Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net


Dedicated Member
May 9, 2016
Maple Syrup Land
Have you ever..

Snuck out? Yes
Broken a bone? no
Cried yourself to sleep? yes
Been arrested? nope
Felt lonely? Yes
Felt depressed? yes

What's Your...

Birthday? April 1st 1999 dont judge lol
Biggest fear? not being loved in life
Dream Car? 1969 Chevy Camero
Dream house? ummm can i say the worlds best Mansion

Do you...

Like someone? depends on what you define as "like"
Love someone? nope
Have tattoos? no
Have piercings? no
Party? Never been to one never been invited and never hosted on


Artist? TheFatRat, OMFG and Alan Walker
Movie? idk i got to many
Song? idk to many
Book? Archie Comics....i dont read very much
Animal? KIIITTTYYYYY...i like dogs too oh and Wolves

Would you ever..

Get married? yes
Get kids? yes atleast 1
Swim with sharks? what if i said i already did ;) .....no i havent but i think it would be cool
Eat rotten food? already have it was awful


Forum Veteran
Oct 2, 2016
Texas, US
Have you ever...

Snuck out? Idk probably
Broke a bone? No because im catious amd dont get hurt (wow i lie, im a risk taker but i never broke a bone xD)
Cried yourself to sleep? Suprisingly, no
Been arrested? How dare you, NEVER.
Felt lonely? Yes, but i was 5 playing hide n' seek.
Felt depressed? I wouldnt say so...

Whats your...

Birthday? March 15, u got a problem?
Biggest fear? Spders... Sipders... Spiders... False kicks on CubeCraft... Spiders
Dream Car? Red Ferrari, because i will be RICH :P
Dream house? Wooden shack, lol jk, A 2 story house that is in the U.K.

Do you...

Like someone? Yeah i have friends
Love someone? Not until sometime in the future.
Have tattoos? I had a dolphin tattoo when i was 5 that came off in 3 days, but i dont think that counts :(
Have piercings? Never gonna happen
Party? Y-E-S.


Artist? Picasso because im an abstract person
Movie? The Lego Movie because its hilarious af.
Song? Closer by the Chainsmokers (Ft. Halsey) "so baby pull me closer..."
Book? I have a lot, mostly to do with American Football.
Animal? Dog, i have two of them :D

Would you ever...

Get married? Yes.
Get kids? Yes, only 1, maybe 2
Swim with sharks? Definately! I love to explore :P
Eat rotten food? Well, my summer camp 3 years ago gave us expired carrots, like nobody ate them xD.
But will ever eat rotten food, comimg up after this commercial break!
No i wont because i dont want to die of food poisoning thank you very much.


Forum Veteran
Oct 2, 2016
Texas, US
Have you ever...

Snuck out? -- Nah I'm an angel's child
Broken a bone? -- Twice.. One time I ran into a metal chair and stubbed my toe so hard it broke, the other time my sister pulled me off the fence whilst I was trying to climb it.
Cried yourself to sleep? -- Many times
Been arrested? -- Yes... in GTA
Felt lonely? -- Yep, homeschool does that to ya
Felt depressed? -- Yep, homeschool does that to ya

What's Your...

Birthday? -- July 2, 2001
Biggest fear? -- My parents dying of something other than old age/disease
Dream Car? -- Tesla Model X
Dream house? -- Probably some place overlooking a nice valley in the mountains of NC, likely 3 floors with two balconies.

Do you...

Like someone? -- Yes
Love someone? -- Slightly ;)
Have tattoos? -- Only the cheap ones that you use water to apply the tattoo onto your skin
Have piercings? -- No
Party? -- What's that?


Artist? -- Bob Ross ( I KNOW )
Movie? -- Interstellar or Inception
Song? -- Peace of Mind - Boston
Book? -- Where The Red Fern Grows
Animal? -- Doge

Would you ever..

Get married? -- Sure!
Get kids? -- Maybe one.. or none
Swim with sharks? -- Yes, for the thrill... as long as I'm not bleeding
Eat rotten food? -- Who asks these types of questions
Whee The Red Fern Grows is probably tge most saddest book i have ever read in my entire life.
I cried my face off, also i cried in Minecraft Story Mode.
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Reesle wrote on CeruleanPrism81's profile.
Congrats on 81 msgs, CeruleanPrism81!!
TheOrderOfSapphire wrote on SunburnWarz's profile.
Super cool summer name Warz!:D
CrystalLegend01 wrote on Reesle's profile.
I love the profile pic! xD
TheOrderOfSapphire wrote on Capitan's profile.
TheOrderOfSapphire wrote on Paylala's profile.
Happy Birthday!:D
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