Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net
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Novice Member
Oct 16, 2017
Hi guys
What about a new arcade game where you have to kill eachother to get points and the one with the most points at the end gets the win
The game:
There is a big outline of a square and each team (1-3) people stand on 1 side of the outline .
Now everyone gets snowballs (or eggs) with a timer like in paintball
Now the goal is to throw the other teams of their side of the square
(The corners of the square may not be connected so players cant got ro onther teams line)
It sould look like this


Thats it
Thanks for watching it
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Forum Professional
Sep 18, 2016
The Netherlands
Hi guys
What about a new arcade game where you have to kill eachother to get points and the one with the most points at the end gets the win
The game:
There is a big outline of a square and each team (1-3) people stand on 1 side of the outline .
Now everyone gets snowballs (or eggs) with a timer like in paintball
Now the goal is to throw the other teams of their side of the square
(The corners of the square may not be connected so players cant got ro onther teams line)
It sould look like this

■ ■
■ ■
■ ■

Thats it
Thanks for watching it
Good idea!
Maybe we can call it 'punch wars'!
But I have a question to you.
Can you move during the game?
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Forum Professional
Jul 6, 2015
Hi guys
What about a new arcade game where you have to kill eachother to get points and the one with the most points at the end gets the win
The game:
There is a big outline of a square and each team (1-3) people stand on 1 side of the outline .
Now everyone gets snowballs (or eggs) with a timer like in paintball
Now the goal is to throw the other teams of their side of the square
(The corners of the square may not be connected so players cant got ro onther teams line)
It sould look like this


Thats it
Thanks for watching it

I'm not a fan of this. This is just pvp with points in my opinion. It's like moneywalls (Old game) and eggwars.. Moneywalls was almost an excact copy..


Novice Member
Apr 29, 2017
Hi guys
What about a new arcade game where you have to kill eachother to get points and the one with the most points at the end gets the win
The game:
There is a big outline of a square and each team (1-3) people stand on 1 side of the outline .
Now everyone gets snowballs (or eggs) with a timer like in paintball
Now the goal is to throw the other teams of their side of the square
(The corners of the square may not be connected so players cant got ro onther teams line)
It sould look like this


Thats it
Thanks for watching it
nice idea!
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