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Forum Expert
Nov 29, 2015
Quarantined at home
Hey queens,

I'm gonna tell my story about coming out and how it totally changed my life. I'm gonna tel you this because as always, I'm bored as hell.

So, the first time I told anyone I was gay was in September 2012. I was in my room and my mom walked in and as we were talking about school I said "Mom I need to tell you something, I think I might be gay". I didn't really know for sure that I was gay so I said to my mom that it might be a phase or something. Well apparently it wasn't and to be honest, I was freaking out. In January 2014 I knew for sure I was gay I just didn't know how to tell people. I've been keeping it a secret for 2 years because I finally had the balls to come out for the second time to my mom in December 2016. Me, my mom and my sister were on vacation and we were sitting in a restaurant when I told them. It doesn't matter how many times you're coming out but every damn time I was pooping my pants. Luckily my mom and sister had no problems with it and apparently my mom never forgot our little talk 2 years ago. After that it went quite fast actually. My parents are divorced but I still see my dad once a week on Thursday night. As soon I saw my dad I told him I was gay and also he had no problems with it. After that I came out to my best friends. I still didn't have the balls to come out to everyone face to face so I texted all the people from my school that I was gay. Not all at once but every day I told like 4 friends. And because nobody can shut there mouths, in no time my whole school knew I was gay. Of course not everybody was as cool about it as my family so I lost a couple of friends. My life was quite good. I had a lot of friends who supported me, I didn't care about the hate and people actually liked me for having the balls to come out.
Then in September I got a boyfriend, we dated for 3 months and then I dumped him. I dumped him because I wasn't really ready for a serious relationship. Don't get me wrong I mean I loved him but I am still young and I loved being free. I did meet a lot of new friends because of my ex and I still hang out with those people. When I look back I know I made the right decision by ending our relationship.
At this point I'm living my dream and I'm just being myself. I often wear make-up to school and also when I go out to a club. Me and 3 other gay friends are maybe the biggest gays of the Netherlands and we have the best time if we're in Amsterdam. We're all kind of alcoholics and we often eat breakfast with a Bellinicocktail or a Margarita. We also booked a vacation to London with 5 friends. In that week we're going to hit the 3 biggest gayclubs in London and it's gonna be awesome.

Right now I'm just living my dream with a small addiction to alcohol and cigarettes but life is perfect and I love it.

if you have any questions feel free to ask,

Cheers xx


Forum Professional
May 29, 2015
Amersfoort, The Netherlands
Hey queens,

I'm gonna tell my story about coming out and how it totally changed my life. I'm gonna tel you this because as always, I'm bored as hell.

So, the first time I told anyone I was gay was in September 2012. I was in my room and my mom walked in and as we were talking about school I said "Mom I need to tell you something, I think I might be gay". I didn't really know for sure that I was gay so I said to my mom that it might be a phase or something. Well apparently it wasn't and to be honest, I was freaking out. In January 2014 I knew for sure I was gay I just didn't know how to tell people. I've been keeping it a secret for 2 years because I finally had the balls to come out for the second time to my mom in December 2016. Me, my mom and my sister were on vacation and we were sitting in a restaurant when I told them. It doesn't matter how many times you're coming out but every damn time I was shitting my pants. Luckily my mom and sister had no problems with it and apparently my mom never forgot our little talk 2 years ago. After that it went quite fast actually. My parents are divorced but I still see my dad once a week on Thursday night. As soon I saw my dad I told him I was gay and also he had no problems with it. After that I came out to my best friends. I still didn't had the balls to come out to everyone face to face so I texted all the people from my school that I was gay. Not all at once but every day I told like 4 friends. And because nobody can shut there mouths, in no time my whole school knew I was gay. Of course not everybody was as cool about it as my family so I lost a couple of friends. My life was quite good. I had a lot of friends who supported me, I didn't cared about the hate and people actually liked me for having the balls to come out.
Then in September I got a boyfriend, we dated for 3 months and then I dumped him. I dumped him because I wasn't really ready for a serious relationship. Don't get me wrong I mean I loved him but I am still young and I loved being free. I did meet a lot of new friends because of my ex and I still hang out with those people. When I look back I know I made the right decision by ending our relationship.
At this point I'm living my dream and I'm just being myself. I wear often wear make-up to school and also when I go out to a club. Me and 3 other gay friends are maybe the biggest gays of the Netherlands and we have the best time if we're in Amsterdam. We're all kind of alcoholics and we often eat breakfast with a Bellinicocktail or a Margarita. We also booked a vacation to London with 5 friends. In that week we're going to hit the 3 biggest gayclubs in London and it's gonna be awesome.

Right now I'm just living my dream with a small addiction to alcohol and cigarettes but life is perfect and I love it.

if you have any questions feel free to ask,

Cheers xx
I haven't heard you about Netflix. Do you still watch Netflix? Also, I miss the times you annoyed @Marieke2001 on the forums. Can you please come back to annoy her?

Furthermore, it's so nice that your coming out brought so many good things and new friends! I feel bad for your ex-boyfriend, but that's life. Life is hard. Also, Amsterdam is the place to be! (Pls tell me you support Ajax). I wish I could move to that place later!
Moreover, I wish I had such nice people who have a clean (and full of justice) mind about being gay. Nowadays, there are still a lot of people who have bad thoughts about that...

At last but not least, have a great time in London, pǝʇɔᴉpp∀‾xᴉlɟʇǝN!!!


Forum Professional
Jul 6, 2015
Hey queens,

I'm gonna tell my story about coming out and how it totally changed my life. I'm gonna tel you this because as always, I'm bored as hell.

So, the first time I told anyone I was gay was in September 2012. I was in my room and my mom walked in and as we were talking about school I said "Mom I need to tell you something, I think I might be gay". I didn't really know for sure that I was gay so I said to my mom that it might be a phase or something. Well apparently it wasn't and to be honest, I was freaking out. In January 2014 I knew for sure I was gay I just didn't know how to tell people. I've been keeping it a secret for 2 years because I finally had the balls to come out for the second time to my mom in December 2016. Me, my mom and my sister were on vacation and we were sitting in a restaurant when I told them. It doesn't matter how many times you're coming out but every damn time I was shitting my pants. Luckily my mom and sister had no problems with it and apparently my mom never forgot our little talk 2 years ago. After that it went quite fast actually. My parents are divorced but I still see my dad once a week on Thursday night. As soon I saw my dad I told him I was gay and also he had no problems with it. After that I came out to my best friends. I still didn't had the balls to come out to everyone face to face so I texted all the people from my school that I was gay. Not all at once but every day I told like 4 friends. And because nobody can shut there mouths, in no time my whole school knew I was gay. Of course not everybody was as cool about it as my family so I lost a couple of friends. My life was quite good. I had a lot of friends who supported me, I didn't cared about the hate and people actually liked me for having the balls to come out.
Then in September I got a boyfriend, we dated for 3 months and then I dumped him. I dumped him because I wasn't really ready for a serious relationship. Don't get me wrong I mean I loved him but I am still young and I loved being free. I did meet a lot of new friends because of my ex and I still hang out with those people. When I look back I know I made the right decision by ending our relationship.
At this point I'm living my dream and I'm just being myself. I wear often wear make-up to school and also when I go out to a club. Me and 3 other gay friends are maybe the biggest gays of the Netherlands and we have the best time if we're in Amsterdam. We're all kind of alcoholics and we often eat breakfast with a Bellinicocktail or a Margarita. We also booked a vacation to London with 5 friends. In that week we're going to hit the 3 biggest gayclubs in London and it's gonna be awesome.

Right now I'm just living my dream with a small addiction to alcohol and cigarettes but life is perfect and I love it.

if you have any questions feel free to ask,

Cheers xx
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lorilambthecoolgamer wrote on luminance69's profile.
BicolourSine41 wrote on TheOrderOfSapphire's profile.
Oh wow! 3k reaction score! Congrats! Same day as my 1k!
Yes! 1000 reaction score! Thanks to@Reesle for being my 1k reaction! Still did not get my trophy points...
Im so close to 1000 reaction score!
BicolourSine41 wrote on luminance69's profile.
Welcome 🤗 🤗
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