrock, and I will give you a few reasons why they should remove it.
Its allowed to give your opinion in the comments, but please be respectfull.

1. Java is older🕖
My first reason is the "age" of the server.
Because the Java edition is older, I think it need to stay.
Most of the memories are made there, so its stupid to remove the server on Java.

2. More staffmembers:cube_light:
If all Bedrock staffmembers move to Java, there will be more staffmembers.
This would lead to a better organised server and more fun.
When there are too many staffmembers, some of them could be fired. This wouldnt lead to any problems since they are volunteers.

3. Better anti-cheat❌
The Bedrock anti-cheat isnt great, so there are less hackers on CubeCraft if there is no Bedrock edition.
When Bedrock is removed, the reports are handled quicker and more efficient I think.

4. Java is more fun 🥳
I have done some research in the community and asked players their opinion about Bedrock.
84% of the asked players told me Bedrock is really bad and they dont like it.
This is some evidenice about how bad Bedrock is.

5. More fair fights⚔️
Bedrock can be really unfair when a Windows 10 Edition (PC) player fights against a mobile player.
By removing the server on Bedrock, all players would play on PC.

6. Less players📉
Since there are less players on Java, there are less hackers and is moderating easier.
This is a big difference compared to Bedrock, wehre are a lot of players.
Moderating on trolling, camping and inappropriate behaviour is difficult.

With the arguments given above, there is only one conclusion possible: CubeCraft on Bedrock edition needs to be removed.
I hope you all agree with me. If you did, please vote agree :agree: .
If you disagree or are unsure about it, vote :disagree:/:unsure:.
I disagree:disagree: because:
  1. Bedrock has a bigger community!
  2. All Bedrock developers will be out of work
  3. Profit will be greatly reduced!
  4. Many people will lose money for which they bought ranks!
  5. Many people will remain without their favorite server!
  6. And a lot more!

💀 Camgames 🎃

Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2021
A) They would never remove ANY server, Bedrock or Java, because it gives them profits
B) Not all Bedrock players have Java, vise versa
C) As @MrKOCMOC said, we would all loose are ranks
D) Discord would have to be revamped
E) Forums would have to be revamped
F) Bedrock/Java Moderators/Admins would have no jobs
And Finally,
This suggestion is the worst one I ever read, no offense.


Novice Member
Aug 21, 2021
I'm a Java player, and I much prefer it, BUT removing Bedrock would mean Cubecraft itself would shut down, due to the fact Bedrock has a bigger community and Java is already struggling.
Is this guy a troll or just coming up with really stupid ideas
your next post: "delete all games except tower defense and archer assault"
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Forum Expert
Apr 26, 2020
Remove CubeCraft on Bedrock and focus on Java📜

Hello everybody!
This suggestion is about removing CubeCraft from Bedrock, and I will give you a few reasons why they should remove it.
Its allowed to give your opinion in the comments, but please be respectfull.

1. Java is older🕖
My first reason is the "age" of the server.
Because the Java edition is older, I think it need to stay.
Most of the memories are made there, so its stupid to remove the server on Java.

2. More staffmembers:cube_light:
If all Bedrock staffmembers move to Java, there will be more staffmembers.
This would lead to a better organised server and more fun.
When there are too many staffmembers, some of them could be fired. This wouldnt lead to any problems since they are volunteers.

3. Better anti-cheat❌
The Bedrock anti-cheat isnt great, so there are less hackers on CubeCraft if there is no Bedrock edition.
When Bedrock is removed, the reports are handled quicker and more efficient I think.

4. Java is more fun 🥳
I have done some research in the community and asked players their opinion about Bedrock.
84% of the asked players told me Bedrock is really bad and they dont like it.
This is some evidenice about how bad Bedrock is.

5. More fair fights⚔️
Bedrock can be really unfair when a Windows 10 Edition (PC) player fights against a mobile player.
By removing the server on Bedrock, all players would play on PC.

6. Less players📉
Since there are less players on Java, there are less hackers and is moderating easier.
This is a big difference compared to Bedrock, wehre are a lot of players.
Moderating on trolling, camping and inappropriate behaviour is difficult.

With the arguments given above, there is only one conclusion possible: CubeCraft on Bedrock edition needs to be removed.
I hope you all agree with me. If you did, please vote agree :agree: .
If you disagree or are unsure about it, vote :disagree:/:unsure:.
I disagree, because:
1. How does the age of the server determine whether it should stay or not? I just don't think that's how it works. Many things in the Cubecraft world are younger than the Java server, so following this logic, why should they remove only one of them?

2. That is most likely true, though you can't be sure that all staff members have the Java Edition of the game/would like to move to Java if this were to happen. Also, "firing" staff members just because there are too many of them and because they are volunteers is simply wrong, if they haven't done anything to deserve a removal from the team they shouldn't get one.

3. How exactly did you determine the Bedrock anticheat is worse than the Java one? And of course, by removing a VERY BIG part of the Cubecraft community, the total amount of hackers will decrease as well. But would it be worth it?

4. May I ask what part of the community did you ask about that? I highly doubt the results would show 84% if you had asked around the entire community (which means on both the Java and Bedrock server, as well as the Discord server and the forums). And even if they did, that is just people's opinion. If Bedrock was actually bad, would it have this many times more players than Java? I think not.

5. This is perhaps the only point in your thread which makes sense to me, but Cubecraft has added a device-based matchmaking, and even though it may not always work, it is certainly better than nothing. And I'd also like to say that not all Java players play on a PC - some do on laptops and it is even possible on mobile, so I could also argue that players playing on a PC have an unfair advantage in fights compared to laptop and mobile players. Wouldn't that be a reason to shut the Java server down as well?

6. While that is true, less players would also mean less profits for Cubecraft in the end, which could lead to Cubecraft shutting down entirely. Moderating might indeed be difficult now, but Cubecraft has open helper applications, so that problem will get solved eventually, without the need to shut down the server.

Conclusion: None of your arguments are valid, and therefore the Bedrock server should stay!


Novice Member
Dec 3, 2019
Remove CubeCraft on Bedrock and focus on Java📜

Hello everybody!
This suggestion is about removing CubeCraft from Bedrock, and I will give you a few reasons why they should remove it.
Its allowed to give your opinion in the comments, but please be respectfull.

1. Java is older🕖
My first reason is the "age" of the server.
Because the Java edition is older, I think it need to stay.
Most of the memories are made there, so its stupid to remove the server on Java.

2. More staffmembers:cube_light:
If all Bedrock staffmembers move to Java, there will be more staffmembers.
This would lead to a better organised server and more fun.
When there are too many staffmembers, some of them could be fired. This wouldnt lead to any problems since they are volunteers.

3. Better anti-cheat❌
The Bedrock anti-cheat isnt great, so there are less hackers on CubeCraft if there is no Bedrock edition.
When Bedrock is removed, the reports are handled quicker and more efficient I think.

4. Java is more fun 🥳
I have done some research in the community and asked players their opinion about Bedrock.
84% of the asked players told me Bedrock is really bad and they dont like it.
This is some evidenice about how bad Bedrock is.

5. More fair fights⚔️
Bedrock can be really unfair when a Windows 10 Edition (PC) player fights against a mobile player.
By removing the server on Bedrock, all players would play on PC.

6. Less players📉
Since there are less players on Java, there are less hackers and is moderating easier.
This is a big difference compared to Bedrock, wehre are a lot of players.
Moderating on trolling, camping and inappropriate behaviour is difficult.

With the arguments given above, there is only one conclusion possible: CubeCraft on Bedrock edition needs to be removed.
I hope you all agree with me. If you did, please vote agree :agree: .
If you disagree or are unsure about it, vote :disagree:/:unsure:.
Haha, this sound convincing but I don't understand. Cubecraft is the biggest server at bedrock and cubecraft makes good money on it. If you remove it, sure more players are gonna play on java, but it will also be alot of hate here and even more hackers. The number 5. Unfair fights in bedrock? My guy, trust me, you don't want to see a 30 pinger vs 230 pinger on java lol. 3. Java anti cheat isn't very good either. They made it too strong. Instead of banning people that the sentinel is SURE is hacking, now it bans everyone that it thinks is hacking -_-.

Just... this idea isn't very good at all. But it's a suggestion and it could happen if thousands of people agrees with you. Good luck! lol
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BicolourSine41 wrote on TheOrderOfSapphire's profile.
Oh wow! 3k reaction score! Congrats! Same day as my 1k!
Yes! 1000 reaction score! Thanks to@Reesle for being my 1k reaction! Still did not get my trophy points...
Im so close to 1000 reaction score!
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Welcome 🤗 🤗
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