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This discussion focuses on Free for All, try to stay on topic!
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Jan 30, 2023
FFA needs a revamp it's repetitive, maybe switch up the kits or something add new varieties. or just have a 1 kit pvp type ffa. like one server use to have forgot the name of it but like, FFA do be so boring nowadays, obviously This is just a opinion so please don't come at me. but Maybe change the kits around and add more maps, please keep kingdom,tropical and flatlands though. Don't get me wrong though FFA is incredibly fun but maybe time for a kit/map change update. and maybe reset leaderboards too watch the server increase heavily with activity I reckon. just my opinion open to thoughts though!


Novice Member
Aug 28, 2020
FFA needs a revamp it's repetitive, maybe switch up the kits or something add new varieties. or just have a 1 kit pvp type ffa. like one server use to have forgot the name of it but like, FFA do be so boring nowadays, obviously This is just a opinion so please don't come at me. but Maybe change the kits around and add more maps, please keep kingdom,tropical and flatlands though. Don't get me wrong though FFA is incredibly fun but maybe time for a kit/map change update. and maybe reset leaderboards too watch the server increase heavily with activity I reckon. just my opinion open to thoughts though!
Personally I do not play FFA because of this very same reason however there isn't much of a proper fix. If we reset the Scoreboard people will be very upset however they can do the same thing with seasons and prizes for example egg wars.

On the kits side I do tend to agree for example to add more kits or variety or even perks that people can get with coins (based on activity) and open loot crates.
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Novice Member
Jan 1, 2023
FFA needs a revamp it's repetitive, maybe switch up the kits or something add new varieties. or just have a 1 kit pvp type ffa. like one server use to have forgot the name of it but like, FFA do be so boring nowadays, obviously This is just a opinion so please don't come at me. but Maybe change the kits around and add more maps, please keep kingdom,tropical and flatlands though. Don't get me wrong though FFA is incredibly fun but maybe time for a kit/map change update. and maybe reset leaderboards too watch the server increase heavily with activity I reckon. just my opinion open to thoughts though!
New kits/maps yes but not resetting the leaderboards!
May 24, 2022
FFA needs a revamp it's repetitive, maybe switch up the kits or something add new varieties. or just have a 1 kit pvp type ffa. like one server use to have forgot the name of it but like, FFA do be so boring nowadays, obviously This is just a opinion so please don't come at me. but Maybe change the kits around and add more maps, please keep kingdom,tropical and flatlands though. Don't get me wrong though FFA is incredibly fun but maybe time for a kit/map change update. and maybe reset leaderboards too watch the server increase heavily with activity I reckon. just my opinion open to thoughts though!
Actually I think a leaderboard reset would be really good and a lot of people would play ffa to get on the leaderboard.
Also yea new kits and maps would be good.
May 24, 2022
I respectfully disagree, ESPECIALLY about resetting the leaderboards. The players who are on lb worked VERY HARD. Some have over 100 days of playtime I’m sure. To take it away from them would be very unfair.
Yea that's true people would probably be mad but I think they should reset it bcs every one who's on the leaderboard is an og they can be bad and still be on it bcs they r og but I don't really care abt resetting the leaderboard or not.


Team CubeCraft
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Apr 9, 2020
Czech Republic
New or/and temoporary kits us good idea, I agree that sometimes FFA can be after some time boring(but I think CC improved it little bit by adding minigames in FFA like Capture the fort), new maps will definetly help too but that will take some time to build and make it function properly.

On the other hand Im against reseting lb. Score that player gained shows how much time player spent here, it's somethink that he can compare with others.
Actually I think a leaderboard reset would be really good and a lot of people would play ffa to get on the leaderboard.
Im not sure about this. Some players maybe start playing FFA more but some players will also stop because they'll realize that everythink they'll try to do here will be after some time reseted.

So :agree: for new kits and maps and :disagree: for reseting the lb.
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lorilambthecoolgamer wrote on luminance69's profile.
BicolourSine41 wrote on TheOrderOfSapphire's profile.
Oh wow! 3k reaction score! Congrats! Same day as my 1k!
Yes! 1000 reaction score! Thanks to@Reesle for being my 1k reaction! Still did not get my trophy points...
Im so close to 1000 reaction score!
BicolourSine41 wrote on luminance69's profile.
Welcome 🤗 🤗
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