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Qin Shihuangdi

Forum Expert
Nov 11, 2015
The Orange House
Since the emerald gen thread has become a debate over mid camping instead of what to actually do with them, I'd figure I'd make a separate thread detailing all the problems with mid camping and why adding the team upgrades would cause major problems with this.

What is mid camping?

Do not confuse mid camping and base camping. Base campers generally are just protecting their egg - mid campers are trying to stop you from doing ANYTHING. In other words, mid campers are actually playing offense instead of defense - they're just not moving anywhere!

How do you deal with mid campers?

Mid campers are much, much harder to deal with than base campers. Rather than finding a way in to a camper's base and easily killing them, you first have to get out of your island. This is much harder than it sounds - and that's the EASIEST part to dealing with mid campers. First off, power bows are much more commonly used among mid campers than with anyone else. Basically, two shots, even with a back wall, will kill you. Not to mention, you have no defenses if the mid campers come after you as your diamond generator will most likely will not be up. You also can't split up - mid campers are almost always good at PvP and will destroy you if you split from your team. Not to mention, in every game I've been mid camped, the mid campers actually left the bridge to my base. This actually makes it worse - as you basically have only one approach option that won't get you insta-killed - get over THAT bridge. If you manage to escape the island with the barrage of power bows, THEN you need to find a way to THEM. This is even more difficult as you get more and more vulnerable to power bows as you approach. And even if you make a proper setup for power bows, you never know if they'll just pull out a punch bow and mix you up - making this stage even more difficult.

And don't even try to say "Go for their egg" - They're so stacked and have so many resources available to them - why the hell would they care about their egg?

Now for the hardest part of this all - if you somehow manage to bypass the BARRAGE of power bows and TnT Cannons, now you have to kill them! This is.. close to IMPOSSIBLE! You're SEVERELY outgeared and it's likely they're on the same if not better PvP level than you. How exactly do you expect to kill them? And then they'll most likely just attack you.

So yeah, I'm out of time. I'll post more about this in a bit.


Dedicated Member
May 26, 2017
If mid campers make a stalemate; no fun however this is a valid strategy? Make sure no one else can get resources giving you a massive advantage, if all they do is sit at mid and power bow spam that is no different to base campers, however if on dwarven, they had two people mid and two people rushing islands, this really isn't camping, this is a good strategy and like you say in the post, it is really hard to deal with and they have to be good at pvp.
I can only see this happening on, Dwarven, TeaParty, garden and any other map that doesn't have any submids work ok too, granted they are hard to deal with but at least the issue appears early on, unlike base campers, this is also very difficult given if anyone gets 5 Diamonds, they either must be exterminated or a future base camper to deal with. Also they kinda protect your egg, they'll snipe anyone that comes to you :)
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Qin Shihuangdi

Forum Expert
Nov 11, 2015
The Orange House
If mid campers make a stalemate; no fun however this is a valid strategy? Make sure no one else can get resources giving you a massive advantage, if all they do is sit at mid and power bow spam that is no different to base campers, however if on dwarven, they had two people mid and two people rushing islands, this really isn't camping, this is a good strategy and like you say in the post, it is really hard to deal with and they have to be good at pvp.
I can only see this happening on, Dwarven, TeaParty, garden and any other map that doesn't have any submids work ok too, granted they are hard to deal with but at least the issue appears early on, unlike base campers, this is also very difficult given if anyone gets 5 Diamonds, they either must be exterminated or a future base camper to deal with. Also they kinda protect your egg, they'll snipe anyone that comes to you :)
Wrong. This can work on any map besides safari and end (and city to some extent). Also, they don't really start holding people into bases until 2 or 3 teams are left. It's also not difficult at all to defend the diamonds. I tried it on dwarven once - I blew up pinks bridge and had no other difficulties (I was on orange) It took 25 minutes for someone to get the diamonds.

Hypixel Network

Novice Member
Jan 28, 2017
It needs to be stopped before it happens. If you let them get mid under control its game over . However going full attack is the only way to keep them on their toes .

Mid camping should not be bannsble nor should it be prevented in any way .

Qin Shihuangdi

Forum Expert
Nov 11, 2015
The Orange House
It needs to be stopped before it happens. If you let them get mid under control its game over . However going full attack is the only way to keep them on their toes .
Except, every time I've been mid camped it's beause I lost a fight to a third team, generally a 1 vs 4. And how do you stop someone that speed bridges and completely dominates the diamonds before you even got a shot at them?
Mid camping should not be bannsble nor should it be prevented in any way .
@KronosReeper @Gainfullterror
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Forum Professional
Mar 24, 2016
Breakfast for Dinner Club HQ
Let me sum up mid camping for those who don't quite understand:

You go mid at the beginning of the game.
You get bow.
You are at mid with diamonds.
Haha you have diamonds they don't, and they can't get any because of your bow.
Desperately, the teams kill each other in hope of salvation & possibly a better chance at diamonds.
You don't need to defend your egg well, since you can bow them while they bridge.
One stays at the base with gear, while the others defend mid with their OP bows.
In the end, there end up being three teams:

Team A: You & your mid camping buddies
Team B: A group of above average players who can fight pretty well
Team C: A group of steve's and alex's that somehow made it this far

Team B doesn't stand a chance even if they made it to mid. They'll just get killed by bows or overpowered iron tanks.
Team C just stays and does nothing.
Team A gets to take out team B without breaking a sweat because of their gear and bows.
Team B dies out, because of the lack of diamonds that they could've gotten. Oh wait, they couldn't get any at all.

Team A is left with team C, and team C just dies since they didn't even get close to being able to defend.
Team A won because of them monopolizing all of the diamonds, making it impossible for anyone else to get any.

There were multiple attempts were people tried to rush the other team, but they managed to defend & kill off the team that attacked.

It needs to be stopped before it happens. If you let them get mid under control its game over . However going full attack is the only way to keep them on their toes .
Reading all of what I said above will negate this entire point.

Mid camping should not be bannsble nor should it be prevented in any way .
Well of course it shouldn't be bannable, however it shouldn't be encouraged by emerald gens or something of the sort.

Hypixel Network

Novice Member
Jan 28, 2017
I disagree . I am able to dispose of them but it takes a while. It may not be easy bit the beat wayto prevent ot is to send players on attack. Thatll stop them from camping and get them worried about their egg

Hypixel Network

Novice Member
Jan 28, 2017
What's the point in attacking if all of them already have a bow? It's not like you'll easily be able to get away with it.
Um if you go offensive from the beginning they wont get a bow. People only mid camp when other teams sit down at their bases for 10 mins stacking pn useless chainmail gear


Forum Professional
Mar 24, 2016
Breakfast for Dinner Club HQ
Um if you go offensive from the beginning they wont get a bow. People only mid camp when other teams sit down at their bases for 10 mins stacking pn useless chainmail gear
The thing is, usually the teams that are camping the middle aren't our neighbor when we encounter this. How are we supposed to do anything about it if we are trying to defend ourselves from a rushing island, while nobody else does anything? One team will control mid, one team may have been taken out by you (Hopefully without losing your own egg), and the other teams are sitting there & taking their time to gear up. Saying things like "just rush them" is rather pointless, as you're not always able to rush every island.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 16, 2016
I'm going to give

Again - they're speed bridging. I generally grab a sword - if you're also speed bridging, you MIGHT get 3-5 seconds to get 5 diamond and run out. Generally this isn't enough time.
You get the kit that gives you 10 iron, if you aren't the closest one to an iron gen then just run the the villager and get however many blocks you can and build towards mid. YOU might not get there lightyears ahead of everyone else, but one of your teammates can get there really quickly and with gear. Obviously if you're gonna buy gear and blocks, then build to mid, you won't get there first because other people are gonna speed bridge.

*goes to mid while getting rushed*
Rushing mid is a strategy that rarely works out, and it's too risky to try. Most of the time it ends up getting you killed, and rarely do you get the chance to camp the middle.
Me and my friends rush mid as quickly as we can every game, rarely bites us in the ass. Usually we can get to mid, get dias and turn our own dia gen on with little issues. Even if we get beat to mid if the person who beat you there is dumb it's easy to get some diamonds and haul ass back to your base, because most people think that trying to kill everyone they see is going to accomplish something.

Although I will add that if you rush mid, you have to watch your bridge once its built.

Hypixel Network

Novice Member
Jan 28, 2017
Because you always encounter a speed bridging team with top strafes and pvp skill with perfect coordination . Look , just hide at mid at when they try to get back for gear snipe them off . Its a tactic ive used before to deal with stacked teams

Qin Shihuangdi

Forum Expert
Nov 11, 2015
The Orange House
worried about their egg
Did you even read Gainfull's post...

You also have to avoid the barrage of power and punch bows - plus they won't care about their egg.
You get the kit that gives you 10 iron, if you aren't the closest one to an iron gen then just run the the villager and get however many blocks you can and build towards mid. YOU might not get there lightyears ahead of everyone else, but one of your teammates can get there really quickly and with gear. Obviously if you're gonna buy gear and blocks, then build to mid, you won't get there first because other people are gonna speed bridge.
What's stopping the people that got there a few seconds later from just coming straight for you? Absolutely nothing. Also, what's protecting you from being rushed? Rushing from a neighbor in nearly every case is quicker than rushing mid.

Because you always encounter a speed bridging team with top strafes and pvp skill with perfect coordination . Look , just hide at mid at when they try to get back for gear snipe them off . Its a tactic ive used before to deal with stacked teams
Do you not understand you can't get to mid in the first place? How do you hide if you can't even get there?

I'm also going to quickly describe two other games I was in with mid campers - which disprove that mid camping only dominates on maps shaped like a + such as aztec or space.

The first game like this was on a game of dwarven, normal and normal as usual. I chose blue team and attacked red with a wood sword and nothing else. I got them by surprise and easily wiped them clean. Seeing that orange was fighting over iron, a grabbed leather and quickly speed bridged over to orange. Another easy team elimination. We were only about 3-4 minutes into the game. Seeing that green was doing a bit better, I decided to use orange's mid bridge to gear up a bit. But I was stopped by pink! Now understand - we had complete control of our own base, red, and orange. But because pink held just one island - middle - they had a complete monopoly over resource control. Green was a fairly good team - they too were trying to attack pink but were not having any success as they didn't rush anyone and had to get out of their own island (they had a bridge to mid). Yellow was proving to be no help as they were just loading up on obsidian.

So, my first plan of action was to try to help green out of bit as they were dead stuck at their home island (it's way worse if you try to mid rush instead of making sure you have an escape by rushing another team). In order to do this, I attempted an attack on yellow. I went to orange, having to avoid lots of power bow shots, and went up the tower to try to get to the "hand" of the dwarven statue. I then went to yellow atop the statue. Now, you're probably asking why I didn't try at pink's egg. First off, someone was at pink's base - the exact setup @Gainfullterror was describing and they were extremely stacked. I took out yellow easily and got out of there so green could come over. Now I needed a plan of action against pink. I was completely clueless. Despite having control of four bases and completely eliminating three teams, we still had almost nothing compared to pink - just because they took control of ONE island!

We obviously lost that game. We had no chance with how stacked they were - they attacked us a little bit after I took over yellow.

The other happened just a few days ago on the map tropical. Now you're probably thinking "Tropical? You have a diamond gen on that one!"

Well, news flash. It really didn't help that much! This mid camper confined me to the general 3-island block that my home island was on. It was just me and him in the game. Not to mention, the mid and sub-mid in tropical is just 11 blocks apart - sounds really easy. But it's not! I tried to fill the bridge in - that failed so I tried to build diagonally toward another 3-block subgroup. That didn't go well - I had a bow but he was on a full island - I wasn't. Plus, if I died that was an instant loss - so I had to be extra careful on this one. I had to wait until he ran out of arrows. That took about 10 minutes. I then went to mid and tried to chase him back - and he started BASE camping. Now, tropical is arguably the easiest map to deal with base campers so I got him with a power bow and won - but this proves even the smallest maps are vulnerable to mid camping - and even with a diamond generator this tactic is extremely hard to counter.
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Hypixel Network

Novice Member
Jan 28, 2017
Your whole post is circumstancial.
Not every game is gonna go the same way and not everyone makes the same decisions you did.

Qin Shihuangdi

Forum Expert
Nov 11, 2015
The Orange House
Your whole post is circumstancial.
Not every game is gonna go the same way and not everyone makes the same decisions you did.
Explain what you would have done differently to avoid this...

If the initial mid rush failed, you were stuck and would have had nowhere to go. Rushing is actually the best thing against mid camping - you need to distribute the land you control. Now, you also need to stick together, or else you'd just get attacked.

And I'll keep re-emphasizing this: Even if you get to the player, they'll be EXTREMELY hard to kill. In situations like these, you need to fight 4 v 1s by singling out one player with axes and hope the rest of the team doesn't notice, they don't have notches, and they don't run. In other words, you need a lot of things to go right just to kill one of the players.

Hypixel Network

Novice Member
Jan 28, 2017
You lnow what? play a game with me . Attempt to camp mid. Ill show you how insignificant of a problem it actually is.

IGN xRoguex
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