Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net


Forum Professional
Mar 24, 2016
Breakfast for Dinner Club HQ
Even if you did you both had a very poor understanding of the thread.
Translation: "you agreed with someone who we believe has not read the thread, so you must not understand the thread properly"
No. She just doesn't agree with the thread. That's all there is to it.


Dedicated Member
Jul 31, 2016
I'm not sure who came up with that idea. Considering the amount of people that use the forums in general, I'm sure anyone could guess how used the Plus Lounge gets. I personally would not have thought that adding a sub-forum for them would be that good of an idea.

Essentially just a place where Plus can post practically anything as long as it follows the rules.
So Plus Rank people can't have their own suggestion in this Private Lounge?


Forum Expert
Jan 6, 2014
Manchester, UK
I'm not sure who came up with that idea. Considering the amount of people that use the forums in general, I'm sure anyone could guess how used the Plus Lounge gets. I personally would not have thought that adding a sub-forum for them would be that good of an idea.

Essentially just a place where Plus can post practically anything as long as it follows the rules.
The Plus Forums are mainly for Plus users to be able to have a quieter area and a place for us to gather ideas of how to improve that rank from people that have it. It's only one of 15 features :D


Forum Professional
Jan 13, 2014
Breakfast for Dinner Club HQ
I haven't told anyone what's coming so I should be okay.

Well clearly you didn’t because you agreed with someone who didn’t read the thread
So first off, working on the assumption that Q didn't read the thread, his point that criticism without a point serves no purpose still stands. Why bother telling us something is wrong if you won't tell us how you want it fixed? As the old saying goes, when you have only a hammer, you treat every problem like a nail. Provide us with a different tool rather than just telling us that a hammer is not the correct tool for a screw. (Translation: Provide us with a different outlook on a situation so that we can see it in a different way.



Wasn't that the time where Cubecraft built up to the number 30, 000 players online consecutively :thinking:????
It was also a time when Minecraft was at its peak popularity and its biggest competitor was the cringefest that is Roblox. It's now 2018 and games, unfortunately, lose popularity over time. Minecraft's biggest competitor now, believe it or not, is Fortnite. All the big YouTubers have moved on, and sadly, so have a lot of our players.

The time of the implemented suggestion isn't important; what is important is that as a non-staffer, plenty of my stuff got added. It's not impossible to make a difference as a normal member, but you need to go about it in a calm, collected, and mature way. Show that you actually want Cube to succeed and better itself.


Dedicated Member
Jan 10, 2018
TacosBeFriends said:
It was also a time when Minecraft was at its peak popularity and its biggest competitor was the cringefest that is Roblox. It's now 2018 and games, unfortunately, lose popularity over time. Minecraft's biggest competitor now, believe it or not, is Fortnite. All the big YouTubers have moved on, and sadly, so have a lot of our players.

A lot of youtubers have also moved on from Cubecraft to Hypixel which shows that Minecraft hasn't died yet but Cubecraft has.
From 30, 000 to 2000 is such an absolutely huge drop that the excuse of Minecraft dying isn't so valid as Minecraft still has a huge playerbase. I mean, there are about 30, 000 on Hypixel with more than 5, 000 playing Bedwars (which in itself is larger than Cube's playerbase).

TacosBeFriends said:
The time of the implemented suggestion isn't important; what is important is that as a non-staffer, plenty of my stuff got added.
What... of course it does matter.
The management was completely different to what it is now. The server was much more open to community discussion and community decisions. Also, promotions were a lot more open with people who didn't work in the office as admins. Heck, there used to be a parkour manager dedicated completwly to implementing community made parkour courses! To say that the time of a suggestion doesn't matter is a rediculous as Cubecraft was in a different financial situation and it was run with a different system, and the staff were different.

TacosBeFriends said:
It's not impossible to make a difference as a normal member, but you need to go about it in a calm, collected, and mature way. Show that you actually want Cube to succeed and better itself.

So if a well known toxic person creates a banger of a suggestion, it'll be denied because it wasn't said in a calm manner? That's rediculous. It's the suggestion itself that matters, not the way it is written/presented or the person it's written by.
Also, most of the threads listed by @CommunistCactus are in a calm manner and have a ton of upvotes but management refuse to implement them.

Translation: "you agreed with someone who we believe has not read the thread, so you must not understand the thread properly"
No. She just doesn't agree with the thread. That's all there is to it.

It's annoying though how a person just says "disagree". It's basically the forum version of replying to a well thought out message with "k". I took time with my thread and I'd like to be respected with a well thought out response if someone disagrees and maybe potentially find a way to improve the suggestion. To me, it's just a bit rude to be honest. And Fliqa has done it already once on another response to a thread I took time on.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 7, 2017
I love how you think I didn't read the thread because I ruled it out as something we would think of implementing. There is no value in allowing a separate sub-forum for you to put your rant threads in.

It may come as a surprise but a lot of the time suggestions don't get implemented verbatim is because the practicality of actually putting something together that works in a live environment is not as simple as coming up with the idea. Even if the idea itself seems trivial, there are numerous things that get in the way of quickly putting something new on the network, not least the necessity of making that change work with each of our games, across 3 separate networks.

It's annoying though how a person just says "disagree". It's basically the forum version of replying to a well thought out message with "k". I took time with my thread and I'd like to be respected with a well thought out response if someone disagrees and maybe potentially find a way to improve the suggestion.

The irony of you wanting constructive feedback for a suggestion that is essentially asking for somewhere to put unconstructive feedback is very real here. While you may have put thought into fleshing out your idea, the initial idea itself has no positives to it. The only reason management and staff would ever read a thread in the section that you'd like would be for moderation purposes, we already have enough moderation to do without adding to it.

I get that you want to try and help, but the way to do that is to bring constructive feedback to the table and some positive ideas on ways we can make the experience better. Dumping all the negativity in one place isn't going to help that. Also, don't feel like the world is against you just because not everyone agrees with your suggestion, some ideas just aren't going to work, no need to take it to heart. If you want constructive feedback for a suggestion like this...there isn't much to be had, adding subforums is generally not a good idea, trying to divide the conversations into very specific niches just makes every board feel quieter (on this note I think we should have less subforums than we currently do). I'm sure you, and others, have some good ideas to bring to the table but the general attitude of 'do this or else' is not helpful.

As an aside, please don't throw about random numbers and claim them as being fact, it's misleading and doesn't help you state your case like you might think it does. Our player numbers are down, everyones are, however, across our networks we have around 6k players online which, while not as impressive a number as we've had in the past, is still fairly decent and we have some great ideas in the works to bump those numbers up further.
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Dedicated Member
Jan 10, 2018
The irony of you wanting constructive feedback for a suggestion that is essentially asking for somewhere to put unconstructive feedback is very real here. While you may have put thought into fleshing out your idea, the initial idea itself has no positives to it.

There are positives to it in my eyes however, I do realise that the negatives outweigh the positives.
The whole point is that people construct on the criticism.
It's a bit like a complaints form which organisations provide. You give your honest and brutal feedback on a specific part of the organisation.

Quetzi said:
The only reason management and staff would ever read a thread in the section that you'd like would be for moderation purposes, we already have enough moderation to do without adding to it.

That shows fault in the management tbh.
For example, if I write a complaint form for an organisation, I'd expect them to do something about it.
This is massive fault of Cubecraft. Whenever someone has written a thread which is a complaint, it gets locked immidiately. Companies don't do that, it's just destructive.

Quetzi said:
I get that you want to try and help, but the way to do that is to bring constructive feedback to the table and some positive ideas on ways we can make the experience better.

I appreciate that you understand that.
It just definately didn't seem that way when you completely disregarded suggestion by locking it with 'meme dump'.

Quetzi said:
Dumping all the negativity in one place isn't going to help that.

Negatives are needed to make positives. You learn from negative experiences.

Quetzi said:
Also, don't feel like the world is against you just because not everyone agrees with your suggestion, some ideas just aren't going to work, no need to take it to heart.

That's fine. In Fliqa's situation though, I expect that she gives me more than a 1 worded response for something I spent time and effort on.

Quetzi said:
As an aside, please don't throw about random numbers and claim them as being fact, it's misleading and doesn't help you state your case like you might think it does. Our player numbers are down, everyones are, however, across our networks we have around 6k players online which, while not as impressive a number as we've had in the past, is still fairly decent and we have some great ideas in the works to bump those numbers up further.

Not random numbers, just avarage estimates for the JAVA network.
When I say 2k, I'm generally unbiased when comparing and I don't include Betwork digits when comparing to the 30k as Bedrock didn't exist back then. Of course, I understand that numbers vary on the java network still, however, when i've been around (Generally at peak hours), numbers circulated around the number 2k.

Aside, don't take all of my disagreements personally. When I was on the staff team, every staff member referred to the forums as a 'toxic wasteland', and many times that was said in public. A lot of us just miss when Cube was 30k and are frustrated about how the updates sometimes take ages. It's nothing to take personally but please do try to see our side of the argument. Like for example, when I tried to talk to you in #staff-help after the meme dump situation, i felt as if you were completely blocking me from giving my opinion and not listening to others. Heck even Tacos said that he didn't feel that the thread should have been locked. I feel as if you should be more open to sway of opinion rather than fixed on one thing being right and another being wrong.

BringMeTheHorizon ♠

Forum Expert
Mar 29, 2017
United Stairs of America
Again proving my point that you skimmed over/ didn’t read/ didn’t understand the thread.

It’s not a “rant” subforum, it’s a criticism subforum. Not ONCE did Niko even mention the word “rant” in the thread.
Just because you might use it for criticism, doesn't mean so will all other people. What's being said here is that others will use it as a way to just rant. Honestly, I know that there will be very few people that'll use it for actual criticism. But that's rather just a few.
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Forum Professional
Mar 24, 2016
Breakfast for Dinner Club HQ
Again proving my point that you skimmed over/ didn’t read/ didn’t understand the thread.

It’s not a “rant” subforum, it’s a criticism subforum. Not ONCE did Niko even mention the word “rant” in the thread.
Just because you might use it for criticism, doesn't mean so will all other people. What's being said here is that others will use it as a way to just rant. Honestly, I know that there will be very few people that use it for actual criticism. But that's rather just a few.
Plus on top of that, rants usually almost always contain criticism. It's just that those rants tend to not give constructive criticism. Adding this section is basically a gateway to allow pointless rants that only talk about their issue but have no intention of thinking of a way to resolve it.


Dedicated Member
Feb 2, 2018
I didn't read every post carefully, but I wanna add this:

If someone gives criticism, just react to it as staff.
Name something why the criticism is unfair or useless or whatever. Not replying just feels like it's getting ignored / unnoticed.

Same thing goes for suggestions. *Constructive criticism alert*
If an (escalated) suggestion is not gonna be implemented, just say it.
Too much time for the developers? Say it then.
Too hard to develop? Say it then.
It just is not smart to implemented it for some reason. Then say it.

Right now, I feel like most good suggestions get completly ignored, or get 1 (useless) staff reply and then no reaction anymore.
Escalated threads die because the players feel like it will be discussed, so their job is done. However, escalated threads are mostly never heard of again.

A simple suggestion like adding Total play time gets escalated after it was escalated not long before. What even happened with the first thread?
If it really was discussed and not implemented, there should be no reason to escalate and discuss it again so soon?
If it really was discussed and will be implemented, then why did something this simple take so long? (I am not a programmer, correct me if I wrong about this).
The reactions obviously showed that staff didn't discuss the idea before, even though the same suggestion was escalated before:
'Wouldn't be too hard to do imo, just combine all game time stats into one and call it "Total game time". But then it comes down to, when this will be added.' @Camezonda
'Not a bad idea. Escalated!' - @Tacosbefriends


Quest Master
Jan 23, 2018
United Kingdom
I'm going to weigh in my two cents here and I'll try to be as neutral on the issue as I can.

Some ideas take a longer time to implement than most people would expect. Take Auto-Kits for example; a simple feature on the surface of things - allow players to choose a default kit that they will receive whenever they enter a game, so that they don't have to select a kit every time they enter a game. However, there are other things to consider, such as the fact that every game mode has their own kits, and some kits are special as they have specific effects on them (such as the Enderman kit in SkyWars), and some game modes have abilities as well as kits. What if we want to add additional features to all kit systems? It would be better to implement a new or improved, generalized system, making it easier to add additional features in the future.

That's just one idea, and as you can see, there are many factors to consider when implementing new features, as well as many complications that can arise. Also note that we have to support 3 separate networks which have various differences in protocol.

Ideas are great. We rely on them and feedback from our playerbase to help us improve the quality of the server and player satisfaction. I agree however, that staff can be more responsive and transparent with the community about the suggestions made by our players and our intentions with those suggestions.


Dedicated Member
Jan 10, 2018
I'm going to weigh in my two cents here and I'll try to be as neutral on the issue as I can.

Some ideas take a longer time to implement than most people would expect. Take Auto-Kits for example; a simple feature on the surface of things - allow players to choose a default kit that they will receive whenever they enter a game, so that they don't have to select a kit every time they enter a game. However, there are other things to consider, such as the fact that every game mode has their own kits, and some kits are special as they have specific effects on them (such as the Enderman kit in SkyWars), and some game modes have abilities as well as kits. What if we want to add additional features to all kit systems? It would be better to implement a new or improved, generalized system, making it easier to add additional features in the future.

That's just one idea, and as you can see, there are many factors to consider when implementing new features, as well as many complications that can arise. Also note that we have to support 3 separate networks which have various differences in protocol.

Ideas are great. We rely on them and feedback from our playerbase to help us improve the quality of the server and player satisfaction. I agree however, that staff can be more responsive and transparent with the community about the suggestions made by our players and our intentions with those suggestions.

Completely understand the speed at which things are completed at. It's more about the priority and community interaction that the community is complaining about.

For example, nobody really asked for BattleZone when we've been asking for autokit for years. I'd generally have thought that an autokit system would have taken much less time than a whole new gamemode with completely custom guns, traps and whatnot, however, I could be wrong. Even still, the dev time could be used for something that literally so many people have asked for on the forums or potentially a new community suggested gamemode.

Also, I'd kinda would have thought CCG Management would have been smarter than to risk spending ages on development for a 50 player gamemode which is a complete copy of another game. But that's beside the point.
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Dedicated Member
Jan 10, 2018
TacosBeFriends said:
Provide us with a different outlook on a situation so that we can see it in a different way.

That's kinda what I wanted the purpose of this forum to be for. The suggestions forum was to be for specific things like: Replace flower in lobby, add these style maps, autokit. The Criticism forum was meant to be for kinda changing management opinion on how they look at the server. For example, saying that they are doing something wrong in a broad way. EG: Don't copy games and re-implement them in minecraft. There's no real specific suggestion but it's more of a broad opinion.


Dedicated Member
Feb 2, 2018
That's kinda what I wanted the purpose of this forum to be for. The suggestions forum was to be for specific things like: Replace flower in lobby, add these style maps, autokit. The Criticism forum was meant to be for kinda changing management opinion on how they look at the server. For example, saying that they are doing something wrong in a broad way. EG: Don't copy games and re-implement them in minecraft. There's no real specific suggestion but it's more of a broad opinion.

This criticism forum wasn't even needed in the first place if there would be listened / replied to criticism that was given in suggestion threads.
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