Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net

Pinoy Gamer

Well-Known Member
Oct 28, 2016
Fire Planet P
I Want Something New Like There are 2 teams They will have to pick only with 2 kits archer and swordsmans but this will be a free kit then the two teams must kill there king which will be a player but he can protect itself hope this will be pick for a new game name it castle crushers or something else please hope this has perks and other things! hope this gets pick for a new game and make it with a route where you can parkour thank you and good bye!


Dedicated Member
May 14, 2016
Please provide more detail. I don't really understand what you're saying.

Pinoy Gamer

Well-Known Member
Oct 28, 2016
Fire Planet P
im saying that the king should be alive and like the armor in the game is iron for that king has a bow and a sword so make the game like the medival wars like you know knights and more archers and stuff like a map is a castle and there are other kinds of stuff like there are walls that they have to take down and there are like turrets that must be destroyed and there are bombers! that will be cool but its all up to cubecraft i just want a nice new game to record my channel with but its kinda made from other servers already im not sure i dont play in other servers except cubecraft i just want something medival with wars! thats it this is some further details maybe it can be more medival like you have to buy food and gear i guess like eggwars and yeah maybe like eggwars you have to kill the king i guess the king has even armor like the knights and archers maybe add warriors and maybe sorcerers like really watch samgladiators king of valor like that design i dont care if this gets pick or not but please if you can just make this a game!
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Heya, after a good while years having not appreciated sleep a lot, have I learned things. I have most of the times seen it as a hindrance to things such as relations and projects. But after years I realised that you need to sleep to be well. Both physically and mentally. When I also realized that I could work better and more efficiently, did I try to get more sleep. That reminds me, I need to sleep now hah XD
Eli wrote on marshduck11's profile.
I like your profile picture
Mr Jii Gamer wrote on Egg🥚's profile.
Thank you so mush for everything

I know i am late bc i didn't realize that you have left the team sadly we see the better one go ..
Will be announcing the giveaway winner within the next 2 hours or so.
Reesle wrote on Cloudiefly's profile.
Happy Birthday! 🎂 ☁️
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