Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net


Dedicated Member
Apr 22, 2017
This is basically the start of an exposed thread series, where I expose players for being toxic (exposing toxic players for who they are), whether that's just from wanting ppl to die for little to no reason, in-game stats causing them to gain huge egos and call ppl eZ and noobs for stupid things, or something else. This time it is someone with the second reason, a diamond ranked player called BrasilWins. So without further ado, lets see what he's been up to.
first words.jpg

So this is the first message I was able to get a screenshot of after the game had finished. In the lobby he said that if his team lost its bc his team was trash. So before we've even started analysing the first shot, we have an idea what he's like, he thinks he's so good at TNT trouble just bc he's broken over 80 beacons that he can't take any responsibility for the loss as he thinks he's the best player in the world and all his teammates are noobs. In the shot, he said "if I have one, I'm seeing the god that I'm". What does that even mean? Ik he's calling himself a god before you point that out.
call me ez.jpg

After he destroyed the first castle, he called it eZ, "just like me", bc I'm "noob". He has so little evidence for that, in fact he has none. I've never 1v1'd him, I've only ever seen him in TNT trouble, which was in two games tonight. He basically thinks I'm a noob bc I disagreed with him, or gave him a different possible reason for something. So his ego is so big that he thinks his opinions are facts and anyone that has a different opinion is stupid. So now we know that his ego is a fragile giant, just like that of a certain "Luv Godess" who attacked me calling me a stalker for defending her against someone on discord calling her a catfish. Btw, I'll just get it out now, I have np with someone having an ego, I only have a problem with it if their ego is fragile or makes them say things about themselves or others that oppose them to **** ppl off. When I asked him if he's ever 1v1'd me, which the answer is no, he responded with "shut up, nb". That was a legit question and his ego blocked him from giving it an answer.
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Next screenshot, and isn't the self contradiction tasty in this one? He started by saying "nbs don't talk", he was referring to me, which should be obvs by now, despite the fact that I was talking. Next he said, "if u don't know who I am, u are nb". Who does this guy think he is? An A+++ list celebrity that all 7.5 billion ppl on Earth except morons who have been living under a rock their entire lives have heard of? That's impossible. Then when I called him out for his ego being of a bad type, he responded with "I don't have an ego, I am the god". The self contradiction tastes like pizza, absolutely beautiful. So he said he doesn't have an ego, then instantly followed it up with calling himself a god. Calling yourself a god is a very egotistical thing to say, unless you're doing it as a joke, which I don't think he is.
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Again, he says "everybody knows me here", reply to the thread by quoting this paragraph if ydk who he is and you're not a noob. Next he says "trash" for seemingly no reason. I'm guessing he's talking about me again, but idk.
dk my age.jpg

Look at this, I told him that I've never been in the same game as him before the game in which he showed me how toxic he is, and he called me a noob as the reason. So by his logic, even if you're the GOAT at PvP, you're still a noob if you have never been in the same game as him. Then he called me a little child. I'm 16, which is old enough to legally get married in the country where I live, and I'm sure the same is true for most other countries in the same continent. I told him this by calling him a stupid idiot, if Chris Jericho knew this guy he would put him on the list. Next he asked me to shut up, to which I responded with "just bc I'm not you doesn't make me bad". That's true, you don't have to be BrasilWins to have skill.
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And to wrap things up, after he destroyed the second castle, he said "izi like killing koi, cuz he is nb". He shot on me again, just bc my opinion isn't an exact replica of his. Btw, I'm not a noob, I'm a hacker. This also proves his ego is too big for him to say gg at the end of a game if its good bc he thinks it was eZ bc none of his opponents were him.

That's the end of this post now, thx for reading. Btw this actually gave me an idea for something to add to my suggestion thread, which you can find a link to in my sig.
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